
Associations ( Inglês )

fornecido por BioImages, the virtual fieldguide, UK
Foodplant / saprobe
acervulus of Discula coelomycetous anamorph of Apiognomonia errabunda is saprobic on fading, attached leaf of Platanus occidentalis
Remarks: season: 8-9
Other: major host/prey

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Comments ( Inglês )

fornecido por eFloras
Of the angiospermous trees of North America, Platanus occidentalis is one of the tallest (to 50+m) and reaches the greatest trunk diameter (to 4+m). Trees with smaller and broader-than-long leaf blades, with lobes mostly entire, have been called P . occidentalis var. glabrata (Fernald) Sargent, especially in the western range of the species from Iowa to Mexico; the range of var. glabrata overlaps that of P . rzedowskii Nixon & Peale in Tamaulipas. Trees with the blade more deeply lobed, and the base long-cuneate and decurrent on the petiole, are occasional over much of the range of the species. They have been called P . occidentalis var. attenuata Sargent.

The cultivated London plane-tree [ Platanus × acerifolia (Aiton) Willdenow, Platanus hybrida Broterius] will key here. It is distinguished by the lobes of its larger leaves being somewhat longer and narrower (often longer than wide), the fruiting heads one or two on each rachis, and the bark often somewhat greener. Many cultivars are available, some with deeper lobed or variegated leaves or with upright habit (F. S. Santamour Jr. 1986). It is often planted in cities because it is exceptionally well adapted as a street tree. Apparently it has not escaped in North America, where it is mostly seed-propagated. It is only occasionally reported as naturalized in Europe; there it is clonally propagated and is variously reported to be fertile or sterile. Reputedly, it is a hybrid of P . occidentalis with the Eurasian P . orientalis Linnaeus. Such a hybrid has been synthesized (F. S. Santamour Jr. 1972b).

Native Americans used Platanus occidentalis for a variety of medicinal purposes, including cold and cough remedies, as well as dietary, dermatological, gynecological, respiratory, and gastrointestinal aids (D. E. Moerman 1986).

direitos autorais
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
citação bibliográfica
Flora of North America Vol. 3 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por eFloras
Trees deciduous, to 40 m tall. Young branchlets yellow-brown tomentose. Stipules 2–3 cm, bugle-shaped, deciduous; petiole 4–7 cm, densely tomentose; leaf blade broadly ovate, 8–20 × 10–22 cm, 3(or 5)-lobed, gray-yellow tomentose on both surfaces at first, soon glabrate and then pubescent only along veins abaxially, principal veins 3, lateral 2 arising from midvein ca. 1 cm above base, base broadly cordate, truncate, or subcuneate; lobes shortly triangular, margin coarsely numerous dentate. Flowers 4–6-merous. Male flowers: sepals and petals short, small; filaments very short; anthers peltate, elongate; connective glabrous. Female flowers: long tomentose at base; sepals short, small; petals 4–5 × as long as sepals; carpels 4–6; styles elongate, longer than petals. Fruiting branchlets with 1(or 2) infructescences. Infructescence globose, ca. 3 cm in diam. Achenes obtuse at apex, with persistent style very short; basal hairs ca. 1/2 as long as achene, not exserted from infructescence. Fl. Mar–May, fr. Jun–Oct.
direitos autorais
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
citação bibliográfica
Flora of China Vol. 9: 45 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of China @ eFloras.org
Wu Zhengyi, Peter H. Raven & Hong Deyuan
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site do parceiro

Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por eFloras
Trees , to 50+ m, becoming massive; trunks straight and unbranched to great heights or low-branching or multitrunked, to 4+ m diam. Leaves: stipules entire to coarsely serrate. Leaf blade light green, usually shallowly 3-5(-7)-lobed, occasionally unlobed, 6-20+ × 6-25+ cm (to 30 × 40 cm on sucker shoots), not especially thick; lobes of blade mostly wider than long, basal lobes usually smaller, often strongly reflexed, sinuses broad and gently concave, depth of distal sinuses mostly less than 1/2 distance from sinus to base of blade, terminal leaf lobe 1/2-2/3 length of blade; margins entire to coarsely serrate, teeth sometimes short-awned, apex usually acuminate; surfaces glabrate, abaxially often persistently tomentose along veins. Pistillate inflorescences: heads 1(-2); fruiting heads 25-30 mm diam.; peduncle to 15 cm. Achenes 7-10 mm, basal hairs nearly as long. 2 n = 42.
direitos autorais
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
citação bibliográfica
Flora of North America Vol. 3 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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Distribution ( Inglês )

fornecido por eFloras
Ont.; Ala., Ark., Conn., Del., D.C., Fla., Ga., Ill., Ind., Iowa, Kans., Ky., La., Maine, Md., Mass., Mich., Miss., Mo., Nebr., N.H., N.J., N.Y., N.C., Ohio, Okla., Pa., R.I., S.C., Tenn., Tex., Vt., Va., W.Va., Wis.; Mexico (Coahuila, Nuevo León, San Luis Potosí, and Tamaulipas).
direitos autorais
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
citação bibliográfica
Flora of North America Vol. 3 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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Flowering/Fruiting ( Inglês )

fornecido por eFloras
Flowering spring; fruiting late fall.
direitos autorais
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
citação bibliográfica
Flora of North America Vol. 3 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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site do parceiro

Habitat ( Inglês )

fornecido por eFloras
Often abundant on alluvial soils near streams and lakes and in moist ravines, sometimes on uplands, sometimes on limestone soils, cultivated in parks and gardens and as a street tree; 0-950m.
direitos autorais
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
citação bibliográfica
Flora of North America Vol. 3 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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site do parceiro

Habitat & Distribution ( Inglês )

fornecido por eFloras
Cultivated in C and N China [native to North America].
direitos autorais
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
citação bibliográfica
Flora of China Vol. 9: 45 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of China @ eFloras.org
Wu Zhengyi, Peter H. Raven & Hong Deyuan
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site do parceiro

Common Names ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the term: tree

American sycamore
plane tree
buttonball tree

The scientific name for American sycamore is Platanus occidentalis L.
(Platanaceae) [13,35,48,50]. There are no accepted infrataxa.

The London plane tree (P. xacerifolia [Ait.] Willd.) is a hybrid of
Oriental plane (P. orientalis) and American sycamore and perhaps includes a
number of backcrosses [50,78].


No special status

American sycamore is listed by the State of Maine as a species of special
concern-possibly extirpated [26].

SPECIES: Platanus occidentalis
The range of American sycamore extends from southwestern Maine west to extreme
southern Ontario, southern Wisconsin, Iowa, and extreme eastern
Nebraska; south to south-central Texas; and east to northwestern Florida
and southeastern Georgia. It also occurs in the mountains of
northeastern Mexico [30,35,50]. American sycamore has become naturalized to some
extent from plantations outside of its native range, chiefly in southern
Maine, southern Michigan, southern Minnesota, and eastern and southern
Iowa [35].
citação bibliográfica
Sullivan, Janet. 1994. Platanus occidentalis. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Conservation Status ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
American sycamore is listed by the State of Maine as a species of special
concern-possibly extirpated [26].
citação bibliográfica
Sullivan, Janet. 1994. Platanus occidentalis. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Distribution ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the term: forest

The range of American sycamore extends from southwestern Maine west to extreme
southern Ontario, southern Wisconsin, Iowa, and extreme eastern
Nebraska; south to south-central Texas; and east to northwestern Florida
and southeastern Georgia. It also occurs in the mountains of
northeastern Mexico [30,35,50]. American sycamore has become naturalized to some
extent from plantations outside of its native range, chiefly in southern
Maine, southern Michigan, southern Minnesota, and eastern and southern
Iowa [35].

Distribution of American sycamore. 1971 USDA, Forest Service map digitized by Thompson and others [87].

citação bibliográfica
Sullivan, Janet. 1994. Platanus occidentalis. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Fire Management Considerations ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: competition, prescribed fire, tree, vines

In the Southeast, the usual fire season is fall; fire years occur
when the usual summer drought extends into autumn and early winter.
Most fires are accidentally caused by humans [61].

Prescribed fire is not recommended for southeastern bottomland forests
in which American sycamore occurs; aside from damaging and killing trees, fire
reduces soil organic layers, leading to site degradation. Following
fire, weeds and vines flourish on exposed sites, increasing competition
with tree seedlings that may establish after fire [57,61].

American sycamore had a significantly lower proportion of its stem weight in bark
than any of the other species tested. In the soft hardwoods group (red
maple, sweetgum, American sycamore, and yellow-poplar [Liriodendron tulipifera]),
American sycamore had the highest average total-tree moisture content of any
species tested [20]. A formula to estimate recoverable heat energy in
wood or bark fuels is available [86].
citação bibliográfica
Sullivan, Janet. 1994. Platanus occidentalis. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Key Plant Community Associations ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: forest, natural

American sycamore is found in quantity only in bottomland forests, particularly
of elm-ash-cottonwood (Ulmus spp.-Fraxinus spp.-Populus deltoides) types
as defined by Shifley and others [66], and cottonwood-willow (Salix
spp.) types. It usually occurs singly or in small groups [78].
American sycamore is found occasionally along intermittent streams within upland
stands of oak-hickory (Quercus spp.-Carya spp.) communities. It is a
major pioneer species in the floodplains of large rivers [74]. In the
Southeast pure stands of 40 to 100 acres (16-40 ha) are sometimes
formed; it rarely forms extensive pure stands in the northern parts of
its range [78]. In the northern states American sycamore is rarely the dominant
species; it increases (replacing silver maple [Acer saccharinum]) with
decreasing latitude [27].

American sycamore is listed as a dominant or indicator species in the following

1) The natural forests of Maryland: an explanation of the vegetation map
of Maryland [14]
2) The natural communities of South Carolina [58]
3) Land Classification in the Blue Ridge province: state-of-the-science
report [55]
4) Forest management of floodplain sites in the northeastern United
States [56]
5) Management of bottomland hardwoods [61]
6) Ecological communities of New York State [63]
7) Classification and evaluation of forest sites on the northern Cumberland
Plateau [68]
8) Classification and evaluation of forest sites on the Natchez Trace State
Forest, State Resort Park, and Wildlife Management Area in west
Tennessee [69]
citação bibliográfica
Sullivan, Janet. 1994. Platanus occidentalis. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Life Form ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the term: tree

citação bibliográfica
Sullivan, Janet. 1994. Platanus occidentalis. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Management considerations ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: cover, herb, herbaceous, natural, seed, shrub

American sycamore is a valuable timber species that can be regenerated from
natural seed sources, by planting, or by coppice systems.

Seed: American sycamore invades bottomland old fields when adequate seed
sources are present [3,59]. It often seeds in on clearcuts; good
initial establishment from natural seed sources requires some site
preparation [79]. Its potential for establishment from direct seeding
is unknown [3].

Plantation: American sycamore usually shows good initial capture of planting
sites [49]. American sycamores interplanted with herbaceous legumes were larger
than control plants 6 years after legume establishment [36]. On mined
sites interplanting American sycamore with the nitrogen-fixing European black
alder (Alnus glutinosa) doubled American sycamore height and diameter growth over
that of control plants [77]. Site characteristics, rather than site
preparation method, had the most pronounced effect on American sycamore height
growth [24]. However, Hunt and Cleveland [43] reported American sycamore growing
on disc-cultivated sites showed better growth than with other
treatments. American sycamore does not establish well in dense herb or shrub
cover [77]. Clatterbuck and Burkhardt [21] reported on the effects of
various mixtures and spacings for cherrybark oak (Quercus falcata) and
American sycamore plantations in Arkansas.

Coppice: For short-rotation intensive culture systems, American sycamore yield
is influenced by site, fertilizer, spacing, and rotation [80]. American sycamore
has good coppice regeneration potential although it may not be
sustainable over many rotations. Geyer [33] reported that American sycamore died
after two coppice harvests in Kansas. A high percentage of stumps
sprout, regardless of stump size or time of harvest. However, dormant
season cuts produce larger and heavier sprout clumps than cuts during
the growing season [5,78].

Insects and Diseases: Natural stands of American sycamore have few lethal
diseases [22]; disease problems occur mostly in plantations. Important
diseases include anthracnose and eastern mistletoe (Phoradendron spp.)
[78]. There have been some reports of a potentially serious disease of
American sycamore in Illinois and adjacent states, and possibly spreading to
Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Alabama. This disease has been
attributed to attacks by various organisms on environmentally stressed
trees; it is not attributed to a single cause [22]. There are no
insects of economic importance in natural stands, although problems with
insects occur in landscaping trees [78].

Large American sycamores sometimes develop wind shake, a wood defect that reduces
its economic value [78]. American sycamore is susceptible to ice damage
[78]; of six trees examined after an ice/sleet storm in Missouri and
Illinois, only one escaped major damage [23].

Under powerlines, American sycamore regrowth was appreciably reduced with
pressure-injected malic hydrazide or daminozide [12].
citação bibliográfica
Sullivan, Janet. 1994. Platanus occidentalis. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Phenology ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info on this topic.

