There are no known adverse effects of Raja clavata on humans.
Raja clavata feeds on a variety of benthic animals. Juveniles feed on small crustaceans such as amphipods, mysids and crangonid shrimps, and adults feed on fish and larger crustaceans such as swimming crabs and fish such as sandeels, small gadoids and dragonets. This species is also known to feed on conspecifics as well. The eggs of R. clavata act as prey for some fish and mollusks such as necklace shells. Juveniles are preyed upon by common skate and adult R. clavata. Due to its high placement in the costal sea floor food web, R. clavata has a significant effect on trophic levels of the benthos. Parasites of this species have not been documented.
Raja clavata is carnivorous. Juveniles feed predominantly on bottom dwelling aquatic crustaceans such as amphipods, mysids and crangonid shrimps. Larger adults feed on larger crustaceans such as swimming crabs and fish, such as sandeels, small gadoids and dragonets.
Animal Foods: fish; aquatic crustaceans
Primary Diet: carnivore (Piscivore , Eats non-insect arthropods)
Raja clavata is wide spread in coastal waters from Iceland to Norway. Its geographic ranges extends into the North Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, the western Black Sea, Madeira Island, the Atlantic coasts of Africa, as well the waters off of South Africa and the south-western Indian Ocean. Adult R. clavata remains inshore during summer and move off shore into deeper waters during winter.
Biogeographic Regions: palearctic (Native ); ethiopian (Native ); mediterranean sea (Native )
Raja clavata lives at the bottom of the continental shelf and upper slope of the coastal sea floor. It inhabits a wide range of sea floor habitats including mud, sand, shingle, gravel and rocky areas. Raja clavata has been found in coastal waters as deep as 300 m but is most abundant in waters between 10 and 60 meters. Juveniles are often found further inshore in more shallow waters than their adult counterparts.
Range depth: 10 to 300 m.
Average depth: 60 m.
Habitat Regions: saltwater or marine
Aquatic Biomes: coastal
In the wild, Raja clavata lives between 12 and 15 years. There is no information available regarding the average lifespan of captive individuals.
Typical lifespan
Status: wild: 12 to 15 years.
Raja clavata shares its general body shape with all rays in that it is a flattened, disc shape with broad pectoral fins connected to the head and body with triangular pelvic fins at the base of the body. Raja clavata has a long, narrow tail that is roughly equivalent to the length of the body. As the common name denotes (thornback ray), the upper portion of the body and tail are covered with thorn-like projections. When R. clavata reaches sexual maturity the bases of the thorns thicken to resemble small button like projections called buckler. The snout and small portions of the body are covered in thorns in sub adults and the underside may be thorny in large females. Adults typically have between 21 and 25 large thorns running from the nape to its first pectoral fin. It is sexually dimorphic, as females have a maximum length of 118 cm and males have a maximum length of 98 cm. The dorsal surface of R. clavata exhibits a wide range of coloration from light brown to grey and is sprinkled with light and dark spots of varying size. Its underside is solid white except for the snout which is grey. The largest specimen ever recorded weighed 18 kg.
Range mass: 18 (high) kg.
Range length: 98 to 120 cm.
Other Physical Features: ectothermic ; heterothermic ; bilateral symmetry
Sexual Dimorphism: female larger
Raja clavata eggs are preyed upon by some fish and mollusks, such as necklace shells. Juveniles are commonly preyed upon by larger fish, specifically common skates and adult R. clavata. The coloration of R. clavata likely helps reduce risk of predation.
Known Predators:
Anti-predator Adaptations: cryptic
Raja clavata is more highly valued for its meat than other skates and rays. Thus, R. clavata plays an important economic role in fisheries, particularly those off the coast of Portugal.
Positive Impacts: food
Young Raja clavata hatch at 11 to 13 cm in length and 8 to 9 g in weight with a male:female sex ratio of 1:1. Juveniles remain in shallow water. As they increase in size, juveniles grow large button like structures called bucklers. When R. clavata reaches sexual maturity, usually around 8.8 years, it begins seasonally migrating. During summer, adults move in shore during the summer and migrate into deeper waters during the winter.
Raja clavata is classified as near threatened on to the ICUN's Red List of Threatened Species. Declines in R. clavata landings are thought to be due to over exploitation and poor species identification. It is caught primarily as by-catch in both otter and beam trawl fisheries, and is targeted with gillnets, long-lines, and recreational anglers. Landings of rays and skates are often lumped together under one generic category (i.e., Raja spp.), but market samplings suggest that R. clavata is the most dominant species landed in the North Sea and Skagerrak. Over exploitation in this species is especially relevant as it has slow growth, long life span, and long period before individuals become reproductively mature make. Research suggests that R. clavata may be extinct from the North Sea due to over fishing. In an effort to help R. clavata recover (as well as other batids), total allowable catch (TAC) for all skates and rays was reduced by 47% from 1999 to 2005. Some fisheries in the United Kingdom have also implemented a minimum landing size. Unfortunately, localized management efforts are not expected to have an impact on regional population conservation.
US Federal List: no special status
CITES: no special status
State of Michigan List: no special status
IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: near threatened
Like most other elasmobranchs, Raja clavata uses a diverse array of senses that allow it to perceive orientation as well as locate potential predators and prey. In order locate predators and prey, it depends on its acute sense of smell and a lateral line system that allows it to detect changes in pressure in the local environment. The lateral line system is made up of individual mechano-receptors called neuromasts which run the length of the body. These neuromasts are hair filled structures surrounded with a jelly like substance. These are connected to lateral line canals which interact with the environment. Pressure changes in the water displace the hair and fires impulses to the organism’s brain alerting it to the direction and strength of the disturbance. Raja clavata also depends on electrosensory perception organs known as Ampullae of Lorenzini. The ampullae, which consists of a series of gelatin filled pits that create an electrically sensitive network along the ventral surface of the animal, help sense minor electrical pulses created by the muscle contractions of organisms in the local environment. The ampullary organs interact with local electric fields through an opening in the skin on the snout of the animal that leads to a jelly filled canal. The electrical fields produced by animals dissipate rather quickly so R. clavata can only perceive the weak current at short range. Within that short range the thornback ray can accurately determine the location of the prey, even if buried in the sand. Some studies have indicated that R. clavata as well as other sharks and rays can use their Ampullae of Lorenzini to detect the strength and direction of the Earth’s magnetic field as a sort of rudimentary positioning system. Studies have shown that the thornback ray does not rely sight for locating prey.
