
Associations ( Inglês )

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In Great Britain and/or Ireland:
Animal / predator
silken tube inhabiting, older, colonial larva of Aphomia sociella is predator of larvae of Bombus

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Hummelnestmotte ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Die Hummelnestmotte, auch Hummel-Wachsmotte oder Hummelmotte (Aphomia sociella) ist ein (Klein-) Schmetterling aus der Familie der Zünsler (Pyralidae), Unterfamilie Wachsmotten (Galleriinae).


Mit einer Flügelspannweite von 18 bis 44 Millimetern ist das erwachsene Tier relativ groß für einen Kleinschmetterling. Die Imagines sind grau-bräunlich gefärbt. Männchen und Weibchen sind von unterschiedlicher Gestalt. Das Männchen ist etwas farbenfroher gezeichnet (neben Grautönen auch grüne und violette Farbtöne an den Flügelenden). Das Weibchen ist grau-braun mit je einem charakteristischen dunklen Fleck auf der Mitte der Vorderflügel. Zudem hat es die typische „Zünslernase“, die dem Männchen fehlt.[1][2] Die Raupen sind hellgrau-gelblich mit roter Kopfkapsel und braunem Nackenschild.


  • Aphomia colonella Linnaeus, 1758
  • Aphomia eritrella Della Beffa, 1941[3]
  • Aphomia pedemontella Della Beffa, 1941[3]

Flug- und Raupenzeiten

Die Falter fliegen von Mitte/Ende März bis September. Sie sind nachtaktiv und werden gelegentlich am Licht beobachtet. Die Raupen leben von August bis April. Sie überwintern im Kokon und verpuppen sich im Frühjahr.


Die Imagines sind nachtaktiv und können Hummel- und Wespennester durch ihren Geruchssinn aufspüren. Die Eiablage erfolgt im unmittelbaren Nestbereich.[4] Die jungen Raupen schlüpfen bereits nach wenigen Tagen. Die Raupen der Hummelnestmotte ernähren sich pantophag und leben vor allem in Hummel- oder Wespennestern. Die Art zählt zwar zur Unterfamilie Galleriinae (Wachsmotten), sie benötigt aber im Gegensatz zu den beiden zu ihr verwandten Arten Große Wachsmotte (Galleria mellonella) und Kleine Wachsmotte (Achroia grisella) kein Wachs für die Entwicklung. Die Raupen der Hummelnestmotte ernähren sich in den Nestern sowohl von Abfällen aber auch zu einem großen Teil räuberisch von der Brut. Die Raupen leben dabei gesellig und überziehen ihre Fressbereiche mit einem dichten Gespinst, das Schutz vor den Hummeln bzw. Wespen gewährt. Dieses Gespinst wird kontinuierlich weiter ausgebaut, so dass immer größere Bereiche des Nestes abgetrennt und von den Raupen der Hummelnestmotte übernommen werden. Die isolierte Brut wird gefressen. Die erwachsenen Raupen verpuppen sich gesellig innerhalb oder in der Nähe des Wirtsnestes. Die einzelnen Kokons liegen dicht aneinander und sind miteinander versponnen.

Ökologische Bedeutung

Wespen- und Hummelnester können durch die Raupen innerhalb weniger Wochen zerstört werden. Der Schmetterling selbst gehört zum Nahrungsspektrum seiner eigenen Wirte (Wespen, Hornissen), sowie zu dem von vielen Vögeln, Fledermäusen und anderen Insektenjägern.

