Wang Lang National Nature Reserve, Ping Wu County, Sichuan Province, China
Wang Lang National Nature Reserve, Ping Wu County, Sichuan Province, China
Wang Lang National Nature Reserve, Ping Wu County, Sichuan Province, China
Ranua, Finland
This Ladder-backed Woodpecker (Picoides scalaris) is pecking around a large Willow tree at Peck's Lake [Arizona]. I later saw him in a bush of Winterfat, low to the ground, and flushed him unexpectedly like a quail.
Sax-Zim Bog
Wang Lang National Nature Reserve, Ping Wu County, Sichuan Province, China
Hossa, Finland
If you're a male Ladderback and you want to impress your intended in the Spring, you'll want to show her just how fast you can hammer. This males displays for a female sitting just above him in a willow tree at Tavasci Marsh [Arizona], 3/20/98.
Grand Teton National Park
Syöte nationalpark, Finland
In the Spring both the male and female Ladder-backs use this squeaky introduction to their normal whinny. Sometimes the female uses just the squeaks as a kind of "purr" without the whinny call following.
Syöte nationalpark, Finland
Hairy Woodpeckers (Picoides villosus) PEEK a lot like the Ladderbacks, just a bit more insistently. This one was atop Mingus Mountain, 2/22/99.
Syöte nationalpark, Finland
Syöte nationalpark, Finland
Syöte nationalpark, Finland
Syöte nationalpark, Finland
Syöte nationalpark, Finland
1999 California Academy of Sciences
1999 California Academy of Sciences
1999 California Academy of Sciences
Black-Backed Three-Toed Woodpecker. Upper figure female, lower figure male.
White-Backed Three-Toed Woodpecker. Upper figure female, lower figure male (Picoides...).