
Comprehensive Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Smithsonian Contributions to Botany
Gesneria humilis Linnaeus

Gesneria humilis Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. ed. 1, 612, 1753.—Plum., Pl. Am. 125, pl. 133: fig. 2, 1757—Lam., Encyl. Méth. Bot. 2:702, 1788 [as to the type, excluding synonyms of Sloane and Ray].—Lunan, Hort. Jam. 1:322, 1814.—Poir. in Lam., Illustr. 3: pl. 536: fig. 2, 1819.—Spreng., Syst. Veg. ed. 16. 2:839, 1825—Urb., Symb. Ant. 2:377, 1901.

Conradia humilis (Linnaeus) Martius ex G Don, Gen. Syst. 4:650, 1838.—DC., Prodr. 7:526, 1839.—Rich, in Sag., Hist. Fís., Pol. Nat. Cuba 11:71, 1850.—Hanst., Linnaea 26: pl. 1: fig. 34, 1854.—Griseb., Mem. Amer. Acad. Arts, n.s. 8:526, 1862; Fl. Brit. W. Ind. 461, 1862; Cat. Pl. Cub. 200, 1866.

Pentarhaphia humilis (Linnaeus) Hanstein, Linnaea 34:294, 1865.

Conradia celsioides Grisebach, Cat. Pl. Cub. 200, 1866. [Type-collection: Viñales, Cuba, C. Wright 3077 (GOET, holotype; BM, G, GH, K, MO, P, S, W, isotypes).]

Pentarhaphia celsioides (Grisebach) Gomez de la Maza, Anales Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 23:279, 1894.

Gesneria acuminata Urban, Symb. Ant. 1:479, January 1900.—Morton in Leon & Alain, Fl. de Cuba 4:463, 1957. [Type-collection: Arroyo de Pedro, Cuba, H. Eggers 4892 (GOET, lectotype; C, P, Z, isolectotypes).]

Gesneria incisa Urban, Symb. Ant. 1:479, January 1900. [Type-collection: In rupibus fluminum Cubae, E. Poeppig sn (W, lectotype; BP, BR, MO, isolectotypes).]

Conradia pumila sensu Millspaugh, Publ. Field Columbian Mus. Bot. Ser. 1:434, August 1900 [non Conradia pumila (Swartz) Martius (1829 et 1832).]

Gesneria celsioides (Grisebach) Urban, Symb. Ant. 2:377, 1901.—Morton in Leon & Alain, Fl. de Cuba 4:463, fig. 201, 1957.

Subshrubs: stems woody, erect or occasionally pendent or decumbent, to 0.5 m tall, bark greenish-gray, smooth, rarely resinous, lenticels obscure; branching at the base or rarely above, new growth green, pilose to glabrous, internodes 0.1–2.0 cm long, leaf scars prominent.

Leaves alternate and spiraled, petiolate or sessile: petioles flattened to sulcate, 0–1.3 cm long, 1–3 mm wide, light or dark green or reddish-brown, sparsely glabrous to pubescent-glandular; blades narrowly oblanceolate to narrowly obovate or ovate, 1.3–18.0 cm long, 0.6–4.3 cm wide, membranous, plane, base cuneate, margin serrate to crenate or lobulate, subentire toward base, sparsely ciliate to glabrous, apex acute to acuminate, adaxial surface dark green, sparsely pilose near the base, trichomes appressed, sometimes with broad bases, glossy to dull, abaxial surface lighter green, sparsely pilose to glabrescent on the prominent veins.

