A Song Sparrow (Melospiza melodia) flew right up to me as I was sitting on my ladder at Tavasci Marsh [Arizona], sang a quick song and left - as though he was auditioning! Then, remarkably enough, another did the same thing 30 minutes later. The two songs are totally different in pitch and content. The first three phrases are the first bird, the last phrase is from the second. It is noteworthy that the second sparrow sang the same phrase over and over, whereas the first one sang different phrases each time.
Male "talking". He's hidden in the thick weeds at the marsh's edge while he chatters, creaks, sings, peeps and whistles in a tour de force of rapid vocalization.
Two birds "whispering" to each other in the Sedges at Tavasci Marsh [Arizona]. The first two notes you'll hear are this species' chracteristic notes - you'll hear these nasal chirps any time there are Song Sparrows in the neighborhood. The last part is the whispering - much amplified - you would not hear this from more than 20 feet away!