Anemopsis californica is primarily known from Utah only in Washington County in the southwestern section of the state, and to a lesser degree in adjoining Kane County. There is however a 1938 collection of this species near Utah Lake in northern Utah County. It may have occurred naturally in Salt Lake County. In view of the heavy number of invasives we are battling in wetlands areas, its usefulness in attempting to help restore or at least revegetate disturbed moist areas in Salt Lake County is being assessed at a few sites, including this one. About a half-dozen plants were placed here this spring that were greenhouse grown from Washington County materials. They did not flower this year but they have so far seemed to have thrived.The Yerba mansa juveniles are growing here with naturally occurring Glaux maritima, Ranunculus cymbalaria (Halerpestes cymbalaria), Schoenoplectus americanus, and Euthamia occidentalis, plus the non-native Dactylis glomerata.Nov. 2, 2015, Salt Lake County open space, Millcreek, Salt Lake County, Utah.
near Patagonia, Arizona, September 2010
Orinda, California, United States
near Patagonia, Arizona, September 2010
California, United States
near Patagonia, Arizona, September 2010
California, United States
Orinda, California, United States