
Girella (gènere) ( Catalão; Valenciano )

fornecido por wikipedia CA

Girella és un gènere de peixos pertanyent a la família dels kifòsids.[3]


  • Cos ovalat i moderadament comprimit.
  • Cap curt, llavis gruixuts i boca petita i quadrada.
  • Sense dents al centre del sostre de la boca.
  • Aleta dorsal amb XII-XIV espines i 10-21 radis.
  • Les aletes presenten espines curtes i gruixudes.
  • Escates al cap i les aletes.
  • Aleta caudal que varia de recta a lleugerament còncava.[4]

Distribució geogràfica

Es troba a les aigües subtropicals i temperades del Pacífic, l'Índic oriental i l'Atlàntic occidental.[4]



  1. Gray J. E., 1830-1835. Illustrations of Indian zoology; chiefly selected from the collection of Major-General Hardwicke, F.R.S., .... 20 parts in 2 vols. Illus. Indian Zool.
  2. uBio (anglès)
  3. The Taxonomicon (anglès)
  4. 4,0 4,1 Discover Life (anglès)
  5. Steindachner, F., 1898. Die Fische der Sammlung Plate. A: Fauna Chilensis. Abhandlungen zur Kenntniss der Zoologie Chiles. Zoologische Jahrbücher. Supplementheft, Jena Suppl., v. 4: 281-338, Pl. 15-21.
  6. 6,0 6,1 Macleay, W., 1881. Descriptive catalogue of the fishes of Australia. Part I. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v. 5 (pt 3): 302-444.
  7. Clark, H. W., 1938. Additional new fishes. The Templeton Crocker Expedition of 1934-1935. Núm. 36. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (Series 4) v. 22 (núm. 7): 179-185.
  8. McCulloch, A. R., 1920. Studies in Australian Fishes Núm. 6. With a description of a new Girellops from the Kermadec Islands. Records of the Australian Museum v. 13: 41-71, Pls. 10-14.
  9. Valenciennes, A., 1846. Table + Ichthyology Pls. 1-10. A: A. du Petit-Thouars. Atlas de Zoologie. Voyage autour du monde sur la frégate "Vénus," pendant les années 1836-1839.
  10. Richardson, J., 1846. Report on the ichthyology of the seas of China and Japan. Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 15th meeting (1845): 187-320.
  11. Jordan, D. S. & Starks, E. C., 1907. List of fishes recorded from Okinawa or the Riu Kiu Islands of Japan. Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 32 (núm. 1541): 491-504.
  12. Kendall, W. C. & Radcliffe, L., 1912. The shore fishes. A: Reports on the scientific results of the expedition to the eastern tropical Pacific....by the U. S. Fish Commission steamer "Albatross," from October, 1904 to March, 1905.... Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology v. 35: 75-171, Pls. 1-8.
  13. Ayres, W. O., 1860. (Description of fishes). Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (Series 1) v. 2 (1858-1862): 77-81, 81-86.
  14. Gray, J. E., 1830-1835. Illustrations of Indian zoology; chiefly selected from the collection of Major-General Hardwicke, F.R.S., .... 20 parts in 2 vols. Illustrations of Indian zoology; chiefly selected from the collection of Major-General Hardwicke, F.R.S., .... Pls. 1-202.
  15. Osburn, R. C. & Nichols, J. T., 1916. Shore fishes collected by the "Albatross" expedition in Lower California, with descriptions of new species. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History v. 35 (art. 16): 139-181.
  16. Troschel, F. H., 1866. Ein Beitrag zur ichthyologischen Fauna der Inseln des Grünen Vorgebirges. Archiv für Naturgeschichte v. 32 (núm. 1): 190-239, Pl. 5.
  17. 17,0 17,1 Richardson, J., 1844-1848. Ichthyology of the voyage of H. M. S. Erebus & Terror,... A: J. Richardson & J. E. Gray. The zoology of the voyage of H. H. S. "Erebus & Terror," under the command of Captain Sir J. C. Ross ... during ... 1839-1843. Londres. Ichthyology of the voyage of H. M. S. Erebus & Terror,... v. 2 (2): i-viii + 1-139, Pls. 1-60.
  18. Quoy, J. R. C. & Gaimard, J. P., 1824-1825. Description des Poissons. Chapter IX. A: Freycinet, L. de, Voyage autour du Monde...exécuté sur les corvettes de L. M. "L'Uranie" et "La Physicienne," pendant les années 1817, 1818, 1819 et 1820. París. Description des Poissons. Chapter IX. A: Freycinet, L. de, Voyage autour du Monde...: 192-401 (1-328 a 1824; 329-616 a 1825), Atlas pls. 43-65.
  19. Günther, A., 1859. Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum. Catalogue of the acanthopterygian fishes in the collection of the British Museum. Gasterosteidae, Berycidae, Percidae, Aphredoderidae, Pristipomatidae, Mullidae, Sparidae. Cat. Fishes v. 1: i-xxxi + 1-524.
  20. BioLib (anglès)
  22. Catalogue of Life (anglès)
  23. World Register of Marine Species (anglès)
  24. FishBase (anglès)
  25. UNEP-WCMC Species Database (anglès)


  • Clements, K.D. i J.H. Choat, 1997. Comparison of herbivory in the closely-related marine fish genera Girella and Kyphosus. Mar. Biol. 127:579-586.
  • Fritzsche, R. A., 1982. Osteichthyes. A: Parker, S.P., Synopsis and Classification of Living Organisms, vol. 2. McGraw-Hill, Nova York: 858-944.
  • Villareal-Cavazos, A., Reyes-Bonilla, H., Bermúdez-Almada, B. i Arizpe-Covarrubias, O., 2000. Los peces del arrecife de Cabo Pulmo, Golfo de California, México: Lista sistemática y aspectos de abundancia y biogeografía., Rev. Biol. Trop., 48:413-424.
  • Yagishita, N. i T. Nakabo, 2000. Revision of the genus Girella (Girellidae) from East Asia. Ichthyol. Res. 47(2):119-135.