More info for the term: tree

American sycamore flowers appear in May in the northern parts of its range, and
as early as late March in the South. Late spring frosts will kill
flowers, leaves, and twigs [78]. The fruits ripen from September to
October or November, and usually remain on the tree over winter,
breaking up or falling off the following spring from February through
April [9,78].
citação bibliográfica
Sullivan, Janet. 1994. Platanus occidentalis. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Post-fire Regeneration ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: root sucker, secondary colonizer

Tree with adventitious-bud root crown/soboliferous species root sucker
Secondary colonizer - off-site seed
citação bibliográfica
Sullivan, Janet. 1994. Platanus occidentalis. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Taxonomy ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the term: tree

The scientific name for American sycamore is Platanus occidentalis L.
(Platanaceae) [13,35,48,50]. There are no accepted infrataxa.

The London plane tree (P. xacerifolia [Ait.] Willd.) is a hybrid of
Oriental plane (P. orientalis) and American sycamore and perhaps includes a
number of backcrosses [50,78].
citação bibliográfica
Sullivan, Janet. 1994. Platanus occidentalis. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Distribution ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por IABIN
Chile Central
direitos autorais
Universidad de Santiago de Chile
Pablo Gutierrez
site do parceiro

Comprehensive Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por North American Flora
Platanus occidentalis I,. Sp. PL 999. 1753
Platanus lohata Moench, Meth. 358. 1794,
Platanus hybridus Brot. Fl. I^usit. 2 : 487. 1804.
Platanus vulgaris angulosa Spach, Ann. Sci. Nat. II. 15 : 293. 1841.
Platanus occidentalis hispanica Wesmael, M€m. Soc. Sci. Hainaut III. 1 : 12. f. 5, 1867.
Platanus occidentalis lobata Bommer, Les Platanes 17./. 5, 6, 1869.
A tall tree, reaching 50 m. in height; bark thin, smooth, exfoliating in thin plates, or rough on the old trunks ; twigs glabrous ; young foliage covered with a white deciduous tomentum, becoming glabrous or nearly so at maturity ; leaves 15-25 cm. long and wide, broadly deltoid, truncate at the base, 3-5-nerved, 3-lobed or with faint additional lateral lobes, with broad or obscure sinuses, sharply serrate with coarse acuminate teeth ; lobes
shallow, abruptly acuminate, the middle one much broader than long ; petioles pubescent ; stipules foliaceous, sharply serrate or lobed; fruiting peduncles 8-15 cm. long; mature heads 2.5-3 cm. in diameter ; achene 7-8 mm. long, about equaled by the subtending hairs, glabrous or nearly so at the tip, truncate and tipped with a persistent style, about 1 mm. long.
Type locality : North America.
Distribution : New Hampshire to Ontario and Nebraska, south to Florida and Texas.
citação bibliográfica
Frederick Vernon Coville, Nathaniel Lord Britton, Henry Allan Gleason, John Kunkel Small, Charles Louis Pollard, Per Axel Rydberg. 1908. GROSSULARIACEAE, PLATANACEAE, CROSSOSOMATACEAE, CONNARACEAE, CALYCANTHACEAE, and ROSACEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 22(3). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora

Associated Forest Cover ( Inglês )

fornecido por Silvics of North America
Sycamore grows singly or in small groups with other trees but seldom in extensive pure stands in the northern part of its range. In the Mississippi bottom lands of the South, however, it does grow in pure stands of 16 to 40 ha (40 to 100 acres). Sycamore is the predominant tree in two forest cover types (7). In River Birch-Sycamore (Society of American Foresters Type 61) the associate trees include sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), eastern cottonwood (Populus deltoides), red maple (Acer rubrum), black willow (Salix nigra), and other moist-site hardwoods. This type is widespread, occurring in southern New England, southern New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, southern parts of the Lake States, and south into Oklahoma, Missouri, and Tennessee. It is also found in the Allegheny and Piedmont Plateaus of the Appalachian Mountains.

In Sycamore-Sweetgurn-American Elm (Type 94), the chief associates are boxelder (Acer negundo), green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica), sugarberry (Celtis laevigata), silver maple (A. saccharinum), eastern cottonwood, black willow, water oak (Quercus nigra), Nuttall oak (Q. nuttallii), sweetgum, and river birch (Betula nigra). This type is found throughout the southern part of the range of sycamore, usually on the alluvial flood plains of major rivers. A Sycamore-Pecan-American Elm valiant type is found on river fronts in the Mississippi River Valley. A comprehensive survey of mixed hardwood species conducted in 14 Southeastern States by North Carolina State University showed that sycamore comprised 0.1 percent of the total basal area on wet flat sites, from 0.5 to 8.8 percent on various classes of bottom-land sites, 0.7 percent on lower slope coves, and 0.1 percent on upland slopes and ridges (26).

Other forest types with which sycamore grows are Black Ash-American Elm-Red Maple (Type 39) in the northern part of the sycamore range, Sugarberry-American Elm-Green Ash (Type 93) in the South, Sweetgum-Yellow-Poplar (Type 87) in the Atlantic Coastal Plain and Piedmont, and Black Willow (Type 95), which grows throughout the range of sycamore.

Sycamore is also an important tree in Cottonwood (Type 63), a valuable pioneer type, characteristic of fronts on all major streams in the South except in sloughs and swamps (21).

direitos autorais
USDA, Forest Service
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Silvics of North America

Damaging Agents ( Inglês )

fornecido por Silvics of North America
Many insects feed on sycamore but none are of economic importance in forests. Some may, however, seriously damage individual trees planted for landscaping purposes. Probably the insects that attack sycamore do not kill healthy trees, but when they attack a tree of reduced vigor, they may cause severe injury or death. The more important insects are the sycamore lacebug (Corythuca ciliata), the flathead sycamore-heartwood borer (Chalcophorella campestris), and the sycamore tussock moth (Halisidota harrisii). Other insect enemies include leaf feeders and hoppers, periodical cicada (Magicicada septendecim), aphids, scales, crosswood borers, flatheaded borers, roundheaded borers, bark borers, darkling beetles (Tenebrionidae), ambrosia beetles, moths, and caterpillars, leaf rollers, and horntails (Siricoidea). Sycamore is also subject to ant attacks, which often cause ingrown bark pockets that reduce the quality of the wood (21).

Diseases of sycamore have become more important with its increased culture in plantations. In the mid-1970's, potentially serious infection involving leaf scorch, dead branches, top dieback, and lethal cankers occurred in Illinois and adjacent States (22).

A 1973 survey of 26 plantations in Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Alabama revealed leaf scorch, top dieback, and lethal bole cankers in four bottom-land plantations (9). In two progeny tests in Mississippi the same symptoms were evident, so severely in one test that it was a total loss within 5 years (5). The primary organism causing lethal bole cankers has not been established. A complex of organisms seems to be involved, but Ceratocystis fimbriata and Botryodiplodia theobromae are prime suspects. When seedlings were inoculated with either of these organisms by the bark-flap technique, cankers developed on the stem within 30 days; when 8-year-old trees were inoculated with Ceratocystis fimbriata, cankers appeared and some trees died within a year (19). Temperature also seems to be a factor (15,16,17). Acremonium diospyri has also been identified in trees displaying these symptoms.

Sycamore is susceptible to anthracnose, the same disease that attacks oaks (21). This fungus attacks in the spring and sometimes completely defoliates the trees. Severe attacks also kill twigs, and frequently cankers are formed up to 25 mm (1 in) in diameter. Usually, a second set of leaves is produced following defoliation and few trees die from an attack. Anthracnose may weaken a tree, however, making it susceptible to attack by other diseases. Heavy attacks by this disease also reduce radial and terminal growth. Sycamore is host to the eastern mistletoe (Phoradendron spp.) but damage usually is not serious.

Weather damage and damage caused by insects and disease are commonly confused. For example, anthracnose attacks are often mistaken for frost damage. Although low winter temperature may injure the cork cambium and cause the outer bark to be sloughed off, the health of the tree is not affected. Late spring frosts may kill sycamore buds over a wide area, and where this occurs, the damaged trees characteristically have long dead twigs with bushy masses of leaves around their bases by midsummer.

A limited study of sycamore shade trees following a sleet storm in west-central Illinois indicated that the tree is susceptible to ice damage (21). But in forest stands, it is seldom damaged by such storms.

Because it develops a widespread, strongly branched root system, sycamore is a windfirm tree. However, large sycamores are likely to develop windshake, a wood defect that reduces their value for lumber and other products.

direitos autorais
USDA, Forest Service
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Silvics of North America

Flowering and Fruiting ( Inglês )

fornecido por Silvics of North America
Sycamore is monoecious; the male flower clusters grow on short stalks on branchlets of the previous year and the female flower clusters grow on short stalks on older branchlets. They appear in May in the North and as early as late March in the South. The fruit is a ball composed of many closely packed, long, narrow fruits that ripen by September or October and often remain on the tree over winter, breaking up or falling off the following spring. The seed is an achene with a light-brown, hairy, thin but hard seedcoat.

direitos autorais
USDA, Forest Service
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Silvics of North America

Genetics ( Inglês )

fornecido por Silvics of North America
Genetic experiments with sycamore in the eastern United States have demonstrated heritable variation in growth and other traits (8,13,24,29,31). Tree improvement programs are in progress (20) and genetic gains in early growth rate have been obtained (13,31).

Geographic variation in sycamore is extensive, and, noted in many other widely distributed species, trees of southern origin have a potential for faster growth than trees of more northern origin when planted near or slightly north of their point of origin (8,13,24,29,31).

Sycamore is unique among North American tree species in displaying a strong north-south gradient in resistance to a killing stem canker disease. In two progeny tests of half-sib families selected along the Mississippi and Chattahoochie Rivers, families of northern origin (Missouri and northern Georgia) were attacked much more severely than were families from farther south (southern Georgia and Louisiana) (5).

Two varieties of sycamore have been named in addition to the typical variety. P. occidentalis var. glabrata is common in western Texas and Mexico but is considered by some taxonomists to be synonymous with the typical variety. P. occidentalis var. attenuata is apparently intermixed with the typical variety, but its status is in need of clarification. The London plane of the Old World, P. x acerifolia, is considered a collection of advanced generation hybrids and backcrosses between P. orientalis and P. occidentalis (12). London plane is an important street tree in cities of the United States and Europe because of its resistance to diseases and especially the air pollution found in the urban environment.

direitos autorais
USDA, Forest Service
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Silvics of North America

Growth and Yield ( Inglês )

fornecido por Silvics of North America
Sycamore grows fast throughout its life. Within its range, only cottonwood and, under some conditions, a few of the pines, soft maples, and black willow grow faster. Average 10-year diameter growth rates for sycamore of three size classes in five States were as follows (21):

State Seedlings and saplings Pole-size trees Sawtimber cm cm cm Illinois 8.2 -- 8.6 Indiana 8.9 6.6 6.4 Kentucky 6.0 6.9 8.1 Missouri 6.0 7.8 9.1 Ohio 7.4 3.6 6.0 in in in Illinois 3.2 -- 3.4 Indiana 3.5 2.6 2.5 Kentucky 2.4 2.7 3.2 Missouri 2.4 3.1 3.6 Ohio 2.9 1.4 2.4

These are average growth rates for a range of sites and should not be considered as indicative of growth that might be expected on either poor or good sites.

Sycamore in a 17-year-old North Carolina stand had an average d.b.h. of more than 23 cm (9 in) and an average height of 21.3 in (70 ft). There was a total volume of 126 m³/ha (1,800 ft³/acre) or 32.3 m³/ha (2,310 fbm/acre) of sawtimber plus 75.6 m³/ha (1,080 ft³/acre) of pulpwood. This stand was expected to have a volume of 140 m³/ha (10,000 fbm/acre) of sawtimber by age 22 (21). This figure is slightly higher than average yield for mixed hardwoods in the southeastern United States. Annual hardwood yields in the major bottom-land type (where sycamore made up 8.8 percent of the stand) were found to average about 4.0 m³/ha (57 ft³/acre) in stands from 20 to 60 years old (26).

The potential for plantation-grown sycamore seems much higher than the yields for natural stands. A survey conducted by North Carolina State University found that annual plantation yields ranged from 7.7 m³/ha (110 ft³/acre) at age 5, to 14.3 m³/ha (204 ft³/acre) at age 25 (25). Most of the plantations in this survey were not cultivated to optimum intensity after establishment and in all likelihood do not represent the ultimate or even the practical maximum attainable yield.

Annual yield at age 11 in a sycamore plantation in central Georgia was 17.2 m³/ha (245 ft³ /acre). Average d.b.h. was 15 cm (6 in) and average height was 19 in (63 ft) (2). The highest yields for sycamore under intensive culture were recorded on a "creek bottom-land site" in the Georgia Piedmont (14) and in the lower Mississippi River Valley for 4-year coppice rotation following 3 or 4 years in seedling rotation (6). Annual yields were from 24 to 32 m³/ha (343 ft³/acre). This yield is comparable to maximum yields obtained with other fast-growing genera such as Populus and Alnus that have been grown on "mini-rotations" (4).

The American sycamore grows to a larger diameter than any other North American hardwood. Trees are on record that exceeded 305 cm (120 in) in d.b.h. and 43 ni (140 ft) in height (21). An individual tree in Indiana was 320 cm (126 in) in diameter at 1.2 in (4 ft) above the ground and 51 ni (168 ft) tall (21).

