Imagem de Banksia burdettii F. G. Baker
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Banksia burdettii F. G. Baker

Banksia burdettii ( Azerbaijano )

fornecido por wikipedia AZ

Banksia burdettii (lat. Banksia burdettii) – proteyakimilər fəsiləsinin banksiya cinsinə aid bitki növü.


Bu şablona bax Banksiya cinsinə aid növlər B. acanthopodaB. aculeataB. acuminataB. aemulaB. alliaceaB. anatonaB. aquiloniaB. arboreaB. archaeocarpa B. arctotidisB. armataB. ashbyiB. attenuataB. audaxB. aurantiaB. baueriB. baxteriB. bellaB. benthamianaB. bipinnatifidaB. biteraxB. blechnifoliaB. borealisB. browniiB. brunneaB. burdettiiB. caleyiB. calophyllaB. candolleanaB. caneiB. carlinoidesB. catoglyptaB. chamaephytonB. cirsioidesB. coccineaB. columnarisB. comosaB. concinnaB. confertaB. corvijugaB. croajingolensisB. cuneataB. cynaroidesB. cypholobaB. dallanneyiB. densaB. dentataB. drummondiiB. dryandroidesB. echinataB. elderianaB. elegansB. epicaB. epimictaB. ericifoliaB. erythrocephalaB. falcataB. fasciculataB. fililobaB. foliolataB. foliosissimaB. formosaB. fraseriB. fuscobracteaB. gardneriB. glaucifoliaB. goodiiB. grandisB. grossaB. helianthaB. hewardianaB. hirtaB. hookerianaB. horridaB. idiogenesB. ilicifoliaB. incanaB. insulanemorecinctaB. integrifoliaB. ionthocarpaB. kingii B. kippistianaB. laevigataB. lanataB. laricinaB. lemannianaB. lepidorhizaB. leptophyllaB. lindleyanaB. littoralisB. longicarpaB. lullfitziiB. marginataB. mediaB. meganotiaB. meisneriB. menziesiiB. micranthaB. mimicaB. montanaB. mucronulataB. nanaB. niveaB. nobilisB. novae-zelandiaeB. nutansB. oblongifoliaB. obovataB. obtusaB. occidentalisB. octotrigintaB. oliganthaB. oreophilaB. ornataB. pallidaB. paludosaB. pellaeifoliaB. petiolarisB. pilostylisB. plagiocarpaB. platycarpaB. plumosaB. polycephalaB. porrectaB. praemorsaB. prionophyllaB. prionotesB. prolataB. proteoidesB. pseudoplumosaB. pteridifoliaB. pulchellaB. purdieanaB. quercifoliaB. repensB. roburB. rosseraeB. rufaB. rufistylisB. saxicolaB. scabrellaB. sceptrumB. sclerophyllaB. seminudaB. seneciifoliaB. serraB. serrataB. serratuloidesB. sessilisB. shanklandiorumB. shuttleworthianaB. solandriB. speciosaB. sphaerocarpaB. spinulosaB. splendidaB. squarrosaB. stenoprionB. strahanensisB. strictifoliaB. stuposaB. subpinnatifidaB. subulataB. telmatiaeaB. tenuisB. tortifoliaB. tricuspisB. tridentataB. trifontinalisB. undataB. verticillataB. vestitaB. victoriaeB. violaceaB. viscidaB. wonganensisB. xylothemelia

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Banksia burdettii: Brief Summary ( Azerbaijano )

fornecido por wikipedia AZ

Banksia burdettii (lat. Banksia burdettii) – proteyakimilər fəsiləsinin banksiya cinsinə aid bitki növü.

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Banksia burdettii ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Banksia burdettii, commonly known as Burdett's banksia,[2] is a species of shrub or tree of the genus Banksia in the family Proteaceae. It occurs on sandplain country north of Gingin, Western Australia. Growing to 4 m (13 ft) in height, it has long serrated leaves and large, bright flower spikes, initially white before opening to a bright orange, that appear mainly in late summer (February and March). Edmund Gilbert Baker described B. burdettii in 1934, naming it after its collector, W. Burdett.