Inflorescences 1– to 3 (∞)-flowered: peduncles terete, 0.4–17.8 cm long, elongating in fruit, 1.5–2.0 mm in diameter, green to reddish, usually glabrous; bracts 2, linear to lanceolate, 0.1–1.0 cm long, 1–3 mm wide, green, glabrous, base cuneate, apex acute; pedicels terete, 2.2 cm long, less than 1 mm in diameter, green to reddish, glabrous; floral tube turbinate to nearly spherical, 1–3 mm long, 2–3 mm in diameter, dark green or reddish, glabrous; calyx lobes 5 (–7), erect, connate for 1–2 mm above ovary, with open aestivation, each lobe lanceolate or triangular, 1.0–4.5 cm long, 1–3 mm wide at the base, apex acute to acuminate, both sides green or reddish and glabrous, veins 3, not prominent, but converging at apex; corolla tube narrowly campanulate, 0.6–2.0 cm long, base oblique, 2–4 mm wide, gradually (Figure 16l) widening to ventricose on the lower side, slightly constricted at the mouth, 3–8 mm wide, greenish-white to yellow, glabrous outside and inside; limb 5– or rarely 6-lobed, 4–8 mm wide, each lobe patent to reflexed, semiorbiculate, green to white, rarely pinkish, 1–5 mm long, 3–6 mm wide, upper lobes subentire to erose, glandular, lateral lobes erose to subentire, basal lobe subentire; stamens (3–)4 (–5), adnate to the base of corolla tube for less than 1 mm, not exserted, filaments linear, geniculate, 0.4–1.3 mm long, green to yellow, glabrous, anthers triangular to globose or oblong, ca 1 mm long, 0.5–1.0 mm wide, green, seldom coherent, pollen grains often distorted, isopolar, size small (15.1 μm long at the polar axis, 8.5 μm wide at the equatorial axis), tricolpate, colpi 11.5 μm long, less than 1 μm wide, apocolpia acute, prolate, sexine reticulate, nearly homobrochate, lumina 0.25–0.5 μm across, muri ca 0.5 μm wide (Figure 17h), staminode 1 or rarely 2, ca 2 mm long, lacking fertile anther; ovary inferior, disc an undulating collar, 1 mm tall, white, pubescent, style linear, curved, 0.5–1.4 cm long, about 0.5 mm in diameter, green, glabrous, stigma slightly enlarged, stomatomorphic, 1–3 mm across, occasionally adherent to the anthers.

Capsule turbinate to nearly spherical, forming a splash cup with the calyx lobes, 3–7 mm long, 4–8 mm in diameter, gray-brown, glabrous, costae 10, usually prominent; seeds rhombic to broadly fusiform, slightly twisted, ca 0.5 mm long, 0.2 mm wide, brownish (Figures 19j, 20b).

TYPE.—Plumier, Nov. Pl. Am. Gen. 27, fig. 9, 1703. The type figure was only part of the original drawing made by Plumier shown in Figure 57.

DISTRIBUTION AND ECOLOGY.—Gesneria humilis is known in Cuba (Figure 56) from the Provinces of Piñar del Río, La Habana (including the Isle of Pines), Las Villas, and Oriente; and in Haiti (Figure 54) from the Département de 1’Ouest. Plants grow in dense, damp limestone woods near streams or on rocks in streams. Gesneria humilis has been collected in the wild with flowers and fruits in all months of the year, but with fewer collections in late spring; greenhouse plants flower with the same regularity. The pollinators of this species have not been determined, but the plants may be visited by hummingbirds.

LOCAL NAME.—“Clavellina” fide Luna 217 (NY).

SPECIMENS EXAMINED.—CUBA. PROVINCE OF PIÑAR DEL RÍO: Jovero, Guanes, 19 January 1948, J. Acuña 14940 (SV, US); San Julián, in pineland savannas at the headwaters of Río Verde, 6 June 1920, E. Ekman 11134 (S); Sierra de Cobra, on Guane Road, 9, 11 September 1910, N. Britton, E. Britton & C. Gager 7216 (NY), 7220 (NY, US); Surgidero, Río San Vincente, Viñales, August, 1954, J. Acuña & Maza 19352 (SV, US); San Vicente, Viñales, 2 February 1951, J. Acuña & J. Roig sn (US); vicinity of San Vicente, near Viñales, near sea level, 5 February 1956, C. Morton 9927 (US); base of Sierra del Ruiseñor, Viñales, 21–22 May 1955, Alain Liogier 4322 (GH, NY); Viñales, Río Pan de Azúcar, 9 October 1955, Alain Liogier 4434 (US); Pan de Azúcar, 20–100 m, 5 February 1956, C. Morton 9918 (US); Baños San Vicente, 12–16 September 1910, N. Britton, E. Britton & C. Gager 7358 (NY), 7359 (NY); Viñales, Sierra de la Guasaca, 10 March 1924, E. Ekman 18683 (S); Viñales, 11 December 1930, E. Killip 13579 (US); San Vicente, April 1937, Bro. Leon 16808 (US); Cueva de San Vicente, San Vicente, Viñales, 2–3 September 1937, Bro. Leon 16960 (GH, US); El Guao, Viñales, July 1939, Bro. Leon 19045 (US); El Valle de Ancón, near San Vicente, 4 February 1956, C. Morton 9773 (US); base of Sierra del Ruiseñor, Finca El Ancón, near Viñales, ca 150 ft, 17 March 1957, G. Proctor 16357 (IJ); on cliff, Viñales, 18601864, C. Wright 3077 (GOET, holotype of Conradia celsioides Grisebach; BM, G 2 sheets, GH, K, MO, P, S, W, isotypes); Arroyo del Sumidero, 7, 9 August 1912, J. Shafer &

