Comprehensive Description
fornecido por Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Xystosomus ampliatus Bates, 1884:290
DESCRIPTION.—Form: As in X. gruti, but larger. Easily distinguished from X. gruti by the overall rufous color, less impressed lateral striae, and the broadly explanate sides of pronotum and elytra.
Color: Body rufous; pronotum and elytra dorsally with slight iridescence; appendages testaceous.
Head: As in X. gruti except frontal furrows less impressed, closer to eye margin; eyes very large and prominent.
Pronotum (Figure 7): As in X. gruti except explanations broader (W/L, 1.63; range, 1.56–1.68; 3 specimens).
Elytra: As in X. gruti except lateral striae less impressed than discal ones and explanations broader.
Microsculpture: As in X. gruti.
Secondary sexual characters: Male unknown. Female genitalia characteristic of the species group.
Size: Three specimens: length, 4.8–5.5 mm; width, 2.2–2.4 mm.
NATURAL HISTORY.—Adults were collected in August and January. No teneral specimens were seen. Nevermann recorded a specimen in “fermenting plant juice on fresh cut wood, August” and a specimen “at night on dry wood of Sapotacca [?Sapotaceae], January.”
LOCALITY RECORDS (Figure 69).—I have seen four specimens from the following localities:
CENTRAL AMERICA: COSTA RICA: Hamburg Farm at Reventazón (USNM). PANAMA: “Panama” (MHNP); Bugaba (BMNH).
Erwiniana ampliata
Neerlandês; Flamengo
fornecido por wikipedia NL
Insecten Erwiniana ampliata is een keversoort uit de familie van de loopkevers (Carabidae).[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1884 door Bates.
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