Raja clavata acquires information from its three otilith organs (the utriculus, the sacculus, and the lagena) to maintain spatial equilibrium in its marine habitat. These organs are located in the inner ear vestibular system where the semicircular canals converge next to the cochlea. The three organs respond to tilts in both the longitudinal and transverse axes. The utriculus and sacculus produce similar responses and thus create mutually reinforcing signals. The macula lagena is made up of gravity receptors which provide a marker for R. clavata upright position. The macula utriculus produces an increase in discharge to signal side-up and nose-up displacements while the macula sacculus signals side-up and nose-down displacements. All three maculae act as an "out-of-position receptor" when the individual is subjected to a constant speed spatial deviation.
Thornback rays have a very acute sense of smell that they use for locating prey. They have two openings called nares that are located ventrally on the organism’s snout. Water enters the nares and passes through a structure known as the olfactory sac. The olfactory sac is lined with a series of folded tissue called the olfactory lamellae which provide increased surface area for molecule-receptor interactions. Molecules dissolved in the water bind to neuroreceptors in the olfactory lamellae to provide chemosensory information to the brain.
Perception Channels: visual ; acoustic ; vibrations ; chemical ; electric ; magnetic
Little is known of the mating behavior of many skates, including Raja clavata. Some speculate that this is because the animals mate in the cover of night. Studies of sting rays may provide insight into the mating behaviors of elasmobranchs. During mating, females swim in shore and spend the morning either buried in the sand or lay atop each other in large groups. Those females buried are attempting to avoid males that already mated or are not yet ready for reproduction whilst those in the aggregate groups are prepared for mating. Meanwhile, males swim up and down the beach searching for potential mates. In the afternoon, they switch roles and the males bury themselves in the sand while the females become mobile to search for food in the grassy beds. This cycle can continue for multiple weeks.
Thornback rays are oviparous with females migrating further in shore to lay their eggs. Egg-laying season for Raja clavata occurs between March and September. Mature females deposit one egg at a time in sandy or muddy substrate close to shore. Eggs range in length from 5 to 9 cm long and 3.8 to 6.4 cm wide. Mature females can lay between 140 and 160 eggs in a single year. Eggs are rectangular and oblong in shape and are marked by rigid horns on each corner. During development, embryos feed solely on their yolk. Embryonic development typically takes between 4 and 6 months and is largely dependent on ambient water temperature.
Breeding season: Thornback rays breed from March to September.
Range number of offspring: 140 to 160.
Range gestation period: 4 to 6 months.
Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female): 8.8 years.
Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male): 7.1 years.
Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; fertilization (Internal ); oviparous
There is no information available regarding parental care in Raja clavata; however, studies on closely related elasmobranches indicate a high level of parental investment.
Ar rae vouklet (liester: raeed bouklet), pe rae lagadek (liester: raeed lagadek), Raja clavata eus hec'h anv skiantel, a zo ur pesk plat, kar d'ar rinkin, hag a vev er meurvor Atlantel hag er mor Kreizdouar[1].
Etre 2 ha 4 kg eo he fouez ha war-dro 90 cm he hirder. Gris-gell eo he c'hein ha sklaer he c'hof. Goloet eo he c'horf gant drein e stumm krogoù a zo kaoz eus hec'h anv. Kuzhat a ra e strad ar mor, evel an darn vrasañ eus ar raeed.
Ar rae vouklet (liester: raeed bouklet), pe rae lagadek (liester: raeed lagadek), Raja clavata eus hec'h anv skiantel, a zo ur pesk plat, kar d'ar rinkin, hag a vev er meurvor Atlantel hag er mor Kreizdouar.
La clavellada, l'escrita, la bastina (per extensió errònia[4]), la bastina clavejada, el clavell, la rajada, la rajada punxosa o la rajada vera (Raja clavata) és una espècie de peix de la família dels raids i de l'ordre dels raïformes.
És ovípar,[5] els ous tenen com a banyes a la closca[8] i les femelles en ponen entre 52 i 170 a l'any.[5]
Menja tota mena d'animals bentònics, preferiblement crustacis.[9]
És depredat per Chelidonichthys gurnardus.[10][11]
És un peix marí, de clima subtropical (70°N-29°S, 25°W-42°E) i demersal que viu entre 20–577 m de fondària.[5][12]
Es troba a l'Oceà Atlàntic oriental (des d'Islàndia, Noruega, la Mar del Nord i l'oest del Mar Bàltic fins al Marroc i Namíbia), la Mediterrània i la Mar Negra.[5][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55][56][57][58][59][60][61][62][63][64][65][66]
Es comercialitza fresc i congelat.[67]
És inofensiu per als humans.[5]
La clavellada, l'escrita, la bastina (per extensió errònia), la bastina clavejada, el clavell, la rajada, la rajada punxosa o la rajada vera (Raja clavata) és una espècie de peix de la família dels raids i de l'ordre dels raïformes.
Pysgodyn sy'n byw yn y môr ac sy'n perthyn i deulu'r Rajidae ydy'r Morgath Styds sy'n enw benywaidd; lluosog: morgathod styds (Lladin: Raja clavata; Saesneg: Thornback ray).
