
Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Flora of Zimbabwe
Small aquatic or semi-aquatic ferns, rooting in mud, with widely creeping, dichotomously branched rhizomes of indefinite growth. Fronds numerous, approximate to widely spaced, 1-pinnate with 2 pinna pairs in a clover-shaped cluster at the apex of a long, slender, cylindrical petiole or lamina lacking; veins dichotomously branched, anastomosing. Sporangia in closed sporocarps; sporocarps inserted on short stalks (pedicles)on the stipe (usually at the base), heterosporus.
direitos autorais
Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten and Petra Ballings
citação bibliográfica
Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T. and Ballings, P. (2002-2014). Marsileaceae Flora of Zimbabwe website. Accessed 28 August 2014 at http://www.zimbabweflora.co.zw/speciesdata/family.php?family_id=133
Mark Hyde
Bart Wursten
Petra Ballings
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
Flora of Zimbabwe

Marsileàcies ( Catalão; Valenciano )

fornecido por wikipedia CA

Marsileàcia, Marsileàcies o Marsileaceae és una família de plantes.

Són aquàtiques o semiaquàtiques, estan relacionades amb les falgueres però a simple vista no ho semblen pas.

De distribució cosmopolita en climes temperats càlids o tropicals.

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Marsileàcies: Brief Summary ( Catalão; Valenciano )

fornecido por wikipedia CA

Marsileàcia, Marsileàcies o Marsileaceae és una família de plantes.

Són aquàtiques o semiaquàtiques, estan relacionades amb les falgueres però a simple vista no ho semblen pas.

De distribució cosmopolita en climes temperats càlids o tropicals.

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wikipedia CA

Marsilkovité ( Checo )

fornecido por wikipedia CZ

Marsilkovité (Marsileaceae) je čeleď kapradin z řádu nepukalkotvaré. Jsou to drobné vlhkomilné až vodní byliny. Listy jsou tvořeny řapíkem zakončeným 2 až 4 lístky, případně pouze řapíkem. Samčí a samičí spory jsou u těchto kapradin silně odlišné a prokel neopouští vyklíčenou sporu. Čeleď zahrnuje asi 60 druhů ve 3 rodech a je rozšířena téměř po celém světě. Její zástupci rostou charakteristicky na zaplavovaných místech. V Evropě jsou zastoupeny rody míčovka a marsilka, v České republice se velmi vzácně vyskytuje míčovka kulkonosná.


Zástupci marsilkovitých jsou drobné, vlhkomilné nebo vodní byliny. Oddenek je tenký, plazivý, často větvený, lysý nebo pokrytý krátkými chlupy, rostoucí na povrchu nebo pod povrchem substrátu. Listy jsou čárkovité (tvořené pouze řapíkem) nebo s řapíkem zakončeným čepelí členěnou na 2 až 4 lístky. Lístky mohou být vynořené nebo plovoucí na hladině. Průduchy jsou přítomny na obou stranách čepele. Tyto rostliny náležejí mezi tzv. heterosporangiátní kapradiny, jejichž samčí a samičí spory se výrazně liší velikostí. Sporangia se vytvářejí ve sporokarpech ledvinovitého až kulovitého tvaru, které jsou krátkou stopkou připojeny ve spodní části nebo na bázi řapíku, a jsou nahloučeny do výtrusných kupek (sorů). V každém sporokarpu je 2 až 30 sorů obsahujících mikrosporangia i megasporangia. Sporangia jsou tenkostěnná (tzv. leptosporangiátní) a chybí jim prstenec. Megasporangium obsahuje jedinou velkou megasporu, mikrosporangium obsahuje větší počet (16 až 64) drobných mikrospor. Spory jsou triletní.[1][2][3]


Gametofyt je u marsilkovitých podobně jako u jiných heterosporangiátních kapradin silně redukovaný a při svém vývoji neopouští sporu. Sporokarp si podržuje klíčivost po velmi dlouhou dobu (i více než 100 let) a je schopen v příznivých podmínkách velmi rychle vyklíčit. Gelovitý obsah vlivem vlhkosti bobtná, sporokarp praská a sporangia se proderou ven. U marsilky jsou sory obsahující sporangia navázány na gelovitý prstenec, který vyhřezne ven a mnohonásobně zvětší svůj objem. V megaspoře se formuje samičí gametofyt, který vytváří 1 archegonium vyčnívající ven. Samčí gametofyt (mikroprothalium) je tvořen jen několika buňkami, zůstává uzavřen v mikrospoře a asi jeden den po jejím vyklíčení ji opouštějí pohyblivé spermatozoidy. Ty následně oplodňují archegonium.[2][3]


Čeleď marsilkovité zahrnuje 3 rody a asi 60 druhů. Je rozšířena téměř po celém světě, největší druhové diverzity dosahuje v Africe a Austrálii. Největší rod je marsilka (Marsilea, asi 53 druhů). Rod míčovka zahrnuje 6 druhů a je rozšířen na všech kontinentech mimo Asie (s výjimkou Turecka). Rod Regnellidium je monotypický a vyskytuje se v Jižní Americe.[1][4]

Zástupci čeledi rostou charakteristicky na periodicky zaplavovaných místech. Některé zejména australské druhy snášejí i delší suché období. Sporokarpy se tvoří pouze pokud nejsou listy ponořeny.[3] V České republice velmi vzácně roste míčovka kulkonosná. Marsilka čtyřlistá roste nejblíže na Slovensku. Mimo těchto dvou druhů se rámci Evropy vyskytuje ještě ve Středomoří (zejména v oblasti Pyrenejského poloostrova) několik druhů marsilek a v jihovýchodním Středomoří míčovka nejmenší (Pilularia minuta).[5][6]


Nejstarší známé fosílie marsilek (megaspory a vegetativní části) pocházejí z období křídy. Druh †Regnellites nagashimae pochází již z období jury.[7]


V minulosti byla čeleď Marsileaceae řazena spolu s ostatními vlhkomilnými heterosporangiátními kapradinami (Salviniaceae, Azollaceae) do jednoho řádu, nazývaného Hydropteridales. Později byly řazeny do dvou samostatných řádů, Marsileales a Salviniales. V současné taxonomii jsou všechny 3 čeledi řazeny do řádu Salviniales. Sesterskou čeledí marsilkovitých jsou Salviniaceae (nepukalkovité).[8][3]



Některé druhy marsilek jsou pěstovány jako akvarijní rostliny.[10]

Přehled rodů

Masilea, Pilularia, Regnellidium



  1. a b LIN, Youxing; JOHNSON, David M. Flora of China: Marsileaceae [online]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  2. a b JUDD, et al. Plant Systematics: A Phylogenetic Approach. [s.l.]: Sinauer Associates Inc., 2002. ISBN 9780878934034. (anglicky)
  3. a b c d KUBITZKI, K. (ed.). The families and genera of vascular plants. Vol. 1. Berlin: Springer, 1990. ISBN 978-3-642-08080-7. (anglicky)
  4. HASSLER, M. Catalogue of life. Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World [online]. Naturalis Biodiversity Center, 2016. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  5. SLAVÍK, Bohumil (editor). Květena České republiky 1. 2. vyd. Praha: Academia, 1997. ISBN 80-200-0643-5.
  6. Euromed Plantbase [online]. Berlin-Dahlem: Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum, 2006. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  7. TAYLOR, Thomas N. et al. Paleobotany. The biology and evolution of fossil plants. [s.l.]: Academic Press, 2009. ISBN 978-0-12-373972-8. (anglicky)
  8. STEVENS, P.F. Angiosperm Phylogeny Website [online]. Missouri Botanical Garden: Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  9. SKALICKÁ, Anna; VĚTVIČKA, Václav; ZELENÝ, Václav. Botanický slovník rodových jmen cévnatých rostlin. Praha: Aventinum, 2012. ISBN 978-80-7442-031-3.
  10. RATAJ, Karel; HOREMAN, Thomas J. Aquarium plants: their identification, cultivation and ecology.. New Jersey: .F.H. Publications, 1977. ISBN 0-87666-455-9.