Banksia burdettii grows as an evergreen shrub to a height of 4 metres (13 ft). The new growth is hairy, though longer stems are smooth.[2] The sturdy, serrated grey green leaves[3] are 10–16 centimetres (3.9–6.3 in) long and 1.5–2.5 centimetres (0.59–0.98 in) wide with a narrow oblong or wedge-shape and a truncate tip. The toothed margins are slightly downcurved.[4]

Burdett's banksia has 6–10 centimetres (2.4–3.9 in) cm high flower spikes, known as inflorescences, that prominently displayed on the ends of stems, appearing between the months of January and May,[2] peaking over February and March.[4] A 1988 field study in Watheroo National Park revealed that each flower spike has 972 ± 130 florets.[5] The individual flowers are hairy and white on the outside and orange within, the flower spikes turning from white to orange as anthesis proceeds up the spike. Old flower spikes fade to grey over time, and develop up to 20 follicles (seed pods) each.[4] Each follicle contains two seeds, though around 36% of seeds are nonviable. Almost all follicles remain closed until opened by bushfire.[5]


Banksia burdettii was described in 1934 by Edmund Gilbert Baker, from a specimen grown from seed collected at Watheroo by one W. Burdett in 1930. Baker felt it had affinities to B. baueri, B. prionotes and B. menziesii, placing it in the series Cyrtostylis.[6] In 1981, Alex George published a revised arrangement that placed B. prionotes in the subgenus Banksia because of its flower spike, section Banksia because its styles are straight rather than hooked, and the series Crocinae, a new series of four closely related species, all with bright orange perianths and pistils.[7]

George's arrangement remained current until 1996, when Kevin Thiele and Pauline Ladiges published an arrangement informed by a cladistic analysis of morphological characteristics. Their arrangement maintained B. burdettii in B. subg. Banksia, but discarded George's sections and his series Crocinae. Instead, B. burdettii was placed at the end of series Banksia, in subseries Cratistylis.[8] Questioning the emphasis on cladistics in Thiele and Ladiges' arrangement, George published a slightly modified version of his 1981 arrangement in his 1999 treatment of Banksia for the Flora of Australia series of monographs. To date, this remains the most recent comprehensive arrangement. The placement of B. burdettii in George's 1999 arrangement may be summarised as follows:[4]

B. subg. Banksia
B. sect. Banksia
B. ser. Salicinae (11 species, 7 subspecies)
B. ser. Grandes (2 species)
B. ser. Banksia (8 species)
B. ser. Crocinae
B. burdettii
B. prionotes
B. hookeriana
B. victoriae

Since 1998, American botanist Austin Mast has been publishing results of ongoing cladistic analyses of DNA sequence data for the subtribe Banksiinae, which includes Banksia. With respect to B. prionotes, Mast's results are fairly consistent with those of both George and Thiele and Ladiges. Series Crocinae appears to be monophyletic, and B. hookeriana is confirmed as B. prionotes' closest relative. Overall, however, the inferred phylogeny is very different from George's arrangement.[9][10][11] Early in 2007, Mast and Thiele initiated a rearrangement of Banksiinae by publishing several new names, including subgenus Spathulatae for the species of Banksia that have spoon-shaped cotyledons; in this way they also redefined the autonym B. subgenus Banksia. They have not yet published a full arrangement, but if their nomenclatural changes are taken as an interim arrangement, then B. burdettii is placed in subgenus Banksia.[12]

Distribution and habitat

Found between Eneabba and Mogumber in Western Australia,[4] Banksia burdettii is locally common where it occurs.[5]


Banksia burdettii is very sensitive to bushfire, and plants are killed by even small fires, the old cones being highly combustible. More cones are burnt and opened in hot fires. This species is strongly serotinous: seed is released only following a fire. Thus plants accumulate a large number of viable seen in an aerial seed bank in fire intervals, which is released all at once after a fire, ensuring population regeneration.[5] The resulting plants take around four or five years to flower,[13] shorter than many other banksia species. Optimal fire intervals generally fall between ten and twenty years, though it will reproduce outside this range. Spring fires are thought to be more beneficial for reproduction due to more reliable rainfall and hence germination afterwards. Burnt follicles open with water, so may remain intact after dry spells to open.[5]

The flowers are fed at (and pollinated by) a range of honeyeater species, including the white-cheeked honeyeater (Phylidonyris nigra), brown honeyeater (Lichmera indistincta), spiny-cheeked honeyeater (Acanthagenys rufogularis), red wattlebird (Anthochaera carunculata) and western wattlebird (A. lunulata).[13] Carnaby's black cockatoos (Calyptorhynchus latirostris) eat seed from follicles, dropping old flower cones around the plant.[5]

The honey possum (Tarsipes rostratus) also visits the flowers.[13]

Weevils (Curculionidae) eat seeds, especially in older cones.[5]

Use in horticulture

Banksia burdettii is fairly easy to grow in areas with a Mediterranean climate, but does not do well in areas with high summer humidity. It requires a sunny position in well-drained soil. Once established the plant is resistant to both frost and drought, it prefers sun or light shade and well drained soils.[14]

