Renata Manconi, Barbara Cadeddu, Fabio Ledda, Roberto Pronzato
Figure 37.Aplysina aerophoba. a) underwater shot of a specimen with typical seasonal outgrowths in spring-summer b, c skeletal network at different magnifications (LM) with indistinguishable primary and secondary fibres both characterised by an empty core.
Renata Manconi, Barbara Cadeddu, Fabio Ledda, Roberto Pronzato
Figure 38.Aplysina cavernicola. a large digitate colony ca. 70–80 cm b cross section (LM) of a laminate fibre showing a light spongy core that, in dried conditions, becomes empty c, d different magnifications (LM) of the skeleton, indistinguishable from that of Aplysina aerophoba.