
Comprehensive Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por North American Flora
Dicranopteris costaricensis Underw. Bull. Torrey
Club 34: 253. 1907.
Rhizome undescribed ; primary leaf-axis stoutish, rigidly erect, 3-4.5 cm. in diameter, continuous, the lower portion brownish-castaneous, glabrous and shining, the upper portions light-brownish and thickly clothed with deciduous spreading deltoid -lanceolate attenuate long-ciliate yellowish scales ; lateral branches 1 or 2 pairs, spreading, normally three times pseudodichotomous (secondary and tertiary axes invariably wanting), the divisions widely divaricate ; primary internodes 4-9 cm. long, arcuate, 2.5 mm. in diameter, with several crowded stipuliform segments at the base, otherwise naked, deciduously paleaceous ; secondary internodes widely divergent, 3.5-6.5 cm. long, sometimes naked, more commonly pectinate (at least in the lower half), stipulate; tertiary internodes 3-5 cm. long, fully pectinate, these and the pinnae densely paleaceous below, the scales similar in form to those of the upper primary leaf -axis, but brightferruginous, persistent, wide-spreading ; pinnae linear, 10-30 cm. long, 1.25-2.7 cm. broad, attenuate, cut to the rachis ; segments close, thick and rigidly coriaceous, dull dark-green above, subglaucous below, 7-14 mm. long, 4-6 mm. broad at the base, oblong to deltoid -oblong, obtuse (often appearing deltoid and acute in drying), the margins entire and widely revolute, the costae elevated and deciduously paleaceous ; veins 8-11 pairs, evident below, mostly once-forked above the base, together with leaf-tissue obscurely setulose ; sori normally 5-sporangiate, medial or slightly supramedial, apart from the costa, seated on the anterior branch.
Type locality : Volcan de Poas, Costa Rica, altitude 2600 meters.
Distribution : Apparently confined to the upper slopes and summits of the high peaks of Costa Rica (volcanoes of Poas, Turrialba, Barba, and Irazli), altitude 2400-3000 meters.
citação bibliográfica
Lucien Marcus Underwood, Ralph Curtiss BenedictWilliam Ralph Maxon. 1909. OPHIOGLOSSALES-FILICALES; OPHIOGLOSSACEAE, MARATTIACEAE, OSMUNDACEAE, CERATOPTERIDACEAE, SCHIZAEACEAE, GLEICHENIACEAE, CYATHEACEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 16(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora

Sticherus revolutus ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Sticherus revolutus là một loài dương xỉ trong họ Gleicheniaceae. Loài này được Kunth Ching mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1940.[1]

Chú thích

  1. ^ The Plant List (2010). Sticherus revolutus. Truy cập ngày 28 tháng 5 năm 2014.

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Sticherus revolutus: Brief Summary ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Sticherus revolutus là một loài dương xỉ trong họ Gleicheniaceae. Loài này được Kunth Ching mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1940.

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Wikipedia tác giả và biên tập viên
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wikipedia VI