Cottus poecilopus (Heckel).
Cottus chamberlaini Evermann & Goldsborough, new species. Type.
Cottus aleuticus Gilbert.
Cottus leiopomus, sp. nov. (Type.). Little Wood River, Shoshone, Idaho
Miller's Thumb (Cottus bairdi, var. punctatus).
Cottus annae.
Miller's Thumb (Cottus gracilis).
California Miller's Thumb, Cottus gulosus Girard. McCloud River, Cal..
Yellowstone Miller's Thumb, Cottus punctulatus (Gill). Yellowstone River.
Head of Cottus Ferrugineus, Seen from the Front.
Cottus klamathensis, new species.
Cottus perplexus, sp. nov. ()Type.). Skookumchuck River, Chehalis, Washington
Cottus macrops, new species. Type.
Miller's Thump, Uranidea tenuis Evermann & Meek. Klamath Falls.
Cottus princeps, new species.
Uranidea tenuis Evermann & Meek, new species.
Cottus gobio -- Scazzone.
Cottus gorio (Cuvier).
Head of Cottus gorio, Seen from the Front.
Cottus gorio, variety Microstomus (Heckel).
Cottus gorio, Variety Ferrugineus (Heckel and Kner).
Head of Cottus microstomus, Seen from the Front.
Cottus aspertima, new species. Type.