Open-grown sycamores have a large irregular crown that may spread to 30 ni (100 ft) in diameter. Under forest conditions the tree has a relatively small crown and a long, slightly tapered bole that may be clear of branches for 20 or 25 m (70 or 80 ft).

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USDA, Forest Service
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Silvics of North America

Reaction to Competition ( Inglês )

fornecido por Silvics of North America
Sycamore is classed as intermediate in tolerance to shade and in competitive ability. It can compete successfully with cottonwood and willow, which it replaces or succeeds unless special steps are taken to favor these trees (21).

In the Piedmont of North Carolina, sycamore and birch tend to replace pioneer trees like alder and willow on small islands or spits in streams after this land becomes stable and drained (21). Sycamore and birch, in turn, are usually succeeded by elm (Ulmus spp.), ash, and red maple. It was found, however, that sycamore seedlings grown under controlled light were at least as tolerant as American and winged elm (U. americana and U. alata) on the basis of observed height growth and top-to-root ratios (21).

On sand and gravel bars and on flood plains in Missouri, sycamore is a pioneer tree that persists throughout later successional stages in the sugar maple-bitternut hickory variant of Sugar Maple (Type 27) (21). This variant grows on wet sites where the soils are usually neutral to calcareous.

Sycamore is also found in forest types that are pioneer, transitional, subclimax, and climax in the succession. On moist or wet sites in subclimax, deciduous forests it grows in association with oaks, black walnut (Juglans nigra), hackberry (Celtis occidentalis), sweetgum, cottonwood, and willow. It seems able to maintain itself in some of these subclimax and climax forest types because of its rapid growth and longevity. Usually it maintains a position in subclimax types only when they are in bottom land or other moist situations. On dryer sites sycamore usually has only pioneer or transitional status and is eventually replaced by tolerant trees or trees having less demanding moisture requirements.

Epicormic sprouting is not a serious problem in sycamore. Pruning widely spaced, open-grown natural trees 9 years old did not result in serious sprouting. In a Georgia thinning study, epicormic branching of sycamore was appreciable only where basal area was reduced to less than 18.4 m²/ha (80 ft²/acre), which was two-thirds or less of the original basal area. Heavier thinning resulted in 14 to 15 epicormic branches per tree (21).

direitos autorais
USDA, Forest Service
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Silvics of North America

Rooting Habit ( Inglês )

fornecido por Silvics of North America
No information available.

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USDA, Forest Service
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Silvics of North America

Seed Production and Dissemination ( Inglês )

fornecido por Silvics of North America
Plantation-or open-grown sycamore begins to bear seeds in 6 or 7 years. Dense natural stands begin to produce an appreciable number of seeds at about 25 years, with optimum production between 50 and 200 years. Generally, sycamore is not dependable for seed after the age of 250 years. The tree usually bears good seed crops every 1 or 2 years and some seeds are produced every year. Late spring frosts commonly kill the flowers, leaves, and even the twigs, reducing seed production (21).

Sycamore seeds average about 441,000/kg (200,000/lb) and are dispersed from February through May of the spring following ripening. As the seed balls break up, the seeds are released and float down slowly. The hairs act as parachutes, and the seeds are widely scattered by the wind. Several birds feed on the seeds and also may disseminate them to a minor extent. Moreover, the seeds are carried by water and are often deposited on mudflats or sandbars where conditions are usually favorable for germination (21).

direitos autorais
USDA, Forest Service
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Silvics of North America

Seedling Development ( Inglês )

fornecido por Silvics of North America
Pregermination treatments are not required (3). A large percentage of sound seeds usually germinate, but the great variation in number of sound seeds in a lot results in a wide range of germinative capacity.

Germination is epigeal and is affected by light. In tests made at temperatures ranging between 23° to 27° C (73° to 810 F), the mean germination under artificial light was 17.5 percent and only 3.1 percent in the dark (21). Seeds failed to germinate in the river-bottom soils of southern Illinois wherever litter was more than 2 inches deep. Sycamore seedlings must have direct light to survive; under favorable conditions they develop a strong, spreading root system and grow rapidly, as much as 91 to 122 cm (36 to 48 in) in height the first year. Roots also penetrate deeper in loess soil than in alluvial or clay soils.

direitos autorais
USDA, Forest Service
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Silvics of North America

Special Uses ( Inglês )

fornecido por Silvics of North America
Establishment of sycamore plantations increased during the 1960's and 1970's. As of 1979, about 1500 ha/yr (3,700 acre/year) were being planted to sycamore of a total 4170 ha/yr (10,300 acre/yr) of hardwoods planted in the Southeast (30). In general, establishment of these plantations has been characterized by intensive site preparation, cultivation and fertilization for several years after planting, high initial costs, and fast growth. Sycamore has fast initial growth rate on a wide range of sites, including relatively infertile "pine" sites. After only a few years, however, its growth declines and it stagnates on the less fertile sites unless fertilizer is added.

Some plantations have been established at very close spacing and are being reproduced by coppice on short rotations in a silvicultural scheme aimed at maximum fiber production. This kind of culture has been termed "short-rotation forestry" (27) or "silvicultural biomass farms" (11). The entire aboveground portion of the plant is harvested and estimates of annual biomass production in parts of the United States range from 11.2 to 29.1 dry ton equivalents/ha (5 to 13 dry ton equivalents/acre) at rotations of 4 to 10 years (4).

Nutrient drain on the site is greater than with conventional long rotation management (1,32) and fertilization is usually necessary, especially with rotations shorter than 5 years (28).

In spite of the high initial cost, one analysis in the Coastal Plain of Virginia and North Carolina estimated that over a 36-year period (three 12-year coppice rotations) total yield of four hardwood species including sycamore would be increased at least 50 percent over natural stands at one-third the cost of a system of natural regeneration (20).

direitos autorais
USDA, Forest Service
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Silvics of North America

Vegetative Reproduction ( Inglês )

fornecido por Silvics of North America
Sycamore sprouts readily from the stump when young (sapling or pole size) and the species has good potential for coppice regeneration, especially in short-rotation biomass plantings (27). The best coppice reproduction has been obtained by late dormant-season March harvesting (23).

Slips or cuttings made from young, fast-growing stems root readily and may be used for propagation. Healthier top growth has been noted on cuttings that were made closer to the root collars than other parts of the stem, and fall-planted cuttings grew better than those planted in the spring (21). Cuttings from mature trees cannot be rooted by conventional methods, but a modified air-layering technique consisting of girdling and application of growth-promoting hormones on the tree before the cuttings are taken has been successful (10).

direitos autorais
USDA, Forest Service
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Silvics of North America

Qərb çinarı ( Azerbaijano )

fornecido por wikipedia AZ

Təbii yayılması:

Təbii halda Şimali Amerika-Ontariodan Meksika və Şimali Floridaya qədər yayılmışdır.

Botaniki təsviri:

Hündürlüyü 45 m-ə qədərdir. Çətiri uzunsov və ya yumurtavari-piramidaldır. Gövdəsinin qabığı açıq boz rəngli, xırda, nazik lövhələrlə ayrılır və açıq sarı rəngli tər qabığın xallarını açır. Birillik budaqları tünd, narıncı-qonurdur. Yarpaqları iri, eni 20 sm-ə qədər, üçpərli, güclü zoğlarda bəzən beş pərli, parlaq, üstdən tünd yaşıl, altdan nisbətən açıq rəngdə, bünövrəsi enli-ürəkvari, bəzən qısa-pazşəkilli, kənarları bütövdür. Cavan yarpaqları hər tərəfdən seyrək keçəli, inkişaf etmişlərin üstü çılpaq və parlaq, tünd yaşıl, alt tərəfi daha açıq, damarcıqlarda və qoltuqlarında keçəli-tüklüdür. Saplağı keçəli-tükcüklü və şərq çinarına nisbətən daha uzundur. Yalançı zoğların uzunluğu 2,5-3,5 sm, qıfvari, kənarları dişlidir. Meyvə başcıqları tək, bəzən cüt, hamar, diametri təxminən 2,5-3 sm, çılpaq meyvə saplağının ucunda uzunluğu 7,5-15 sm-dir. Toxumcaları ucunda sancaqvari qalınlaşmış, çılpaq, sütuncuğu tez tökülən, sütuncuğun qısa qalığı toxumların ucunda batığa girmişdir.


Şaxtaya, quraqlığa davamlıdır. Çayların, göllərin sahillərində, zəngin və rütubətli torpaqda bitir. Bu növ cavan yaşda şaxtaya az davamlıdır. Digər növlərdən fərqli olaraq Gloeosporium nervisequum göbələyi ilə çox yoluxur.

Azərbaycanda yayılması:

Böyük və Kiçik Qafqazda geniş yayılmışdır. Təbii halda yoxdur.


Gözəl, dekorativ görünüşə malikdir. Yaşıllaşdırmada, park və bağlarda tək-tək əkinlərdə istifadə edilir.


Azərbaycan Dendroflorası III cild-Bakı:"Elm",2016,400 səh. T.S.Məmmədov

Məlumat mənbələri

  • Tofiq Məmmədov, Elman İsgəndər, Tariyel Talıbov. "Azərbaycanın Nadir Ağac və kol bitkiləri", Bakı: "Elm", 2014, 380 səh.


  • Флoрa Aзeрбaйджaнa. т.5. 1954; Флoрa Kaвkaзa. т.5. 1954;
  • Azərbaycanın ağac və kolları. I cild. 1961;
  • Azərbaycan flora-sının konspekti. I-III cildlər. 2005; 2006; 2008;
  • Tofiq Məmmədov, Elman İsgəndər, Tariyel Talıbov. Azərbaycanın nadir ağac və kol bitkiləri", Bakı: "Elm", 2014, 380 səh
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Vikipediya müəllifləri və redaktorları
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wikipedia AZ

Platan-ar-C'hornôg ( Bretã )

fornecido por wikipedia BR

Platan-ar-C'hornôg (Platanus occidentalis) a zo gwez a-orin eus Norzhamerika.

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia BR

Plàtan d'Amèrica ( Catalão; Valenciano )

fornecido por wikipedia CA
Aquest article o secció no cita les fonts o necessita més referències per a la seva verificabilitat.

El plàtan americà o plàtan d'Amèrica (Platanus occidentalis) és una de les espècies de Platanus nativa de Nord-amèrica.

Forma un arbre profús, que arriba a 30 a 40 m d'alçària. Prospera tant en climes secs com en climes humits. Iowa a Ontàrio i Maine en el nord, Nebraska en l'oest, sud de Texas a Florida. Hi ha espècies emparentades (vegeu Platanus) a Mèxic i els estats del sud-oest dels EUA.

A vegades es conrea per a fusta.

És susceptible a l'antracnosi (Apiognomonia veneta, sense. Gnomonia platani), un fong introduït naturalment des del Platanus orientalis, que ha desenvolupat considerable resistència a la malaltia. Molt rara vegada el mata, però sí que li fa perdre les fulles apreciablement, i resulta en minves de rendiment de fusta. Per això el plàtan americà es planta poc; s'usa el molt més resistent Platanus x hispanica: l'híbrid P. occidentalis x P. orientalis).

És aliment de la plaga Neochlamisus platani.

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Platan západní ( Checo )

fornecido por wikipedia CZ

Platan západní (Platanus occidentalis) je druh listnatého stromu původem ze Severní Ameriky. V České republice je pěstován jako okrasná dřevina.


Plodenství platanu západního

Jedná se o mohutný strom, který ve své domovině dosahuje výšky i přes 50 m a kmen dosahuje až 4 m v průměru.[1] Borka je v dolní části kmene odlučná v malých šupinách, nápadně menších než v případě platanu javorolistého. Listy jsou jednoduché, střídavé, s dlouhými řapíky, čepele jsou relativně velké, nejčastěji 6–20 cm dlouhé a 6–25 cm široké,[1] většinou mělce trojlaločné až 3−5 klané.[2] Květy jsou jednopohlavné uspořádané květenství, hustých hlávek, samčí a samičí odděleně v různých hlávkách. Kalich i koruna je velmi nenápadná, šupinovitá. Samičí hlávky bývají jednotlivé, jen výjimečně po dvou.[1] Plodem je nažka (některými autory považovaná za oříšek), nažky jsou uspořádány do hustých plodenství, hlávek, které mají asi 2,5–3 cm v průměru.[2] Na bázi nažky je věneček chlupů, pomocí kterých se nažka šíří větrem (anemochorie). Vrchol nažky je polokulovitě vypouklý s 1–2 mm dlouhým zbytkem čnělky.[2] Počet chromozómů je 2n=42.[1]


Platan západní je přirozeně rozšířen ve východní části USA, a to od Velkých jezer na severu po Texas na jih, izolované lokality jsou až v Mexiku. Vyhledává především vlhčí půdy u potoků, jezer či ve vlhkých roklích.[1]


Je pěstován jako okrasný strom v parcích a městech, poměrně běžně i v České republice, i když méně často než platan javorolistý..[2]


  1. a b c d e Flóra Severní Ameriky [online]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  2. a b c d ZELENÝ, Václav. Platanaceae Dumort. In: HEJNÝ, Slavomil; SLAVÍK, Bohumil. Květena České republiky, vol. 1. Praha: Academia, 1988. S. 509-513. (česky)

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Platan západní: Brief Summary ( Checo )

fornecido por wikipedia CZ

Platan západní (Platanus occidentalis) je druh listnatého stromu původem ze Severní Ameriky. V České republice je pěstován jako okrasná dřevina.