Mae ei diriogaeth yn cynnwys Ewrop, Môr y Gogledd, y Môr Baltig a Chefnfor yr Iwerydd ac mae i'w ganfod ym Môr y Gogledd ac arfordir Cymru.
Ar restr yr Undeb Rhyngwladol dros Gadwraeth Natur (UICN), caiff y rhywogaeth hon ei rhoi yn y dosbarth 'Yn agos at fod dan fygythiad' o ran niferoedd, bygythiad a chadwraeth.[1]
Pysgodyn sy'n byw yn y môr ac sy'n perthyn i deulu'r Rajidae ydy'r Morgath Styds sy'n enw benywaidd; lluosog: morgathod styds (Lladin: Raja clavata; Saesneg: Thornback ray).
Mae ei diriogaeth yn cynnwys Ewrop, Môr y Gogledd, y Môr Baltig a Chefnfor yr Iwerydd ac mae i'w ganfod ym Môr y Gogledd ac arfordir Cymru.
Ar restr yr Undeb Rhyngwladol dros Gadwraeth Natur (UICN), caiff y rhywogaeth hon ei rhoi yn y dosbarth 'Yn agos at fod dan fygythiad' o ran niferoedd, bygythiad a chadwraeth.
Rejnok ostnatý (Raja clavata) je paryba z řádu rejnoků pravých. Je nejčastějším druhem rejnokovitých v Evropě.
Hřbetní strana je hnědošedá v různých odstínech, s tmavými skvrnami a světlými tečkami. Břišní strana těla je světlá. Hrudní ploutve se táhnou od rypce po obou stranách těla až k ocasu. Samičky i samci mají na hřbetě trny.
Žije na dně moří s lehce písčitým až bahnitým dnem od 20 metrů hloubky. Lze se s nimi setkat na mělčinách a v ústí řek.
Období rozmnožování je obvykle v jarních měsících kdy rejnoci jsou nejaktivnější. K oplodnění dochází v těle samice, samec se pevně přidrží samice. Samice za rok vyprodukuje až 150 vajec umístěných v pouzdru. Samice rejnoka dorůstají do 120 cm, ale samci jen 80 cm.
Rejnoci se živí kraby, krevetami, malými rybami, škeblemi a jedí dokonce i různé druhy korýšů.
Rejnok ostnatý (Raja clavata) je paryba z řádu rejnoků pravých. Je nejčastějším druhem rejnokovitých v Evropě.
Sømrokken (latin: Raja clavata) er en bruskfisk i ordenen rokker, der er udbredt fra Nordnorge til Middelhavet. Den er almindelig i Vesterhavet, Skagerrak og det dybe Kattegat. Hunnen måler op til 120 cm, mens den mindre han er 70 cm. Spredt på oversiden samt i rækker på ryggens midte og ud ad halen findes store torne, der har en sømhovedlignende roddel, fra hvilken selve tornen krummer sig bagud. Sømrokken lever mest på blød bund i 20-100 meters dybde, hvor den skjuler sig, så kun øjnene stikker op over sandet.
Sømrokken lever af krabber, håising, tobis og andre bunddyr. Den yngler sommeren igennem. De glatte mørke ægkapsler er seks cm lange og fire cm bredde og ses ofte opskyllet på stranden. Hannens bugfinner er som hos andre rokker omdannet til parringsorganer, der næsten når til midt på halen. De kønsmodne hanner har ligesom andre ægte rokker (Rajidae) såkaldte karter, der er krumme hudtænder. De findes i felter på de vingeformede brystfinners overside nær hjørnerne.
Sømrokken styrer med halen, og "flyver" langsomt gennem vandet med bugfinnerne, der bølger op og ned. Der sidder, som hos andre rokker, to gange fem gælleåbninger på undersiden lidt bag munden.
Dens kød smager som hummer ligesom for de andre arter af ægte rokker.
Sømrokken (latin: Raja clavata) er en bruskfisk i ordenen rokker, der er udbredt fra Nordnorge til Middelhavet. Den er almindelig i Vesterhavet, Skagerrak og det dybe Kattegat. Hunnen måler op til 120 cm, mens den mindre han er 70 cm. Spredt på oversiden samt i rækker på ryggens midte og ud ad halen findes store torne, der har en sømhovedlignende roddel, fra hvilken selve tornen krummer sig bagud. Sømrokken lever mest på blød bund i 20-100 meters dybde, hvor den skjuler sig, så kun øjnene stikker op over sandet.
Der Nagelrochen (Raja clavata) ist ein Knorpelfisch aus der Familie Echte Rochen (Rajidae). Er lebt vor allem an den europäischen und afrikanischen Küsten des Atlantischen Ozeans, in der Nordsee, dem Mittelmeer und dem südwestlichen Schwarzen Meer.
Der Nagelrochen ist die häufigste Rochenart der europäischen Meere. Er lebt an den Küsten des Ostatlantiks von Norwegen bis Namibia, in der Nordsee, im Skagerrak und im Kattegat. Außerdem im Mittelmeer, im südwestlichen Schwarzen Meer und möglicherweise auch noch im äußersten Südwesten des Indischen Ozeans an der Küste Südafrikas, Mosambiks und an der Südküste Madagaskars.
In deutschen Gewässern ist der Nagelrochen selten geworden. Während im Jahr 1910 in Ostfriesland noch 18.000 Glatt- und Nagelrochen gefischt wurden, wurden wegen Überfischung und Beifang ab 1980 fast keine Nagelrochen mehr im deutschen Wattenmeer gesichtet. Erst seit 2010 steigt ihre Zahl wieder.[1]
Der Körper der Fische ist rhombisch, die Schnauze kurz, die flügelartigen Brustflossen spitz. Die Oberseite ist bestachelt und rau, braun und mit hellen und dunklen Flecken gemustert, die Unterseite weiß. Der Schwanz trägt weit hinten zwei kleine Rückenflossen und ist mit hellen und dunklen Querbändern versehen. Charakteristisch ist die Mittelreihe schlanker, nagelähnlicher Dornen auf Rücken und Schwanzoberseite. Ältere Tiere bekommen noch zusätzliche Dornen auf Ober- und Unterseite der Flügel. Die Männchen erreichen eine Größe von 70 Zentimetern, Weibchen werden bis zu 120 Zentimetern lang.
