Systellaspis braueri from 900 m depth 100 mi W of Point Conception, CA (Photo by: Dave Cowles April 1996)
A closeup of the same individual as above. Notice the amber eye, which has very little pigment, and the thin, filmy exoskeleton through which the animal's yellowish muscles can be seen.
This photograph of the left side of the shrimp shows pereopods 3-5 (#5 is to the right). The endopods are robust and have reddish setae. The ventral edge of the carapace is visible at the top of the photo. The epipod on pereopod 4 can be seen must below the edge of the carapace, branching from the coxa. The exopods, which look like long flexible yellowish extensions, can be seen on pereopods 3-5, branching from the basis. Note that the exopods are of similar length to each other.
Hymenodora gracilis from 2000-2500 m depth 100 mi off Pt Conception, CA. Total length about 5-6 cm. (Photo by: Dave Cowles, 1993)
A side view of abdominal segments 1-3. Note that segment 2 has no posterior dorsal spine, while segment 3 is dorsally carinate and ends with a long medial dorsal spine. This view is of the left side of the shrimp, anterior is to the left.
Whole individual. Carapace length 1.9 cm. Notice how the 6th abdominal segment is twice as long or more than the 5th abdominal segment, and that it does not have a dorsal carina. Also note that abdominal segments 3, 4, and 5 have a posteromesial spine.
A side view of abdominal segments 4-6 (4 is to the left). Note the small posterior medial dorsal spines on segments 4,5 and the small spines lateral to them. Note also the tooth on the posterior margin of the pleuron of segment 5. Anterior is to the left.
Lateral view of abdominal segments 2-3. Segment 2 has no dorsal carina nor posteromesial spine, while segment 3 has both a carina and a spine.
This dorsal view of abdominal segments 5-6 shows the small posterior medial dorsal spine on segment 5 and the small spines lateral to it. Anterior is to the left.
Dorsal (slight angle) view of the uropods and telson. The spiny endpiece on the telson has been slightly damaged but the long lateral spines at the base can still be seen. A few of the dorsolateral spines along the telson can also be seen along the top margin.
This lateral closeup view of abdominal pleuron 5 shows the sharp tooth along the posterior margin. Anterior is to the left.
This side view of the head shows the long, toothed rostrum which extends out to near the end of the antennal scales (which are deflected downward out of view in this photo)
This dorsal view of abdominal segment 6 shows that it rounded and has no dorsal carina (ridge). Anterior is to the left and the base of the uropods and telson are on the upper right.
The three characteristic carinae which run nearly to the posterior end of the carapace can be seen in this side view. Dorsally there is a carina which runs from the rostrum (left) to near the posterior end of the carapace on the right. A small, sinuous carina runs from near the eye along the mid-side of the carapace. In this photo a number of bubbles are adhered to it. A sharp carina lines the ventral margin of the carapace. In this preserved specimen the ventral carina has retained much of its red color while the rest of the carapace has faded to yellow.
This dorsal view of the pleopods and telson show that the telson has a shallow dorsal groove (sulcus). It also has a spiny endpiece flanked by two spines, and two dorsolateral rows of 4-8 spines.
Systellaspis cristata, caught off Point Conception, CA at 600-750 m depth. (Photo by: Dave Cowles, Sept 1995)
Systellaspis debilis, preserved specimen captured in midwater off Oahu, Hawaii in 1996. Compare petri dish for size. In life the shrimp would be bright red. (Photo by: Dave Cowles)
Another photo of this species. Dave Cowles, 1995. Caught off southern CA. Click Here for a mpg video of this shrimp and a description, taken by me on shipboard in 1996 off Point Conception, CA (9 megabytes)
Another photo of a gravid female. Photo by Dave Cowles in San Clemente Basin, CA, 1996. Caught at 1000-1500 m depth.
This species is widespread. Below is a photo of the same species caught off Oahu, Hawaii. Acanthephyra curtirostris from midwater off Oahu, Hawaii. Photo by Dave Cowles, July 1987
This gravid female was captured in San Clemente Basin, CA in May 1966. Frame from a video by Dave Cowles. Click Here to see the video
Acanthephyra curtirostris, caught at about 500 m depth off Point Conception, CA (Photo by: Dave Cowles, May 1996)
This side view of a preserved specimen shows the rostrum which extends well beyond the corneas of the eyes and even exceeds the peduncle of the first antenna. Note also the pereopods. Oplophorids, unlike most other families of true shrimp, has exopods (exopodites) on its pereopods. The exopodites of the pereopods are short, curved backward and used for swimming. The endopodites of the pereopods are longer, extended forward, and used for manipulating objects. The eye pigment in Hymenodora is always pale, even in living specimens.
As with other Oplophorus species, O. spinosus has a long rostrum with many spines on both the dorsal and ventral surface. Note the well-developed eye as well.