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wikipedia CZ

Amerikanische Platane ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Die Amerikanische Platane oder Westliche Platane (Platanus occidentalis) ist eine Baumart aus der Familie der Platanengewächse (Platanaceae). Die Art ist im östlichen Nordamerika heimisch und kann bis 50 Meter hoch werden.

Rinde der Amerikanischen Platane
Rinde eines jungen Baumes


Die Amerikanische Platane ist ein sommergrüner Baum, der Wuchshöhen von 35, teils auch über 50 Meter erreichen kann. Es sind Stammdurchmesser bis über 4 Meter möglich. Die Borke ist schuppig und grau-braun-weißlich.

Die Nebenblätter sind ganzrandig bis grob gezähnt. Die Laubblätter sind hellgrün und weinlaubartig, bis 22 Zentimeter lang und bis 25 Zentimeter breit; an Wasserschossen können sie auch bis 30 × 40 Zentimeter groß sein. Sie sind meist 3- bis 5-lappig, teils bis 7-lappig, selten auch ungelappt. Die einzelnen Lappen der Blattspreite sind überwiegend ebenfalls breiter als lang; die basalen Lappen sind meist kleiner und oft stark zurückgebogen. Der terminale (am Blattende sitzende) Lappen ist halb bis zwei Drittel so lang wie die gesamte Blattspreite. Die Blattränder sind ganz bis grob gezähnt. Die Zähne sind teilweise kurz begrannt, das Lappenende meist zugespitzt. Die Blätter sind überwiegend unbehaart, lediglich auf der Blattunterseite tritt entlang der Blattadern teilweise Behaarung auf.

Die Blütezeit ist im Frühling. Die weiblichen Blütenstände weisen einen Durchmesser von 25–30 Millimeter auf; die Blütenstandsachse ist bis 15 Zentimeter lang. Die Früchte reifen im Spätherbst.

Die Chromosomenzahl lautet 2n = 42.[1]


Die Amerikanische Platane ist im östlichen Nordamerika heimisch. Sie bevorzugt fruchtbare, feuchte Standorte. Häufig anzutreffen ist der Baum an Alluvialböden nahe Gewässern; daneben kommt sie auch auf Hochebenen und Kalksteinböden vor. Ihre Vorkommen liegen in Höhenlagen von 0 bis 950 m. Das Verbreitungsgebiet reicht vom südlichen Ontario über etwa das östliche Drittel der USA bis in die mexikanischen Bundesstaaten Coahuila, Nuevo León, San Luis Potosí und Tamaulipas. Die Amerikanische Platane ist im östlichen Nordamerika eine Charakterart der Auenwälder der Ordnung Ulmo-Aceretalia saccharini.[1]

Heute ist der Baum auch angepflanzt in Gärten und Parks sowie als Straßenbaum anzutreffen.


Einheimische Indianer verwendeten die Amerikanische Platane vielseitig für diverse medizinische Zwecke. Anwendungsgebiete waren Behandlung von Erkältungen und Husten, daneben diente der Baum auch für Mittel gegen Haut-, Atmungs-, Verdauungs- und gynäkologische Probleme.[2]

Das Holz ist ähnlich wie jenes der Ahornblättrigen Platane.


Die Nominatform ist mit Wuchshöhen bis über 50 Meter und Stammdurchmessern bis über 4 Meter eine der größten Laubbaumarten Nordamerikas. Kleinerwüchsige Bäume mit einer etwas abweichenden Belaubung (Blattspreite breiter als lang, Lappen fast vollständig voneinander getrennt) werden als Varietät Platanus occidentalis var. glabrata (Fernald) Sargent angesehen; das Verbreitungsgebiet dieser Varietät liegt westlicher, etwa von Iowa bis nach Mexiko und überlappt sich mit dem der Art Platanus rzedowskii Nixon & Peale in Tamaulipas.

In großen Teilen des Verbreitungsgebietes der Art kommen bisweilen Exemplare vor, deren Blattspreiten tiefer gelappt sind, mit lang keilförmig sich verjüngender Blattbasis, wurden als Varietät Platanus occidentalis var. attenuata Sargent beschrieben.

Ähnliche Arten

Die Ahornblättrige Platane (Platanus × hispanica) ist eine Hybride aus Platanus occidentalis und der Morgenländischen Platane (Platanus orientalis). Sie besitzt Blätter, deren Lappen häufiger länger als breit sind; die Rinde ist grüner als die der Amerikanischen Platane.



  1. a b Erich Oberdorfer: Pflanzensoziologische Exkursionsflora für Deutschland und angrenzende Gebiete. Unter Mitarbeit von Angelika Schwabe und Theo Müller. 8., stark überarbeitete und ergänzte Auflage. Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart (Hohenheim) 2001, ISBN 3-8001-3131-5, S. 423.
  2. D. E. Moerman 1986, zitiert bei Flora of North America.
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Amerikanische Platane: Brief Summary ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Die Amerikanische Platane oder Westliche Platane (Platanus occidentalis) ist eine Baumart aus der Familie der Platanengewächse (Platanaceae). Die Art ist im östlichen Nordamerika heimisch und kann bis 50 Meter hoch werden.

 src= Rinde der Amerikanischen Platane  src= Rinde eines jungen Baumes
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wikipedia DE

Amerikoanske Platoane ( Stq )

fornecido por wikipedia emerging languages
Amerikoanske Platoane Amerikoanske Platoane (Platanus occidentalis)
Amerikoanske Platoane (Platanus occidentalis) Systematik Oardenge: Säälwerboom-Oardige (Proteales) Familie: Platoanen-Plonten (Platanaceae) Sleek: Platoanen (Platanus) Oard: Amerikoanske Platoane
(Platanus occidentalis) Beskrieuwen fon L.

Ju Amerikoanske Platoane, uk wäil Wäästelke Platoane, (Platanus occidentalis) is aan Boom, die uurspröängelk in't aastelke Noud-Amerikoa heemsk is. Man as Park- un Sträitenboom rakt dät do däälich in groote Deele fon ju Waareld. Ju oafter plontede "Ahornblääd-Platoane" (Platanus × hispanica) is een Kjuusenge uut ju Amerikoanske Platoane un ju Mäddenloundske Platoane (Platanus orientalis).

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia emerging languages

Amerikoanske Platoane: Brief Summary ( Stq )

fornecido por wikipedia emerging languages

Ju Amerikoanske Platoane, uk wäil Wäästelke Platoane, (Platanus occidentalis) is aan Boom, die uurspröängelk in't aastelke Noud-Amerikoa heemsk is. Man as Park- un Sträitenboom rakt dät do däälich in groote Deele fon ju Waareld. Ju oafter plontede "Ahornblääd-Platoane" (Platanus × hispanica) is een Kjuusenge uut ju Amerikoanske Platoane un ju Mäddenloundske Platoane (Platanus orientalis).

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia emerging languages

Platanus occidentalis ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Platanus occidentalis, also known as American sycamore, American planetree, western plane,[2] occidental plane, buttonwood, and water beech,[3] is a species of Platanus native to the eastern and central United States, the mountains of northeastern Mexico, extreme southern Ontario,[4][5] and possibly extreme southern Quebec.[6] It is usually called sycamore in North America, a name which can refer to other types of trees in other parts of the world. The American sycamore is a long-lived species, typically surviving at least 200 years and likely as long as 500–600 years.[7]

The species epithet occidentalis is Latin for "western", referring to the Western Hemisphere, because at the time when it was named by Carl Linnaeus, the only other species in the genus was P. orientalis ("eastern"), native to the Eastern Hemisphere. Confusingly, in the United States, this species was first known in the Eastern United States, thus it is sometimes called eastern sycamore,[8][9] to distinguish it from Platanus racemosa which was discovered later in the Western United States and called western sycamore.


Platanus occidentalis can often be easily distinguished from other trees by its mottled bark which flakes off in large irregular masses, leaving the surface mottled and gray, greenish-white and brown. The bark of all trees has to yield to a growing trunk by stretching, splitting, or infilling, but sycamore bark is more rigid and less elastic than the bark of other trees, so to accommodate the growth of the wood underneath, the tree sheds it in large, brittle pieces.[10]

A sycamore can grow to massive proportions, typically reaching up to 30 to 40 m (98 to 131 ft) high and 1.5 to 2 m (4.9 to 6.6 ft) in diameter when grown in deep soils. The largest of the species have been measured to 53 m (174 ft), and nearly 4 m (13 ft) in diameter. Larger specimens were recorded in historical times. In 1744, a Shenandoah Valley settler named Joseph Hampton and two sons lived for most of the year in a hollow sycamore in what is now Clarke County, Virginia.[11] In 1770, at Point Pleasant, Virginia (now in West Virginia),[12] near the junction of the Kanawha and Ohio Rivers, George Washington recorded in his journal a sycamore measuring 13.67 m (44 ft 10 in) in circumference at 91 cm (3 ft) from the ground.[13]

The sycamore tree is often divided near the ground into several secondary trunks, very free from branches. Spreading limbs at the top make an irregular, open head. Roots are fibrous. The trunks of large trees are often hollow.

Another peculiarity is the way the leaves grow sticky, green buds. In early August, most trees will have tiny buds nestled in the axils of their leaves which will produce the leaves of the coming year. The sycamore branch apparently has no such buds. Instead there is an enlargement of the petiole which encloses the bud in a tight-fitting case at the base of the petiole.[10]

  • Bark: Dark reddish brown, broken into oblong plate-like scales; higher on the tree, it is smooth and light gray; separates freely into thin plates which peel off and leave the surface pale yellow, or white, or greenish. Branchlets at first pale green, coated with thick pale tomentum, later dark green and smooth, finally become light gray or light reddish brown.
  • Wood: Light brown, tinged with red; heavy, weak, difficult to split. Largely used for furniture and interior finish of houses, butcher's blocks. Specific gravity, 0.5678; relative density, 0.53724 g/cm3 (33.539 lb/cu ft).
  • Winter buds: Large, stinky, sticky, green, and three-scaled, they form in summer within the petiole of the full grown leaf. The inner scales enlarge with the growing shake. There is no terminal bud.
  • Leaves: Alternate, palmately nerved, broadly ovate or orbicular, 10 to 23 cm (4 to 9 in) long, truncate or cordate or wedge-shaped at base, decurrent on the petiole. Three to five-lobed by broad shallow sinuses rounded in the bottom; lobes acuminate, toothed, or entire, or undulate. They come out of the bud plicate, pale green coated with pale tomentum; when full grown are bright yellow green above, paler beneath. In autumn they turn brown and wither before falling. Petioles long, abruptly enlarged at base and inclosing the buds. Stipules with spreading, toothed borders, conspicuous on young shoots, caducous.
Leaf in Fall
  • Flowers: May, with the leaves; monoecious, borne in dense heads. Staminate and pistillate heads on separate peduncles. Staminate heads dark red, on axillary peduncles; pistillate heads light green tinged with red, on longer terminal peduncles. Calyx of staminate flowers three to six tiny scale-like sepals, slightly united at the base, half as long as the pointed petals. Of pistillate flowers three to six, usually four, rounded sepals, much shorter than the acute petals. Corolla of three to six thin scale-like petals.
  • Stamens: In staminate flowers as many of the divisions of the calyx and opposite to them; filaments short; anthers elongated, two-celled; cells opening by lateral slits; connectives hairy.
  • Pistil: Ovary superior, one-celled, sessile, ovate-oblong, surrounded at base by long, jointed, pale hairs; styles long, incurved, red, stigmatic, ovules one or two.
  • Fruit: Brown heads, solitary or rarely clustered, 2.5 cm (1 in) in diameter, hanging on slender stems three to six inches long; persistent through the winter. These heads are composed of achenes about two-thirds of an inch in length. October.[10]


In its native range, it is often found in riparian and wetland areas. The range extends from Iowa to Ontario and New Hampshire in the north, Nebraska in the west, and south to Texas and Florida. It is apparently extirpated from Maine.[14] Closely related species (see Platanus) occur in Mexico and the southwestern states of the United States. It is sometimes grown for timber, and has become naturalized in some areas outside its native range. It can be found growing successfully in Bismarck, North Dakota,[15] and it is sold as far south as Okeechobee. The American sycamore is also well adapted to life in Argentina and Australia and is quite widespread across the Australian continent especially in the cooler southern states such as Victoria and New South Wales.