Im Ökosystem säubern die Hummelnestmotten den Nistplatz der Hummeln damit er im Frühjahr von sogenannten Rückkehrerinnen wiederbesiedelt werden kann. Die Motten bevorzugen vor allem hoch über dem Boden angelegte Hummelnester, die häufig von Baumhummeln besiedelt sind. In der Regel erzeugen Baumhummeln ihre Jungköniginnen vor allen anderen Hummelarten. Das Zerstörungswerk der Mottenlarven schadet der Nestentwicklung kaum, weil Hummelnestmotten erst bei Nachttemperaturen von etwa 11 °C auftauchen und Eier legen. Baumhummelköniginnen sind sehr gute Rückkehrerinnen, so dass sie im nächsten Jahr am gleichen Platz ihres Geburtsnestes eine wabenfreie Nistmöglichkeit vorfinden. Hummelnester auf oder in Wiesen finden die Hummelnestmotten eher selten. Die dort nistenden Hummelarten brauchen in der Regel länger um Jungköniginnen zu erzeugen. Die Nestentwicklung und Reproduktionsfähigkeit dieser Hummelarten würde von Wachsmotten empfindlich gestört. Das Recycling dieser Waben übernehmen andere Tiere.

Einfluss auf Hummelförderung

Das Angebot an die Hummelpopulationen sich in speziellen oberirdischen Hummelnistkästen anzusiedeln, die als Ersatz für Baumhöhlen, Mäusenester oder verfilzte Grasbüschel fungieren, ermöglicht es den Motten die Hummelnester leichter zu finden als natürlich angelegte Hummelnester, weil die Kästen in der Regel innerhalb von Städten in der Nähe von Häusern und sonstigen Bauwerken aufgestellt sind. Die Nisthilfen werden unter anderem von vornehmlich unterirdisch oder oberflächennah nistenden Hummelarten besiedelt, bei denen die Eier von einem oder zwei Mottenweibchen das Nest zu früh zerstören würden, was dem Gedanken der Hummelförderung entgegen läuft. Die Betreuung von Hummelnisthilfen erfordert ein regelmäßiges Monitoring des Befalls durch die Hummelnestmotten bis hin zum entfernen der Mottenlarven aus gefährdeten Nestern oder vorausschauend die Anwendung baulicher Maßnahmen (z. B. Wachsmottenklappe) zur Reduktion der Anzahl eindringender Mottenlarven.



  1. Fotos von Weibchen und Männchen, aufgenommen in Deutschland
  2. weitere Fotos der Geschlechter, aufgenommen in Dänemark und Belgien
  3. a b Fauna Europaea Web Service, Fauna Europaea version 2017.06, online: https://fauna-eu.org/cdm_dataportal/taxon/68f5e158-90dd-48cf-af14-6aad5efd42bc (Zugriff am 16. Januar 2018)
  4. Armin Krenz: Berichte. In: arminkrenz.de. Armin Krenz, 12. Juni 2006, archiviert vom Original am 13. Juni 2013; abgerufen am 17. April 2020 (Bilder der Eiablage).
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wikipedia DE

Hummelnestmotte: Brief Summary ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Die Hummelnestmotte, auch Hummel-Wachsmotte oder Hummelmotte (Aphomia sociella) ist ein (Klein-) Schmetterling aus der Familie der Zünsler (Pyralidae), Unterfamilie Wachsmotten (Galleriinae).

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wikipedia DE

Aphomia sociella ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Aphomia sociella, also known as the bee moth and the bumble bee wax moth, is a small moth of the family Pyralidae (snout moths) and subfamily Galleriinae. Its body and forewings are typically reddish brown, tan, or dark green in color and females have a dark spot in the center of each forewing. The bee moth is native to Europe and are named "bee moths" because they seek out nests of bees and wasps to lay their eggs. Aphomia sociella are considered a pest because the bee moth larvae severely damage commercial bee hives. Bee moths are also studied for their unique mating ritual which includes a release of pheromones from both the male and the female along with an ultrasonic signal emitted through the male's tymbals.