Bro. Leon 13601 (F, NY, PH, US); in mountains near El Guama, 6 March 1900, W. Palmer & J. Riley 153 (US); vicinity of Piñar del Río Arroyo, 3 March 1911, N. Britton, E. Britton & J. Cowell 9723 (NY); La Cajálbana, 1 October 1949, J. Acuña & Alain Liogier 15686 (SV, US); Loma de la Cajálbana, 1 October 1949, J. Acuña & Alain Liogier sn (IJ 2 sheets, US); in water of a waterfall, Cajálbana Mt., La Palma, 10 October 1949, Alain Liogier 1185 (GH, US); in a stream, Cajálbana pinelands, La Palma, 7 December 1955, Alain Liogier 4491 (US); Pinar del Cajálbana, in savannas at the foot of mountains, on the edge of a branch of Río Puercos, 28 August 1923, E. Ekman 17311 (S); banks of the river, San Diego de los Baños, 19 August 1914, Bro. Leon 4410 (NY, US 2 sheets); in mountains north of San Diego de los Baños, 11 April 1900, W. Palmer & J. Riley 520 (NY, US); rocky-stream bed, San Diego de Los Baños, 31 August-3 September 1910, N. Britton, F. Earle & C. Gager 6740 (NY 2 sheets); rocky stream bed, San Diego de Los Baños, 31 August-3 September 1910, N. Britton, F. Earle & C. Gager 6889 (NY, US); Bahia Honda, 31 March 1946, J. Roig, J. Acuña & Naranjo sn (US); Río Taco-Taco, Rangel, August 1927, J. Acuña sn (US); mountains above Taco-Taco, C. Baker 3832 (NY); source of Río Taco-Taco, Sierra de Los Organos, 400–500 m, 18 November 1941, C. Morton 4283 (BM, F, G, GH, MO, NY, S, U, US); Rangel, Arroyo de la Plata, 23, 24 December 1951, Alain Liogier & E. Killip 2010 (US); vicinity of Guane, falls, Río Portales, 3 March 1911, N. Britton, E. Britton & J. Cowell 9765 (NY); Río Portales, 26 December 1911, J. Shafer 11171 (F, GH, MO, NY, U, US); Bahia Honda to El Rosario, crossing of San Miguel, 29 January 1912, J. Shafer 12000 (K, NY 2 sheets, U, US); Bahia Honda to El Rosario, 29 January 1912, J. Shafer 12002 (MO, NY 2 sheets); Cascada de Saroa, Candelaria, 5 March 1951, J. Acuña sn (NY); Río Mananteales north of Candelaria, 10 February 1916, N. Britton, P. Wilson & Bro. Leon 14127 (NY); San Pedro del Caimito to San José de Sagua, 27 January 1912, J. Shafer 11956 (MO, NY, US). PROVINCE OF LA HABANA, ISLE OF PINES: vicinity of Los Indios, 13 February 1916, N. Britton, E. Britton & P. Wilson 14241 (GH, MO, NY, S); rocky ford south of Santa Barbara, 11 March 1953, E. Killip 43088 (F, NY, US); between San Francisco de las Piedras and Cerro La Cañada, 27 January 1955, E. Killip 44616 (US); dense woods along river, Razlag property along Río Mal Pais, 25 December 1955, E. Killip 45270 (US); in savannas at Loma Daquilla, 3 December 1920, E. Ekman 12496 (S); Santa Fe, cerca del Río Vellegas, 15 March 1923, M. Calvino & E. Manueli 7988 (SV, US); Santa Fe, 15 March 1953, M. Calvino in Leon 22385 (US); bank of stream, Santa Fé, 8 March 1953, E. Killip 43050 (US); dense woods along stream, Mrs. Jones’ Jungle, 7 March 1957, E. Killip 45830 (US); “Isla De Piños,” June, J. Blain 50 (F). PROVINCE OF LA HABANA: asphalt mines, Santiago de las Vegas, 18 September 1904, H. van Hermann 42 (BM, F, NY); on rocks in