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Banco de Traços
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Português do Brasil
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Parathesis obtusa Lundell
Nomes científicos
Nomes preferidos
Parathesis obtusa Lundell
Espécies foi reconhecido por
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Taxon de referência de Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Parathesis obtusa
Espécies foi reconhecido por
Mexico Species List
Parathesis obtusa
Espécies foi reconhecido por
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
GBIF classification
, and
GBIF national node type records France
Parathesis obtusa
Espécies foi reconhecido por
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Parathesis obtusa
Reconhecido por
BHL data coverage
Parathesis obtusa Lundell
Espécies foi reconhecido por
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
GBIF data coverage
, and
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Parathesis obtusa Lundell
Reconhecido por
NMNH type specimens
Nomes comuns
Não há nomes comuns associados a esse táxon.
Hierarquias selecionadas para Parathesis obtusa Lundell
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Parathesis obtusa Lundell
(essa página)
Parathesis acostensis J. F. Morales
Parathesis acuminata Lundell
Parathesis adenanthera (Miq.) Hook. fil.
Parathesis aeruginosa Standl.
Parathesis agostiniana Lundell
Parathesis amazonica Mez
Parathesis amplifolia Lundell
Parathesis angustifolia Lundell
Parathesis aurantiaca Lundell
Parathesis bracteolata C. L. Lundell
Parathesis breedlovei Lundell
Parathesis calimensis Ricketson & Pipoly
Parathesis calophylla J. D. Smith
Parathesis calzadae C. L. Lundell
Parathesis candolleana Mez
Parathesis cartagoana C. L. Lundell
Parathesis chiapensis Fern.
Parathesis cintalapana C. L. Lundell
Parathesis columnaris Lundell
Parathesis conzattii (Blake) Lundell
Parathesis crassiramea Lundell
Parathesis crenulata (Vent.) Hook. fil. ex Hemsl.
Parathesis croatii Lundell
Parathesis cubana (A. DC.) Molinet & Gomez de la Maza
Parathesis cuspidata C. L. Lundell
Parathesis donnell-smithii Mez
Parathesis eggersiana Mez
Parathesis emarginata Lundell
Parathesis ferruginea Lundell
Parathesis fusca (Oerst.) Mez
Parathesis glaberrima C. L. Lundell
Parathesis glabra J. D. Sm.
Parathesis glendae J. M. Ricketson
Parathesis gracilis Lundell
Parathesis ixtlanensis C. L. Lundell
Parathesis kochii C. L. Lundell
Parathesis lanceolata T. S. Brandegee
Parathesis laxa Lundell
Parathesis lenticellata C. L. Lundell
Parathesis leptopa Lundell
Parathesis longipedicellata J. M. Ricketson
Parathesis macrantha Lunoiell
Parathesis macronema Bullock
Parathesis melanosticta (Schltdl.) Hemsl.
Parathesis mexicana Lundell
Parathesis microcalyx Donn. Smith
Parathesis minutiflora C. L. Lundell
Parathesis montana Lundell
Parathesis moritziana Mez
Parathesis multiflora Lundell
Parathesis navarretei C. L. Lundell
Parathesis neei C. L. Lundell
Parathesis pajapanensis C. L. Lundell
Parathesis palaciosii J. J. Pipoly
Parathesis panamensis Lundell
Parathesis papillosa Lundell
Parathesis parvifolia Lundell
Parathesis parvissima C. L. Lundell
Parathesis perpunctata C. L. Lundell
Parathesis pipolyana Ricketson
Parathesis pleurobotryosa J. D. Smith
Parathesis prionophylla Standl.
Parathesis pseudocalophylla Ricketson & Pipoly
Parathesis pseudocrassiramea Ricketson & Pipoly
Parathesis psychotrioides Lundell
Parathesis pyramidalis Lundell
Parathesis reflexa T. S Brandegee
Parathesis rekoi Standl.