American sycamore is found most commonly in bottomland or floodplain areas, thriving in the wet environments provided by rivers, streams, or abundant groundwater, though it will die after being flooded for more than two weeks at a time.[16] Its life cycle follows the pattern of a "weedy" species: it grows mature enough to reproduce rather young and produces large numbers of wind-distributed seeds.[17] The dominance of sycamore in a forest depends on the conditions where it grows; it is often a pioneer species, but in the wet sites that are most ideal for it, it persists as a subclimax to climax species, partly because of its fast growth and very long lifespan.[16]

As one of the largest trees in the wet bottomland habitats where it dominates, it is a key component of the structure of those habitats.[18] The heartwood of a sycamore tree decays quickly, producing large hollow cavities in the center of the trees which are used by many animals as nesting sites.[17] The largest hollow trees can be big enough for black bear dens, but average trees create homes for bats and cavity-nesting birds like wood ducks, barred owls, screech owls, chimney swift, and great-crested flycatcher.[18]

As host plant

American sycamore is the host plant of the sycamore tussock moth, a species which specializes in it, and a major host plant for the drab prominent moth.[18] This plant is also the first host known for Plagiognathus albatus.[19]


Wood of the Platanus occidentalis. From Romeyn Beck Hough's fourteen-volume work The American Woods, a collection of over 1000 paper-thin wood samples representing more than 350 varieties of North American tree.

The American sycamore is able to endure a big city environment and was formerly extensively planted as a shade tree,[10] but due to the defacing effects of anthracnose it has been largely usurped in this function by the resistant London plane.[20]

Its wood has been used extensively for butcher's blocks. It has been used for boxes and crates; although coarse-grained and difficult to work, it has also been used to make furniture, siding, and musical instruments.[20]

Investigations have been made into its use as a biomass crop.[21]

Use by Native Americans

The tree bark has traditionally been used by Native Americans to make little dishes for gathering whortleberries.[22]

Pests and diseases

The American sycamore is a favored food plant of the pest sycamore leaf beetle.

Severe infections of anthracnose can sometimes defoliate large swaths of sycamore during mid and late spring, but trees generally recover by mid-summer

American sycamore is susceptible to plane anthracnose disease (Apiognomonia veneta, syn. Gnomonia platani), an introduced fungus found naturally on the Oriental plane P. orientalis, which has evolved considerable resistance to the disease. Although rarely killed or even seriously harmed, American sycamore is commonly partially defoliated by the disease, rendering it unsightly as a specimen tree.

Sometimes mistaken for frost damage, the disease manifests in early spring, wilting new leaves and causing mature leaves to turn brown along the veins. Infected leaves typically shrivel and fall, so that by summer the tree is regrowing its foliage. Cankers form on twigs and branches near infected leaves, serving to spread the disease by spore production and also weakening the tree. Because cankers restrict the flow of nutrients, twigs and branches afflicted by cankers eventually die. Witch's broom is a symptom reflecting the cycle of twigs dying.[23]

As a result of the fungus' damage, American sycamore is often avoided as a landscape tree, and the more resistant London plane (P. × hispanica; hybrid P. occidentalis × P. orientalis) is planted instead.


The terms under which the New York Stock Exchange was formed are called the "Buttonwood Agreement," because it was signed under a buttonwood (sycamore) tree at 68 Wall Street, New York City in 1792.

The sycamore made up a large part of the forests of Greenland and Arctic America during the Cretaceous and Tertiary periods. It once grew abundantly in central Europe, from which it has now disappeared.[10] It was brought to Europe early in the 17th century.[24]

See also


  1. ^ Stritch, L. (2018). "Platanus occidentalis". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2018: e.T61956705A136056183. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2018-2.RLTS.T61956705A136056183.en. Retrieved 19 November 2021.
  2. ^ "Platanus occidentalis". Trees and Shrubs Online. Retrieved 2019-12-03.
  3. ^ Alden, Harry A. (1994). "Fact Sheet for Platanus occidentalis". Center for Wood Anatomy Research. Retrieved 2019-12-03.
  4. ^ "Platanus occidentalis". County-level distribution map from the North American Plant Atlas (NAPA). Biota of North America Program (BONAP). 2014.
  5. ^ Sullivan, Janet (1994). "Platanus occidentalis". Fire Effects Information System (FEIS). US Department of Agriculture (USDA), Forest Service (USFS), Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory.
  6. ^ Gingras, Pierre. "Un nouvel arbre au Québec". La Presse.
  7. ^ "USDA Plant Guide: American Sycamore" (PDF). Retrieved 20 October 2022.
  8. ^ "Eastern Sycamore". Cornell Botanic Gardens.
  9. ^ "Platanus occidentalis - Plant Finder". Missouri Botanical Garden.
  10. ^ a b c d e Keeler, Harriet L. (1900). Our Native Trees and How to Identify Them. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. pp. 263–268.
  11. ^ Kercheval, Samuel (1833). A History of the Valley of Virginia. Samuel H. Davis. p. 74.
  12. ^ "George Washington and the Great Kanawha Valley".
  13. ^ Dale Luthringer (2007-03-22). "Historical sycamore dimensions". Eastern Native Tree Society. Retrieved 2009-11-16.
  14. ^ "Maine Natural Areas Program Rare Plant Fact Sheet for Platanus occidentalis". Maine.gov. Retrieved 2021-10-14.
  15. ^ "2018 Register of Champion Trees" (PDF). NDSU–North Dakota Forest Service. Retrieved 9 Aug 2021.
  16. ^ a b Wells, O.O.; Schmidtling, R.C. "Sycamore". srs.fs.usda.gov. United States Department of Agriculture. Retrieved 9 December 2022.
  17. ^ a b Paratley, Rob. "Economic Botany and Cultural History: Sycamore". ufi.ca.uky.edu. University of Kentucky. Retrieved 9 December 2022.
  18. ^ a b c "American sycamore (Platanus occidentalis)". bplant.org. Retrieved 9 December 2022.
  19. ^ Wheeler, A. G. (15 July 1980). "Life History of Plagiognathus albatus (Hemiptera: Miridae), with a Description of the Fifth Instar". Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 73 (4): 354–356. doi:10.1093/aesa/73.4.354. Retrieved 16 December 2022.
  20. ^ a b Grimm, William C. (1983). The Illustrated Book of Trees. Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole Books. pp. 257–259. ISBN 0-8117-2220-1.
  21. ^ Devine, Warren D.; Tyler, Donald D.; Mullen, Michael D.; Houston, Allan E.; Joslin, John D.; Hodges, Donald G.; Tolbert, Virginia R.; Walsh, Marie E. (May 2006). "Conversion from an American sycamore (Platanus occidentalis L.) biomass crop to a no-till corn (Zea mays L.) system: Crop yields and management implications". Soil and Tillage Research. 87 (1): 101–111. doi:10.1016/j.still.2005.03.006.
  22. ^ Kalm, Pehr (1772). Travels into North America: containing its natural history, and a circumstantial account of its plantations and agriculture in general, with the civil, ecclesiastical and commercial state of the country, the manners of the inhabitants, and several curious and important remarks on various subjects. Translated by Johann Reinhold Forster. London: T. Lowndes. pp. 48-49. ISBN 9780665515002. OCLC 1083889360.
  23. ^ Swift, C.E. (October 2011). "Sycamore Anthracnose". Colorado State University Extension. Retrieved 18 April 2013.
  24. ^ Olmert, Michael (1996). Milton's Teeth and Ovid's Umbrella: Curiouser & Curiouser Adventures in History. New York: Simon & Schuster. p. 217. ISBN 0-684-80164-7.
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Platanus occidentalis: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

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Platanus occidentalis, also known as American sycamore, American planetree, western plane, occidental plane, buttonwood, and water beech, is a species of Platanus native to the eastern and central United States, the mountains of northeastern Mexico, extreme southern Ontario, and possibly extreme southern Quebec. It is usually called sycamore in North America, a name which can refer to other types of trees in other parts of the world. The American sycamore is a long-lived species, typically surviving at least 200 years and likely as long as 500–600 years.

The species epithet occidentalis is Latin for "western", referring to the Western Hemisphere, because at the time when it was named by Carl Linnaeus, the only other species in the genus was P. orientalis ("eastern"), native to the Eastern Hemisphere. Confusingly, in the United States, this species was first known in the Eastern United States, thus it is sometimes called eastern sycamore, to distinguish it from Platanus racemosa which was discovered later in the Western United States and called western sycamore.

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Platanus occidentalis ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES
Detalle de la hoja en otoño.

Platanus occidentalis, plátano occidental, plátano de Virginia o sicomoro americano, es una de especies de Platanus nativa de Norteamérica.


Forma un profuso árbol, alcanzando de 30 a 40 m de altura. Prospera desde climas secos a húmedos. Iowa a Ontario y Maine en el norte, Nebraska en el oeste, sur de Texas a Florida. Spp. muy emparentadas (ver Platanus) aparecen en México y los estados del centro y este de EE. UU.


A veces se cultiva para madera.


Véase simbología del plátano.


Es susceptible a la antracnosis (Apiognomonia veneta, sin. Gnomonia platani), un hongo introducido naturalmente desde el Platanus orientalis, que ha desarrollado considerable resistencia a la enfermedad. Muy rara vez lo mata, pero sí lo desfolia apreciablemente, resultando en mermas de rendimiento de madera. Por eso el "plátano americano" difícilmente se planta; se usa el mucho más resistente Platanus x hispanica: el híbrido de P. occidentalis x P. orientalis).


Es alimento del escarabajo Neochlamisus platani y de una variedad de Lepidoptera de varias familias.[1]


Platanus occidentalis fue descrita por Carlos Linneo y publicado en Species Plantarum 2: 999. 1753.[2]

  • Platanus excelsa Salisb.
  • Platanus integrifolia hort. ex C. Koch
  • Platanus lobata Moench
  • Platanus orientalis var. occidentalis (L.) Kuntze
  • Platanus pyramidalis hort. ex Dippel[3]
var. palmeri (Kuntze) Nixon & J.M.Poole ex Geerinck
  • Platanus densicoma Dode
  • Platanus glabrata Fernald
  • Platanus occidentalis var. glabrata (Fernald) Sarg.
  • Platanus orientalis var. palmeri Kuntze.

Véase también



  1. CONABIO. 2009. Catálogo taxonómico de especies de México. 1. En Capital Nat. México. CONABIO, Ciudad de México.
  2. Comité editorial de Flora of China. 2003. Fl. China 9: 1–496. Science Press y Missouri Botanical Garden Press, Pekín y S. Luis.
  3. Nelson, C. H. 2008. Cat. Pl. Vasc. Honduras 1–1576.
  4. Nixon, K. C. y J. M. Poole. 2003. Revision of the Mexican and Guatemalan species of Platanus (Platanaceae). Lundellia 6: 103–137.

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Platanus occidentalis: Brief Summary ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES
 src= Detalle de la hoja en otoño.

Platanus occidentalis, plátano occidental, plátano de Virginia o sicomoro americano, es una de especies de Platanus nativa de Norteamérica.

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Amerikanplataani ( Finlandês )

fornecido por wikipedia FI

Amerikanplataani (Platanus occidentalis) eli lännenplataani[2] on Pohjois-Amerikan itäosista kotoisin oleva suurikokoinen, kesävihanta puu, joka kuuluu plataanien sukuun ja plataanikasvien heimoon.[1] Se on yksi korkeimmista ja paksurunkoisimmista lehtipuulajeista, joita kasvaa Yhdysvaltojen itäosien lehtimetsissä.[1][3] Sitä pidetään arvokkaana sahapuuna ja hyvänä koristekasvina koristeellisen runkonsa ja leveän latvuksensa ansiosta.[4]

Ulkonäkö ja koko

Amerikanplataani Winterthurissa Delawaressa.
Lehti on sormihalkoinen ja harvahampainen.

Amerikanplataani on nopeakasvuinen ja pitkäikäinen puu, joka elää usein yli 250 vuoden ikäiseksi.[1][4] Yleensä se kasvaa 18–37 metriä korkeaksi ja rinnankorkeusläpimitaltaan 0,6–2 metriä paksuksi. Suurimmat puuyksilöt voivat olla yli 50 metrin korkuisia ja ympärysmitaltaan peräti 10 metriä.[1]

Amerikanplataanilla on laaja, voimakkaasti haarautunut juuristo, yksi- tai monihaarainen, yleensä hyvin jyhkeä ja korkealle oksaton runko, suuret ja mutkaiset oksat sekä avonainen latvus, joka voi kasvaa avoimilla paikoilla jopa 30 metriä leveäksi.[1][3][5] Kaarna on nuorissa puissa pienisuomuista; iän myötä se muuttuu puun tyvessä jopa 8 senttimetriä paksuksi ja syväuurteiseksi ja irtoaa isoina levyinä paljastaen sileän, valkoisen sisäkuoren.[1]

Suuret, vihreät lehdet sijaisevat varrella vuorottaisesti ja niissä on ehytlaitaiset tai harvaan sahalaitaiset korvakkeet.[3][5] Lehtilapa on 6–20 senttimetriä pitkä, 6–25 senttimetriä leveä ja yleensä 3–5-halkoinen. Liuskat ovat hyvin leveitä ja voimakkaasti taaksepäin taipuneita; päätöliuskan pituus voi olla puolet tai jopa kaksi kolmasosaa koko lehtilavan pituudesta, tyviliuskat ovat pienempiä. Lehtilaita on ehyt tai siinä on harvassa pitkäsuippuisia, joskus ripsikärkisiä hampaita.[5] Lehtien pinta on lähes kalju, mutta alapinta voi olla suonia myöten karvainen.[3][5] Syysväritykseltään lehdet ovat ruskeita.[3]

Amerikanplataani on yksikotinen kasvi, joka kukkii etelässä maaliskuun lopussa ja pohjoisessa vasta toukokuussa.[4] Pienet yksineuvoiset kukat sijaitsevat lyhytperäisissä ja pallomaisissa kukinnoissa, hedekukinnot edellisvuoden vuosikasvaimissa ja emikukinnot vanhemmissa oksankärjissä.[3][4] Niistä kehittyy syys–marraskuun aikana 2–5 senttimetrin mittaisia, oransseja tai ruskeita, pallomaisia hedelmistöjä, jotka rakentuvat pitkistä ja kapeista, lähelle toisiaan pakkaantuneista pähkylöistä.[1][3][4] Hedelmät pysyvät puussa seuraavaan kevääseen asti, jolloin ne hajoavat ja 7–10 millimetriä pitkät, haivenelliset siemenet vapautuvat tuulen mukaan.[4][5]

Amerikanplataanista tunnetaan useita muunnoksia. Koko luontaisella levinneisyysalueella esiintyvällä attenuata-muunnoksella on selvästi suippotyviset, syvempiliuskaiset lehdet ja johteiset kukkavarret. Meksikosta Iowaan ulottuvalla vyöhykkeellä kasvavalla glabrata-muunnoksella on puolestaan pienemmät ja leveämmät, ehytliuskaiset lehdet.[5]


Amerikanplataania tavataan kaikkialla Suurten tasankojen itäpuolisessa osassa Yhdysvaltoja paitsi Minnesotassa. Sen levinneisyysalue ulottuu koillisessa Mainen lounaisosiin, luoteessa Wisconsinin eteläosiin ja Iowaan, lounaassa Texasin etelä- ja keskiosiin ja kaakossa Floridan luoteisosiin ja Georgiaan. Sitä tavataan myös Koillis-Meksikon vuoristoalueilla.[4]


Kaarna irtoaa suurina levyinä paljastaen valkoisen sisäkuoren.