Seeds do not require any treatment, and take 20 to 42 days to germinate.[15]


  1. ^ "Banksia burdettii". Australian Plant Census. Retrieved 10 April 2020.
  2. ^ a b c "Florabase – Banksia burdetti". 2007. Retrieved 13 August 2015.
  3. ^ "WA Plants – Summer Top 10". 2005. Archived from the original on 31 August 2007. Retrieved 21 September 2007.
  4. ^ a b c d e George, Alex (1999). "Banksia". In Wilson, Annette (ed.). Flora of Australia: Volume 17B: Proteaceae 3: Hakea to Dryandra. CSIRO Publishing / Australian Biological Resources Study. pp. 175–251. ISBN 0-643-06454-0.
  5. ^ a b c d e f g Lamont, Byron B.; Barker, Mirranie J. (1988). "Seed bank dynamics of a serotinus, fire-sensitive Banksia species". Australian Journal of Botany. 36 (2): 193–203. doi:10.1071/BT9880193.
  6. ^ Baker, Edmund Gilbert (1934). "Notes from the British Museum Herbarium" (PDF). Journal of Botany. 72: 280–82.
  7. ^ George, Alex S. (1981). "The genus Banksia L.f. (Proteaceae)". Nuytsia. 3 (3): 239–473. ISSN 0085-4417.
  8. ^ Thiele, Kevin; Ladiges, Pauline Y. (1996). "A Cladistic Analysis of Banksia (Proteaceae)". Australian Systematic Botany. 9 (5): 661–733. doi:10.1071/SB9960661.
  9. ^ Mast, Austin R. (1998). "Molecular systematics of subtribe Banksiinae (Banksia and Dryandra; Proteaceae) based on cpDNA and nrDNA sequence data: implications for taxonomy and biogeography". Australian Systematic Botany. 11 (4): 321–42. doi:10.1071/SB97026.
  10. ^ Mast, Austin R.; Givnish, Thomas J. (2002). "Historical biogeography and the origin of stomatal distributions in Banksia and Dryandra (Proteaceae) based on Their cpDNA phylogeny". American Journal of Botany. 89 (8): 1311–23. doi:10.3732/ajb.89.8.1311. ISSN 0002-9122. PMID 21665734.
  11. ^ Mast, Austin R.; Jones, Eric H.; Havery, Shawn P. (2005). "An assessment of old and new DNA sequence evidence for the paraphyly of Banksia with respect to Dryandra (Proteaceae)". Australian Systematic Botany. CSIRO Publishing / Australian Systematic Botany Society. 18 (1): 75–88. doi:10.1071/SB04015.
  12. ^ Mast, Austin R.; Thiele, Kevin (2007). "The transfer of Dryandra R.Br. to Banksia L.f. (Proteaceae)". Australian Systematic Botany. 20 (1): 63–71. doi:10.1071/SB06016.
  13. ^ a b c Taylor, Anne; Hopper, Stephen (1988). The Banksia Atlas (Australian Flora and Fauna Series Number 8). Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service. pp. 68–69. ISBN 0-644-07124-9.
  14. ^ "California Gardens – Banksia burdetti". 2007. Archived from the original on 24 October 2007. Retrieved 21 September 2007.
  15. ^ Sweedman, Luke; Merritt, David, eds. (2006). Australian seeds: a guide to their collection, identification and biology. CSIRO Publishing. p. 202. ISBN 0-643-09298-6.

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wikipedia EN

Banksia burdettii: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Banksia burdettii, commonly known as Burdett's banksia, is a species of shrub or tree of the genus Banksia in the family Proteaceae. It occurs on sandplain country north of Gingin, Western Australia. Growing to 4 m (13 ft) in height, it has long serrated leaves and large, bright flower spikes, initially white before opening to a bright orange, that appear mainly in late summer (February and March). Edmund Gilbert Baker described B. burdettii in 1934, naming it after its collector, W. Burdett.

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wikipedia EN

Banksia burdettii ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

Banksia burdettii es una especie de arbusto del género Banksia. Se trata de una especie endémica de Australia, donde su distribución se da en el estado de Australia Occidental. Fue nombrada y descrita por el botanista británico Edmund Gilbert Baker en 1934. [2]


Esta especie de arbusto perenne puede alcanzar una dimensiones de hasta cuatro metros de altura y dos de anchura. La floración tiene lugar entre verano y otoño (en el hemisferio sur, donde se encuentra su hábitat natural, esta tiene lugar entre enero y mayo). Las flores presentan dos tonalidades: naranja y color crema, y tienen forma de cono. Sus dimensiones son 120 mm de longitud y 100 mm de diámetro.

