Aesculus californicaCalifornia buckeye. Buckeye flowers are deadly for European honeybees, although that fact doesn't stop the honeybees from visiting the buckeyes in droves. Native bees coevolved with the buckeyes and are not bothered by the tree's toxicity. There are also occasional reports of livestock poisoning. Given these tidbits, this is not the tree to plant next to orchards or paddocks. Otherwise, enjoy. Photographed along the Ohlone Greenway in Berkeley, CA.
Aesculus californicaCalifornia buckeye. The bee shown has probably taken its last sip for buckeye flowers are deadly for European honeybees, although that fact doesn't stop the honeybees from visiting the buckeyes in droves. Native bees coevolved with the buckeyes and are not bothered by the tree's toxicity. There are also occasional reports of livestock poisoning. Given these tidbits, this is not the tree to plant next to orchards or paddocks. Otherwise, enjoy. Photographed along the Ohlone Greenway in Berkeley, CA.
Taken in San Jose, California
Berkeley, California, United States