Vaikka amerikanplataani onkin vaatimaton maaperän suhteen, se menestyy parhaiten hiekkaisessa savimaassa, jossa on pohjavettä lähellä maanpintaa. Se sietää kohtalaisesti tulvimista ja selviää myös märässä humusmaassa ja ohuessa turpeessa.[1][4] Yleensä se kasvaa alavissa ja kosteissa metsissä, tulvatasangoilla sekä runsasravinteisissa jokilaaksoissa.[3] Pohjoisessa sitä tavataan rannikolta 300 metrin korkeudelle asti, Appalakkien eteläosissa jopa 800 metrin korkeudellakin.[1]


Amerikanplataanin puuaines on kovaa, visaista ja harvasyistä mutta ei erityisen lujaa.[1] Siitä tehdään huonekaluja, koristelistoja, oven- ja ikkunankarmeja, laatikoita, lattialautoja ja joitakin erikoistuotteita, kuten lihapölkkyjä. Sitä käytetään myös selluloosan sekä lastu- ja kuitulevyn valmistuksessa. Yhdysvaltojen kaakkoisosissa sitä kasvatetaan lyhytkiertoviljelyllä energiapuuksi.[1][3] Pohjois-Amerikan intiaanit käyttivät amerikanplataania rohdoskasvina, jolla hoidettiin vilustumista, yskää, ihottumia ja hengitystiesairauksia sekä gynekologisia ja ruoansulatusvaivoja.[5]

Amerikanplataani on suosittu koristekasvi valkolaikkuisen kaarnansa ja leveän, tiheän latvuksensa ansiosta.[4] Sitä istutetaan paljon katujen varsille, vaikka se ei kestäkään otsonivaurioita ja tiesuolaa yhtä hyvin kuin puistoplataani. Sitä käytetään myös vanhojen avolouhosten maisemointiin ja suojametsävyöhykkeillä.[1]

Monet villieläimet, jopa mustakarhu, tekevät pesänsä vanhojen amerikanplataanien onttoon runkoon. Tyypillisempiä asukkaita ovat kuitenkin linnut, esimerkiksi amerikanviirupöllö, idänkirkupöllönen, isotöyhtönapsu, morsiosorsa ja piippukiitäjä. Ravinnoksi amerikanplataanista käyvät lähinnä siemenet, joita syövät linnuista tammipunavarpunen, amerikantikli, tiaiset ja tummajunkko ja nisäkkäistä piisami, kanadanmajava ja oravat.[1]


  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Janet Sullivan: Platanus occidentalis Fire Effects Information System. USDA Forest Service. Viitattu 19.6.2011. (englanniksi)
  2. ONKI, Kassu: Platanus occidentalis yso.fi. Viitattu 24.7.2012.
  3. a b c d e f g h i Platanus occidentalis Native Plant Database. The University of Texas at Austin. Viitattu 19.6.2011. (englanniksi)
  4. a b c d e f g h i O. O. Wells & R. C. Schmidtling: Sycamore Silvics of North America – Volume 2: Hardwoods. Northeastern Area State & Private Forestry. Viitattu 19.6.2011. (englanniksi)
  5. a b c d e f g Hong Song: Platanus occidentalis Flora of North America. Viitattu 19.6.2011. (englanniksi)
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Amerikanplataani: Brief Summary ( Finlandês )

fornecido por wikipedia FI

Amerikanplataani (Platanus occidentalis) eli lännenplataani on Pohjois-Amerikan itäosista kotoisin oleva suurikokoinen, kesävihanta puu, joka kuuluu plataanien sukuun ja plataanikasvien heimoon. Se on yksi korkeimmista ja paksurunkoisimmista lehtipuulajeista, joita kasvaa Yhdysvaltojen itäosien lehtimetsissä. Sitä pidetään arvokkaana sahapuuna ja hyvänä koristekasvina koristeellisen runkonsa ja leveän latvuksensa ansiosta.

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Platanus occidentalis ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Le Platane d'Amérique, Platane occidental ou Sycamore, appelé plus rarement Platane d'Occident, (Platanus occidentalis) est une espèce d'arbre de la famille des Platanacées, utilisée comme arbre d'ornement. Cette espèce originaire d'Amérique du Nord fut introduite en Europe occidentale au cours du XVIIe siècle. Le nom commun américain est "sycamore", à ne pas confondre avec le sycomore d'Europe (qui est un érable).


Le platane d'Occident est un grand arbre qui peut atteindre 50 mètres de haut, à houppier large de forme générale ovoïde. L'écorce brun clair et lisse se délite par plaques arrondies laissant des taches jaunâtres, surtout sur les grandes branches, plus que sur le tronc.

Les feuilles caduques, alternes, sont aussi larges que longues (de 15 à 25 cm). Elles sont à nervation palmée et comptent trois ou cinq lobes aigus et dentés, peu profonds.

Les fleurs, unisexuées, sans périanthe, sont réunies en chatons globuleux pendants et généralement solitaires, contrairement aux autres espèces de platanes.

Les fruits sont des petits akènes groupés en boules ou glomérules de 3 cm de diamètre.


Cette espèce est originaire d'Amérique du Nord, principalement de l'est des États-Unis (jusqu'au Texas et au Wisconsin) et du Canada (Ontario et limite sud du Québec).

L'arbre fut introduit en Europe en 1637, de même que le Cyprès chauve, par John Tradescant le Jeune au retour de son premier voyage en Virginie[1]. Il est de nos jours cultivé sur les autres continents, mais a quasiment disparu d'Europe où il a été supplantée par le platane commun.

Liste des variétés

Selon NCBI (16 déc. 2010)[2] :

  • variété Platanus occidentalis var. glabrata
  • variété Platanus occidentalis var. occidentalis
  • variété Platanus occidentalis var. palmeri


Le platane d'Occident est utilisé comme arbre d'ornement, surtout en Amérique du Nord.

Son bois est utilisable en menuiserie.

Notes et références

  1. [PDF] J. Folsom, « Plant Trivia TimeLine », sur http://www.hos.ufl.edu, Université de Floride (consulté le 10 décembre 2010)
  2. NCBI, consulté le 16 déc. 2010

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Platanus occidentalis: Brief Summary ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Le Platane d'Amérique, Platane occidental ou Sycamore, appelé plus rarement Platane d'Occident, (Platanus occidentalis) est une espèce d'arbre de la famille des Platanacées, utilisée comme arbre d'ornement. Cette espèce originaire d'Amérique du Nord fut introduite en Europe occidentale au cours du XVIIe siècle. Le nom commun américain est "sycamore", à ne pas confondre avec le sycomore d'Europe (qui est un érable).

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Plátano occidental ( Galego )

fornecido por wikipedia gl Galician

O plátano occidental (Platanus occidentalis), tamén coñecido coma plátano de Virxinia ou plátano americano, é unha especie do xénero Platanus nativa de América do Norte.

É unha árbore de grande talle, acadando os 30 e 40 m de altura. Medra ben dende climas secos a húmidos. Iowa a Ontario e Maine no norte, Nebraska no oeste, sur de Texas á Florida. É unha especie moi achegada aos outros Platanus. Aparece en México e os estados do suroeste dos EUA.

Ás veces cultívase pola madeira.

É susceptíbel á antracnose (Apiognomonia veneta, sin. Gnomonia platani), un fungo introducido naturalmente dende o Platanus orientalis, que desenvolveu unha considerábel resistencia á enfermidade. Moi rara vez o mata, mais si o defolia apreciabelmente, resultando en diminucións de rendemento de madeira. Por iso o "plátano americano" dificilmente se planta; plantando o plátano común (híbrido P. occidentalis x P. orientalis), moito máis resistente.

É alimento da praga Neochlamisus platani.


Esta árbore sae na película de debuxos animados Pocahontas da factoría Disney. Tamén sae na película Flipped.

Véxase tamén

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Plátano occidental: Brief Summary ( Galego )

fornecido por wikipedia gl Galician

O plátano occidental (Platanus occidentalis), tamén coñecido coma plátano de Virxinia ou plátano americano, é unha especie do xénero Platanus nativa de América do Norte.

É unha árbore de grande talle, acadando os 30 e 40 m de altura. Medra ben dende climas secos a húmidos. Iowa a Ontario e Maine no norte, Nebraska no oeste, sur de Texas á Florida. É unha especie moi achegada aos outros Platanus. Aparece en México e os estados do suroeste dos EUA.

Ás veces cultívase pola madeira.

É susceptíbel á antracnose (Apiognomonia veneta, sin. Gnomonia platani), un fungo introducido naturalmente dende o Platanus orientalis, que desenvolveu unha considerábel resistencia á enfermidade. Moi rara vez o mata, mais si o defolia apreciabelmente, resultando en diminucións de rendemento de madeira. Por iso o "plátano americano" dificilmente se planta; plantando o plátano común (híbrido P. occidentalis x P. orientalis), moito máis resistente.

É alimento da praga Neochlamisus platani.

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wikipedia gl Galician

Američka platana ( Croato )

fornecido por wikipedia hr Croatian

Američka platana (lat. Platanus occidentalis) sjevernoameričko je drvo iz porodice vodoklenovki (Platanaceae), koje doseže visinu od 35 m, u pojedinim slučajevima i do 50 m. Opseg debla do 4 metra. Tipična je kora koja se ljušti, sivo-smeđe-bijele boje. Listovi su slični lišću vinove loze. U Europi se uzgaja kao ukrasno drvo. Nije osjetljiva na ispušne plinove i gradsku prašinu. Kod nas je tipičan primjer drvoreda platana Zrinjevac u Zagrebu.


Triterpenoidi (betulin, betulinska kiselina 0.7-1.5%, betulinski aldehid, betulinični aldehid acetat), sitosterol - u kori stabla. U listovima su pronađene fenolkarboksilne kiseline, u hidrolizatu: kava, p-kumar; flavonoidi, kaempferol, mircitin, kvercetin; antocijani u hidrolizatu (cijanidin, delphinidin). Plodovi sadrže najviše alifatski ugljikovodik n-heptriakontan, sitosterol; viši alifatskie alkohole, kao i njihove derivate: 16-hidroksietriakontan, 16-hidroksitriozan, n-gentriakontanol, cerilterat.


U narodnoj medicini je nadaleko poznata po svojim blagotvornim svojstvima. Odvarak korijena se odavno koristi kao hemostatsko sredstvo, te kod zmijskih ugriza u azijskim zemljama. Posjeduje protuupalna, antivirusna, analgetska svojstva, uvarak kore s octom je učinkovito terapijsko sredstvo za dizenteriju, proljev, gripu i zubobolju. Infuzija lišća koristi se kod nekih oftalmoloških bolesti (konjunktivitis, blefaritis). Iz pepela, nakon spaljivanja platana, priprema se mast koja se koristi za liječenje vitiliga. Uvarak lišća i kore liječi opekotine, rane, čireve, ozebline kože.[1]

Dodatna literatura


  1. http://lektrava.ru/encyclopedia/platan/ Pristupljeno 16.06.2019.
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wikipedia hr Croatian

Američka platana: Brief Summary ( Croato )

fornecido por wikipedia hr Croatian

Američka platana (lat. Platanus occidentalis) sjevernoameričko je drvo iz porodice vodoklenovki (Platanaceae), koje doseže visinu od 35 m, u pojedinim slučajevima i do 50 m. Opseg debla do 4 metra. Tipična je kora koja se ljušti, sivo-smeđe-bijele boje. Listovi su slični lišću vinove loze. U Europi se uzgaja kao ukrasno drvo. Nije osjetljiva na ispušne plinove i gradsku prašinu. Kod nas je tipičan primjer drvoreda platana Zrinjevac u Zagrebu.