View of Aphomia sociella wingspan

The adult bee moth has a wingspan of 18-40 millimetres (0.71-1.57 inches). The body and forewings are typically reddish brown, tan, or dark green in color. This species is an example of sexual dimorphism where the male moths are generally more brightly colored and more distinctly patterned compared to the female moths. The females also contain a dark spot on the center of each of their forewings.[1][2][3]

Geographic range

The bee moth is commonly found in Europe, Britain, and Asia. In North America, the bee moth has been spotted in various states such as California, Utah, New York, Virginia, and Connecticut. This moth flies from June to August in the temperate parts of its range, e.g. Belgium and The Netherlands.[1][4]

Parental care


The bee moth is a pest of bumblebees, wasps, and—on rare occasions—even mice. Females prefer to lay their eggs in more exposed and elevated nests of various species of Bombus and Vespine wasps. It is uncommon for a bee moth to seek out nests that are closer to the ground.[4][2][3] Because this moth is able to hide its eggs in these foreign nests, it does not have to devote any energy to parental care.

Food resources


Bee moth larvae are known to feed on the host eggs, larvae, and pupae left unprotected by the bumble bees and wasps. Bee moth larvae will also feed on pollen, honey, and any waste that they find in the nest.[1][3]

Life history


Females are attracted to the odors of active bumble bee nests and a female will lay up to 100 eggs once it finds a nest that it prefers. The defenses of host colonies tend to increase during the summer; therefore, emergence from the eggs will typically occur in the early summer between March and July in order to take advantage of the temporary weakness of their hosts.[4][3]

larva in cocoon


Larvae are typically yellow in color and have a length of 22–30 mm. They begin by spinning a silk around themselves for protection and then proceed to feed on the surrounding environment including the pollen and honey within the nest, stored food, and meconia. The larvae tend to tunnel throughout the nest looking for food all the while destroying large amounts of the nest around them.[1][3]

Parasitic moths


Aphomia sociella will use the nest of Vespula germanica as a host nest.

Female Aphomia sociella have been known to lay eggs in a wide variety of bumble bee, hornet, and wasp nests including the bald-faced hornet (Dolichovespula maculata), the common aerial yellowjacket (D. arenaria), the German wasp (Vespula germanica), and the buff-tailed bumblebee (Bombus terrestris). Coexistence between the bee moth and its host is possible, especially in situations where the host wasps will tend to expand their nests downwards and so leaving the Aphomia sociella larvae to feed on the upper levels. In short, a large nest is able to accommodate both species.[4][3]

Mechanisms of overcoming host species

The larvae of the Aphomia sociella will spin a strong silk to protect itself while it feeds. This silk is dense and difficult to penetrate and shields the larvae from the potentially harmful bees and wasps.[4][3]

Protective behavior

If perturbed or threatened, an adult bee moth will fall to the ground and pretend to be dead by lying on its back in the exact form in which it landed. This is beneficial when infiltrating a host wasp or bumblebee nest as the host will be less likely to attack if it believes that the moth is dead.[3]


Male/male interactions

Male sex pheromones can serve to ward off other competing males by either direct repulsion from the odor or by causing the females to stop their own calling behavior of wing fanning. Males have also been shown to physically attack other competing males for territory in the mating process.[5][6]

Female/male interactions


Male and female bee moths are both capable of releasing pheromones in order to attract the opposite sex. The females release a pheromone which contains Hexan-1-ol, 6,10,14-trimethylpentadecan-2-ol, and 6,10,14-trimethylpentadecan-2-one. The two compounds hexan-1-ol and TMPD-one serve to boost the strength of the TMPD-ol which is shown to cause males to begin their ultrasonic signaling and proceed in the courtship process.

Male bee moths attract females using a sex pheromone which is released from glands in their wings. This pheromone by itself is sufficient to cause female attraction. A major component of this pheromone has been found to be 3,4-Dihydro-9-hydroxy-3-methylisocoumarin (R-mellein).

