coarse white tuffaceous soils from rhyolitic tuff substrate of grassy road right-of-way at crest of eastern escarpment of the Madrean plateau
on open grassy road right-of-way among scattered oaks. Volcanic rhyolitic tuff substrate
on open slope of rhyolitic tuff gravelly soil on grassy road right-of-way
on open ridge of rhyolitic tuff in gravelly soil on grassy road right-of-way at crest of eastern escarpment
thin soil in swales and crevices of flat ridge of exposed rhyolitic tuff
thin soil in swales and crevices of flat ridge of exposed rhyolitic tuff
rhyolitic tuff outcrops on south slope of hill above north side of road with Quercus jonesii, Quercus tarahumara, Juniperus durangensis
open roadside on coarse granitic roadbed mixed over substrate of volcanic tuff and tuffaceous rhyolite at crest of the eastern escarpment onto Madrean plateau.
clearing in pine flats of the Madrean highlands on shallow volcanic soil over rhyolitic tuff substrate
open roadside, crest of eastern escarpment of Madrean plateau in thin soil & gravel over volcanic tuffaceous substrate.