Parathesis reticulata Lundell
Parathesis rosea Lundell
Parathesis rothschuhiana Mez
Parathesis rufa Lundell
Parathesis schultesii Lundell
Parathesis seibertii Lundell
Parathesis serrulata (Sw.) Mez
Parathesis sessilifolia J. D. Smith
Parathesis sinuata (C. L. Lundell) J. M. Ricketson & J. J. Pipoly
Parathesis skutchii Lundell
Parathesis subcoriacea Lundell
Parathesis subulata Lundell
Parathesis tartarea Lundell
Parathesis tenorioi C. L. Lundell
Parathesis tenuis Standl.
Parathesis tetramera Bullock
Parathesis tomentosa Lundell
Parathesis travisae Lundell
Parathesis trichogyne Hemsl.
Parathesis tuxtlensis C. L. Lundell
Parathesis venezuelana Mez
Parathesis vestita Lundell
Parathesis villalobosii C. L. Lundell
Parathesis villosa Lundell
Parathesis vulgata Lundell
Parathesis wendtii C. L. Lundell
Parathesis williamsii Lundell
Parathesis zuliana C. L. Lundell
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Primulaceae Batsch ex Borkh.
Myrsinoideae Burnett
Parathesis (A. DC.) Hook. fil.
Parathesis obtusa Lundell
(essa página)
Parathesis acostensis J. F. Morales
Parathesis acuminata Lundell
Parathesis adenanthera (Miq.) Hook. fil.
Parathesis aeruginosa Standl.
Parathesis agostiniana Lundell
Parathesis amazonica Mez
Parathesis amplifolia Lundell
Parathesis angustifolia Lundell
Parathesis aurantiaca Lundell
Parathesis bracteolata Lundell
Parathesis breedlovei Lundell
Parathesis calimensis Ricketson & Pipoly
Parathesis calophylla J. D. Sm.
Parathesis calzadae Lundell
Parathesis candolleana Mez
Parathesis cartagoana Lundell
Parathesis chiapensis Fernald
Parathesis cintalapana Lundell
Parathesis columnaris Lundell
Parathesis conzattii (Blake) Lundell
Parathesis crassiramea Lundell
Parathesis crenulata (Vent.) Hook. fil. ex Hemsl.
Parathesis croatii Lundell
Parathesis cubana (A. DC.) Molinet & M. Gómez
Parathesis cuspidata Lundell
Parathesis donnell-smithii Mez
Parathesis eggersiana Mez
Parathesis emarginata Lundell
Parathesis ferruginea Lundell
Parathesis fusca (Oerst.) Mez
Parathesis glaberrima Lundell
Parathesis glabra J. D. Sm.
Parathesis glendae Ricketson
Parathesis gracilis Lundell
Parathesis ixtlanensis Lundell
Parathesis kochii Lundell
Parathesis lanceolata Brandegee
Parathesis laxa Lundell
Parathesis lenticellata Lundell
Parathesis leptopa Lundell
Parathesis longipedicellata Ricketson
Parathesis macrantha Lundell
Parathesis macronema Bullock
Parathesis melanosticta (Schltdl.) Hemsl.
Parathesis mexicana Lundell
Parathesis microcalyx Donn. Sm.
Parathesis minutiflora Lundell
Parathesis montana Lundell
Parathesis moritziana Mez
Parathesis multiflora Lundell
Parathesis navarretei Lundell
Parathesis neei Lundell
Parathesis pajapanensis Lundell
Parathesis palaciosii Pipoly
Parathesis panamensis Lundell
Parathesis papillosa Lundell
Parathesis parvifolia Lundell
Parathesis parvissima Lundell
Parathesis perpunctata Lundell
Parathesis pipolyana Ricketson
Parathesis pleurobotryosa J. D. Sm.
Parathesis prionophylla Standl.
Parathesis pseudocalophylla Ricketson & Pipoly
Parathesis pseudocrassiramea Ricketson & Pipoly
Parathesis psychotrioides Lundell
Parathesis pyramidalis Lundell
Parathesis reflexa Brandegee
Parathesis rekoi Standl.