The honeycombs that bee moth larvae feed on is shown to contain a fungus called Aspergillus ochraceus which is known to produce mellein. Experiments also found the same Asp. ochraceus fungus in the intestines of bee moth larvae which suggests that the sex pheromone of mellein is biosynthesized by a microorganism.[5][6][7]


Males begin the courtship process by silently fanning their wings in one second intervals followed by half a second of rest. At the same time the males will also release their sex pheromones which has a floral odor that triggers a flying or walking response in females. When a female approaches a male bee moth, the male will begin the next step in its courtship process which includes walking, wing fanning, and “courting songs” which are ultrasonic sounds emitted from the male's tegula. The female will then respond to the male by also walking, wing fanning, and emitting its own courtship pheromones. After the female assumes a copulation position, the male can proceed to mate. If the female is repeatedly unreceptive to the male's courtship, the male will revert to the first step of its courtship ritual and try again with another female. Other variables, such as female wing-beat sounds and substrate vibrations may also play a part in the courtship process.[5]


Sound generation

Aphomia sociella males generate ultrasonic emissions in the courtship rituals during mating. These sounds are generated from wing movements that create high-frequency oscillations of the tegular tymbals. These tymbals are located on the anterior part of the tegulae underneath the patagium sclerite. These ultrasonic emissions are not only emitted when in the presence of females, but also in the presence of other males as well. If a competing male is introduced into the territory of a bee moth that is in the process of courting, the resident is shown to approach and even attack the intruder. Eventually the two males will take up new positions and begin calling for females again.

The ultrasonic signals produced by Aphomia sociella males consist of short chirps which are separated by random periods of silence. The average duration of one of these courting/rival songs is approximately 1122 milliseconds and are estimated to have a maximum range of 0.45 meters.

Aphomia sociella females lack the tymbals that males possess and so are not able to produce ultrasonic emissions.[5]


This moth has been described as a new species several times, which has yielded a considerable number of alternate scientific names which are all invalid as junior synonyms nowadays:[8]

  • Aphomia asiatica Caradja, 1916
  • Aphomia eritrella Della Beffa, 1941
  • Aphomia lanceolata Dufrane, 1930
  • Aphomia minor Dufrane, 1930
  • Aphomia pedemontella Della Beffa, 1941
  • Aphomia rufinella Krulikowski, 1909
  • Aphomia virescens Skala, 1929
  • Crambus colonatus Haworth, 1809 (unjustified emendation)
  • Crambus colonum Fabricius, 1798 (unjustified emendation)
  • Lithosia socia Fabricius, 1798 (unjustified emendation)
  • Tinea colonella Linnaeus, 1758
  • Tinea sociella Linnaeus, 1758
  • Tinea tribunella [Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775


  1. ^ a b c d Williams, Jon. "Insects: Lepidoptera (moths)" (PDF).
  2. ^ a b Donahue, Charlene (May 2011). "The Maine Entomologist" (PDF).
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h "Natural History Museum: Bee Moth Aphomia sociella" (PDF).
  4. ^ a b c d e Gambino, Parker (1995). "Dolichovespula (Hymenoptera: Vespidae), Hosts of Aphomia sociella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)". Journal of the New York Entomological Society. 103 (2): 165–169. JSTOR 25010152.
  5. ^ a b c d Kindl, Jiří; Kalinová, Blanka; Červenka, Milan; Jílek, Milan; Valterová, Irena (2011-10-31). "Male Moth Songs Tempt Females to Accept Mating: The Role of Acoustic and Pheromonal Communication in the Reproductive Behaviour of Aphomia sociella". PLOS ONE. 6 (10): e26476. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0026476. ISSN 1932-6203. PMC 3204978. PMID 22065997.
  6. ^ a b Kindl, Jiří; Jiroš, Pavel; Kalinová, Blanka; Žáček, Petr; Valterová, Irena (2012-04-01). "Females of the Bumblebee Parasite, Aphomia sociella, Excite Males Using a Courtship Pheromone". Journal of Chemical Ecology. 38 (4): 400–407. doi:10.1007/s10886-012-0100-3. ISSN 0098-0331. PMID 22476958. S2CID 8490337.
  7. ^ Kunesch, Gerhard (January 2, 1987). "A Fungal Metabolite as the Male Wing Gland Pheromone of the Bumble-Bee Wax Moth, Aphomia sociella" (PDF). Inra-CNRS.
  8. ^ Markku Savela (April 27, 2009). "Aphomia Hübner, [1825]". Lepidoptera and some other life forms. Retrieved April 11, 2010.