Nagelrochen halten sich auf sandigen und schlammigen Weichböden in Tiefen von 20 bis 300 Metern auf, im östlichen Ionischen Meer in Tiefen von 300 bis 577 Metern. Sie ernähren sich von bodenbewohnenden Wirbellosen, vor allem von Krebstieren, aber auch von kleinen Fischen.
Wie alle Rajidae sind sie ovipar, legen also Eier. Die Paarungszeit ist im Frühjahr. Etwa täglich legen die Weibchen einige Wochen danach ein Ei ab, insgesamt 50 bis 170 in einem Jahr. Die Eier sind von einer viereckigen, mit Haltefäden an jeder Ecke versehen Hornkapsel umhüllt, die fünf bis neun Zentimeter lang und 3,4 bis 6,8 Zentimeter breit sind. Nach vier bis fünf Monaten schlüpfen die Jungtiere bei einer Körperlänge von etwa zwölf Zentimeter.
Der Nagelrochen (Raja clavata) ist ein Knorpelfisch aus der Familie Echte Rochen (Rajidae). Er lebt vor allem an den europäischen und afrikanischen Küsten des Atlantischen Ozeans, in der Nordsee, dem Mittelmeer und dem südwestlichen Schwarzen Meer.
The Raja clavata, kent as the thorny-back or jennie skate, is a speshies o ray fish in the faimily Rajidae.[2]
The Raja clavata, kent as the thorny-back or jennie skate, is a speshies o ray fish in the faimily Rajidae.
Түлкүкөөрчөк (лат. лат. Raja clavata) — деңизде жашоочу көөкөрчөк балыктардын бир түрү.
The thornback ray (Raja clavata), or thornback skate, is a species of ray fish in the family Rajidae.[2]
The Thornback ray is found in the Atlantic coastal waters of Europe and western Africa. It is also present from south Africa to the southwestern Indian Ocean [2] and in the Mediterranean and Black Seas.[3] It is native possibly as far south as Namibia and South Africa.[2]
Its natural habitats are open large seas and shallow seas. It is sometimes seen trapped in large estuarine pools at low tide.[2]
The thornback ray is probably one of the most common rays encountered by divers.
The thornback ray is usually found on sedimentary seabeds such as mud, sand or gravel at depths between 10-60m. Juvenile fish feed on small crustaceans, particularly amphipods and bottom-living shrimps; adults feed on crabs, shrimps and small fish.
Like all rays, the thornback ray has a flattened body with broad, wing-like pectoral fins. The body is kite-shaped with a long, thorny tail. The back is covered in numerous thorny spines, as is the underside in older females.[2][4]
Adult fish can grow to 1 metre (3.3 ft) in length, although most are less than 85 centimetres (33 in). This ray can weigh from 4.5 to 8.75 lb (2 to 4 kg).[5]
Their colours vary from light brown to grey with darker blotches and numerous small darker spots and yellow patches. Sometimes the yellow patches are surrounded by small dark spots. The underside is creamy-white with a greyish margin. When threatened they can appear black.[6][7]
In sexually mature fish, some of the spines are thickened with button-like bases (known as bucklers). These are particularly well developed on the tails and backs of sexually mature females.[7]
Raja clavata, the thornback ray (or thornback skate, roker), was named by Carl Linnaeus in the 10th edition of Systema Naturae in 1758, in the genus Raja of the Order Rajiformes in the Family Rajidae.[2]
It is one of about 13 species of skate (family Rajidae) that are known from the North Sea and adjacent Atlantic waters.
Common names include:[8]
Dorsal spines : 0; Anal spines: 0; Anal soft rays: 0. ; disc-width 1,25 to 1,36 times in its length, its length 1,70 to 1,83 times in total length; pectoral fins with clear angles on lateral side; triangular pelvic fins . Dorsally prickly; large females also prickly throughout their ventral surface; young and large males prickly along the borders of their discs and the underside of their snout. 30-50 thorns form a median row from the nape to the first dorsal fin; additional large 'buckler' thorns with swollen bases scattered on upper surface of disc in adults . Max length : 105 cm male/unsexed; 139.0 cm (female); common length : 85.0 cm ; max. weight: 18.0 kg.
Oviparous. Polyandrous species. Paired eggs are laid and deposited on shallow sand, mud, pebble or gravel bottoms . Up to 170 egg cases can be laid by a single female in a year, average fecundity around 48-74 eggs. In northwestern Europe, egg cases are laid during spring, and in the Mediterranean during winter and spring. Egg cases are oblong capsules with stiff pointed horns at the corners, each containing one embryo. Capsules are 5.0-9.0 cm long without the horns and 3.4-6.8 cm wide. Egg cases are anchored with an adhesive film.
Embryos feed solely on yolk. Egg cases hatch after about 4–5 months and pups are about 11–13 cm.
Mating season is from February to September, peaking in June. Adults observed to form same-sex aggregations during the mating season with females moving to shallower inshore waters approximately a month before the males. Mating does not occur in the Baltic Sea.[2] This is one of the fish used by the marine leech Pontobdella muricata as a host.[9]
A search about the growth and maturation of Raja clavata in the Solway Firth (part of the border between Cumbria, England and Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland) shows that the males and females appear to mature at 42 and 45 cm in disc width respectively. The Solway population is heavily exploited by an unrestricted commercial fishery and a considerable proportion (48.6%) of the retained catch is immature. It is suggested that fishing pressure has brought about a reduction in the size at which female fish mature.[10]
The thornback ray (Raja clavata), or thornback skate, is a species of ray fish in the family Rajidae.
La raya común o raya de clavos (Raja clavata) es una especie de peces de la familia de los Rajidae en el orden de los Rajiformes. Los machos pueden llegar alcanzar los 105 cm de longitud total y las hembras 120. Se alimenta de animales bentónicos, preferiblemente crustáceos. Entre sus depredadores se encuentra Chelidonichthys gurnardus.
Es ovíparo y las hembras ponen huevos envueltos en una cápsula córnea.[1][2]
Es un pez marino, de aguas templadas (70 ° N-29 ° S, 25 ° W-42 ° E), y demersal que vive entre los 20 y los 600 m de profundidad. Se encuentra en el océano Atlántico oriental (desde Islandia, Noruega, mar del Norte y mar Báltico, hasta Marruecos y Namibia), el Mediterráneo y el mar Negro.
La raya común o raya de clavos (Raja clavata) es una especie de peces de la familia de los Rajidae en el orden de los Rajiformes. Los machos pueden llegar alcanzar los 105 cm de longitud total y las hembras 120. Se alimenta de animales bentónicos, preferiblemente crustáceos. Entre sus depredadores se encuentra Chelidonichthys gurnardus.
Es ovíparo y las hembras ponen huevos envueltos en una cápsula córnea.
Es un pez marino, de aguas templadas (70 ° N-29 ° S, 25 ° W-42 ° E), y demersal que vive entre los 20 y los 600 m de profundidad. Se encuentra en el océano Atlántico oriental (desde Islandia, Noruega, mar del Norte y mar Báltico, hasta Marruecos y Namibia), el Mediterráneo y el mar Negro.
Arraia gastaka (Raja clavata) ur gaziko arrain kartilaginosoa da, Rajidae familiakoa[1].
Ekialdeko Ozeano Atlantikoan bizi da.
Arraia gastaka (Raja clavata) ur gaziko arrain kartilaginosoa da, Rajidae familiakoa.
Ekialdeko Ozeano Atlantikoan bizi da.
Okarausku (Raja clavata) on itäisen Atlantin rauskukalalaji. Sitä tavataan etupäässä Euroopan ja Afrikan rannikoilla.
Okarausku viihtyy tavallisesti melko syvällä ja hiekkapohjalla. Ravinto koostuu pääasiassa nilviäisistä ja kaloista. Kyseessä on Skandinavian ja Yhdistyneen kuningaskunnan yleisin rauskulaji. Ihmiselle okarausku on vaaraton.[2]
Pisimmillään okarausku voi olla noin 120 cm ja painavimmillaan jopa 18 kg.[3] Laji on ovipaarinen eli sen munat kehittyvät munakoteloissa emon ulkopuolella.
Okarausku on tätä nykyä silmälläpidettävä laji.[1] Kantaa ei siis voi pitää elinvoimaisena muttei vaarantuneenakaan. Laji on viime vuosikymmeninä selvästi vähentynyt etenkin pohjoisemman Euroopan vesillä.[4]
Okarausku (Raja clavata) on itäisen Atlantin rauskukalalaji. Sitä tavataan etupäässä Euroopan ja Afrikan rannikoilla.
Okarausku viihtyy tavallisesti melko syvällä ja hiekkapohjalla. Ravinto koostuu pääasiassa nilviäisistä ja kaloista. Kyseessä on Skandinavian ja Yhdistyneen kuningaskunnan yleisin rauskulaji. Ihmiselle okarausku on vaaraton.
Pisimmillään okarausku voi olla noin 120 cm ja painavimmillaan jopa 18 kg. Laji on ovipaarinen eli sen munat kehittyvät munakoteloissa emon ulkopuolella.
Okarausku on tätä nykyä silmälläpidettävä laji. Kantaa ei siis voi pitää elinvoimaisena muttei vaarantuneenakaan. Laji on viime vuosikymmeninä selvästi vähentynyt etenkin pohjoisemman Euroopan vesillä.
La raie bouclée (Raja clavata) est une espèce de raies de l'ordre des Rajiformes que l'on rencontre de la Norvège à l'Afrique du Sud, en Méditerranée, autour des îles Britanniques, et même jusqu'en Islande. Sur le plan commercial, c'est l'espèce de rajidé la plus importante des pêches françaises. C'est également la plus recherchée au point de vue gustatif.
Noms FAO :
Autre dénomination de vente admise : raie.
zerra bouké (côte Basque).
Rare au sud-est de l'Islande, au nord-ouest de la Norvège et autour des îles Féroé. Commune en mer du Nord et dans l'Atlantique nord-est, de l'Écosse à la Mauritanie. Méditerranée, mer Noire, Atlantique sud-est et océan Indien sud-ouest.
Elle vit de la côte à 500 m de profondeur, les concentrations les plus élevées se trouvant entre -10 et -60 m.
La raie bouclée est la seule raie européenne à avoir la queue colorée de zones transversales alternativement sombres et claires, ce qui lui donne un aspect annelé. Elle se caractérise aussi par la présence fréquente sur le dos et sur le ventre de boucles, sortes de grosses épines recourbées à base circulaire. Chez les individus en provenance de certains secteurs de pêche, comme le golfe de Gascogne, ces boucles peuvent être totalement absentes. Il faut également souligner que l'on ne doit pas tenir compte de la coloration dorsale qui peut présenter de très fortes variations d'un spécimen à l'autre.
Raie bouclée (Raja clavata) dans le bassin tactile de Mareis
Œuf de raie bouclée (Raja clavata) dans la nurserie de Mareis
La raie bouclée (Raja clavata) est une espèce de raies de l'ordre des Rajiformes que l'on rencontre de la Norvège à l'Afrique du Sud, en Méditerranée, autour des îles Britanniques, et même jusqu'en Islande. Sur le plan commercial, c'est l'espèce de rajidé la plus importante des pêches françaises. C'est également la plus recherchée au point de vue gustatif.