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wikipedia hr Croatian

Ameriska platana ( Sorábio superior )

fornecido por wikipedia HSB

Ameriska platana (Platanus occidentalis) je štom ze swójby platanowych rostlinow (Platanaceae).






  1. Pawoł Völkel: Prawopisny słownik hornjoserbskeje rěče. Hornjoserbsko-němski słownik. Ludowe nakładnistwo Domowina, Budyšin 2005, ISBN 3-7420-1920-1, str. 337.
  2. W internetowym słowniku: Platane


  • Brankačk, Jurij: Wobrazowy słownik hornjoserbskich rostlinskich mjenow na CD ROM. Rěčny centrum WITAJ, wudaće za serbske šule. Budyšin 2005.
  • Kubát, K. (Hlavní editor): Klíč ke květeně České republiky. Academia, Praha (2002)
  • Lajnert, Jan: Rostlinske mjena. Serbske. Němske. Łaćanske. Rjadowane po přirodnym systemje. Volk und Wissen Volkseigener Verlag Berlin (1954)
  • Rězak, Filip: Němsko-serbski wšowědny słownik hornjołužiskeje rěče. Donnerhak, Budyšin (1920)
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Ameriska platana: Brief Summary ( Sorábio superior )

fornecido por wikipedia HSB

Ameriska platana (Platanus occidentalis) je štom ze swójby platanowych rostlinow (Platanaceae).

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Platanus occidentalis ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT

Platanus occidentalis (L., 1753), comunemente noto come platano occidentale o platano americano, è una pianta appartenente alla famiglia delle Platanaceae, originaria del Nord America[2].

Negli Stati Uniti e in Canada è chiamato anche sycamore, ovvero "sicomoro", un nome comune che però, in altre parti del mondo, si riferisce a un tipo diverso di piante.


Esemplare adulto di P. Occidentalis.

Si tratta di un grande albero che raggiunge facilmente i 30–40 m di altezza. Il fusto è dritto, slanciato, cilindrico. Il diametro del tronco si aggira in genere sui 2 m, ma può superare i 4 m. Il legno è bruno-rosato a porosità diffusa, con una grana marcata e tenace.


Il ritidoma di questo albero è molto caratteristico, esso si sfalda tipicamente in grandi placche irregolari, grigio marroncine. La caduta delle placche lascia vedere la superficie sottostante, che è di un colore verde che in breve muta in un bianco intenso. Il tronco appare così chiazzato di questi quattro colori. La spiegazione a questo fenomeno sta nella rigidità dei tessuti della corteccia, che sono incapaci di assecondare la crescita del legno sottostante.[3]


Le foglie sono alterne, semplici, lunghe 12–22 cm, più larghe che lunghe, palminervie e lobate. I lobi sono da 3 o 5 e sono poco pronunciati e i seni tra di essi sono molto aperti. La base della foglia è troncata con le nervature primarie che partono dal lembo fogliare. Le foglie nascono ripiegate con i bordi laterali combacianti e leggermente tomentose. Le foglie pienamente sviluppate sono di un colore verde molto chiaro.

Il picciolo è lungo e alla base di esso sono presenti delle stipole presto caduche. La base del picciolo come in quasi tutti i p


I fiori sono molto piccoli, unisessuali, raccolti in un capolino globulare generalmente portato singolo su un lungo peduncolo (in alcuni casi i capolini possono essere 2). È una pianta monoica e i fiori di differente sesso sono portati su differenti peduncoli. I capolini maschili sono di colore rosso scuro, e quelli femminili verde chiaro con punti rossi. I fiori maschili hanno 4-6 stami, quelli femminili 3-8 carpelli, e uguale numero di sepali e petali. Le antere sono allungate e si aprono lateralmente. L'ovario è supero, mono o biovulare, di forma ovato-oblonga. Alla base dell'ovario sono presenti peli chiari. Lo stilo è lungo e rosso e ricurvo. L'impollinazione è ad opera del vento.[3]


I frutti sono degli acheni riuniti in infruttescenze globose e pendule. Ogni achenio ha la porzione apicale rotondeggiante e concava, sormontata da un breve stilo. La maturazione avviene nello stesso anno della fioritura.

Distribuzione e habitat

Il platano occidentale è originario degli Stati Uniti e del Canada, con un areale che si estende dagli stati che si affacciano sull'Atlantico fino alle Grandi pianure e dall'Ontario al Texas. Si trova su terreni molto umidi o anche paludosi. Nelle vallate dei fiumi Ohio e Mississippi vi sono gli esemplari più imponenti. In America è coltivato per ricavarne legname da usare per ebanisteria e per farne mobili. È coltivato anche in Argentina e in Australia.

Fu importato in Europa nel 1636, ma non è stato mai considerato di grande interesse economico ed è poco coltivato anche come ornamentale.

Proprio in Europa però, si ritiene che abbia dato origine, tramite incrocio spontaneo con Platanus orientalis, al ben più importante Platanus x hispanica, ovvero il platano comune.


  1. ^ https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/61956705/136056183
  2. ^ (EN) Platanus occidentalis L., su Plants of the World Online, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. URL consultato il 2 febbraio 2021.
  3. ^ a b Harriet L. Keeler, Our Native Trees and How to Identify Them, New York, Charles Scriber's Sons, 1900, pp. 263–268.


  • Gellini R., Grossoni P. - Botanica Forestale. CEDAM Padova. Vol. II, 1996
  • Sandro Pignatti, Flora d'Italia, Bologna, Edagricole, 1982, ISBN 88-506-2449-2.
  • T.G. Tutin, V.H. Heywood et alii, Flora Europea, Cambridge University Press, 1976, ISBN 0-521-08489-X.

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wikipedia IT

Platanus occidentalis: Brief Summary ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT

Platanus occidentalis (L., 1753), comunemente noto come platano occidentale o platano americano, è una pianta appartenente alla famiglia delle Platanaceae, originaria del Nord America.

Negli Stati Uniti e in Canada è chiamato anche sycamore, ovvero "sicomoro", un nome comune che però, in altre parti del mondo, si riferisce a un tipo diverso di piante.

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wikipedia IT

Westerse plataan ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL

De westerse plataan (Platanus occidentalis) is een boom uit de plataanfamilie (Platanaceae). De soort komt oorspronkelijk uit Amerika. De westerse plataan heeft ondiep ingesneden bladeren, meestal driedelig. De bloemen groeien in één tot twee bolletjes.

De westerse plataan wordt iets groter dan de oosterse plataan (Platanus orientalis).

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wikipedia NL

Westerse plataan: Brief Summary ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL

De westerse plataan (Platanus occidentalis) is een boom uit de plataanfamilie (Platanaceae). De soort komt oorspronkelijk uit Amerika. De westerse plataan heeft ondiep ingesneden bladeren, meestal driedelig. De bloemen groeien in één tot twee bolletjes.

De westerse plataan wordt iets groter dan de oosterse plataan (Platanus orientalis).

 src= Vruchtbolletjes
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wikipedia NL

Amerikaplatan ( Norueguês )

fornecido por wikipedia NO

Amerikaplatan (Platanus occidentalis) er et stort, løvfellende tre som vokser i østlige Nord-Amerika.

Det blir over 50 m høyt, og stammen kan ha en diameter på mer enn 4 m. Barken skaller av i uregelmessige flak. Bladene er håndflikete med som regel 5 fliker. Treet er sambu med adskilte hann- og hunnblomster på samme tre. Frukten er en kulerund samling av smånøtter med en diameter på 25–30 mm. Én eller to frukter henger på samme stilk.

Amerikaplatan vokser som regel på fuktig jord nær elver og innsjøer. Den trives best på åpen sandjord som ikke er mettet av vann i vekstsesongen. Den kan også være en pionerplante når tidligere dyrket mark gror igjen. Innenfor det store utbredelsesområdet varierer gjennomsnittlig årstemperatur fra 4 °C til 21 °C, og årsnedbøren er mellom 760–2030 mm. Arten vokser som regel sammen med andre tresorter, og det er bare i sør at det finnes store, rene bestander. Treslag som vokser på de samme stedene er blant annet ambratre, virginiapoppel, rødlønn, asklønn, grønnask, Celtis laevigata, sølvlønn, vasseik og svartbjørk.

Nordgrensen for utbredelsen går fra sørvestre Maine, gjennom New York, lengst sør i Ontario, sentrale Michigan og sørlige Wisconsin. Vestgrensen går fra Iowa og østre Nebraska til østre Kansas, Oklahoma og sentrale Texas. I sørøst finnes den til nordvestre Florida og sørøstre Georgia. Den finnes også i fjellene i nordøstre Mexico.

Amerikaplatan er et viktig tømmertre og plantes også for den tette skyggen. På amerikansk engelsk kalles dette treet sycamore, noe som åpner for forveksling både med den egentlige sykomor, morbærfiken (Ficus sycomorus), og platanlønn (sycamore maple).


Eksterne lenker

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Amerikaplatan: Brief Summary ( Norueguês )

fornecido por wikipedia NO

Amerikaplatan (Platanus occidentalis) er et stort, løvfellende tre som vokser i østlige Nord-Amerika.

Det blir over 50 m høyt, og stammen kan ha en diameter på mer enn 4 m. Barken skaller av i uregelmessige flak. Bladene er håndflikete med som regel 5 fliker. Treet er sambu med adskilte hann- og hunnblomster på samme tre. Frukten er en kulerund samling av smånøtter med en diameter på 25–30 mm. Én eller to frukter henger på samme stilk.

Amerikaplatan vokser som regel på fuktig jord nær elver og innsjøer. Den trives best på åpen sandjord som ikke er mettet av vann i vekstsesongen. Den kan også være en pionerplante når tidligere dyrket mark gror igjen. Innenfor det store utbredelsesområdet varierer gjennomsnittlig årstemperatur fra 4 °C til 21 °C, og årsnedbøren er mellom 760–2030 mm. Arten vokser som regel sammen med andre tresorter, og det er bare i sør at det finnes store, rene bestander. Treslag som vokser på de samme stedene er blant annet ambratre, virginiapoppel, rødlønn, asklønn, grønnask, Celtis laevigata, sølvlønn, vasseik og svartbjørk.

Nordgrensen for utbredelsen går fra sørvestre Maine, gjennom New York, lengst sør i Ontario, sentrale Michigan og sørlige Wisconsin. Vestgrensen går fra Iowa og østre Nebraska til østre Kansas, Oklahoma og sentrale Texas. I sørøst finnes den til nordvestre Florida og sørøstre Georgia. Den finnes også i fjellene i nordøstre Mexico.

Amerikaplatan er et viktig tømmertre og plantes også for den tette skyggen. På amerikansk engelsk kalles dette treet sycamore, noe som åpner for forveksling både med den egentlige sykomor, morbærfiken (Ficus sycomorus), og platanlønn (sycamore maple).

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wikipedia NO

Platan zachodni ( Polonês )

fornecido por wikipedia POL
Commons Multimedia w Wikimedia Commons

Platan zachodni (Platanus occidentalis L.) – gatunek drzewa z rodziny platanowatych, naturalnie występujący na wschodnim wybrzeżu Stanów Zjednoczonych[2].


Drzewo dorastające do 40 m wysokości, o szerokiej (do 30 metrów) okrągłej koronie. W młodości o kształcie piramidalnym.
Szary, z oliwkowo – żółtawymi plamami po łuszczącej się płatami korze.
Płytko trzyklapowe, skrętoległe.
Roślina jednopienna, o kwiatach rozdzielnopłciowych, okwiat o czerwonej barwie, zakwita pod koniec marca.
Orzeszki, zebrane w owocostan o wyglądzie brązowych, mechowatych kulek, rosnące pojedynczo.


Dawniej uważano, że ta roślina nie nadaje się do uprawy w Polsce ze względu na przemarzanie. Obecnie wprowadzana do uprawy jako drzewo parkowe, szczególnie w zachodniej części kraju. Wymaga żyznej, w pełni przepuszczalnej gleby, miejsca o pełnym nasłonecznieniu. Znosi umiarkowane zasolenie i okresowe susze.


  1. Stevens P.F.: Angiosperm Phylogeny Website (ang.). 2001–. [dostęp 2009-06-19].
  2. Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN). [dostęp 2010-07-20].
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wikipedia POL

Platan zachodni: Brief Summary ( Polonês )

fornecido por wikipedia POL

Platan zachodni (Platanus occidentalis L.) – gatunek drzewa z rodziny platanowatych, naturalnie występujący na wschodnim wybrzeżu Stanów Zjednoczonych.

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wikipedia POL

Platanus occidentalis ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT

É uma das árvores exóticas mais utilizadas com fins ornamentais pela sua boa aclimatação a condições duras e rápido crescimento. A casca descola-se em lâminas que acam por cair. Folha característica de bordos pontiagudos. Fruto esférico.[1] [2]


  1. Desmond, Kevin. «Felix Rodriguez de la Fuente». Greenleaf Publishing Limited: 124–124. ISBN 978-1-909493-73-5
  2. «Platanus occidentalis» (em inglês). ITIS (www.itis.gov)
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wikipedia PT

Platanus occidentalis: Brief Summary ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT

É uma das árvores exóticas mais utilizadas com fins ornamentais pela sua boa aclimatação a condições duras e rápido crescimento. A casca descola-se em lâminas que acam por cair. Folha característica de bordos pontiagudos. Fruto esférico.