Parathesis reticulata Lundell
Parathesis rosea Lundell
Parathesis rothschuhiana Mez
Parathesis rufa Lundell
Parathesis schultesii Lundell
Parathesis seibertii Lundell
Parathesis serrulata (Sw.) Mez
Parathesis sessilifolia J. D. Sm.
Parathesis sinuata (Lundell) Ricketson & Pipoly
Parathesis skutchii Lundell
Parathesis subcoriacea Lundell
Parathesis subulata Lundell
Parathesis tartarea Lundell
Parathesis tenorioi Lundell
Parathesis tenuis Standl.
Parathesis tetramera Bullock
Parathesis tomentosa Lundell
Parathesis travisae Lundell
Parathesis trichogyne Hemsl.
Parathesis tuxtlensis Lundell
Parathesis venezuelana Mez
Parathesis vestita Lundell
Parathesis villalobosii Lundell
Parathesis villosa Lundell
Parathesis vulgata Lundell
Parathesis wendtii Lundell
Parathesis williamsii Lundell
Parathesis zuliana Lundell
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Parathesis obtusa Lundell
(essa página)
Parathesis acostensis J. F. Morales
Parathesis acuminata Lundell
Parathesis adenanthera (Miq.) Hook. fil.
Parathesis aeruginosa Standl.
Parathesis agostiniana Lundell
Parathesis amazonica Mez
Parathesis amplifolia Lundell
Parathesis angustifolia Lundell
Parathesis aurantiaca Lundell
Parathesis bracteolata C. L. Lundell
Parathesis breedlovei Lundell
Parathesis calimensis Ricketson & Pipoly
Parathesis calophylla J. D. Smith
Parathesis calzadae C. L. Lundell
Parathesis candolleana Mez
Parathesis cartagoana C. L. Lundell
Parathesis chiapensis Fern.
Parathesis cintalapana C. L. Lundell
Parathesis columnaris Lundell
Parathesis conzattii (Blake) Lundell
Parathesis crassiramea Lundell
Parathesis crenulata (Vent.) Hook. fil. ex Hemsl.
Parathesis croatii Lundell
Parathesis cubana (A. DC.) Molinet & Gomez de la Maza
Parathesis cuspidata C. L. Lundell
Parathesis donnell-smithii Mez
Parathesis eggersiana Mez
Parathesis emarginata Lundell
Parathesis ferruginea Lundell
Parathesis fusca (Oerst.) Mez
Parathesis glaberrima C. L. Lundell
Parathesis glabra J. D. Sm.
Parathesis glendae J. M. Ricketson
Parathesis gracilis Lundell
Parathesis ixtlanensis C. L. Lundell
Parathesis kochii C. L. Lundell
Parathesis lanceolata T. S. Brandegee
Parathesis laxa Lundell
Parathesis lenticellata C. L. Lundell
Parathesis leptopa Lundell
Parathesis longipedicellata J. M. Ricketson
Parathesis macrantha Lunoiell
Parathesis macronema Bullock
Parathesis melanosticta (Schltdl.) Hemsl.
Parathesis mexicana Lundell
Parathesis microcalyx Donn. Smith
Parathesis minutiflora C. L. Lundell
Parathesis montana Lundell
Parathesis moritziana Mez
Parathesis multiflora Lundell
Parathesis navarretei C. L. Lundell
Parathesis neei C. L. Lundell
Parathesis pajapanensis C. L. Lundell
Parathesis palaciosii J. J. Pipoly
Parathesis panamensis Lundell
Parathesis papillosa Lundell
Parathesis parvifolia Lundell
Parathesis parvissima C. L. Lundell
Parathesis perpunctata C. L. Lundell
Parathesis pipolyana Ricketson
Parathesis pleurobotryosa J. D. Smith
Parathesis prionophylla Standl.
Parathesis pseudocalophylla Ricketson & Pipoly
Parathesis pseudocrassiramea Ricketson & Pipoly
Parathesis psychotrioides Lundell
Parathesis pyramidalis Lundell
Parathesis reflexa T. S Brandegee
Parathesis rekoi Standl.