La razza chiodata[1] (Raja clavata Linnaeus, 1758), conosciuta commercialmente con il nome generico di razza[2] , è una specie di pesce cartilagineo appartenente alla famiglia Rajidae. L'habitat naturale è rappresentato sia dal mare aperto che da acque costiere, dell'Europa, della costa atlantica dell'Africa, probabilmente fino alla Namibia e al Sudafrica in un range batimetrico che varia da 0 a 100 m circa. Talvolta viene anche vista in trappola in grandi pozze naturali che si formano per la bassa marea nei pressi di grandi estuari.
La Raja clavata è probabilmente una delle specie di razza che gli appassionati di subacquea incontrano con maggiore frequenza nelle acque dei mari italiani e del Mediterraneo.
Come tutte le razze ha un corpo appiattito con ampie pinne pettorali simili a delle ali. Il corpo è trapezoidale, a forma di aquilone con una coda lunga e spinosa, interamente ricoperta da dentelli dermici ricurvi e pungenti, come anche il resto dell'intero corpo, il che gli conferisce una maggiore idrodinamicità. Gli adulti possono crescere fino a 1 m di lunghezza anche se la maggior parte sono inferiori a 85 cm. Questa specie di razza pesa da 2 a 3,98 kg.
Negli esemplari sessualmente maturi alcune delle spine sono inspessite e più resistenti con una base più larga (note come "scudi"). Queste sono particolarmente ben sviluppate sulla coda come è visibile nell'immagine a lato e sul retro delle femmine sessualmente mature.
Il colore varia dal marrone chiaro al grigio, con numerose piccole macchie più scure e macchie gialle. A volte le macchie gialle sono circondate da piccole macchie scure. La parte inferiore è bianco-crema, con un margine grigio.
La razza chiodata vive di solito su fondali fangosi, sabbiosi o ghiaiosi ad una profondità media tra i 10-60 m. I giovani esemplari si nutrono di piccoli crostacei, in particolare anfipodi e gamberetti. Gli adulti si nutrono invece di granchi, gamberi e piccoli pesci.
La razza chiodata (Raja clavata Linnaeus, 1758), conosciuta commercialmente con il nome generico di razza , è una specie di pesce cartilagineo appartenente alla famiglia Rajidae. L'habitat naturale è rappresentato sia dal mare aperto che da acque costiere, dell'Europa, della costa atlantica dell'Africa, probabilmente fino alla Namibia e al Sudafrica in un range batimetrico che varia da 0 a 100 m circa. Talvolta viene anche vista in trappola in grandi pozze naturali che si formano per la bassa marea nei pressi di grandi estuari.
De stekelrog of gewone rog (Raja clavata) is een rog uit de familie Rajidae.
Deze rog is bruingrijs met donkere vlekken en stipjes, de buikzijde is lichter. Hij heeft stekels op de rug en de staart, en ook de buik is stekelig. Een stekelrog wordt ongeveer 85 cm lang.
Deze dieren liggen meestal op de zeebodem te wachten op een passerende prooi. Ze zijn nagenoeg onzichtbaar dankzij hun camouflage.
Deze kraakbeenvis komt voor in ondiep water met modder- en zandbodem, onder andere in de Atlantische Oceaan, de Middellandse Zee en Zwarte Zee.
Stekelroggen zijn in veel openbare aquaria te bezichtigen. Soms worden ze zoals in Nausicaä in Boulogne-sur-Mer in open "aaibakken" gehouden, omdat het dier totaal ongevaarlijk is, in tegenstelling tot bijvoorbeeld de giftige pijlstaartrog.
Stekelroggen komen voor op een diepte tussen de 2 en 60 m in de Noordzee. Zij zetten hun eieren af in ondiep water. De zwarte eikapsels van de stekelrog kan men langs de Belgische en Nederlandse kust aantreffen. Omdat ze betrekkelijk weinig eieren produceren, zijn ze erg gevoelig voor overbevissing.[2] De soort staat als gevoelig op de internationale Rode Lijst van de IUCN[1] en als kwetsbaar op de Nederlandse Rode Lijst.
Raja nabijana[3], raja ciernista[4], płaszczka nabijana[5], płaszczka kolczasta[5] (Raja clavata) – gatunek ryby chrzęstnoszkieletowej z rodziny rajowatych (Rajidae).
Wschodni Atlantyk od północnej Norwegii i południowej Islandii do południowej Afryki oraz Morze Śródziemne i Morze Czarne.
Występuje na piaszczystym lub mulistym dnie, zwykle na głębokości od 20 do 60 m, ale spotykana jest także na głębokościach większych do 500 m.
Osiąga maksymalnie do 70 cm (samce) i do 125 cm (samice) długości. Ciało spłaszczone grzbietobrzusznie o kształcie rombowatej tarczy, płetwa piersiowa z ostrymi krawędziami. Pysk krótki, rozwartokątny. Na skórze występują kolce, tak na stronie wierzchniej jak również dolnej. Dorosłe osobniki posiadają na stronie grzbietowej liczne, duże kolce osadzone w skórze razem z szerokimi, gładkimi tarczkami. U samic i młodych osobników ciągnie się wzdłuż grzbietu i trzonu ogonowego długi szereg kolców. U samców szereg kolców wstępuje tylko na trzonie ogonowym. Samce dodatkowo posiadają ruchome kolce na płetwach piersiowych. Uzębienie składa się z 36–45 zębów, u samców spiczaste a samic spłaszczonych. Dwie małe płetwy grzbietowe o takiej samej wielkości znajdują się na końcu trzonu ogonowego. Płetwa ogonowa mała. Brak płetwy odbytowej. Posiada narządy elektryczne.
