
Blastobasis glauconotata Adamski

Comprehensive Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Blastobasis glauconotata Adamski

DIAGNOSIS. Blastobasis glauconotata is most similar to B. chuka, but it differs from the latter by having a slightly narrower uncus, a wider inner surface of the acuminate process of the lower part of the valva, a narrower microtrichiate area of the valva, a shorter aedeagus, a broader anellus of the aedeagus, and female with a ductus bursae that is 2/3 the length of the ovipositor.

MAP 9. Distribution of Blastobasis catappaella.


Head: Vertex and frontoclypeus with scales grayish brown tipped with pale grayish brown; labial palpus with outer surface of segments I and II grayish brown intermixed with few pale grayish brown scales to apical margin, segment III grayish brown; inner surface as above except, segment III darker; scape and flagellum of antenna pale grayish brown; male first flagellomere dilated, forming a notch between itself and flagellomeres 2–4; proboscis pale grayish brown.

Thorax: Tegula and mesonotum brown basally, grayish brown distally. Legs brown with a pale grayish brown band near middle of all segments and apices of all segments and tarsomeres. Forewing (Figure 46) length 6.8–9.1 mm (n = 23), grayish brown intermixed with a few pale grayish brown and brown scales or basal 1/3 pale grayish brown, distal 2/3 slightly darker; four small brown spots present; three spots within cell, one near middle and two on distal end near crossvein; one spot posterior to midcell spot on CuP; marginal spots dark gray or faint. Undersurface grayish brown. Hindwing pale grayish brown basally, gradually darkening to apex.

Abdomen: Male genitalia (Figure 14): Uncus broadly curved ventrally from a slightly widened base, apex rounded narrowly; gnathos narrow, dorsoposterior margin bidentate medially; dorsal strut present; vinculum wide; juxta bandlike; valva divided; costa of upper part produced into a setose, digitate process; lower part of valva moderately wide, subventral area reflexed to apicoventral margin; apicoventral margin slightly angular, produced into an inwardly curved process; process broad, inner surface flattened; proximal flange elongate, overlaid by dense microtrichiate membrane, narrowed distally, contiguous with digitate process; aedeagus and sclerite of aedeagus slightly curved slightly above midlength; anellus broadly rounded apically, bearing several conical setae. Female genitalia (Figure 31): Eighth tergum with a narrow, darkly pigmented streak along median longitudinal axis; ostium slightly posterior to seventh segment; membrane surrounding ostium microtrichiate; medioposterior margin of seventh sternum slightly emarginate medially; inception of ductus seminalis slightly anterior to ostium; ductus bursae about 2/3 length of ovipositor, with internal imbricate platelets on anterior half; corpus bursae slightly elongate; signum with a spine-like process arising from middle of a slightly elevated base.

HOLOTYPE. ♂, “Kenya: Chuka Forest, 0°21.06'S, 37°35.80'E, 1600 m, 20 Jan. 2003, A & M Coll[ection] # 2372, R.S. Copeland; ICIPE/USAID, r.f. Prunus africana”; “Restrictions Apply, NMK/ICIPE, Agreement # 5” [purple label]; “♂ Genitalia Slide by D. Adamski, No. 5023” [yellow label]; “USNM ENT 00196876” [barcode label] [NMK].