Parathesis reticulata Lundell
Parathesis rosea Lundell
Parathesis rothschuhiana Mez
Parathesis rufa Lundell
Parathesis schultesii Lundell
Parathesis seibertii Lundell
Parathesis serrulata (Sw.) Mez
Parathesis sessilifolia J. D. Smith
Parathesis sinuata (C. L. Lundell) J. M. Ricketson & J. J. Pipoly
Parathesis skutchii Lundell
Parathesis subcoriacea Lundell
Parathesis subulata Lundell
Parathesis tartarea Lundell
Parathesis tenorioi C. L. Lundell
Parathesis tenuis Standl.
Parathesis tetramera Bullock
Parathesis tomentosa Lundell
Parathesis travisae Lundell
Parathesis trichogyne Hemsl.
Parathesis tuxtlensis C. L. Lundell
Parathesis venezuelana Mez
Parathesis vestita Lundell
Parathesis villalobosii C. L. Lundell
Parathesis villosa Lundell
Parathesis vulgata Lundell
Parathesis wendtii C. L. Lundell
Parathesis williamsii Lundell
Parathesis zuliana C. L. Lundell
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Cellular Organisms
Parathesis obtusa Lundell
(essa página)
Parathesis acostensis J. F. Morales
Parathesis acuminata Lundell
Parathesis adenanthera (Miq.) Hook. fil.
Parathesis aeruginosa Standl.
Parathesis agostiniana Lundell
Parathesis amazonica Mez
Parathesis amplifolia Lundell
Parathesis angustifolia Lundell
Parathesis aurantiaca Lundell
Parathesis bracteolata C. L. Lundell
Parathesis breedlovei Lundell
Parathesis calimensis Ricketson & Pipoly
Parathesis calophylla J. D. Smith
Parathesis calzadae C. L. Lundell
Parathesis candolleana Mez
Parathesis cartagoana C. L. Lundell
Parathesis chiapensis Fern.
Parathesis cintalapana C. L. Lundell
Parathesis columnaris Lundell
Parathesis conzattii (Blake) Lundell
Parathesis crassiramea Lundell
Parathesis crenulata (Vent.) Hook. fil. ex Hemsl.
Parathesis croatii Lundell
Parathesis cubana (A. DC.) Molinet & Gomez de la Maza
Parathesis cuspidata C. L. Lundell
Parathesis donnell-smithii Mez
Parathesis eggersiana Mez
Parathesis emarginata Lundell
Parathesis ferruginea Lundell
Parathesis fusca (Oerst.) Mez
Parathesis glaberrima C. L. Lundell
Parathesis glabra J. D. Sm.
Parathesis glendae J. M. Ricketson
Parathesis gracilis Lundell
Parathesis ixtlanensis C. L. Lundell
Parathesis kochii C. L. Lundell
Parathesis lanceolata T. S. Brandegee
Parathesis laxa Lundell
Parathesis lenticellata C. L. Lundell
Parathesis leptopa Lundell
Parathesis longipedicellata J. M. Ricketson
Parathesis macrantha Lunoiell
Parathesis macronema Bullock
Parathesis melanosticta (Schltdl.) Hemsl.
Parathesis mexicana Lundell
Parathesis microcalyx Donn. Smith
Parathesis minutiflora C. L. Lundell
Parathesis montana Lundell
Parathesis moritziana Mez
Parathesis multiflora Lundell
Parathesis navarretei C. L. Lundell
Parathesis neei C. L. Lundell
Parathesis pajapanensis C. L. Lundell
Parathesis palaciosii J. J. Pipoly
Parathesis panamensis Lundell
Parathesis papillosa Lundell
Parathesis parvifolia Lundell
Parathesis parvissima C. L. Lundell
Parathesis perpunctata C. L. Lundell
Parathesis pipolyana Ricketson
Parathesis pleurobotryosa J. D. Smith
Parathesis prionophylla Standl.
Parathesis pseudocalophylla Ricketson & Pipoly
Parathesis pseudocrassiramea Ricketson & Pipoly
Parathesis psychotrioides Lundell
Parathesis pyramidalis Lundell
Parathesis reflexa T. S Brandegee
Parathesis rekoi Standl.
