fornecido por Invertebrates of the Salish Sea
Geographical Range: In the Pacific, from the Sea of Japan and Korea to the Columbia River. The very similar species, P. borealis, is found In the Atlantic from Maine to Scandinavia and around Greenland
- licença
- cc-by-nc-sa
- direitos autorais
- Rosario Beach Marine Laboratory
fornecido por Invertebrates of the Salish Sea
Depth Range: Subtidal. 16-1380 m depth. Common in this area from 50-90 m depths
- licença
- cc-by-nc-sa
- direitos autorais
- Rosario Beach Marine Laboratory
Comprehensive Description
fornecido por Invertebrates of the Salish Sea
As with other pandalids, the pereopods have no exopodites. The first pereopod is not chelate. The carpus of pereopod 2 is subdivided into many units. The rostrum is prominent and has movable dorsal spines. Pandalus borealis has a first antenna only slightly longer than the carapace. The rostrum arches near the eyes, the distal end curves upward, and the tip is bifid. Dorsal spines are found all along the rostrum, including on the distal half. All but the most distal dorsal rostral spines are movable. The body is slender and compressed. Abdominal segment 3 has a median dorsal ridge with a spine definitely anterior to the posterior margin of the segment and another spine at the posterior margin. Abdominal segment 4 also has a mid-dorsal spine on the posterior margin. The telson is narrow, tapers to a blunt tip, and has 6-10 pairs of dorsolateral spines. The uropods are usually slightly shorter than the telson. The color is a translucent pinkish hue with darker regions largely caused by numerous fine red dots over the entire body. The red dots are especially concentrated on the dorsal surface and ventral margin of the carapace, the distal part of the rostrum, and the dorsal abdomen especially on segments 3-6. Total length: Males to 12 cm, females to 15 cm.
- licença
- cc-by-nc-sa
- direitos autorais
- Rosario Beach Marine Laboratory
Look Alikes
fornecido por Invertebrates of the Salish Sea
How to Distinguish from Similar Species: Pandalus jordani has similar coloration and morphology but has at most a rounded posterodorsal margin on abdominal segment 3 and no posterodorsal spine on segment 4. Most other pandalids such as P. danae do not have dorsal spines that continue out onto the distal half of the rostrum, plus have more striped coloration. P. platyceros has dorsal spines on the distal half of the rostrum but has white stripes on the carapace and white spots on the abdomen.
- licença
- cc-by-nc-sa
- direitos autorais
- Rosario Beach Marine Laboratory
Comprehensive Description
fornecido por Invertebrates of the Salish Sea
Biology/Natural History: Diet is largely small crustaceans. Pandalids capture their prey by trapping it among their legs. Predators include dogfish, Pacific cod, hake, and turbot. Parasites include the isopod Bopyroides hippolytes and the rhizocephalan barnacle Sylon hippolytes. This species is a protandric hermaphrodite. Larvae hatch in March and April and remain pelagic for 6 instars before settling to the bottom. Become sexually mature at about 18 months at a carapace length of 1.6 cm. At that time there is about a 50/50 ratio of males to females. Breed in mid-November. Females carry eggs through the winter. In their second spring most males turn into females. By 30 months all individuals are females and average just over 2 cm carapace length. Live about 3-4 years. Has been an important commercially harvested shrimp in British Columbia and Alaska.
- licença
- cc-by-nc-sa
- direitos autorais
- Rosario Beach Marine Laboratory
fornecido por Invertebrates of the Salish Sea
Soft bottoms
- licença
- cc-by-nc-sa
- direitos autorais
- Rosario Beach Marine Laboratory
Pandalus eous
Neerlandês; Flamengo
fornecido por wikipedia NL
Pandalus eous is een garnalensoort uit de familie van de Pandalidae.[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1935 door Makarov.