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Girella (gènere): Brief Summary ( Catalão; Valenciano )

fornecido por wikipedia CA
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Girella ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Girella is a genus of sea chubs mostly native to the Pacific Ocean with a smaller presence in the Atlantic oceans.[1]


There are currently 18 recognized species in this genus:[1]


The following list of genus names have all been synonymized with Girella:[2]

  • Aplodon Thominot, 1883
  • Camarina Ayres, 1860
  • Doidyxodon Valenciennes, 1846
  • Girellichthys Klunzinger, 1872
  • Girellipiscis Whitley, 1931
  • Girellops Regan, 1913
  • Incisidens T. N. Gill, 1862
  • Iredalella Whitley, 1931
  • Melambaphes Günther, 1863
  • Melanychthys Temminck & Schlegel, 1844
  • Neotephraeops Castelnau, 1872
  • Tephraeops Günther, 1859



  1. ^ a b Froese, Rainer and Pauly, Daniel, eds. (2013). Species of Girella in FishBase. August 2013 version.
  2. ^ Catalog of Fishes, California Academy of Sciences
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wikipedia EN

Girella: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Girella is a genus of sea chubs mostly native to the Pacific Ocean with a smaller presence in the Atlantic oceans.

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia EN

Girella ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

Girella es un género de peces de la familia Kyphosidae, del orden Perciformes. Este género marino fue descrito por primera vez en 1835 por John Edward Gray.


Especies reconocidas del género:[1]


  1. Especies de "Girella". En FishBase. (Rainer Froese y Daniel Pauly, eds.). Consultada en junio de 2017. N.p.: FishBase, 2017.

Referencias adicionales

  • Eschmeyer, William N. 1990. Genera of Recent Fishes. iii + 697.
  • Shiino, Sueo M. 1976. List of Common Names of Fishes of the World, Those Prevailing among English-speaking Nations. Science Report of Shima Marineland, no. 4. 262.

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wikipedia ES

Girella: Brief Summary ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

Girella es un género de peces de la familia Kyphosidae, del orden Perciformes. Este género marino fue descrito por primera vez en 1835 por John Edward Gray.

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Autores y editores de Wikipedia
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wikipedia ES

Girella ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Girella est un genre de poissons de la famille des Kyphosidae principalement originaire de l’océan Pacifique et que l'on retrouve en plus petite proportion dans les océans Indien et Atlantique.

Liste des espèces

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wikipedia FR

Girella: Brief Summary ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Girella est un genre de poissons de la famille des Kyphosidae principalement originaire de l’océan Pacifique et que l'on retrouve en plus petite proportion dans les océans Indien et Atlantique.

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wikipedia FR

Girella ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL


Girella is een geslacht van straalvinnige vissen uit de familie van de loodsbaarzen (Kyphosidae).[1] Het geslacht is voor het eerst wetenschappelijk beschreven in 1835 door Gray.


Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. (en) Girella. FishBase. Ed. Ranier Froese and Daniel Pauly. 10 2011 version. N.p.: FishBase, 2011.
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wikipedia NL

Girella: Brief Summary ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL

Girella is een geslacht van straalvinnige vissen uit de familie van de loodsbaarzen (Kyphosidae). Het geslacht is voor het eerst wetenschappelijk beschreven in 1835 door Gray.

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wikipedia NL

벵에돔속 ( Coreano )

fornecido por wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

벵에돔속(Girella)은 황줄깜정이과의 하위 의 하나이다. 대부분 태평양에서 살지만 인도양, 대서양에서도 존재한다.

하위 종

현재 이 속에서 18종이 인정되었다.[1]

  • G. albostriata Steindachner, 1898
  • G. cyanea W. J. Macleay, 1881
  • G. elevata W. J. Macleay, 1881
  • G. feliciana H. W. Clark, 1938
  • G. fimbriata (McCulloch, 1920)
  • G. freminvillii (Valenciennes, 1846)
  • G. laevifrons (Tschudi, 1846)
  • 긴꼬리벵에돔 (G. leonina) (J. Richardson, 1846)
  • 양벵에돔 (G. mezina) D. S. Jordan & Starks, 1907
  • G. nebulosa Kendall & Radcliffe, 1912
  • G. nigricans (Ayres, 1860)
  • 벵에돔 (G. punctata)J. E. Gray, 1835
  • G. simplicidens R. C. Osburn & Nichols, 1916
  • G. stuebeli Troschel, 1866
  • G. tephraeops (J. Richardson, 1846)
  • G. tricuspidata (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824)
  • G. zebra (J. Richardson, 1846)
  • G. zonata Günther, 1859


  1. (영어) Froese, Rainer, and Daniel Pauly, eds. (2013년). 어류 정보 사이트 FishBase. Girella에 속한 종. 2013년 8월 판
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