Parathesis reticulata Lundell
Parathesis rosea Lundell
Parathesis rothschuhiana Mez
Parathesis rufa Lundell
Parathesis schultesii Lundell
Parathesis seibertii Lundell
Parathesis serrulata (Sw.) Mez
Parathesis sessilifolia J. D. Smith
Parathesis sinuata (C. L. Lundell) J. M. Ricketson & J. J. Pipoly
Parathesis skutchii Lundell
Parathesis subcoriacea Lundell
Parathesis subulata Lundell
Parathesis tartarea Lundell
Parathesis tenorioi C. L. Lundell
Parathesis tenuis Standl.
Parathesis tetramera Bullock
Parathesis tomentosa Lundell
Parathesis travisae Lundell
Parathesis trichogyne Hemsl.
Parathesis tuxtlensis C. L. Lundell
Parathesis venezuelana Mez
Parathesis vestita Lundell
Parathesis villalobosii C. L. Lundell
Parathesis villosa Lundell
Parathesis vulgata Lundell
Parathesis wendtii C. L. Lundell
Parathesis williamsii Lundell
Parathesis zuliana C. L. Lundell
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Parathesis obtusa Lundell
(essa página)
Parathesis acostensis J. F. Morales
Parathesis acuminata Lundell
Parathesis adenanthera (Miq.) Hook. fil.
Parathesis aeruginosa Standl.
Parathesis agostiniana Lundell
Parathesis amazonica Mez
Parathesis amplifolia Lundell
Parathesis angustifolia Lundell
Parathesis aurantiaca Lundell
Parathesis bracteolata C. L. Lundell
Parathesis breedlovei Lundell
Parathesis calimensis Ricketson & Pipoly
Parathesis calophylla J. D. Smith
Parathesis calzadae C. L. Lundell
Parathesis candolleana Mez
Parathesis cartagoana C. L. Lundell
Parathesis chiapensis Fern.
Parathesis cintalapana C. L. Lundell
Parathesis columnaris Lundell
Parathesis conzattii (Blake) Lundell
Parathesis crassiramea Lundell
Parathesis crenulata (Vent.) Hook. fil. ex Hemsl.
Parathesis croatii Lundell
Parathesis cubana (A. DC.) Molinet & Gomez de la Maza
Parathesis cuspidata C. L. Lundell
Parathesis donnell-smithii Mez
Parathesis eggersiana Mez
Parathesis emarginata Lundell
Parathesis ferruginea Lundell
Parathesis fusca (Oerst.) Mez
Parathesis glaberrima C. L. Lundell
Parathesis glabra J. D. Sm.
Parathesis glendae J. M. Ricketson
Parathesis gracilis Lundell
Parathesis ixtlanensis C. L. Lundell
Parathesis kochii C. L. Lundell
Parathesis lanceolata T. S. Brandegee
Parathesis laxa Lundell
Parathesis lenticellata C. L. Lundell
Parathesis leptopa Lundell
Parathesis longipedicellata J. M. Ricketson
Parathesis macrantha Lunoiell
Parathesis macronema Bullock
Parathesis melanosticta (Schltdl.) Hemsl.
Parathesis mexicana Lundell
Parathesis microcalyx Donn. Smith
Parathesis minutiflora C. L. Lundell
Parathesis montana Lundell
Parathesis moritziana Mez
Parathesis multiflora Lundell
Parathesis navarretei C. L. Lundell
Parathesis neei C. L. Lundell
Parathesis pajapanensis C. L. Lundell
Parathesis palaciosii J. J. Pipoly
Parathesis panamensis Lundell
Parathesis papillosa Lundell
Parathesis parvifolia Lundell
Parathesis parvissima C. L. Lundell
Parathesis perpunctata C. L. Lundell
Parathesis pipolyana Ricketson
Parathesis pleurobotryosa J. D. Smith
Parathesis prionophylla Standl.
