
Comprehensive Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Tittakunara katoa

DESCRIPTION OF FEMALE.—Head about 18 percent of total body length, greatest width about 46 percent of length; rostrum apically constricted, narrow, elongate, bearing subapical downturned blunt process flush with ventral cephalic tangent. Eyes medium, fully pigmented black. Article 1 of peduncle on antenna 1 about 0.66 times as long as wide, about 1.6 times as wide as article 2, ventral margin with 4 setules, unproduced dorsal apex with 4 setules, lateral face with comb of 3 tiny setules and pair of blunt penicillate setules; article 2 about 1.3 times as long as article 1, with 2 apical rows of 5 setae each, proximal row of 9 setae, ventral margin naked, distoventral corner unproduced, dorsodistal corner unproduced medially; article 3 about 0.5 times as long article 1, ventral margin naked, ventral apex with 2 setules; primary flagellum 16-articulate, about twice as long as peduncle, article 1 of flagellum not elongate, some distal articles with medium aesthetascs; accessory flagellum about 0.7 times as long as primary flagellum, 12-articulate. Dorsal margin of article 4 on antenna 2 with 4 groups of 3–6 medium setae, ventral margin with 9 acclivities bearing dense setal ranks(ventral apex included), lateral face with 3 sets of 2–8 setae; article 5 about 0.6 times as long as article 4, dorsal and ventral margins with 2 groups of 3–5 setae; flagellum about 1.4 times as long as articles 4–5 of peduncle combined, 15-articulate.

Mandibles with strong palpar hump on margin above molar; incisors short, right with 3 teeth, left with 3 humps in 2 branches; right lacinia mobilis ?linguiform (occluded), left lacinia mobilis flabellate, with 5–7 teeth (often worn); right rakers 2, left rakers 3; molars of medium size, forming weak face on medial surface of mandible, ventral apices weakly triturative, otherwise surface fuzzy or carved into polygons and nodes, molars lacking accessory distal hump; palp of medium thickness, article 1 short, article 2 with 7–9 setae, article 3 almost 1.2 times as long as article 2, oblique apex with 9–10 setal spines, basofacial formula = 0–2. Inner plate of maxilla 1 ordinary, with 3 medium to short apical setae; outer plate with 9 normal spines; palp weakly 2-articulate, reaching apex of outer plate, of medium thickness, bearing 3 long apical setae, one lateral, 2 apicomedial setae. Maxilla 2 normal, lobes extending equally, outer broadened, bearing 5 apicolateral setae, inner without medial setae. Maxilliped normal, not large basally; inner plate narrow, subtruncate, bearing 2–3 apical spines, 2 apicolateral setae, 1–2 facial setae; outer plate elongate, with 7–8 medial spines, no ventral setal row; palp stout but of ordinary length, article 1 setose apicolaterally, article 2 with one apicolateral seta, with medium density of medial setal group, article 3 setose medially, with 4 sets of 1–2 lateral setae, 5 facia setae, article 4 elongate, apically pointed, inner margin guarded by cusp bearing 2–3 accessory setae.

Coxa 1 reduced, shoe-shaped, extended forward; coxa 2 much larger, shoe-shaped, extended forward; coxa 3 rectangular; coxae 2–3 not hidden by following coxae except for small overlap; ventral setal formula of coxae 1–4 = 8–2–2–2, posteriormost seta of coxae 2–4 very short; coxa 4 very broad, anteroventral corner round–quadrate, anterior and posterior margins divergent, posterior margin oblique, straight, posterodorsal corner rounded, then obliquely truncate, posterodorsal margin elongate, V-shaped, width–length ratio = 1:1. Long posterior setae on article 2 of gnathopods 1–2 and pereopods 1–2 = 6–8–7–9, short posteriors = 0–0–1–1, long anteriors = 11–6–4–2, short anteriors = 14–17–9–4. Gnathopods with elongate article 5, much longer than short article 6 only on gnathopod 2; sixth articles weakly chelate, subrectangular, anterior and posterior margins divergent; width ratios of articles 5–6 on gnathopods 1–2 = 19:36 and 17:32, length ratios = 72:52 and 99:57; palmar humps sharp, article 3 slightly elongate; apicolateral margin of article 5 produced, posterior setae moderately dense. Pereopod 2 with article 4 slightly larger than on pereopod 1; main apical spine of article 5 extending to M. 30 on article 6; spine formula of article 6 on pereopods 1 and 2 = 10 + 10 and 10 + 9 plus one middistal medium spine; dactyls of pereopods 1–2 without inner acclivity, apex with mostly immersed, scarcely visible nail bearing fused setule mark laterally, medial face with ordinary plusetule. Articles 4–5 of pereopods 3–5 very broad, facial spine rows dense except on pereopod 5; facial ridge formula of article 2 on pereopods 3–5 = 0–1–0; width ratios of articles 2, 4, 5, 6 of pereopod 3 = 44:42:22:9, of pereopod 4 = 59:53:30:10, of pereopod 5 = 73:61:32:10; length ratios of articles 2, 4, 5, 6 of pereopod 3 = 67:49:38:35, of pereopod 4 = 71:60:54:48, of pereopod 5 = 84:72:42:52; article 2 of pereopod 3 narrow basally, widening strongly towards distal end, pyriform, of pereopod 4 broadly pyriform, of pereopod 5 with posterodistal notch and rounded corner, medial apex weakly toothed; dactyl of pereopod 3 very short, article 4 extended posterodistally.

