
Ceratodon stenocarpus

Comprehensive Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por North American Flora
Ceratodon stenocarpus B.S.G. Bryol. Eur. (29-30:) Cerat. 4. 1846.
Ceratodon corsicus B.S.G. Bryol. Eur. (43:) Cerat. Suppl. 1. 1850. Ceratodon vulcanicus C. Mull. Bull. Herb. Boiss. 5: 191. 1897. Barbula Corsica Kindb. Eur. & N. Am. Bryin. 260. 1897.
Plants cespitose, pale or yellowish-green above; stems 1-3 cm. high, branching by subapical innovations: leaves circinate when dry, spreading or recurved when moist, 1.5-3 mm. long, lanceolate, acuminate or subulate, concave; margins revolute, entire or serrate at the apex; costa stout, terete, percurrent or excurrent into a mucronate, serrate point; basal cells oblong, the middle ones square, the upper often broader than long, all smooth with thick walls; perichaetial leaves longer, 3-4 mm. long, with a broader sheathing base, acuminate or abruptly contracted into a narrower, subulate, serrulate point, the basal cells lax, hyaline, linear. Dioicous: seta slender, pale-yellow or rufous, 1-2 cm. long: calyptra cucullate: capsule erect or inclined, straight or curved, rugose, plicate, narrowly cylindric, 2-3 mm. long; neck short, .;htly strumose; lid conic or slightly rostrate, red and bordered, 0.5 mm. long; annulus ■.inpound, falling in fragments with the lid; mouth bordered by irregular cells; walls palcycllow or darker and striped with brown; peristome erect, exserted on a short, pale and thickened basal membrane; teeth with few, 5-6, elongate basal joints, slightly trabeculate, narrowly if at all bordered, split almost to the base into two slender, pale, very papillose segments, not united nor much thickened at the joints: spores nearly smooth, pale-yellow, 810 ;i. r ir<-ly 13-16|i in diameter, maturing in October and November.
TvpB i^>CALiTv: Neilghcrry Hills. India.
Distribution: Mexico to Panama; southward in the Andes to Bolivia; also in Corsica, rdrlugal. ■ 'I tropical Africa and Asia.
citação bibliográfica
Albert LeRoy Andrews, Elizabeth Gertrude Britton, Julia Titus Emerson. 1961. SPHAGNALES-BRYALES; SPHAGNACEAE; ANDREAEACEAE, ARCHIDIACEAE, BRUCHIACEAE, DITRICHACEAE, BRYOXIPHIACEAE, SELIGERIACEAE. North American flora. vol 15(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora