Eurybia és un gènere de plantes asteràcies que anteriorment estava inclòs en el gènere Aster. Totes les espècies sòn plantes natives d'Amèrica del Nord però algunes es troben a Euràsia. El nom del gènere va ser aplicat primer per Alexandre de Cassini el 1820. La seva etimologia és del grec ευρυς (eurys), que significa 'ample', i βαιος (baios), que significa 'poc',potser referint-se al seu petit nombre de flòsculs.[1]
Eurybia és un gènere de plantes asteràcies que anteriorment estava inclòs en el gènere Aster. Totes les espècies sòn plantes natives d'Amèrica del Nord però algunes es troben a Euràsia. El nom del gènere va ser aplicat primer per Alexandre de Cassini el 1820. La seva etimologia és del grec ευρυς (eurys), que significa 'ample', i βαιος (baios), que significa 'poc',potser referint-se al seu petit nombre de flòsculs.
Asters (Eurybia) er en nydannet slægt, som rummer 23 arter, der er udskilt fra slægten Aster. Det er stauder med en opret eller opstigende vækst. Arterne danner jordstængler, der kan være enten krybende eller tykke og pælerodsagtige, men som næsten altid er træagtige. Stænglerne er i reglen ugrenede, og de bærer spredte, tilspidsede blade med hel eller savtakket rand. Blomsterkurvene er samlet i endestillede stande. Frugterne er nødder med en kort, stiv fnok. Her omtales kun de arter, som bliver dyrket i Danmark.
Beskrevne arter
Eurybia is a genus of plants in the family Asteraceae that were previously included in the genus Aster. Most species are native to North America, although one is also present in northern Eurasia. There are 23 species in the genus, including 1 natural hybrid. The name was first applied by Alexandre de Cassini in 1820. The name is derived from Ancient Greek εὐρύς (eurús), meaning "wide", and βαιός (baiós), meaning "few", perhaps in reference to the small number of relatively wide ray florets.
All species within the genus are perennials that grow from 10 to 120 cm (4 to 47 in) in height. They have rhizomes which can either be long, slender or short and thick or sometimes cormoid, all of which often become woody. The stems can be ascending to erect and are typically simple, though they are in rare cases they branch proximally, i.e. near the point of attachment. They can be glabrous to more or less densely hairy, and are generally eglandular, meaning they lack glands, though they can sometimes be stipitate-glandular, meaning glands are present on a stipe.[2]
The leaves are always alternate. Both basal and cauline leaves, i.e. leaves growing on the stem, are present, and these may be either sessile or petiolate, meaning lacking or having a leaf stalk. The blades of the leaves may be anything from cordate, ovate, obovate, elliptic, or oblong in shape to spatulate, oblanceolate, or lanceolate. They are usually gradually reduced distally, meaning they taper towards the apex. The leaf margins can be entire or serrate, i.e. toothed, though they may also occasionally be spinulose-serrate, that is being toothed with small spines. The leaf surfaces are glabrate to hairy and are usually eglandular, though they may sometimes be stipitate-glandular.[2]
The capitula, or flower heads, are radiate and typically appear in corymbiform arrays, but in rare cases they may be borne singly. The involucres, the bracts at the base of the flower heads, are cylindro-campanulate, meaning bell-shaped, to broadly campanulate and measure from 4 to 14 and exceptionally to 16 mm long by 4 to more than 25 mm wide. The phyllaries, that is the individual bracts that make up the involucres, number from 20 up to 140 in 3 to 7 series and are single nerved. They are usually rounded adaxially, i.e. towards their upper-side, but are sometimes low-keeled. Their shape is unequal and broadly ovate or oblong to oblanceolate, lanceolate, or linear. The bases of the phyllaries are indurate, or hardened, and rarely wholly foliaceous, meaning leaf-like in appearance. Their margins are narrowly scarious, meaning membranous and dry, or occasionally herbaceous, and often ciliolate, i.e. having minute cilia. The apices, or terminal ends, are obtuse to acute, while the surfaces are glabrous (hairless), somewhat strigillose (with stiff, slender bristles), puberulent (very finely haired), scabrellous (having small rough hairs), strigoso-villous (with stiff soft hairs), or villous (having soft shaggy hairs), and occasionally they are more or less stipitate-glandular.[2]
The receptacles, the stalks that attach to the florets, are flat to slightly convex, pitted and epaleate, i.e. lacking palea, dry scale-like bracts. The ray florets, the long petal-like appendages, number between 5 and 60 and are pistillate and fertile. Their corollas are white to purple in colour and coil at maturity. The disc florets, the tiny flowers at the center of the flower structure, number from 8 all the way up to 260 and are bisexual and fertile. Their corollas are yellow, though they become purple at maturity, and may be barely to abruptly ampliate, meaning enlarged. The corolla tubes are either shorter or longer than the throats, which are funnelform to campanulate. They have 5 lobes, which are usually erect to spreading or occasionally somewhat reflexed, and are deltate, triangular, or lanceolate.[2]
The style-branch appendages are lanceolate in shape. The fruits are cypselae, which are cylindro-obconic (cylindrically reverse-conical) to fusiform (tapering at both ends) in shape, and are often somewhat compressed. They have 7 to 12 and exceptionally up 18 nerves with surfaces that are eglandular and glabrous or sparsely to densely strigillose. The pappi are persistent and are made up of 35 to 70 or more bristles that are reddish, orange, cinnamon, tawny, tan, yellowish, or pinkish in colour. The bristles are unequal, soft to stiff, barbellate (finely barbed) or barbellulate (barbed with diminutive barbs) and often apically somewhat clavate, or club shaped. They appear in 2 to 4 series.[2]
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: CS1 maint: others (link) Note that this website has been superseded by World Flora Online Eurybia is a genus of plants in the family Asteraceae that were previously included in the genus Aster. Most species are native to North America, although one is also present in northern Eurasia. There are 23 species in the genus, including 1 natural hybrid. The name was first applied by Alexandre de Cassini in 1820. The name is derived from Ancient Greek εὐρύς (eurús), meaning "wide", and βαιός (baiós), meaning "few", perhaps in reference to the small number of relatively wide ray florets.