Posteroventral corner of epimeron 1 rounded, posterior margin convex, naked, anteroventral rounded corner with setule, anterior margin densely setose, ventral margin with group of 3 long setae; posteroventral corner of epimeron 2 weakly protuberant, weakly undulant, naked, ventral margin with 6 small spines; posteroventral corner of epimeron 3 rounded, posterior margin naked, weakly convex, ventral margin with 4 small spines.

Urosomite 1 with small ventral spine on each side, one spine also at base of uropod I, bearing weak dorsal saddle; urosomite 2 scarcely protuberant dorsally. Rami of uropods 1–2 densely spinose apically; outer ramus of uropod 1 with 2 rows of 6+ dorsal spines, inner with single row of 9 dorsal spines; outer ramus of uropod 2 with 2 rows of 4–6 dorsal spines, inner with 4 large spines; peduncle of uropod 1 with one medium apicolateral spine, 2 spines in middle, 2 ventral spines, medial margin with 4 spines, one large apicomedial spine; peduncle of uropod 2 with 3 dorsal spines, medially with 3 spines, apicalmost short, lateral apex forming sharp cusp; inner ramus shorter than outer on uropod 2, scarcely shorter on uropod 1. Uropod 3 with slightly elongate peduncle bearing 2 groups of 3–6 lateral facial spines, basal group usually with 2–3 fewer spines than distal group, dorsolateral apex with 4 spines, medially with 3, ventrally with 3; inner rami feminine, extending to M. 62 on article 1 of outer ramus, setose and spinose medially and laterally, apex with seta and short spine; outer ramus elongate, article 1 with 4 lateral acclivities, spine formula = 1–4–3–3–4, article 2 stout and elongate, scarcely tapering, about 0.6 times as long as article 1, both margins with 3 acclivities bearing 3–4 spines each, apex with 2 short setae. Telson short, length–width ratio = 31:34, cleft about 68 percent of telsonic length, forming gape, each apex broad, with sharp lateral cusp, medial margin ragged and weakly produced at medial corner, each lateral margin with weak acclivity bearing 2 setules, another single setule more distad, each margin with 2 large spines, then basodorsally with 2–3 more spines, each lobe with 1–2 fully dorsal spines in addition, each lobe averaging 6 spines total.

Bulbar setules on cuticle very sparse, emergent whips short, thick, cuticle otherwise with dense fingerprint striations and numerous studs and pipes.

OBSERVATIONS.—Inner lobes of lower lip with medium accessory apicofacial lobes.

ILLUSTRATIONS.—Dissected coxa I enlarged more than dissected coxa 2.

HOLOTYPE.—AM, female “a,” 10.37 mm.

TYPE-LOCALITY.—AM P.24851, Sandy Beach, S of Red Head Beach, New South Wales, Australia, intertidal.

VOUCHER MATERIAL.—Type-locality; female “p,” 11.16 mm (illus.); female “c,” 8.81 mm (illus.). Male unknown.

MATERIAL.—AM, 4 samples (7): AM P.24846, 24851, 24854, 24923.

DISTRIBUTION.—New South Wales, sandy beaches.

Indischnopus, new genus

ETYMOLOGY.—Platyischnopus of India; masculine.

DIAGNOSIS.—Platyischnopidae with article 2 of antenna 1 not elongate, not spinose anteriorly and posteriorly, often bearing setae distally. Mandibular incisors elongate, simple; lacinia mobilis either similar on both sides or absent or highly vestigial; raker spines absent or vestigial. Spines on outer plate of maxilla 1 sharp, generally alike. Plates of maxilla 2 ordinary, with rounded and setose apical margins or tending slightly to conical form and diversity seen in Platyischnopus. Inner plate of maxilliped weakly tapering apically but not in form of Platyischnopus, apex poorly armed, lacking facial setae, basal attachment narrow and ordinary. Coxae 1–3 large, rectangular, coxa 3 expanded apically. Article 5 of gnathopods longer than article 6, hands poorly chelate. Article 2 of pereopod 3 unexpanded, of pereopod 5 with sharp cusp. Pleonite 3 with dorsolateral teeth. Article 2 of outer ramus of uropod 3 elongate, slender, poorly spinose. Telson short, not spinose dorsally.

DESCRIPTION.—Articles of accessory flagellum very thin and elongate or thick and short. Inner plate of maxilla 1 naked, small, not broadened basally; palp variable or very slender. Truncate apex of maxillipedal palp article 4 bearing nail and setae.

TYPE-SPECIES.—Platyischnopus herdmani Walker, 1904.

COMPOSITION.—Platyischnopus capensis K. H. Barnard, 1925.
citação bibliográfica
Barnard, J. L. and Drummond, M. M. 1979. "Gammaridean Amphipoda of Australia, Part IV." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-69. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.103

Tittakunara katoa ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL

Tittakunara katoa is een vlokreeftensoort uit de familie van de Platyischnopidae.[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1979 door Barnard & Drummond.

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. Lowry, J. (2012). Tittakunara katoa Barnard & Drummond, 1979. Geraadpleegd via: World Register of Marine Species op http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=549285
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