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wikipedia EN

Aphomia sociella: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Aphomia sociella, also known as the bee moth and the bumble bee wax moth, is a small moth of the family Pyralidae (snout moths) and subfamily Galleriinae. Its body and forewings are typically reddish brown, tan, or dark green in color and females have a dark spot in the center of each forewing. The bee moth is native to Europe and are named "bee moths" because they seek out nests of bees and wasps to lay their eggs. Aphomia sociella are considered a pest because the bee moth larvae severely damage commercial bee hives. Bee moths are also studied for their unique mating ritual which includes a release of pheromones from both the male and the female along with an ultrasonic signal emitted through the male's tymbals.

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia EN

Pesäkoisa ( Finlandês )

fornecido por wikipedia FI

Pesäkoisa (Aphomia sociella) on koisaperhosiin kuuluva pienehkö, ja yleinen perhoslaji.

Koko ja ulkonäkö

Pesäkoisa on olemukseltaan pitkänomainen, sukupuolidimorfinen perhoslaji. Koiraan etusiivet ovat pohjaväriltään kellertävänvalkoiset, ja niiden kärkiosa on siiven puolenvälin tienoolta lähtien ruskea. Ruskean värin sävy ja määrä vaihtelevat yksilöittäin, ja joillakin yksilöillä siivessä voi näkyä myös kaksi terävästi mutkittelevaa, ruskeaa poikkiviirua. Siiven etureunassa voi olla mustaa väriä. Naaraan etusiivet ovat kauttaaltaan tuhkanharmaat, mutta niidenkin sävy vaihtelee. Siiven keskiosassa on selvästi erottuva, pyöreä, musta laikku, ja joskus myös naaraan siivissä erottuu kaksi tummempaa poikkijuovaa. Molemmilla sukupuolilla etusiiven ulkoreunassa on rivi pieniä mustia täpliä ja takasiivet ovat vaaleat, kärkeä kohti tummuvat.[1][2][3] Siipiväli 23–38 mm.[4]

Levinneisyys ja lentoaika

Pesäkoisa on alkujaan eurooppalainen laji, joka on levinnyt ihmisen mukana vieraslajiksi muillekin mantereille.[1] Suomessa sitä tavataan yleisenä maan etelä- ja keskiosissa. Aikuiset perhoset lentävät kesäkuusta elokuuhun.[5]

Elinympäristö ja elintavat

Pesäkoisa on yöllä ja hämärässä lentävä perhonen, jota usein tapaa päivällä lepäämässä seinillä ulkovalojen luona. Toukka elää erityisesti eri ampiaislajien, mutta myös mehiläisten ja kimalaisten pesissä. Se on pesäloinen, joka käyttää ravinnokseen pesään kertynyttä orgaanista jätettä, mehiläisvahaa, isäntälajin ravintovarastoja ja jopa isäntäpistiäisen toukkia. Toukat elävät pesässä kehräämänsä lujan silkin suojassa ja voivat runsaina esiintyessään tuhota suuren osan pesän kennostoista.[6]


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wikipedia FI

Pesäkoisa: Brief Summary ( Finlandês )

fornecido por wikipedia FI

Pesäkoisa (Aphomia sociella) on koisaperhosiin kuuluva pienehkö, ja yleinen perhoslaji.

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wikipedia FI

Aphomia sociella ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Aphomia sociella, la Pyrale du Bourdon ou Fausse-teigne des bourdons, est une espèce de lépidoptères (papillons) de la famille des Pyralidae et de la sous-famille des Galleriinae.


Haies et jardins.


Vol de avril à août en une longue génération.


