You have to get close to see all the beauty.
Plants on deep sands of large semi-stable aeolian dune field between shoreline and rocky (igneous) slopes of cape mountain range. Found with Marina peninsularis, Abronia villosa, Psorothamnus emoryi, Achyronychia cooperi, Tiquilia palmeri
Foliage view. Plants on deep sands of large semi-stable aeolian dune field and separating seashore from rocky igneous slopes of Cabo Tepoca rocky mountain slopes. Found with Marina peninsularis, Abronia villosa, Psorothamnus emoryi, Achyronychia cooperi, Tiquilia palmeri
Plants on deep sands of large semi-stable aeolian dune field and separating seashore from rocky igneous slopes of Cabo Tepoca rocky mountain slopes. Found with Marina peninsularis, Abronia villosa, Psorothamnus emoryi, Achyronychia cooperi, Tiquilia palmeri Plants on deep sands of large semi-stable aeolian dune field and separating seashore from rocky igneous slopes of Cabo Tepoca rocky mountain slopes. Found with Marina peninsularis, Abronia villosa, Psorothamnus emoryi, Achyronychia cooperi, Tiquilia palmeri
Plants on deep sands of large semi-stable aeolian dune field and separating seashore from rocky igneous slopes of Cabo Tepoca rocky mountain slopes. Found with Marina peninsularis, Abronia villosa, Psorothamnus emoryi, Achyronychia cooperi, Tiquilia palmeri
Plants on deep sands of large semi-stable aeolian dune field and separating seashore from rocky igneous slopes of Cabo Tepoca rocky mountain slopes. Found with Marina peninsularis, Abronia villosa, Psorothamnus emoryi, Achyronychia cooperi, Tiquilia palmeri
Plants on deep sands of large semi-stable aeolian dune field between shoreline and rocky (igneous) slopes of cape mountain range. Found with Marina peninsularis, Abronia villosa, Psorothamnus emoryi, Achyronychia cooperi, Tiquilia palmeri
Plants on deep sands of large semi-stable aeolian dune field between shoreline and rocky (igneous) slopes of cape mountain range. Found with Marina peninsularis, Abronia villosa, Psorothamnus emoryi, Achyronychia cooperi, Tiquilia palmeri
on deep sands of coastal barrier dune fronting beach, with Lycium, Croton californica
on deep sands of coastal barrier dune fronting beach, with Lycium, Croton californica
on deep sands of coastal barrier dune fronting beach, with Lycium, Croton californica
2002 California Academy of Sciences
2002 California Academy of Sciences
2010 California Academy of Sciences
1998 California Academy of Sciences
1998 California Academy of Sciences
Photographed from same plant vouchered by #15134 on July 15, 2015
Same plant vouchered by #15134 photographed and collected on July 15, 2015