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wikipedia CZ

Marsilkovité: Brief Summary ( Checo )

fornecido por wikipedia CZ

Marsilkovité (Marsileaceae) je čeleď kapradin z řádu nepukalkotvaré. Jsou to drobné vlhkomilné až vodní byliny. Listy jsou tvořeny řapíkem zakončeným 2 až 4 lístky, případně pouze řapíkem. Samčí a samičí spory jsou u těchto kapradin silně odlišné a prokel neopouští vyklíčenou sporu. Čeleď zahrnuje asi 60 druhů ve 3 rodech a je rozšířena téměř po celém světě. Její zástupci rostou charakteristicky na zaplavovaných místech. V Evropě jsou zastoupeny rody míčovka a marsilka, v České republice se velmi vzácně vyskytuje míčovka kulkonosná.

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Pilledrager-familien ( Dinamarquês )

fornecido por wikipedia DA

Pilledrager-familien (Marsileaceae) er udbredt i Europa, Australien, Sydøstasien og Sydamerika. Det er 3 slægter og ca. 70 arter af specialiserede, vandlevende eller meget fugtkrævende bregner. De modsatte blade udspringer fra jordstængler, som enten bærer bladene fra flere vækstpunkter, eller som bærer de 2-4 brede blade fra spdsen. Her nævnes alle slægterne, selv om kun Pilledrager er vildtvoksende i Danmark.



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Kleefarngewächse ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Die Kleefarngewächse (Marsileaceae) sind eine Familie aus der Gruppe der Echten Farne. Die Familie ist nach dem italienischen Grafen Aloysius Ferdinandus Marsili (Luigi Ferdinando Marsigli) (1658–1730) benannt, der auch Pflanzen sammelte.[1]


Die Kleefarngewächse sind im Boden wurzelnde Sumpf- und Wasserpflanzen. Sie besitzen ein langes Rhizom, das gabelig verzweigt ist, und im oder auf dem Schlamm kriecht. Es ist schlank und häufig behaart. Die Blätter sind wechselständig. Sie ähneln Kleeblättern oder sie sind stielrund und binsenförmig, sie tragen vier (Marsilea), zwei (Regnellidium) oder kein (Pilularia) Fiederblättchen, sind also für Farne recht einfach aufgebaut. Die Blattadern sind gabelig verzweigt, verschmelzen aber an ihrem Ende oft wieder.

Die Kleefarngewächse sind heterospor, sie bilden kleine männliche und große weibliche Meiosporen. Die Sporangien sind dabei eingeschlechtig, bilden jeweils eine Sorte von Meiosporen. Sie stehen zu mehreren in kugeligen oder in länglich bis bohnenförmigen Sporokarpien und reißen mit zwei bis vier Klappen auf. Die Wand des Sporokarps wird dabei von einer umgebildeten Blattfieder gebildet und ist hart. Das Sporokarp entspringt dabei dem Rhizom oder an der Basis eines Blattstieles. Sporokarpe sind austrocknungsresistent und somit gute Überdauerungsorgane an den wechselfeuchten Standorten vieler Arten. Pro Pflanze werden ein oder viele Sporokarpien gebildet. Die Mikrosporen sind kugelig und trilet (dreistrahlige Narbe), die Megasporen sind ebenfalls kugelig und tragen über der Apertur eine Akrolamelle. Die Perine ist gallertig.

Das Prothallium bleibt klein und in die Spore eingeschlossen, oder reicht nur wenig aus der Spore heraus.

Die Chromosomengrundzahl beträgt x = 10 bei Pilularia und x = 20 bei Marsilea.


Die Kleefarngewächse sind subkosmopolitisch verbreitet. Sie wachsen in Teichen und in Flachwasser; die Blätter schwimmen oder ragen aus dem Wasser.

Marsilea villosa


Marsilea hirsuta (Syn.: Marsilea azorica)[2]

Die Kleefarngewächse sind die Schwestergruppe der Schwimmfarngewächse, mit denen sie zusammen die Ordnung der Salviniales bilden. Innerhalb der Familie gibt es drei Gattungen mit zusammen rund 75 Arten.[3] Dabei sind die beiden Gattungen Pilularia und Regnellidium miteinander näher verwandt als mit Marsilea.[4]

  • Kleefarne (Marsilea L.) mit 50 bis 70 Arten, davon fünf in Europa.[5] Hierher gehören:
    • Kleefarn (Marsilea quadrifolia L.), einzige mitteleuropäische Art.
    • Marsilea batardae Launert: Sie kommt in Portugal und in Spanien vor.[6]
    • Marsilea crenata C. Presl: Sie kommt in Japan, Taiwan, China, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesien, auf den Philippinen und in Australien vor.[7]
    • Marsilea drummondii A. Braun: Sie kommt in Australien vor.[7]
    • Marsilea exarata A. Braun: Sie kommt in Australien vor.[8]
    • Marsilea hirsuta R. Br. (Syn.: Marsilea azorica Launert & Paiva): Sie wurde aus Australien erstbeschrieben. Sie ist auf den Azoren ein Neophyt.[6]
    • Marsilea minuta L.: Sie kommt in Marokko, Algerien, Ägypten und in Israel vor.[6]
  • Pillenfarne (Pilularia L.) mit sechs Arten. Darunter:
  • Regnellidium Lindm., mit der einzigen Art:
    • Regnellidium diphyllum Lindm.: Sie ist nur von wenigen Fundorten in Süd-Brasilien und Argentinien bekannt und wächst an Seeufern und in Teichen zwischen anderer aquatischer Vegetation.[4]


Die Familie ist schlecht durch Fossilien vertreten. Es gibt einige Megasporen und andere Fossilien aus der Kreidezeit, die den Kleefarngewächsen zugerechnet werden. Rodeites ist eine tertiäre Gattung, die aus Megasporen, Mikrosporen und Sporokarpen aus dem Hochland von Dekkan in Indien stammen. Rodeites dakshinii ähnelt dabei stark der rezenten Regnellidium.[9]


  • Siegmund Seybold (Hrsg.): Schmeil-Fitschen interaktiv. CD-ROM, Version 1.1. Quelle & Meyer, Wiebelsheim 2002, ISBN 3-494-01327-6. (Merkmale)
  • Alan R. Smith, Kathleen M. Pryer, Eric Schuettpelz, Petra Korall, Harald Schneider, Paul G. Wolf: A classification for extant ferns. In: Taxon. Band 55, Nr. 3, 2006, , S. 705–731, Abstract, PDF-Datei (Merkmale, Verbreitung).
  • Christel Kasselmann: Aquarienpflanzen. Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart 1995; 2., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage 1999, ISBN 3-8001-7454-5, S. 460 (Zwergkleefarn).


  1. Lotte Burkhardt: Verzeichnis eponymischer Pflanzennamen. Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin 2016. ISBN 978-3-946292-10-4, Seite 640. doi:10.3372/epolist2016
  2. Hanno Schaefer, Mark A. Carine, Fred J. Rumsey: From European Priority Species to Invasive Weed: Marsilea azorica (Marsileaceae) is a Misidentified Alien. In: Systematic Botany. Band 36, Nr. 4, 2011, S. 845–853, DOI:10.1600/036364411X604868
  3. Alan R. Smith, Kathleen M. Pryer, Eric Schuettpelz, Petra Korall, Harald Schneider, Paul G. Wolf: A classification for extant ferns. In: Taxon. Band 55, Nr. 3, 2006, , S. 705–731, Abstract, (Memento des Originals vom 12. Februar 2017 im Internet Archive)  src= Info: Der Archivlink wurde automatisch eingesetzt und noch nicht geprüft. Bitte prüfe Original- und Archivlink gemäß Anleitung und entferne dann diesen Hinweis.@1@2Vorlage:Webachiv/IABot/www.ingentaconnect.com PDF-Datei.
  4. a b Kathleen M. Pryer: Phylogeny of Marsileaceous Ferns and Relationships of the Fossil Hydropteris pinnata Reconsidered. In: International Journal of Plant Sciences. Band 160, Nr. 5, 1999, S. 931–954, JSTOR, PDF-Datei.
  5. Manfred A. Fischer, Wolfgang Adler, Karl Oswald: Exkursionsflora für Österreich, Liechtenstein und Südtirol. 2., verbesserte und erweiterte Auflage. Land Oberösterreich, Biologiezentrum der Oberösterreichischen Landesmuseen, Linz 2005, ISBN 3-85474-140-5.
  6. a b c M. Christenhusz & E. von Raab-Straube (2013): Lycopodiophytina. Datenblatt Marsilea In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
  7. a b Marsilea im Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources Program. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Abgerufen am 21. Februar 2019.
  8. Michael Hassler: Datenblatt bei World Ferns. Synonymic Checklist and Distribution of Ferns and Lycophytes of the World. Version 11.0 vom 5. Dezember 2020.
  9. Thomas N. Taylor, Edith L. Taylor: The Biology and Evolution of Fossil Plants. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs 1993, ISBN 0-13-651589-4, S. 434.