Les chenilles se développent dans les nids des bourdons et des guêpes où elles dévorent les vieilles cellules et les débris[2].

Notes et références

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wikipedia FR

Aphomia sociella: Brief Summary ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Aphomia sociella, la Pyrale du Bourdon ou Fausse-teigne des bourdons, est une espèce de lépidoptères (papillons) de la famille des Pyralidae et de la sous-famille des Galleriinae.

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wikipedia FR

Hommelnestmot ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL


De hommelnestmot of koloniemot (Aphomia sociella) (voorheen vaak hommelmot genoemd) is een nachtvlinder uit de familie Pyralidae, de snuitmotten. De vlinder heeft een spanwijdte van 18 tot 44 millimeter. Bij de imago is sprake van seksuele dimorfie, de mannetjes hebben een roomwitte vleugelbasis van de voorvleugel, terwijl de voorvleugel van de vrouwtjes een geheel bruingroene basiskleur heeft. Verwante soorten waarvan de larven eveneens in nesten van bijen, wespen of hommels leven zijn de "grote wasmot" (Galleria mellonella) en de "kleine wasmot" (Achroia grisella).

De larven van de hommelnestmot leven in nesten van hommels en in mindere mate bijen en wespen en doen zich daar te goed aan de was. Omdat vaak grote aantallen in een nest zitten kunnen ze zonder moeite alle was opeten. Deze eigenschap en het feit dat ze geulen in het hout van de nestkasten graven maakt ze niet geliefd bij imkers.

De vliegtijd van deze in Nederland en België algemene vlinder is van juni tot en met augustus.

Externe links

Wikimedia Commons Mediabestanden die bij dit onderwerp horen, zijn te vinden op de pagina Aphomia sociella op Wikimedia Commons.
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wikipedia NL

Hommelnestmot: Brief Summary ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL

De hommelnestmot of koloniemot (Aphomia sociella) (voorheen vaak hommelmot genoemd) is een nachtvlinder uit de familie Pyralidae, de snuitmotten. De vlinder heeft een spanwijdte van 18 tot 44 millimeter. Bij de imago is sprake van seksuele dimorfie, de mannetjes hebben een roomwitte vleugelbasis van de voorvleugel, terwijl de voorvleugel van de vrouwtjes een geheel bruingroene basiskleur heeft. Verwante soorten waarvan de larven eveneens in nesten van bijen, wespen of hommels leven zijn de "grote wasmot" (Galleria mellonella) en de "kleine wasmot" (Achroia grisella).

De larven van de hommelnestmot leven in nesten van hommels en in mindere mate bijen en wespen en doen zich daar te goed aan de was. Omdat vaak grote aantallen in een nest zitten kunnen ze zonder moeite alle was opeten. Deze eigenschap en het feit dat ze geulen in het hout van de nestkasten graven maakt ze niet geliefd bij imkers.

De vliegtijd van deze in Nederland en België algemene vlinder is van juni tot en met augustus.

direitos autorais
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wikipedia NL

Aphomia sociella ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT

Aphomia sociella é uma espécie de insetos lepidópteros, mais especificamente de traças, pertencente à família Pyralidae.[1]

A autoridade científica da espécie é Linnaeus, tendo sido descrita no ano de 1758.

Trata-se de uma espécie presente no território português.


  1. «Aphomia sociella». Sistema Global de Informação sobre Biodiversidade (em inglês). Consultado em 14 de agosto de 2019

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wikipedia PT

Aphomia sociella: Brief Summary ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT

Aphomia sociella é uma espécie de insetos lepidópteros, mais especificamente de traças, pertencente à família Pyralidae.

A autoridade científica da espécie é Linnaeus, tendo sido descrita no ano de 1758.

Trata-se de uma espécie presente no território português.

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wikipedia PT

Humlemott ( Sueco )

fornecido por wikipedia SV

Humlemott (Aphomia sociella) är en fjäril av familjen mott.