Parathesis pseudocalophylla Ricketson & Pipoly
Parathesis pseudocrassiramea Ricketson & Pipoly
Parathesis psychotrioides Lundell
Parathesis pyramidalis Lundell
Parathesis reflexa T. S Brandegee
Parathesis rekoi Standl.
Parathesis reticulata Lundell
Parathesis rosea Lundell
Parathesis rothschuhiana Mez
Parathesis rufa Lundell
Parathesis schultesii Lundell
Parathesis seibertii Lundell
Parathesis serrulata (Sw.) Mez
Parathesis sessilifolia J. D. Smith
Parathesis sinuata (C. L. Lundell) J. M. Ricketson & J. J. Pipoly
Parathesis skutchii Lundell
Parathesis subcoriacea Lundell
Parathesis subulata Lundell
Parathesis tartarea Lundell
Parathesis tenorioi C. L. Lundell
Parathesis tenuis Standl.
Parathesis tetramera Bullock
Parathesis tomentosa Lundell
Parathesis travisae Lundell
Parathesis trichogyne Hemsl.
Parathesis tuxtlensis C. L. Lundell
Parathesis venezuelana Mez
Parathesis vestita Lundell
Parathesis villalobosii C. L. Lundell
Parathesis villosa Lundell
Parathesis vulgata Lundell
Parathesis wendtii C. L. Lundell
Parathesis williamsii Lundell
Parathesis zuliana C. L. Lundell
GBIF classification
Parathesis (A. DC.) Hook. fil.
Parathesis obtusa Lundell
(essa página)
Parathesis acostensis J. F. Morales
Parathesis acuminata Lundell
Parathesis adenanthera Hook. fil.
Parathesis aeruginosa Standl.
Parathesis agostiniana Lundell
Parathesis amazonica Mez
Parathesis amplifolia Lundell
Parathesis angustifolia Lundell
Parathesis aurantiaca Lundell
Parathesis bracteolata Lundell
Parathesis breedlovei Lundell
Parathesis calimensis Ricketson & Pipoly
Parathesis calophylla Donn. Sm.
Parathesis calzadae Lundell
Parathesis candolleana Mez
Parathesis cartagoana Lundell
Parathesis chiapensis Fernald
Parathesis cintalapana Lundell
Parathesis columnaris Lundell
Parathesis conzattii (Blake) Lundell
Parathesis crassiramea Lundell
Parathesis crenulata Hook. fil. ex Hemsl.
Parathesis croatii Lundell
Parathesis cubana (A. DC.) Molinet & M. Gómez
Parathesis cuspidata Lundell
Parathesis donnell-smithii Mez
Parathesis eggersiana Mez
Parathesis emarginata Lundell
Parathesis ferruginea Lundell
Parathesis fusca Mez
Parathesis glaberrima Lundell
Parathesis glabra Donn. Sm.
Parathesis glendae Ricketson
Parathesis gracilis Lundell
Parathesis ixtlanensis Lundell
Parathesis kochii Lundell
Parathesis lanceolata Brandegee
Parathesis laxa Lundell
Parathesis lenticellata Lundell
Parathesis leptopa Lundell
Parathesis longipedicellata Ricketson
Parathesis macrantha Lunoiell
Parathesis macronema Bullock
Parathesis melanosticta Hemsl.
Parathesis mexicana Lundell
Parathesis microcalyx Donn. Sm.
Parathesis minutiflora Lundell
Parathesis montana Lundell
Parathesis moritziana Mez
Parathesis multiflora Lundell
Parathesis navarretei Lundell
Parathesis neei Lundell
Parathesis pajapanensis Lundell
Parathesis palaciosii Pipoly
Parathesis panamensis Lundell
Parathesis papillosa Lundell
Parathesis parvifolia Lundell
Parathesis parvissima Lundell
Parathesis perpunctata Lundell
Parathesis pipolyana Ricketson
Parathesis pleurobotryosa Donn. Sm.
Parathesis prionophylla Standl.
Parathesis pseudocalophylla Ricketson & Pipoly
Parathesis pseudocrassiramea Ricketson & Pipoly
Parathesis psychotrioides Lundell
Parathesis pyramidalis Lundell
Parathesis reflexa Brandegee
Parathesis rekoi Standl.