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wikipedia PT

Paltin occidental ( Romeno; moldávio; moldavo )

fornecido por wikipedia RO

Platanus occidentalis (paltinul american sau platanul occidental[1]) este o specie din genul Platanus, nativă estului Americii de Nord. Aceasta este de obicei numită paltin în America de Nord, nume care se poate referi și la alte tipuri de copaci din alte părți ale lumii.



  1. ^ Gheorghe Postolache. Arbori ocrotiți de stat din municipiul Chișinău. Mediul ambiant, nr. 6 (60), 2011, p. 28-34.

Legături externe

Identificare externă pentru
Platanus occidentalis NCBI 4403 ITIS 19020 GBIF 3152820 EOL 594855 OTOL 62543 Vedeți și clasificarea de la Wikispecii

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Paltin occidental: Brief Summary ( Romeno; moldávio; moldavo )

fornecido por wikipedia RO

Platanus occidentalis (paltinul american sau platanul occidental) este o specie din genul Platanus, nativă estului Americii de Nord. Aceasta este de obicei numită paltin în America de Nord, nume care se poate referi și la alte tipuri de copaci din alte părți ale lumii.

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Batı çınarı ( Turco )

fornecido por wikipedia TR

Batı çınarı (Platanus occidentalis), çınargiller (Platanaceae) familyasından anavatanı Kuzey Amerika olan bir çınar türü.

30–40 m boyunda uzun ve dolgun gövdeli, yuvarlak tepeli bir ağaçtır. Kabuk gri-beyaz renktedir, levhalar halinde kavlar dökülür. 10–20 cm genişliğindeki yaprak çoğunlukla 3 bazen 5 lopludur. Loplar derin değildir. Tabanı yüksekliğinden fazla olan bir üçgen şeklindeki bu lopların kenarları çok kaba dişli veya düzgündür. Yaprağın dip tarafı düz veya yürek biçimindedir. Alt yüzü taze iken tüylüdür. Olgun yapraklarda ise yalnız damar boyunca tüy vardır. Mürekkep meyve çoğunlıkla teker teker, ender olarak da ikisi bir arada görülür.

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Batı çınarı: Brief Summary ( Turco )

fornecido por wikipedia TR

Batı çınarı (Platanus occidentalis), çınargiller (Platanaceae) familyasından anavatanı Kuzey Amerika olan bir çınar türü.

30–40 m boyunda uzun ve dolgun gövdeli, yuvarlak tepeli bir ağaçtır. Kabuk gri-beyaz renktedir, levhalar halinde kavlar dökülür. 10–20 cm genişliğindeki yaprak çoğunlukla 3 bazen 5 lopludur. Loplar derin değildir. Tabanı yüksekliğinden fazla olan bir üçgen şeklindeki bu lopların kenarları çok kaba dişli veya düzgündür. Yaprağın dip tarafı düz veya yürek biçimindedir. Alt yüzü taze iken tüylüdür. Olgun yapraklarda ise yalnız damar boyunca tüy vardır. Mürekkep meyve çoğunlıkla teker teker, ender olarak da ikisi bir arada görülür.

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wikipedia TR

Платан західний ( Ucraniano )

fornecido por wikipedia UK
Могутній стовбур сикамора

Платан західний — це могутнє, з масивним стовбуром, листопадне дерево заввишки до 35 метрів.

Платан західний має гладеньку кору світло-зеленого, подекуди кремово-білого кольору.

Від близького платана східного західний відрізняється трилопатевим або нечітко п'ятилопатевим, з неглибокими виїмками листям, одиночними, щетинистими супліддями і меншим розміром насіння (2,5—3 мм).

Поширення та умови росту

У природі платан західний поширений у Північній Америці.

Витримує морози до -30 °C. Дерево не є вимогливим до родючості ґрунтів. посуху витримує погано.


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Платан західний: Brief Summary ( Ucraniano )

fornecido por wikipedia UK
 src= Могутній стовбур сикамора

Платан західний — це могутнє, з масивним стовбуром, листопадне дерево заввишки до 35 метрів.

Платан західний має гладеньку кору світло-зеленого, подекуди кремово-білого кольору.

Від близького платана східного західний відрізняється трилопатевим або нечітко п'ятилопатевим, з неглибокими виїмками листям, одиночними, щетинистими супліддями і меншим розміром насіння (2,5—3 мм).

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wikipedia UK

Платан западный ( Russo )

fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию
Царство: Растения
Подцарство: Зелёные растения
Отдел: Цветковые
Надпорядок: Proteanae Takht., 1967
Порядок: Протеецветные
Семейство: Платановые (Platanaceae T.Lestib. (1826), nom. cons.)
Род: Платан
Вид: Платан западный
Международное научное название

Platanus occidentalis L.



на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 19020NCBI 4403EOL 594855GRIN t:28802IPNI 685871-1TPL kew-2570459

Плата́н за́падный (лат. Platanus occidentalis) — вид цветковых растений из рода Платан (Platanus) семейства Платановые (Platanaceae).

Одно из наиболее крупных и массивных из всех листопадных деревьев Северной Америки, уступающее лишь тюльпанному дереву (Liriodendron).

Распространение и экология

В природе ареал вида охватывает восточную половину США: северная граница проходит по штатам Айова, Мичиган, Нью-Йорк, Нью-Гемпшир и южному берегу озера Онтарио; западная граница проходит от Айовы через восточные районы Канзаса и Оклахомы до центральных районов Техаса; на юге ареал ограничен берегом Мексиканского залива и северными районами Флориды. Есть небольшие, разрозненые ареалы в Мексике.[2]

Произрастает по берегам рек и озёр, в речных долинах и каньонах, на богатой и влажной аллювиальной почве.

Растение менее морозостойко, особенно в молодом возрасте, чем восточный платан. По этой причине западный платан чрезвычайно редок в Западной Европе, хотя был интродуцирован в Англию ещё в 1636 году. В отличие от других видов сильно страдает от поражения грибком Gloeosporium nervisequum.

Лист в осенней окраске и плодовые головки

Ботаническое описание

Дерево высотой до 45, редко до 50, м с прямым, ровным стволом диаметром до 3,5 м, несущим продолговатую или яйцевидно-пирамидальную крону. Главный ствол, у основания расширенный, чаще всего не доходит до верхушки кроны, разделяясь на несколько вершин; ветви прямые, направленные косо вверх. Кора очень светлая, серая, отделяется мелкими тонкими пластинками, которые обнажают пятна свежей коры бледно-жёлтого цвета, на сучьях и ветвях почти кремово-белая; годовалые ветки тёмные, оранжево-коричневые, глянцевитые.

Листья равной длины и ширины или в ширину больше, чем в длину, в поперечнике 12—15 см, неясно или неглубоко трёхлопастные, на сильных побегах иногда пятилопастные, в поперечнике до 20 см, с усечённым или широко-сердцевидным, редко с коротко-клиновидным основанием. Лопасти широкотреугольные (в ширину больше, чем в длину), неглубоко выемчато-зубчатые, с немногими зубцами или, реже, цельнокрайние; средняя более крупная лопасть отделена от меньших боковых очень пологими тупыми выемками, не достигающими трети длины пластинки; зубцы тонко заострённые. Молодые листья рыхло-войлочные с обеих сторон, развитые — сверху голые и блестящие, тёмно-зелёные, снизу более светлые и по жилкам и их пазухам войлочно опушённые. Черешок войлочно-опушённый и более длинный, чем у восточного платана. Прилистники длиной 2,5—3,5 см, воронковидные, с зубчатым краем.

Плодовые головки одиночные, реже по два, гладкие, диаметром около 2,5—3 см, на конце голой плодоножки длиной 7,5—15 см.

Семянки к верхушке булавовидно утолщённые, голые, за исключением узкого войлочного пояска под усечённой или округлой верхушкой, с рано опадающим столбиком, очень короткий остаток которого обычно погружен в ямку на верхушке семени.

Значение и применение

Весьма декоративно и пригодно для одиночных посадок, озеленения улиц и создания аллей.

В Западной Европе встречается платан клёнолистный (Platanus ×acerifolia), являющийся гибридом платана восточного (Platanus orientalis) и платана западного.


Вид Платан западный входит в род Платан (Platanus) семейства Платановые (Platanaceae) порядка Протеецветные (Proteales).

ещё одно семейство, Лотосовые (согласно Системе APG II) порядок Протеецветные вид
Платан западный
отдел Цветковые, или Покрытосеменные семейство Платановые род Платан ещё 44 порядка цветковых растений
(согласно Системе APG II) ещё более 5 видов


  1. Об условности указания класса двудольных в качестве вышестоящего таксона для описываемой в данной статье группы растений см. раздел «Системы APG» статьи «Двудольные».
  2. По данным сайта GRIN (см. карточку растения).
direitos autorais
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Платан западный: Brief Summary ( Russo )

fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию

Плата́н за́падный (лат. Platanus occidentalis) — вид цветковых растений из рода Платан (Platanus) семейства Платановые (Platanaceae).

Одно из наиболее крупных и массивных из всех листопадных деревьев Северной Америки, уступающее лишь тюльпанному дереву (Liriodendron).

direitos autorais
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

美桐 ( Chinês )

fornecido por wikipedia 中文维基百科
二名法 Platanus occidentalis

美桐学名Platanus occidentalis),又称一球悬铃木,为悬铃木科悬铃木属的植物。分布于北美洲以及中国大陆中部北部等地,目前已由人工引种栽培。




 src= 维基共享资源中相关的多媒体资源:美桐  src= 维基物种中的分类信息:美桐

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wikipedia 中文维基百科

美桐: Brief Summary ( Chinês )

fornecido por wikipedia 中文维基百科

美桐(学名:Platanus occidentalis),又称一球悬铃木,为悬铃木科悬铃木属的植物。分布于北美洲以及中国大陆中部北部等地,目前已由人工引种栽培。

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wikipedia 中文维基百科

アメリカスズカケノキ ( Japonês )

fornecido por wikipedia 日本語
曖昧さ回避ボタン (植物)」とは異なります。
アメリカスズカケノキ Platanus occidentalis
Platanus occidentalis
分類APG III : 植物界 Plantae 階級なし : 被子植物 Angiosperms 階級なし : 真正双子葉類 Eudicots : ヤマモガシ目 Proteales : スズカケノキ科 Platanaceae : スズカケノキ属 Platanus : アメリカスズカケノキ
P. occidentalis 学名 Platanus occidentalis
L.[1] 和名 アメリカスズカケノキ(亜米利加鈴懸の木)、セイヨウボタンノキ(西洋釦の木)、プラタナス 英名 American sycamore 変種
  • P. o. var. glabrata
  • P. o. var. occidentalis
  • P. o. var. palmeri

アメリカスズカケノキ(亜米利加鈴懸の木、学名: Platanus occidentalis)は、スズカケノキ科スズカケノキ属の落葉広葉樹である。

英名American sycamore で、buttonwoodボタンノキ)とも呼ばれる。









  1. ^ 米倉浩司; 梶田忠 (2003-). “「BG Plants 和名−学名インデックス」(YList)”. 参考文献[編集]
    • 茂木透写真 『樹に咲く花 離弁花2』 高橋秀男・勝山輝男監修、山と溪谷社〈山溪ハンディ図鑑〉、ISBN 4-635-07004-2。


     src= ウィキスピーシーズにアメリカスズカケノキに関する情報があります。  src= ウィキメディア・コモンズには、アメリカスズカケノキに関連するカテゴリがあります。


    執筆の途中です この項目は、植物に関連した書きかけの項目です。この項目を加筆・訂正などしてくださる協力者を求めていますプロジェクト:植物Portal:植物)。
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wikipedia 日本語

アメリカスズカケノキ: Brief Summary ( Japonês )

fornecido por wikipedia 日本語

アメリカスズカケノキ(亜米利加鈴懸の木、学名: Platanus occidentalis)は、スズカケノキ科スズカケノキ属の落葉広葉樹である。

英名は American sycamore で、buttonwood(ボタンノキ)とも呼ばれる。

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wikipedia 日本語

양버즘나무 ( Coreano )

fornecido por wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

인제대학교 상계백병원 앞에 가로수로 심어져 있는 양버즘나무

양버즘나무북아메리카 동부가 원산지인 거대한 교목으로 흔히 플라타너스(영어: Platanus) 로 불린다. 껍질은 작은 조각으로 떨어지며 잘 벗겨지지 않는다. 잎은 넓은 난형이며 얕게 3-5갈래로 갈라진다. 폭은 10-22cm이며 가장자리에 톱니가 있거나 밋밋하고, 턱잎은 크고 밋밋하거나 물결 모양의 톱니이다. 꽃은 암수한그루로 암수 모두 두상꽃차례를 이룬다. 열매는 많은 소견과가 모인 구과 1개가 긴 구과 자루에 매달리고, 구과는 긴 거꿀계란형이다. 최대 45m까지 자라며 가로수로 심는다.

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