rapids of stream, Bajucál, 5 December 1904, H. van Hermann 332 (F, NY); near asphalt mines above Bajucál, 18 September 1904, H. van Hermann 1848 (NY); Loma Coca near Campo Florida, at Rio Quezada, 21 September 1921, E. Ekman 13226 (S); banks of the river near Cumbre Hermosa, 3 January 1912, P. Wilson & Bro. Leon 2847 (NY); on rocks in stream, Cumbre Hermosa, 3 January 1912, P. Wilson & Bro. Leon 11617 (NY); “Havanna,” G. Don sn (GOET); “Havana,” 1833, R. de la Sagra 647 (G-DC). PROVINCE OF LAS VILLAS (formerly Santa Clara): San Blas, 17 March 1929, L. Bailey 12433 (BH); above San Blas (La Sierra), 7 April 1928, J. Jack 5951 (A, LS); Loma Ventana, San Blas, La Sierra, 1400 ft, 22 July 1930, J. Jack 8035 (S, US): Loma Ventana, San Bias-Las Vegas, La Sierra, 1400 ft, 24 July 1930, J. Jack 8067 (A, S, US); San Blas, 300–600 m, 9–10 November 1941, C. Morton 4110 (BM, US); Mina Carlota, SE of Cumanayagua, Sierra de San Juan, 300–400 m, August 1940, R. Howard 4480 (A); Arroyo Navarro, Mina Carlota, southeast of Cumanayagua, Sierra de San Juan, 300–400 m, 7 July 1941, R. Howard 5716 [PI. ex. Grayanae 1182] (BH, BM, BR, C, COL, CU, E, G, GH, IJ, K, L, LD, MO, NA, NY, NYS, PH, S, U, US, USF); Arroyo Navarro, Mina Carlota, in Sierra de San Juan southeast of Cumanayagua, ca 1000 ft, 22 March 1957, G. Proctor 16403 (IJ); Mina Carlota, southeast of Cumanayagua, Sierra de San Juan, 300–400 m, 21–23 March 1938, H. Senn 331 (GH, US); Hanabanilla Falls, 1–20 July 1950, R. Howard, W. Briggs, P. Kamb, I. Lane & R. Ritland 148 (A); Hanabanilla Falls, Trinidad Mountains, 23 February 1956, C. Morton 10446 (US); Hoyo de Manicaragua, 26–28 February 1910, N. Britton, E. Britton & P. Wilson 4695 (F, NY 2 sheets); El Porvenir, Trinidad Mountains, 650–750 m, 9 March 1910, N. Britton & P. Wilson 5274 (NY); western slopes of Mt. Naranjal above San Blas, Trinidad Mountains, 28 July 1936, L. Smith, A. Hodgdon & F. Gonzales 3248 (F, GH, MO, NY, S, US); Buenos Aires, Trinidad Mountains, 21 February 1956, C. Morton 10309 (US); Lomas de Banao, February 1920, A. Luna 217 (NY); Madrigal near Sancti Spiritus, 27 August 1909, Bro. Leon 948 (NY); vicinity of Sancti Spiritus, 15–24 February 1912, J. Shafer 12165 (F, MO, NY, US); Pitajones to Ciegas de Ponciano, 29 February 1912, J. Shafer 12254 (NY, U, US). PROVINCE OF ORIENTE; Bayate, at margin Arroyos Vivano, 18 July 1914, E. Ekman 1993 (K, S); Bayate in saxis in Arr. Bibano, 5 May 1919, E. Ekman 9615 (S); Puerto Boniato, Santiago de Cuba, August 1949, Bro. Clemente 6998 (GH, US); Sierra de Nipe, El Taller in saxis in flumine Río Piloto, 3 November 1914, E. Ekman 3324 (G, K, S); Manantial, Sta. Fe, N. de Guantánamo, 7 December 1917, Bros. Hioram & Btiste 1380 (NY, US); Guantánamo, Monte Libanon, San Fernandez ad amnem in “manacales,” ca 700 m, 24 December 1919, E. Ekman 10243 (S); Arroyo Henequen, foot of El Yunque, 1 December 1910, J. Shafer 7695 (NY); Veriles, sur de Monte Cristo, 7 February 1952, J. Acuña & Diaz 17453 (US); Arroyo de Pedro, 500 m, March 1889, H. Eggers 