Strona grzbietowa jasnoszara lub jasnobrązowa, u młodych osobników wyraźnie widoczne brązowo obwiedzione jasne plamy oraz małe czarne punkty. U starszych osobników plamy zanikają. Strona brzuszna biała z ciemnymi krawędziami.
Żywi się głównie krabami, ale także wieloszczetami, mięczakami, jeżowcami i małymi rybami.
Ryba jajorodna. Dojrzałość płciową samice osiągają w 9 roku życia, a samce w 7 roku.
Raja nabijana, raja ciernista, płaszczka nabijana, płaszczka kolczasta (Raja clavata) – gatunek ryby chrzęstnoszkieletowej z rodziny rajowatych (Rajidae).
Raja clavata é uma espécie de peixe da família Rajidae conhecida pelo nome comum de raia-lenga.
Pode ser encontrada nos seguintes países: Albânia, Alemanha, Argélia, Angola, Bélgica, Benim, Bósnia e Herzegovina, Bulgária, Camarões, República do Congo, República Democrática do Congo, Croácia, Chipre, Costa do Marfim, Dinamarca, Egito, Guiné Equatorial, Ilhas Feroé, França, Gabão, Gana, Gibraltar, Grécia, Guiné, Guiné-Bissau, Islândia, Irlanda, Israel, Itália, Líbano, Libéria, Líbia, Madagáscar, Malta, Mauritânia, Maurícia, Monaco, Marrocos, Holanda, Nigéria, Noruega, Polónia, Portugal, Roménia, Rússia, São Tomé e Príncipe, Senegal, Serra Leoa, Eslovénia, Espanha, Suécia, Síria, Togo, Tunísia, Turquia, Reino Unido, possivelmente Namíbia e possivelmente África do Sul.
Os seus habitats naturais são: mar aberto e mar costeiro.
Vatosul (Raja clavata) este un pește marin cartilaginos din ordinul rechinilor batoizi (plați), familia Rajidae, genul Raja. [2] Mai este denumit și „vulpe de mare”.
Zonele în care poate fi întâlnit sunt cele subtropicale (70°N - 29°S, 25°V – 42°E), estul și nordul Oceanului Atlantic, Marea Nordului, Marea Baltică, Marea Mediterană și Marea Neagră, sud-vestul Oceanului Indian.
Este un pește criofil, care duce o viață solitară, îngropat în nisip la adâncimea de 60-70 m, cu apă mai rece și mai sărată, alături de calcan și morun.
Vatosul are corpul turtit lateral și acoperit cu plăci osoase, înzestrate cu câte un spin. Lungimea masculului ajunge până la 70 cm, femela până la 1,5 m, greutatea 5-8 kg. Pe fața ventrală a corpului se află 5 deschideri branhiale. Pe spate are numeroși țepi care pe abdomen sunt mai rari, de asemeni și pe muchia cozii.
Ochii sunt mari și așezați pe partea dorsală, apropriați între ei. Gura se află pe fața ventrală.
Culoarea este schimbătoare după mediu, de obicei variază între cenușiu, brun roșcată și galben-cenușiu cu pete neregulate. [3]
Este ovipar, în lunile martie-mai se apropie de țărm până la 25-45 m, pentru a depune 6-10 ouă. După depunere, se retrage la adâncimi mai mari până în septembrie-noiembrie, când se apropie de țărm odată cu curenții reci.
Se hrănește cu pești, crustacei și moluște. [4]
Carnea vatosului este foarte apreciată. Se consumă înotătoarele pectorale (comercializate ca „aripi de vulpe”), considerate delicatese, fiind asemănătoare la gust cu carnea de crab. Ficatul reprezintă 6,5% din greutatea totală a corpului și conține 60-67% grăsimi, fiind foarte bogat în vitamina A. Pielea vatosului, prelucrată și colorată în verde este folosită în pielărie sub numele de „piele de rechin”.
(ajutor) Vatosul (Raja clavata) este un pește marin cartilaginos din ordinul rechinilor batoizi (plați), familia Rajidae, genul Raja. Mai este denumit și „vulpe de mare”.
Trnjevka (znanstveno ime Raja clavata) je morska riba iz družine pravih raž.
Trnjevka je svoje ime dobila po trnastih izrastkih, ki jih ima po telesu. Trnjevka je, kot vsi skati, sploščena riba hrustančnica, ki ima obliko romba. Prsne plavuti so od glave do repa široko prirasle na telo. Rep trnjevke je dolg in bičast, ribi pa ne pomaga pri plavanju[1]. Oči ima trnjevka na hrbtu, usta pa na spodnji strani telesa. Po hrbtu je trnjevka rumeno rjava ali sivo zelena (odvisno od podlage na kateri živi) in je posuta s pegami, po trebuhu pa je okrasto bele barve s sivkastim pridihom. Odrasle ribe lahko dosežejo 1 m v dolžino, običajno pa dosežejo le okoli 85 cm. Tehtajo od 2 do 4 kg[2].
Trnjevke živijo na blatnem ali peščenem dnu, v katerega se lahko tudi delno zakopljejo, ko čakajo na plen. To je riba srednjih globin, ki se zadržuje v globinah med 10 in 80 metrov. Mlade ribe se hranijo pretežno z mahnimi rakci in rakovicami, odrasle pa k temu dodajo še manjše ribe.
Razširjene so v obalnih vodah vzhodnega Atlantika, njihov atlantski habitat pa seže vse do Namibije in Južne Afrike. Razširjena je tudi v Sredozemlju in Jadranu. Samice ležejo velika jajca v velikih rjavih lupinah.
Trnjevke lovijo od pomladi do poznega poletja, najpogosteje na parangal, neredko pa se znajdejo tudi v mrežah vlečnicah.
Meso trnjevk je mehko, belo in rahlo kiselkastega okusa, sodi pa med najboljše med vsemi hrustančnicami. Najpogosteje jo pripravljajo v brodetu, pa tudi kuhano. Kulinarično sodi med drugo ali tretjerazredne ribe.