Parathesis reticulata Lundell
Parathesis revoluta Kunth
Parathesis rosea Lundell
Parathesis rothschuhiana Mez
Parathesis rothshuhiana Oerst.
Parathesis rufa Lundell
Parathesis schultesii Lundell
Parathesis seibertii Lundell
Parathesis serrulata Mez
Parathesis sessilifolia Donn. Sm.
Parathesis sinuata (Lundell) Ricketson & Pipoly
Parathesis skutchii Lundell
Parathesis subcoriacea Lundell
Parathesis subulata Lundell
Parathesis tartarea Lundell
Parathesis tenorioi Lundell
Parathesis tenuis Standl.
Parathesis tetramera Bullock
Parathesis tomentosa Lundell
Parathesis travisae Lundell
Parathesis trichogyne Hemsl.
Parathesis tuxtlensis Lundell
Parathesis venezuelana Mez
Parathesis vestita Lundell
Parathesis villalobosii Lundell
Parathesis villosa Lundell
Parathesis vulgata Lundell
Parathesis wendtii Lundell
Parathesis williamsii Lundell
Parathesis zuliana Lundell
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Parathesis obtusa
(essa página)
Parathesis acostensis
Parathesis acuminata
Parathesis acutissima
Parathesis adenanthera
Parathesis aeruginosa
Parathesis agostiniana
Parathesis amazonica
Parathesis angustifolia
Parathesis aurantiaca
Parathesis bracteolata
Parathesis breedlovei
Parathesis brevipes
Parathesis calimensis
Parathesis calophylla
Parathesis calzadae
Parathesis candolleana
Parathesis cartagoana
Parathesis chiapensis
Parathesis chrysophylla
Parathesis cintalapana
Parathesis columnaris
Parathesis corymbosa
Parathesis crassiramea
Parathesis crenulata
Parathesis croatii
Parathesis cubana
Parathesis cuspidata
Parathesis donnell-smithii
Parathesis elliptica
Parathesis emarginata
Parathesis ferruginea
Parathesis fusca
Parathesis glaberrima
Parathesis glabra
Parathesis glendae
Parathesis gracilis
Parathesis ixtlanensis
Parathesis kochii
Parathesis lanceolata
Parathesis latifolia
Parathesis laxa
Parathesis lenticellata
Parathesis leptopa
Parathesis macrantha
Parathesis macronema
Parathesis matudae
Parathesis melanosticta
Parathesis mexicana
Parathesis microcalyx
Parathesis minutiflora
Parathesis moritziana
Parathesis multiflora
Parathesis navarretei
Parathesis neei
Parathesis oblongifolia
Parathesis obovalifolia
Parathesis oerstediana
Parathesis pajapanensis
Parathesis pallida
Parathesis papillosa
Parathesis parvifolia
Parathesis parvissima
Parathesis perpunctata
Parathesis pipolyana
Parathesis pleurobotryosa
Parathesis prionophylla
Parathesis pseudocalophylla
Parathesis psychotrioides
Parathesis pyramidalis
Parathesis reflexa
Parathesis rekoi
Parathesis reticulata
Parathesis revoluta
Parathesis rosea
Parathesis rothschuhiana
Parathesis rubriflora
Parathesis rufa
Parathesis schultesii
Parathesis serrulata
Parathesis sessilifolia
Parathesis sinuata
Parathesis skutchii
Parathesis subcoriacea
Parathesis subulata
Parathesis tartarea
Parathesis tenorioi
Parathesis tenuis
Parathesis tetramera
Parathesis tomentosa
Parathesis travisae
Parathesis trichogyne
Parathesis tuxtlensis
Parathesis venezuelana
Parathesis vestita
Parathesis villalobosii
Parathesis villosa
Parathesis viridis
Parathesis wendtii
Parathesis williamsii
Parathesis zuliana
25 irmãos adicionais truncado por brevidade.
Veja o
arquivo de recurso
para uma lista completa.