TheRed-flanked Bluetail(Tarsiger cyanurus), also known as theOrange-flanked Bush-robin, is a smallpasserinebirdthat was formerly classed as a member of thethrushfamilyTurdidae, but is now more generally considered to be anOld World flycatcher,Muscicapidae. It, and related species, are often calledchats.
It is amigratoryinsectivorous species breeding in mixedconiferousforest with undergrowth in northernAsiaand northeasternEurope, fromFinlandeast acrossSiberiatoKamchatkaand south toJapan. It winters mainly in southeastern Asia, in theIndian Subcontinent, theHimalayas,Taiwan, and northernIndochina. The breeding range is slowly expanding westwards through Finland (where up to 500 pairs now breeding), and it is a rare but increasingvagrantto western Europe, mainly toGreat Britain.[2][3][4]There have also been a few records in westernmostNorth America, mostly in westernAlaska.[5][6]
At 13–14cm long and 10–18 g weight, the Red-flanked Bluetail is similar in size and weight to theCommon Redstartand slightly smaller (particularly with a slimmer build) than theEuropean Robin. As the name implies, both sexes have a blue tail and rump, and orange-red flanks; they also have a white throat and greyish-white underparts, and a small, thin black bill and slender black legs. The adult male additionally has dark blue upperparts, while females and immature males are plain brown above apart from the blue rump and tail, and have a dusky breast. In behaviour, it is similar to a Common Redstart, frequently flicking its tail in the same manner, and regularly flying from a perch to catch insects in the air or on the ground. The male sings its melancholy trill from treetops. Its call is a typical chat "tacc" noise. The nest is built on or near the ground, with 3–5 eggs which are incubated by the female.[2][7]