The family Homolidae, known as carrier crabs[1] or porter crabs,[2] contains 14 genera of marine crabs. They mostly live on the continental slope and continental shelf, and are rarely encountered.[3] Members of the Homolidae have their fifth pereiopods (last pair of walking legs) in a sub-dorsal position, which allows them to hold objects in place over the rear half of the carapace.[3] The objects carried include sponges, black corals and gorgonians, and this behaviour may be a defence mechanism against predators.[3] Some species have been observed carrying living sea urchins in a symbiotic relationship which allows them to benefit from the protection of the urchin's dangerous spikes.[4][5][6][7]
A total of 14 genera are currently recognised in the family:[8]
The family Homolidae, known as carrier crabs or porter crabs, contains 14 genera of marine crabs. They mostly live on the continental slope and continental shelf, and are rarely encountered. Members of the Homolidae have their fifth pereiopods (last pair of walking legs) in a sub-dorsal position, which allows them to hold objects in place over the rear half of the carapace. The objects carried include sponges, black corals and gorgonians, and this behaviour may be a defence mechanism against predators. Some species have been observed carrying living sea urchins in a symbiotic relationship which allows them to benefit from the protection of the urchin's dangerous spikes.
Les Homolidae sont une famille de crabes. Elle comprend près de 70 espèces actuelles et plus de 40 fossiles dans 23 genres dont neuf fossiles.
Les Homolidae sont une famille de crabes. Elle comprend près de 70 espèces actuelles et plus de 40 fossiles dans 23 genres dont neuf fossiles.
Homolidae De Haan, 1839 è una famiglia di crostacei decapodi.[1]
Caratteristica particolare delle specie membri della famiglia degli Homolidae, sono l'ultimo paio delle appendici toraciche (pereiopodi), che gli permette di afferrare e tenere oggetti, posizionandoli sopra la metà posteriore del carapace[2]. Solitamente gli oggetti sono spugne, coralli neri e gorgonie, questo è un comportamento utilizzato come meccanismo di difesa contro i predatori[2]. Alcune specie, sono state osservate mentre portando dei ricci di mare vivi, mettendo in atto un rapporto simbiotico che consente loro di beneficiare della protezione delle punte pericolose del riccio.[3][4]
Vivono principalmente nella piattaforma continentale e nella zona batipelagica, sono molto rari da incontrare.[2]
La famiglia comprende 14 generi[1]:
Homolidae is een familie van de superfamilie Homoloidea uit de infraorde krabben en omvat volgende geslachten: [2]