Die Stechfische (Minous) sind eine Gattung aus der Unterfamilie der Teufelsfische (Choridactylinae) in der Familie Synanceiidae.[1]
Stechfische werden 7,5 bis 15 cm lang. Ihr Körper ist glatt und ohne Stacheln oder Hautanhängsel. Die untersten Flossenstrahlen ihrer Brustflossen sind von den übrigen elf Flossenstrahlen isoliert und können genutzt werden, um über den Meeresboden nach Art der Knurrhähne zu „laufen“. Ihre Spitzen sind dazu mit eigenartigen „Kappen“ versehen. Die Rückenflosse wird von 8 bis 12 Flossenstacheln und 10 bis 14 Weichstrahlen gestützt (bei einer Art 4 Stacheln und 18 Weichstrahlen). Die Afterflosse besitzt zwei Flossenstacheln und 7 bis 11 Weichstrahlen, die Bauchflossen einen Stachel und fünf Weichstrahlen. Alle Weichstrahlen sind ungeteilt. Die Anzahl der Wirbel liegt bei 24 bis 27. Eine Schwimmblase kann vorhanden sein oder fehlen.
Stechfische (englisch sting fish) enthalten wie die verwandten Steinfische (Synanceiinae) in ihren Flossenstrahlen Gift, welches einen Prädator bei einem Biss vergiften kann.[2]
Stechfische kommen in Tiefen von 10 bis 420 Metern auf sandigen und schlammigen Meeresböden im tropischen Indopazifik vor.
Fishbase listet zwölf Arten.[3] Dazu kommen drei weitere, die Mitte 2018 beschrieben wurden.[4]
Die Stechfische (Minous) sind eine Gattung aus der Unterfamilie der Teufelsfische (Choridactylinae) in der Familie Synanceiidae.
Minous, is a genus of marine ray-finned fishes, it is the only genus in the tribe Minoini, one of the three tribes which are classified within the subfamily Synanceiinae within the family Scorpaenidae, the scorpionfishes and their relatives. They are commonly known as stingfishes. They are found in the Indo-West Pacific.
Minous was first described as a genus by the French zoologist Georges Cuvier, in 1876 Pieter Bleeker designated Minous monodactylus, which had originally been described as Scorpaena monodactyla by Bloch and Schneider in 1801, as its type species.[2] It is the only genus in the tribe Minoini within the subfamily Synanceiinae of the family Scorpaenidae.[3] However, some authorities classify this taxon as a subfamily, Minoinae,, [4] Others include it within the subfamily Choridactylinae, within the family Synanceiidae.[2]
The genus name, Minous, is a latinisation of woorah minooh, the name that in 1803 the herpetologist Patrick Russell reported was used for the type species in Vizagapatam on the Coromandel Coast in India.[5]
There are currently 15 recognized species in this genus:[4]
Minous stingishes are small, most are less than 15 cm (5.9 in) in total length with mainly scaleless bodies. the lowest ray of the pectoral fin is detached from the fin and is tipped with a cap.[8] The dorsal fins have between 8 and 12 spines and 10 and 14 soft rays, although there is one species with only 4 spines and 18 soft rays. The anal fin has 2 spine and between 7 and 11 soft rays. Their pelvic fin has a single spine and 5 soft rays and the pectoral fin has 12 soft rays. The soft fin rays are unbranched. They may or may not have a swim bladder.[3]
Minous stingfishes are found in the Indo-Pacific region from the Red Sea[9] east into the Western pacific, north to Japan and south to Australia.[8] These fishes are found on mud and sand bottoms where they use the detached lower pectoral fin rays to walk over the substrate.[3]
Minous stingfishes have a venom gland at the base of their fin spines with an anterolateral glandular groove in the spine which takes the venom to the tip.[10] Some species are known to have commensal relationships with hydroids in the order Anthoathecata, there are records of commensalism between various species of Minous and the hydroids of Hydractinia minoi.[8]
Minous, is a genus of marine ray-finned fishes, it is the only genus in the tribe Minoini, one of the three tribes which are classified within the subfamily Synanceiinae within the family Scorpaenidae, the scorpionfishes and their relatives. They are commonly known as stingfishes. They are found in the Indo-West Pacific.
Painted stinger (Minous pictus)Minous es un género de peces de la familia Synanceiidae, del orden Scorpaeniformes. Este género marino fue descrito científicamente en 1829 por Georges Cuvier.
Especies reconocidas del género:[1]
Minous es un género de peces de la familia Synanceiidae, del orden Scorpaeniformes. Este género marino fue descrito científicamente en 1829 por Georges Cuvier.
Minous est un genre de poissons de la famille des Synanceiidae (comme les poissons-pierre, même s'il est parfois encore rangé chez les Scorpaenidae)[2].
Ce sont des rascasses qui vivent camouflées dans les substrats complexes, où elles chassent à l'affut. Elles sont équipées d'aiguillons venimeux pour se protéger des prédateurs.
Selon World Register of Marine Species (14 juin 2015)[2] :
Minous est un genre de poissons de la famille des Synanceiidae (comme les poissons-pierre, même s'il est parfois encore rangé chez les Scorpaenidae).
Minous is een geslacht van straalvinnige vissen uit de familie van steenvissen (Synanceiidae).[1] Het geslacht is voor het eerst wetenschappelijk beschreven in 1829 door Cuvier & Valenciennes.
Minous is een geslacht van straalvinnige vissen uit de familie van steenvissen (Synanceiidae). Het geslacht is voor het eerst wetenschappelijk beschreven in 1829 door Cuvier & Valenciennes.
Minous – rodzaj morskich ryb z rodziny Synanceiidae.
Ocean Indyjski i Ocean Spokojny, także w Morzu Czerwonym.
Gatunki zaliczane do tego rodzaju[2]:
Minous – rodzaj morskich ryb z rodziny Synanceiidae.
Minous là một chi cá biển trong họ cá mặt quỷ Synanceiidae bản địa của Ấn Độ Dương và Thái Bình Dương.
Hiện hành có 12 loài được ghi nhận trong chi này:[1]
Minous là một chi cá biển trong họ cá mặt quỷ Synanceiidae bản địa của Ấn Độ Dương và Thái Bình Dương.