Eurybia es un género de plantas con flores perteneciente a la familia Asteraceae que fueron anteriormente incluidas en el género Aster. Todas las especies son nativas de Norteamérica, aunque algunas están presentes en Eurasia. Hay 23 especies en el género, incluido un híbrido.[1][2]
Son plantas perennes que alcanzan 10-120 cm de ancho. Tienen rizomas que pueden ser largos, delgados o cortos. Los tallos pueden ser ascendentes o erectos y son típicamente simples, aunque en casos raros tienen ramas proximales. Pueden ser glabros o densamente peludos. Las hojas son siempre alternas, basales con o sin peciolos, cordadas, ovadas, elípticas, espatuladas o lanceoladas, enteras o serradas. Los capítulos florales aparecen en corimbos, el involucro es cilíndrico acampanado.
Eurybia fue descrito por Alexandre Henri Gabriel de Cassini y publicado en Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles [Second edition] 16: 46. 1820.[3]
Eurybia: nombre genérico que deriva de la palabra griega: eurybia que significa "a lo largo y ancho, de amplia difusión" [4]
Eurybia es un género de plantas con flores perteneciente a la familia Asteraceae que fueron anteriormente incluidas en el género Aster. Todas las especies son nativas de Norteamérica, aunque algunas están presentes en Eurasia. Hay 23 especies en el género, incluido un híbrido.
Son plantas perennes que alcanzan 10-120 cm de ancho. Tienen rizomas que pueden ser largos, delgados o cortos. Los tallos pueden ser ascendentes o erectos y son típicamente simples, aunque en casos raros tienen ramas proximales. Pueden ser glabros o densamente peludos. Las hojas son siempre alternas, basales con o sin peciolos, cordadas, ovadas, elípticas, espatuladas o lanceoladas, enteras o serradas. Los capítulos florales aparecen en corimbos, el involucro es cilíndrico acampanado.
Eurybia est un genre de plantes de la famille des Asteraceae.
Selon Catalogue of Life (30 mai 2013)[1] :
Selon Tropicos (30 mai 2013)[3] (Attention liste brute contenant possiblement des synonymes) :
Eurybia est un genre de plantes de la famille des Asteraceae.
Eurybia (basioniem: Aster subgen. Eurybia) is een geslacht uit de composietenfamilie (Asteraceae). De Flora of North America en de Flora of China erkennen 23 soorten (waaronder één natuurlijk voorkomende hybride). Deze komen voor in Azië, Europa en Noord-Amerika.
Het zijn 10-120 cm hoge, overblijvende planten.
Eurybia (basioniem: Aster subgen. Eurybia) is een geslacht uit de composietenfamilie (Asteraceae). De Flora of North America en de Flora of China erkennen 23 soorten (waaronder één natuurlijk voorkomende hybride). Deze komen voor in Azië, Europa en Noord-Amerika.
Het zijn 10-120 cm hoge, overblijvende planten.
Stjärnastersläktet (Eurybia) är ett växtsläkte med i familjen korgblommiga växter från Nordamerika och norra Eurasien.
Stjärnastersläktet (Eurybia) är ett växtsläkte med i familjen korgblommiga växter från Nordamerika och norra Eurasien.
Eurybia là một chi thực vật có hoa trong họ Cúc (Asteraceae).[1]
Chi Eurybia gồm các loài:
Eurybia là một chi thực vật có hoa trong họ Cúc (Asteraceae).