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Kleefarngewächse: Brief Summary ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Die Kleefarngewächse (Marsileaceae) sind eine Familie aus der Gruppe der Echten Farne. Die Familie ist nach dem italienischen Grafen Aloysius Ferdinandus Marsili (Luigi Ferdinando Marsigli) (1658–1730) benannt, der auch Pflanzen sammelte.

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Marsileaceae ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Marsileaceae (/mɑːrˌsɪliˈsi./) is a small family of heterosporous aquatic and semi-aquatic ferns, though at first sight they do not physically resemble other ferns. The group is commonly known as the "pepperwort family" or as the "water-clover family" because the leaves of the genus Marsilea superficially resemble the leaves of a four-leaf clover. In all, the family contains 3 genera and 50 to 80 species with most of those belonging to Marsilea.[1][2]

Natural history

Members of the Marsileaceae are aquatic or semi-aquatic. Plants often grow in dense clumps in mud along the shores of ponds or streams, or they may grow submerged in shallow water with some of the leaves extending to float on the water surface. They grow in seasonally wet habitats, but survive the winter or dry season by losing their leaves and producing hard, desiccation-resistant reproductive structures.[3]

An African species of Marsilea with floating leaves.

There are only three living genera in the family Marsileaceae. The majority of species (about 45 to 70) belong to the genus Marsilea, which grows worldwide in warm-temperate and tropical regions.[1][2] Marsilea can be distinguished from the other two genera by the presence of four leaflets on each leaf, although some species occasionally produce six leaflets per leaf. A second genus Regnellidium includes a single living species that grows only in southern Brazil[3] and neighboring parts of Argentina;[2] it has only two leaflets per leaf. The third genus Pilularia grows widely in temperate regions of both the northern and southern hemispheres.[3] Its leaves do not subdivide into leaflets but are slender and tapered to a point, so that it is often overlooked and mistaken for a grass. There are only about five species known.[2]

The closest relatives of the Marsileaceae are the Salviniaceae, which are also aquatic and heterosporous.[4][5] However, both of these other fern families float freely on the surface of ponds or lakes instead of rooting in soil or mud. The close relationship of these groups to the Marsileaceae is supported by both morphologic and molecular analysis,[4] as well as by the discovery of an intermediate fossil named Hydropteris.[6] In general, the Salviniaceae and Azollaceae have a much better fossil record than the Marsileaceae.[7] Until recently, Rodeites dakshinii was the oldest fossil member known; it is a preserved sporocarp containing spores, found in Tertiary chert of India.[7] In 2000, the discovery of fossilized sporocarps from the Cretaceous of eastern North America was announced.[8] These fossils were assigned to the species Regnellidium upatoiensis, and pushed the known history of the Marsileaceae back into the Mesozoic. Other remains include Regnellites nagashimae from the Upper Jurassic or Lower Cretaceous of Japan.[9] The fossils include leaves with visible veins, as well as sporocarps. The currently oldest known member of the family is Flabellariopteris, described in 2014 from isolated leaves dating to the Late Triassic in Liaoning, China.[10]


The Marsileaceae share many of the basic structural characteristics common to most ferns, but the differences are more noticeable than the similarities. Species of this family have long, slender rhizomes that creep along or beneath the ground. Their fronds (leaves) grow in distinct clusters at nodes along the rhizome, with wide spacing between leaf clusters. As a result, the plants appear to be more stem than leaf, unlike other ferns.

Roots grow primarily from the same nodes as the leaves, but may also grow from other locations along the rhizome. The roots of Marsilea and Regnellidium are noteworthy for containing vessel elements. Vessels have also been found in the rhizome of two species of Marsilea. These vessels have evolved independently of vessels in other groups of plants.[11]

Leaves of the Hawaiian species Marsilea villosa.

