plants on coarse gravelly volcanic soil of large, wide, braided sheet-wash arroyo draining coastal plain between rhyolite hills, with Diphysa occidentalis, Caesalpinia palmeri, Acacia willardiana, Citharexylum flabellifolium, Melochia speciosa, Colubrina viridis, Randia thurberi.
plants on coarse gravelly volcanic soil of large, wide, braided sheet-wash arroyo draining coastal plain between rhyolite hills, with Diphysa occidentalis, Caesalpinia palmeri, Acacia willardiana, Citharexylum flabellifolium, Melochia speciosa, Colubrina viridis, Randia thurberi.
plants on coarse gravelly volcanic soil of large, wide, braided sheet-wash arroyo draining coastal plain between rhyolite hills, with Diphysa occidentalis, Caesalpinia palmeri, Acacia willardiana, Citharexylum flabellifolium, Melochia speciosa, Colubrina viridis, Randia thurberi.
plants on coarse gravelly volcanic soil of large, wide, braided sheet-wash arroyo draining coastal plain between rhyolite hills, with Diphysa occidentalis, Caesalpinia palmeri, Acacia willardiana, Citharexylum flabellifolium, Melochia speciosa, Colubrina viridis, Randia thurberi.
growing at base of steep south facing roadcut in rhyolite ridge on northern lower flank of Cerro Tetrakawi.
growing at base of steep south facing roadcut in rhyolite ridge on northern lower flank of Cerro Tetrakawi.
growing at base of steep south facing roadcut in rhyolite ridge on northern lower flank of Cerro Tetrakawi.
growing at base of steep south facing roadcut in rhyolite ridge on northern lower flank of Cerro Tetrakawi.
growing at base of steep south facing roadcut in rhyolite ridge on northern lower flank of Cerro Tetrakawi.
growing at base of steep south facing roadcut in rhyolite ridge on northern lower flank of Cerro Tetrakawi.
growing at base of steep south facing roadcut in rhyolite ridge on northern lower flank of Cerro Tetrakawi.
growing at base of steep south facing roadcut in rhyolite ridge on northern lower flank of Cerro Tetrakawi.
growing at base of steep south facing roadcut in rhyolite ridge on northern lower flank of Cerro Tetrakawi.
growing at base of steep south facing roadcut in rhyolite ridge on northern lower flank of Cerro Tetrakawi.
growing at base of steep south facing roadcut in rhyolite ridge on northern lower flank of Cerro Tetrakawi.
growing at base of steep south facing roadcut in rhyolite ridge on northern lower flank of Cerro Tetrakawi.
growing at base of steep south facing roadcut in rhyolite ridge on northern lower flank of Cerro Tetrakawi.