Imagem de Coleoscirinae Den Heyer 1978
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Coleoscirinae Den Heyer 1978

Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Zookeys
Gnathosoma. Pedipalps 5-segmented and reach beyond the subcapitulum by at most the distal half of the tibiotarsi. Basifemora and telofemora fused but retain a dark line. Tibiotarsi usually complemented with a tubercle and a dorsodistal solenidion. Pedipalps end in a stout claw. Chelicera with seta present or absent. Subcapitulum bears 6 pairs of setae: 2 pairs of adoral setae and 4 pairs of subcapitular setae (hg1–4). Setae hg4 often longest. Idiosoma, dorsal. Proterosoma covered in a shield which bears 4 pairs of setae: 2 pairs of simple setae (lps and mps) and 2 pairs of setose sensilla (at and pt). Dorsal hysterosoma median plate present or absent; if present this plate separate or fused to the proterosomal shield. Plates and shields smooth or variously covered with papillae that form reticulations. Up to 8 pairs of setae present on the dorsal hysterosoma (c1–f1, c2, f2, h2); if these setae do not occur on larger plates or shields they may be born on small platelets that are barely larger than the setal socket. Cupule im present, usually laterad or in the proximity of e1. Unsclerotized integument striated. Idiosoma, ventral. Coxae I–II fused and may coalesce medially to form a single sternal plate. Each pair of coxae complemented with 3 pairs of setae; if they form an extensive sternal shield, setae normally born on the unsclerotized integument may be located on the shield. Coxae III–IV fused; they may be restricted to the trochantral bases or extend posteriorly beyond the genital plates. Each pair of coxae complemented with 3 pairs of setae; if the plates are extensive they may bear setae normally born on the unsclerotized integument. The genital plates each bear 4 setae; 2 pairs of genital papillae visible underneath the plates. 1–8 pairs of setae present on the integument between coxae III and the genital plates. Anal plates complemented with 2 pairs of setae (ps1-2). Two pairs of setae (h2, pa) located on the integument near the anal plates. Cupule ih present in close proximity to h2. Legs shorter than idiosoma; they are never constricted apically so as to end in lobes. Trichobothrium on leg tibia IV present. Ambulacral claws on either side of a four-rayed empodium present.
direitos autorais
Michael J. Skvarla, J. Ray Fisher, Ashley P. G. Dowling
citação bibliográfica
Skvarla M, Fisher J, Dowling A (2014) A review of Cunaxidae (Acariformes, Trombidiformes): Histories and diagnoses of subfamilies and genera, keys to world species, and some new locality records ZooKeys 418: 1–103
Michael J. Skvarla
J. Ray Fisher
Ashley P. G. Dowling
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