Siphonariidae, also known as false limpets, are a taxonomic family of small to medium-sized air-breathing sea snails, marine and brackish water pulmonate gastropod molluscs.
Shell description
Empty siphonariid limpet shells can be distinguished from true limpet shells by examining the interior. In the siphonariids there is a well-marked lateral groove on the right side of the shell, and a corresponding interruption of the ring of muscle attachment scars. These markers show the positioning of the pneumostome or pulmonary orifice.
Genera in the family Siphonariidae include:
Anthosiphonaria Kuroda & Habe, 1971 - [1]
Aporemodon Robson, 1913[1]
Benhamina Finlay, 1927[1] - with the only one species Benhamina obliquata (G. B. Sowerby I, 1825)
Ellsiphon Iredale, 1940
Hebesiphon Iredale, 1940
Heterosiphonaria Hubendick, 1945
Hubendickula McAlpine, 1952
Kerguelenella Powell, 1946 - synonym: Kerguelenia Mabille & Rochebrune, 1889[1]
Legosiphon Iredale, 1940
Mallorisiphon Iredale, 1940
Mestosiphon Iredale, 1940
Pachysiphonaria Hubendick, 1945
Parellsiphon Iredale, 1940
Patellopsis Nobre, 1886
Pugillaria Iredale, 1924[1]
Siphonacmaea Habe, 1958
Siphonaria G. B. Sowerby I, 1823[1][2] - type genus of the family Siphonariidae[3]
Talisiphon Iredale, 1940
Williamia Monterosato, 1884[1][2] - synonyms: Allerya Mörch, 1877; Brondelia Bourguignat, 1862; Parascutum Cossmann, 1890; Roya Iredale, 1912; Scutulum Monterosato, 1877.
- Genera brought into synonymy
Allerya Mörch, 1877: synonym of Williamia Monterosato, 1884
Brondelia Bourguignat, 1862: synonym of Williamia Monterosato, 1884
Ductosiphonaria Hubendick, 1945: synonym of Siphonaria Sowerby I, 1823
Kerguelenia Mabille & Rochebrune, 1889: synonym of Kerguelenella Powell, 1946
Liriola Dall, 1870: synonym of Siphonaria Sowerby I, 1823
Mouretus Blainville, 1824: synonym of Siphonaria Sowerby I, 1823
Parascutum Cossmann, 1890: synonym of Williamia Monterosato, 1884
Planesiphon Zilch, 1959: synonym of Siphonaria G. B. Sowerby I, 1823
Roya Iredale, 1912: synonym of Williamia Monterosato, 1884
Scutulum Monterosato, 1877: synonym of Williamia Monterosato, 1884
Siphonacmaea [sic] : synonym of Siphonacmea Habe, 1958