PARATYPES (13 ♂, 25 ♀). 3 ♂, 3 ♀, Same label data as above except, “♂ Slide 5024”; “00196882”; “♂ Genitalia Slide by DA, USNM 83421” [USNM]; “♂ Slide 5026”; “00196883”; “♂ Genitalia Slide by DA, USNM 83430” [USNM]; “♂ Slide 5027”; “00196884”; “♂ Genitalia Slide by DA, USNM 83416” [USNM]; “♀ Slide 5022”; “00196877”; “♀ Genitalia Slide by DA, USNM 83417” [USNM]; “♀ Slide 5028”; “00196878”; “♀ Genitalia Slide by DA, USNM 83418” [USNM]; “♀ Slide 5030”; “00196880”; “♀ Genitalia Slide by DA, USNM 83419” [USNM]; 1 ♂, label data as above except, “1576 [m], 0°21.237'S, 37°36.184'E, Coll. # 2365, r.f. Toddalia asiatica”; “♂ Slide 5017”; “00196386”; “♂ Genitalia Slide by DA, USNM 83420” [USNM]; 1 ♂, “Mount Elgon, 2452 m, 1°01.730'N, 34°45.280'E, 29 Jan. 2003, Coll. # 2408, r.f. Ekebergia capensis”; “♂ Slide 5019”; “00196387” [BMNH]; 1 ♂, “Ololua Forest, ca. 1°21.52'S, 36°42.33'E, Coll. 16 July 1999, Coll. A & M 181, r.f. Drypetes gerrardii fruit”; “♂ Slide 4223”; “♂ Genitalia Slide by DA, USNM 83408”; “♂ Wing Slide by DA, USNM 83422”; “00196318” [USNM]; 1 ♀, data as above except, “8 Apr. 2000, Lot 603, r.f. Solanum anguivi”; “♀ Slide 5094”; “00196358”; “♀ Genitalia Slide by DA, USNM 83431” [USNM]; 2 ♂, “Nairobi, 1°16.44'S, 36°48.83'E, 3 June 2001, A & M Coll. # 1290 [# 1271, for second specimen], r.f. Afrocarpus falcatus”; “♂ Slide 5037”; “00196394” [BMNH]; “♂ Slide 5040”; “00196395” [NMK]; 1 ♀, data as above except, “21 April 2001, A & M Coll. # 1190, r.f. Afrocarpus falcatus”; “00196425” [USNM]; 1 ♀, data as above except, “19 Oct. 2001, A & M Coll. # 1450”; “00196426” [USNM]; 1 ♀, data as above except, “30 Mar. 2001, A & M Coll. 1129”; “Slide 5106”; “00196367”; 1 ♀, data as above except, “29 Jan. 2001, A & M Coll. # 972”; “00196422”; “♀ Genitalia Slide by DA, USNM 83423” [USNM]; 1 ♀, data as above except, “29 Jan. 2001, A & M Coll. # 972”; “00196422” [USNM]; 1 ♂, 3 ♀, “Central Prov. Njukini Forest, 0°31.15'S, 37°25.19'E, 24 July 2001, A & M Coll. # 1397, r.f. Chaetacme aristata”; “♂ Slide 5041”; “00196396” [NMK]; “♀ Slide 5116”; “00196376” [MRAC]; “♀ Slide 5117”; “00196377” [NMK]; “00196423” [USNM]; 1 ♂, “Ngong R[oa]d Forest, 1°18.82'S, 36°43.88E, 6 April 2001, A & M Coll. # 1151, r.f. Warburgia ugandensis”; “♂ Slide 5046”; “00196397” [MRAC]; 2 ♀, data as above except, “6 April 2001, A & M Coll. # 1156, r.f. Schrebera alata”; “♀ Slide 5109”; “00196370”; “♀ Genitalia Slide by DA, USNM 83432” [USNM]; “00196412” [USNM]; 1 ♂, “A & M 1157, r.f., fruit Vepris simplicifolia”; “♂ Slide 5059”; “00196401”; “♂ Genitalia Slide by DA, USNM 83424” [USNM]; 1 ♀, data as above except, “A & M Coll. # 1153, r.f. Mimusops kummel”; “♀ Slide 5099”; “00196363” [MRAC]; 1 ♀, data as above except, “6 April 2001, Coll. A & M 1151, r.f. Warburgia ugandensis”; “♀ Slide 5096”; “00196360”; “♀ Genitalia Slide by DA, USNM 83425” [USNM]; 2 ♀, data as above except, “1829 m, A & M Coll. # 1149, r.f. Elaeodendron buchananii”; “♀ Slide 5111”; “00196372” [BMNH]; “00196421” [USNM]; 2

MAP 10. Distribution of Blastobasis glauconotata.

♂, “Karura Forest, 1759 m, ca. 1°14.28'S, 36°47.66'E, 9 Apr. 2001, A & M Coll. # 1162, r.f. fruit, Schrebera alata”; “♂ Slide 5056”; “00196399”; “♂ Genitalia Slide by DA, USNM 83446” [USNM]; “♂ Slide 5060”; “00196402” [BMNH]; 2 ♀, data as above except, “1655 m, 1°14.95'S, 36°50.83'E, 26 April 2004, A & M Coll. # 2778”; “r.f. Vepris trichocarpa”; “00196432” [USNM]; “00196434” [USNM]; 1 ♀, “Ngala Forest, lower portion, 1230 m, 0°19.87'N, 38°01.96'E, 27 May 2004, A & M Coll. # 2918, R.S. Copeland, ICIPE/USAID”; “r.f. Strychnos mitis”; “00196433” [USNM]; 1 ♀, data as above except, “upper portion, 1420 m, 0°23.36'N, 38°00.88'E, 10 Sept. 2003, A & M Coll. # 2571”; “r.f. Rawsonia lucida”; “00196431” [USNM]; 1 ♀, “Kirimiri Forest, 1745 m, 0°25.45'S, 37°32.71'E, 8 Nov. 2001, A & M Coll. # 1510, RS Copeland, ICIPE/USAID, r.f. Cussonia spicata”; “♀ Slide 5084”; “00196348”; “♀ Genitalia Slide by DA, USNM 83428” [USNM]; 1 ♀, “City Park Forest, 1697 m, 1°15.61'S, 36°49.76'E, 19 April 2001, A & M Coll. # 1183, RS Copeland, ICIPE/USAID, r.f. Strychnos mitis”; “♀ Slide 5088”; “00196352”; “♀ Genitalia Slide by DA, USNM 83429” [USNM]; 1 ♀, “Mau Forest, 2175 m, 0°14.13'S, 35°32.94'E, 3 Feb. 2003, A & M Coll. 2459, R.S. Copeland, ICIPE/USAID, r.f. Vepris nobilis”; “♀ Slide 5021”; “00196892”; “♀ Genitalia Slide by DA, USNM 83427” [USNM]. Paratypes deposited in BMNH, MRAC, NMK, and USNM.

ETYMOLOGY. The species epithet, glauconotata, is a compound word derived from the Latin, glauco, meaning gray, and nota, meaning spot, referring to the dark gray marginal spots on the distal third of the forewing.

DISTRIBUTION. Blastobasis glauconotata is known from habitats in the central and western highlands and in the central midaltitudes of Ngaia Forest at 1230 m.

HOSTS. Fruits of Afrocarpus falcatus (Thunb.) C. N. Page (Podocarpaceae); Chaetacme aristata Planch. (Ulmaceae); Cussonia spicata Thunb. (Araliaceae); Drypetes gerrardii Hutch. (Euphorbiaceae); Elaeodendron buchananii (Loes.) Loes. (Celastraceae); Ekebergia capensis Sparrm. (Meliaceae); Mimusops kummel A. DC. (Sapotaceae); Prunus africana (Hook.f.) Kalkman (Rosaceae); Rawsonia lucida Harv. & Sond. (Achariaceae); Schrebera alata (Hochst.) Welw. (Oleaceae); Solanum anguivi Lam. (Solanaceae); Stychnos mitis S. Moore (Loganiaceae); Toddalia asiatica (L.) Lam. (Rutaceae); Vepris nobilis (Delile) Mziray (Rutaceae); Vepris simplicifolia (Engl.) Mziray (Rutaceae); Vepris trichocarpa (Engl.) Mziray (Rutaceae); Warburgia ugandensis Sprague (Canellaceae).
citação bibliográfica
Adamski, David, Copeland, Robert S., Miller, Scott E., Hebert, Paul D. N., Darrow, Karolyn, and Luke, Quentin. 2010. "A review of African Blastobasinae (Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea: Coleophoridae), with new taxa reared from native fruits in Kenya." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-68. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.630