4892 (GOET, lectotype of Gesneria acuminata Urban; C, P, Z, isolectotypes); “in Cuba Orientali,” 1856–1857, C. Wright 355 (BR, G, GH, GOET, K, MO, NY, PH); prope villam Monte Verde dictam, January-July 1859, C. Wright 355 (GH, GOET, K); “in Cuba Orientali,” 1860, C. Wright 355 (K, W); in Río Santa Cruz and others, 12 October 1860–1864, C. Wright 355 (BM); “in Cuba Orientali,” 1860–1864, C. Wright 355 (BM, BR, G, GOET, P). LOCALITY UNKNOWN; window ravine, 2 March 1920, J. Bijhouwer 428 (WAG); Santa Catalina, Sierras of Western Cuba, January-February 1907, H. Caldwell & C. Baker 7029 (F); “In rupibus fluminum Cubae,” E. Poeppig sn (W, lectotype of Gesneria incisa Urban; BP, BR, MO, isolectotypes); “Flos. Cubens.—ad torrentio.,” July [18]23, E. Poeppig sn (P, S); “Cuba,” 1822, E. Poeppig sn (K); “Cuba,” R. de la Sagra sn (W); “Obre 833, Legit R. de la Sagra,” [J. M.] Valenzuela sn (P); “Cuba occ.,” 1863, C. Wright 647 (S). HAITI. DÉPARTEMENT DE L’OUEST: plants collected from the base of a volcanic rock cliff at Fond de Baudin along Rivière Toreau [R. Gauche?] about 2.5 mi NE of Trouin, 18°23′ N lat. 72°38′ W long., 1100 ft, 22 July 1970, L. Skog, T. Talpey & D. Pfister 1610 (topotype: BH, MO, US).
citação bibliográfica
Skog, Laurence E. 1976. "A study of the tribe Gesneriaceae, with a revision of Gesneria (Gesneriaceae-Gesnerioideae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Botany. 1-182. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.0081024X.29

Gesneria humilis ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Gesneria humilis L. est une espèce de plantes de la famille des Gesneriaceae. C'est une herbacée à fleurs tubulaires jaunes et à feuilles lancéolées et dentelée. Elle est l'espèce type du genre Gesneria.

Liste des sous-espèces

Selon Tropicos (23 mai 2017)[2] :

  • sous-espèce Gesneria humilis subsp. celsioides (Griseb.) Borhidi

Notes et références

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wikipedia FR

Gesneria humilis: Brief Summary ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Gesneria humilis L. est une espèce de plantes de la famille des Gesneriaceae. C'est une herbacée à fleurs tubulaires jaunes et à feuilles lancéolées et dentelée. Elle est l'espèce type du genre Gesneria.

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wikipedia FR

Gesneria humilis ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Gesneria humilis là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Tai voi. Loài này được L. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1753.[1]

Chú thích

  1. ^ The Plant List (2010). Gesneria humilis. Truy cập ngày 10 tháng 6 năm 2013.

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Gesneria humilis: Brief Summary ( Vietnamita )

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Gesneria humilis là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Tai voi. Loài này được L. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1753.

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