Trnjevka (znanstveno ime Raja clavata) je morska riba iz družine pravih raž.
Knaggrocka (Raja clavata) är den vanligaste rockan i Europas hav. Den hittas bland annat på Västkustens grundare bottnar i Sverige.
Denna broskfisk känns igen på sin gulaktiga färg med ljusa fläckar omgivna av mörka ringar. Nosen är rät eller trubbvinklig (till skillnad från klorocka), och på ovansidan har den stora taggar. Undersidan är sträv.
Liksom andra broskfiskar har den munnen på undersidan (där även gälarna sitter) och ett skelett uppbyggt av brosk.
Knaggrocka (Raja clavata) är den vanligaste rockan i Europas hav. Den hittas bland annat på Västkustens grundare bottnar i Sverige.
Denna broskfisk känns igen på sin gulaktiga färg med ljusa fläckar omgivna av mörka ringar. Nosen är rät eller trubbvinklig (till skillnad från klorocka), och på ovansidan har den stora taggar. Undersidan är sträv.
Liksom andra broskfiskar har den munnen på undersidan (där även gälarna sitter) och ett skelett uppbyggt av brosk.
Розмір самців приблизно 70 — 85 см, самиць — 125 см, вага до 4 кг. Тіло морської лисиці має форму сплюснутого ромбу, який утворений зрощеними головою, тулубом та грудними плавцями. Верхня частина тіла та хвіст вкриті крупними шипами, кінці яких загнуті назад, між якими знаходяться дрібні шипи. Невелика кількість шипів є також на нижній частині тіла. На кінці хвоста розташовані два невеликих спинних плавця. Забарвлення досить мінливе, спина жовтувато-сіра або бура з темними та світлими плямами, нижня частина — біла.
Морська лисиця — донна риба. Малорухлива риба, тримається на дні, де заривається у пісок або мул. Зустрічається переважно на невеликих глибинах, але може опускатися до глибини 300 м (у Чорному морі — до 100 м). Плаває хвилеподібно, рухаючи бічними плавцями. Оскільки рот риби знаходиться на нижній частині тіла, полюючи здобич, що рухається, скат пливе таким чином, щоб опинитися над нею, потім швидко падає вниз та хапає її. Живиться донними ракоподібними (крабами, десятиногими раками), рибою, рідше молюсками. Зимує на глибині.
Розмножується навесні. Для нересту підходить до берегів, але уникає занадто мілких ділянок з теплою водою та опріснених вод. Самиця відкладає на дно яйця, що мають 6 — 9 см у довжину та 4 — 7 см у ширину. Плодючість від кількох десятків, до кількох сотень яєць, які відкладаються протягом всього літнього періоду. Яйця являють собою випуклі капсули, вкриті роговою оболонкою, що мають у кутках рогові відростки з пучками ниток. Цими нитками яйця заплутуються у водорості та тримаються біля дна. Зародок розвивається протягом 4,5 — 5,5 місяців. Рогова оболонка яйця захищає його від хижаків, але вона здатна пропускати морську воду, забезпечуючи таким чином дихання зародку. Мальок, що з'являється, має довжину 12 — 13 см.
Промислове значення в Україні невелике. У деяких північних країнах (Швеція, Данія) м'ясо скатів цінується за свої смакові якості.
Raja clavata là một loài cá thuộc họ Rajidae. Nó được tìm thấy ở vùng nước ven biển of châu Âu and the Atlantic bờ biển của Africa, có thể xa về phía nam như Namibia và cả Nam Phi. Các môi trường sống tự nhiên của chúng lànhững vùng biển mở và biển nông.
Raja clavata là một loài cá thuộc họ Rajidae. Nó được tìm thấy ở vùng nước ven biển of châu Âu and the Atlantic bờ biển của Africa, có thể xa về phía nam như Namibia và cả Nam Phi. Các môi trường sống tự nhiên của chúng lànhững vùng biển mở và biển nông.
Морская лисица, или колючий скат[1], или шиповатый скат[2] (лат. Raja clavata) — наиболее распространённый европейский вид скатов. Обитает у восточного побережья Атлантического океана от Исландии, Норвегии и Северного моря до Южной Африки. Присутствует в Средиземном, Чёрного морях, был обнаружен в Азовском море[2].
Тело морских лисиц ромбообразное, голова короткая, а крылоподобные грудные плавники на концах заострённые. Верхняя часть шершавая и усеянная шипами, покрытая узором из светлых и тёмных пятен. Нижняя сторона белая. На задней части хвоста, покрытого светлыми и тёмными поперечными полосками, два маленьких спинных плавника. Характерен ряд стройных иглообразных шипов на спине и верхней части хвоста. У зрелых особей имеются дополнительные шипы на верхней и нижней стороне крыльев. Самцы достигают величины от 70 см, а величина самок доходит до 120 см.
Морские лисицы обитают на песчаном и илистом дне моря на глубине от 20 до 300 м. На востоке Ионического моря их встречали на глубине до 577 м. Они питаются обитающими на дне беспозвоночными, прежде всего ракообразными, а также небольшой рыбой.
Как и для всех скатов, для морских лисиц характерно яйцерождение. Спаривание проходит весной. После этого самки на протяжении нескольких недель ежедневно откладывают по яйцу, всего от 50 до 170 за год. По истечении четырёх-пяти месяцев из них появляются на свет детёныши, величина которых составляет при рождении около 12 см.
Морская лисица, или колючий скат, или шиповатый скат (лат. Raja clavata) — наиболее распространённый европейский вид скатов. Обитает у восточного побережья Атлантического океана от Исландии, Норвегии и Северного моря до Южной Африки. Присутствует в Средиземном, Чёрного морях, был обнаружен в Азовском море.