Pelargonium australe is a perennial herb that is endemic to Australia, and found in all states except the Northern Territory.[4] Common names include native storksbill, wild geranium and austral storksbill.[4] The species grows to 50 cm high and has leaves with 5 to 7 lobes.[5] Umbels of 4 to 12 flowers appear between October and March in the species' native range. These are pink with darker markings.[5]
The species was first formally described in 1800 by German botanist Carl Ludwig Willdenow.[1]
It occurs on sand dunes, coastal cliffs and rocky outcrops.[5]
In cultivation, the species prefers a sunny or lightly shaded position and is adaptable to a wide range of soil types. It is readily propagated by cuttings.[6]
Pelargonium australe is a perennial herb that is endemic to Australia, and found in all states except the Northern Territory. Common names include native storksbill, wild geranium and austral storksbill. The species grows to 50 cm high and has leaves with 5 to 7 lobes. Umbels of 4 to 12 flowers appear between October and March in the species' native range. These are pink with darker markings.
The species was first formally described in 1800 by German botanist Carl Ludwig Willdenow.
It occurs on sand dunes, coastal cliffs and rocky outcrops.
In cultivation, the species prefers a sunny or lightly shaded position and is adaptable to a wide range of soil types. It is readily propagated by cuttings.
P. australe: showing the hairy leaves, stems, bracts and other hairy partsPelargonium australe (Willd., 1800) è una pianta appartenente alla famiglia delle Geraniaceae, originaria di Australia e Nuova Zelanda[1].
Questa pianta raggiunge in genere i 30 cm di altezza, e le foglie sono cuoriformi[2]. I fiori sono bianchi o rosati ed appaiono in infiorescenze sferiche[3] con fino a 12 fiori[4].
Pelargonium australe è originaria dell'Australia, dove in particolare la si può trovare in tutti gli stati federati ad eccezione del Territorio del Nord, ed in Nuova Zelanda[1][5].
Non è una pianta particolarmente delicata e resiste bene al clima rigido.
Pelargonium australe (Willd., 1800) è una pianta appartenente alla famiglia delle Geraniaceae, originaria di Australia e Nuova Zelanda.