Banksia burdetti tolera cualquier tipo de suelo, teniendo en cuenta que este tenga un buen drenaje. Una vez la planta está establecida se caracteriza por ser muy resistente, al no requerir grandes cantidades de agua.

Las hojas son alargadas y aserradas.

Las enfermedades y plagas a las que se ve expuesta esta especie son las bromas dentro de los tallos principales y en los ápices en crecimiento, así como ocasionalmente las cochinillas de la harina. También puede sufrir de una micosis causada por el oomicento Phytophthora cinnamomi (esto es comúnmente conocido como dieback, también conocido en español como «podredumbre radical»). [3]


B. subg. Banksia
B. sect. Banksia
B. ser. Salicinae (11 especies, 7 subespecies)
B. ser. Grandes (2 especies)
B. ser. Banksia (8 especies)
B. ser. Crocinae
B. burdettii
B. prionotes
B. hookeriana
B. victoriae


  1. «Banksia burdettii Baker f.». Australian Plant Census. Consultado el 27 de julio de 2020.
  2. Gilbert Baker, Edmund (octubre de 1934). «Banksia (Cyrtostylis) burdettii». The Journal of Botany British and Foreign (en inglés) 72: 281-282.
  3. Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority (ed.). «Burdett’s Banksia - Banksia burdettii» (en inglés). Consultado el 9 de septiembre de 2019.
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Autores y editores de Wikipedia
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wikipedia ES

Banksia burdettii: Brief Summary ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

Banksia burdettii es una especie de arbusto del género Banksia. Se trata de una especie endémica de Australia, donde su distribución se da en el estado de Australia Occidental. Fue nombrada y descrita por el botanista británico Edmund Gilbert Baker en 1934. ​

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Autores y editores de Wikipedia
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wikipedia ES

Banksia burdettii ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT

Banksia burdettii (Baker f., 1934) è una pianta appartenente alla famiglia delle Proteaceae, endemica dell'Australia occidentale[2].


  1. ^ https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/112520717/113306486
  2. ^ (EN) Banksia burdettii Baker f., su Plants of the World Online, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. URL consultato il 2 febbraio 2021.

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wikipedia IT

Banksia burdettii: Brief Summary ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT

Banksia burdettii (Baker f., 1934) è una pianta appartenente alla famiglia delle Proteaceae, endemica dell'Australia occidentale.

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wikipedia IT

Banksia burdettii ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI
Tango style Wikipedia Icon.svg
Đây là một bài mồ côi vì không có hoặc có ít bài khác liên kết đến nó.
Xin hãy tạo liên kết đến bài này trong các bài của các chủ đề liên quan. (tháng 7 2018)

Banksia burdettii là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Quắn hoa. Loài này được Baker f. miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1934.[1] Loài thực vật này hiện diện ở xứ đồng bằng cát phía bắc Gingin, Western Australia. Chúng cao đến 4 m, chúng có lá dài răng cưa lá và hoa tươi sáng lớn, ban đầu màu trắng trước hi mở ra chuyển thành màu cam sáng, chủ yếu nở vào cuối Hè (tháng 2 và tháng 3). Edmund Gilbert Baker mô tả B. burdettii vào năm 1934, đặt tên cho nó theo nhà sưu tập loài cây này, W. BURDETT. Một khi đã thiết lập loài cây này có khả năng chống sương giá cả và hạn hán, chúng thích ánh nắng mặt trời hoặc bóng râm và đất thoát nước tốt[2],

Chú thích

  1. ^ The Plant List (2010). Banksia burdettii. Truy cập ngày 25 tháng 6 năm 2013.
  2. ^ “California Gardens - Banksia burdetti”. 2007. Bản gốc lưu trữ ngày 24 tháng 10 năm 2007. Truy cập ngày 21 tháng 9 năm 2007.

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Banksia burdettii: Brief Summary ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Banksia burdettii là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Quắn hoa. Loài này được Baker f. miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1934. Loài thực vật này hiện diện ở xứ đồng bằng cát phía bắc Gingin, Western Australia. Chúng cao đến 4 m, chúng có lá dài răng cưa lá và hoa tươi sáng lớn, ban đầu màu trắng trước hi mở ra chuyển thành màu cam sáng, chủ yếu nở vào cuối Hè (tháng 2 và tháng 3). Edmund Gilbert Baker mô tả B. burdettii vào năm 1934, đặt tên cho nó theo nhà sưu tập loài cây này, W. BURDETT. Một khi đã thiết lập loài cây này có khả năng chống sương giá cả và hạn hán, chúng thích ánh nắng mặt trời hoặc bóng râm và đất thoát nước tốt,

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