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- licença
- cc-by-sa-3.0
- direitos autorais
- Wikipedia-auteurs en -editors
fornecido por wikipedia 日本語
分類 界 :
動物界 Animalia 門 :
節足動物門 Arthropoda 綱 :
軟甲綱 Malacostraca 目 :
十脚目 Decapoda 科 :
タラバエビ科 Pandalidae 属 :
タラバエビ属 Pandalus 種 :
ホッコクアカエビ P. eous 学名 Pandalus eous Makarov, 1935 シノニム Pandalus borealis eous Makarov, 1935
英名 Alaskan pink shrimp
[1] ホッコクアカエビ(北国赤海老 Pandalus eous)はタラバエビ科に分類されるエビの一種。北太平洋の深海に生息し、重要な食用種として漁獲される。別名は、アマエビ[2](甘海老)、ナンバンエビ[2](南蛮海老)など。
春から夏にかけてが産卵期で、南の地方ほど早い。ただし日本海側の個体群は隔年でしか産卵しないことが知られている。卵は直径1mm前後の球形で、一度に2000-3000個を産卵し、抱卵期間は約10か月でメスは受精卵を腹脚に抱えて孵化するまで保護する。水深200-300mまで移動し、卵(幼生)を放出する。生まれた幼生は遊泳脚をもち、プランクトンとして浮遊生活を送る。他のタラバエビ科のエビと同じく雄性先熟の性転換を行い、若い個体はまずオスとなり、成長すると5 - 6歳でメスに性転換し、卵の成熟には7歳で幼生孵化直前の抱卵状態となる。寿命は11年ほどとみられ、産卵は生涯に3回以上と考えられる。但し、生息海域の水温が高いほど成長が早く、低ければ成長は遅くなる。
分類 界 :
動物界 Animalia 門 :
節足動物門 Arthropoda 綱 :
軟甲綱 Malacostraca 目 :
十脚目 Decapoda 科 :
タラバエビ科 Pandalidae 属 :
タラバエビ属 Pandalus 種 :
ホンホッコクアカエビ P. borealis 学名 Pandalus borealis Makarov, 1935 和名 ホンホッコクアカエビ(本北国赤海老)
ナンバンエビ(南蛮海老) 英名 Northan prawn
Pink shrimp
Deepwater prawn
Deep-sea prawn
Great northern prawn
Northern shrimp
ホンホッコクアカエビ(本北国赤海老 Pandalus borealis)はタラバエビ科に分類されるエビの一種。北太平洋の深海に生息し、重要な食用種として漁獲される。
Pandalus borealis Krøyer, 1838 [3]
- 北大西洋のバレンツ海、北海、グリーンランドからカナダ沖に分布する。国際連合食糧農業機関(FAO)では、ホッコクアカエビをこの種の亜種Pandalus borealis eous としている[4][5]。
^ WoRMS, Pandalus eous Makarov, 1935, World Register of Marine Species(英語版), http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=515463
- ^ a b “魚介類の名称表示等について(別表1)”. 水産庁. オリジナルよりアーカイブ。^ WoRMS, Pandalus borealis Krøyer, 1838, World Register of Marine Species(英語版), http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=107649
^ FAO. “Species Fact Sheets: Pandalus borealis (Krøyer, 1838)”. FAO Fish Finder. ^ L. B. Holthuis (1980). “FAO Species Catalogue Vol. 1 - Shrimps and Prawns of the World: An Annotated Catalogue of Species of Interest to Fisheries”. FAO Fisheries Synopsis 125 (1): p. 138. ISBN 92-5-100896-5. ftp://ftp.fao.org/docrep/fao/009/ac477e/ac477e22.pdf.
ホッコクアカエビ: Brief Summary
fornecido por wikipedia 日本語
ホッコクアカエビ(北国赤海老 Pandalus eous)はタラバエビ科に分類されるエビの一種。北太平洋の深海に生息し、重要な食用種として漁獲される。別名は、アマエビ(甘海老)、ナンバンエビ(南蛮海老)など。