Hannen har vitaktiga, vid framkanten och i yttre hälften gul-bruna framvingar med mörk diskfläck och tandade rödbruna tvärlinjer. Honan är rödaktigt brungrå med samma teckning. Spännvidden är 24–36 mm. Larverna lever i bon av humlor och getingar, vilkas yngel de förtär. Humlemotten är allmän i södra delen av Sverige.


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wikipedia SV

Humlemott: Brief Summary ( Sueco )

fornecido por wikipedia SV

Humlemott (Aphomia sociella) är en fjäril av familjen mott.

Hannen har vitaktiga, vid framkanten och i yttre hälften gul-bruna framvingar med mörk diskfläck och tandade rödbruna tvärlinjer. Honan är rödaktigt brungrå med samma teckning. Spännvidden är 24–36 mm. Larverna lever i bon av humlor och getingar, vilkas yngel de förtär. Humlemotten är allmän i södra delen av Sverige.

direitos autorais
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wikipedia SV

Aphomia sociella ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI
Tango style Wikipedia Icon.svg
Đây là một bài mồ côi vì không có hoặc có ít bài khác liên kết đến nó.
Xin hãy tạo liên kết đến bài này trong các bài của các chủ đề liên quan. (tháng 7 năm 2018)

Bướm đêm ong (Aphomia sociella) là một small moth of the họ Pyralidae. Nó là loài bản địa của châu Âu, but may be found synanthropically bên ngoài khu vực phân bố gốc.

Sải cánh dài 18–44 milimét (0,7–1,7 in). This moth gặp ở tháng 6 đến tháng 8 in the temperate parts of its range, e.g. BỉThe Netherlands.

Sâu bướm feed on the honeycomb in bumblebee, bee và tổ ong bắp cày.[2]

Danh pháp đồng nghĩa

Các đồng âm:[3]

  • Aphomia asiatica Caradja, 1916
  • Aphomia eritrella Della Beffa, 1941
  • Aphomia lanceolata Dufrane, 1930
  • Aphomia minor Dufrane, 1930
  • Aphomia pedemontella Della Beffa, 1941
  • Aphomia rufinella Krulikowski, 1909
  • Aphomia virescens Skala, 1929
  • Crambus colonatus Haworth, 1809 (unjustified emendation)
  • Crambus colonum Fabricius, 1798 (unjustified emendation)
  • Lithosia socia Fabricius, 1798 (unjustified emendation)
  • Tinea colonella Linnaeus, 1758
  • Tinea sociella Linnaeus, 1758
  • Tinea tribunella [Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ 10th edition of Systema Naturae
  2. ^ Albert Grabe (1942). “Eigenartige Geschmacksrichtungen bei Kleinschmetterlingsraupen” [Strange tastes among micromoth caterpillars] (PDF). Zeitschrift des Wiener Entomologen-Vereins (bằng tiếng Đức) 27: 105–109.
  3. ^ Markku Savela (ngày 27 tháng 4 năm 2009). Aphomia Hübner, [1825]”. Lepidoptera và some other life forms. Truy cập ngày 11 tháng 4 năm 2010. Bảo trì CS1: Ngày và năm (link)

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 src= Wikimedia Commons có thêm hình ảnh và phương tiện truyền tải về Aphomia sociella

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wikipedia VI

Aphomia sociella: Brief Summary ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Bướm đêm ong (Aphomia sociella) là một small moth of the họ Pyralidae. Nó là loài bản địa của châu Âu, but may be found synanthropically bên ngoài khu vực phân bố gốc.

Sải cánh dài 18–44 milimét (0,7–1,7 in). This moth gặp ở tháng 6 đến tháng 8 in the temperate parts of its range, e.g. BỉThe Netherlands.

Sâu bướm feed on the honeycomb in bumblebee, bee và tổ ong bắp cày.

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Wikipedia tác giả và biên tập viên
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site do parceiro
wikipedia VI