Bukit Tagar, Selangor, Malaysia.
Oxyspora bullata (Griff.) J.F.Maxwell. Melastomaceae. [Malay - Senduduk gajah]. Inflorescence terminal and unopened. The number of species in
Allomorphiais unclear because most species have also been treated in
Oxyspora, including the type species,
A. exigua (Jack ) Blume, and the circumscription of these two genera is currently unresolved. Roots and leaves decoction given after childbirth by natives in folk medicines.Synonym(s):
Sonerila bullata Griff.
Allomorphia bullata (Griff.) Cogn.
Sonerila magnifica Miq.
Cassebeeria magnifica (Miq.) Kuntze
Allomorphia magnifica (Miq.) Guillaumin
Allomorphia malaccensis Ridl.,Ref and suggested reading: