"Disc: Diameter up to 47 mm; robust, thick, heavy and stiff, with dorsal plates like paving stones. The radial shields appear swollen with a single swollen radial plate wedged between their proximal ends. The ventral side of the disc is flat.
Arms: About three times as long as the disc diameter; stiff and usually broken when collected by dredge. Triangular in cross-section, with a sharp crest along the dirsal side. Each arm has a comb where it joins the disc, consisting of two rows of small square papillae. A podial pore opens into the mouth slit and is bordered by flat tentacle scales - six or seven on the proximal side and four or five on the distal side; the next four pores are similar, but gradually reducing to two scales at arm tip.
Colour:Orange-red dorsally and white ventrally when alive; brownish when preserved in alcohol." (Lambert, Austin 2007)
Stegophiura ponderosa is een slangster uit de familie Ophiuridae.
De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort werd in 1878 gepubliceerd door Theodore Lyman.[1]
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