The leaves are the most easily observed characteristic for the Marsileaceae; they have a long slender leaf stalk ending in zero, two, or four (occasionally six) leaflets. The number of leaflets differs among the three genera and can therefore be used for identification.[2] In Pilularia, the leaves are narrowly cylindrical and taper to a point. Leaves of Regnellidium bear two broad leaflets, while leaves of Marsilea bear four leaflets at the tip. The four leaflets on the leaf of Marsilea are not borne equally. Instead, they are borne in pairs with one pair of leaflets attached slightly higher than the other.[12] Thus in the developing leaf, the leaflets are folded more like the wings of a butterfly than like the leaflets of a clover.

As with other ferns, the leaves develop in a circinate pattern.[11] They begin as small, tight spirals which unroll as the leaf matures. At full maturity they are held erect with the leaflets unfolded, except in Pilularia whose leaves have no blade. Temperate species are deciduous, losing their vegetative leaves in winter.[1] Tropical species may also lose their leaves during the dry season. These leaves are photosynthetic, and produce most of the food used by the plant.

Some aquatic species of Marsilea, especially those growing with their rhizome submerged, may have vegetative leaves that are dimorphic. Some of their leaves grow up to the surface of the water, and look just like leaves of species growing out of water. These plants also produce other leaves with shorter leaf stalks that are not long enough to reach the surface, and so the leaflets remain underwater. These leaves have different anatomical and cellular characteristics better suited to their submerged environment.[11]

In addition to their vegetative (sterile) leaflets, all species of Marsileaceae produce fertile (spore-producing) leaflets at or near the base of the photosynthetic leaves. This reproductive portion looks and functions very differently from the vegetative portion of the leaves.

Life cycle

Like other ferns, members of the Marsileaceae produce spores, but not seeds when they reproduce. Unlike other ferns, the spores in this family are produced inside sporocarps. These are hairy, short-stalked, bean-shaped structures usually 3 to 8 mm in diameter[1] with a hardened outer covering. This outer covering is tough and resistant to drying out, allowing the spores inside to survive unfavorable conditions such as winter frost or summer desiccation. Despite this toughness, the sporocarps will open readily in water if conditions are favorable, and specimens have been successfully germinated after being stored for more than 130 years.[13] Each growing season, only one sporocarp typically develops per node along the rhizome near the base of the other leaf-stalks, though in some species of Marsilea there may be two or occasionally as many as twenty.[12][14] The resemblance of the sporocarps to peppercorns gives the family its common name of pepperwort.[1]

The European species Pilularia globulifera bearing sporocarps.

The sporocarps are functionally and developmentally modified leaflets,[14] although they have much shorter stalks than the vegetative leaflets. Inside the sporocarp, the modified leaflets bear several sori, each of which consists of several sporangia covered by a thin hood of tissue (the indusium). Each sorus includes a mix of two types of sporangium, each type producing only one of two kinds of spores. Toward the center of each sorus and developing first are the megasporangia, each of which will produce a single large female megaspore. Surrounding them at the edge of the sorus and developing later are the microsporangia, each of which will produce many small male microspores.[11]

Because the Marsileaceae produce two kinds of spore (and thus two kinds of gametophyte), they are called heterosporous. While heterospory is the norm among all plants with seeds, such as the flowering plants and conifers, it is very rare among other groups of plants. Also, most heterosporous plants produce their two kinds of sporangia in different places on the plant. Since the Marsileaceae grow both kinds together in a single cluster, they differ from other plants in this regard as well.

The spores remain dormant inside the sporocarp through unfavorable conditions, but when conditions are suitable and wet, the sporocarp will germinate. It splits into halves, allowing the tissue coiled inside to become hydrated. As this internal tissue swells with water, it pushes the halves of the hard outer covering apart, and emerges as a long gelatinous worm-like sorophore. The sorophore is a sorus-bearing structure unique to the Marsileaceae; it may extend to more than ten times the length of the sporocarp inside which it was coiled. This extension carries the numerous spore-producing sori attached along each side of the sorophore out into the water.[11][14]

Human uses

Some species of Marsilea are cultivated in garden pools or aquaria.[3] The Indigenous Australians once made a porridge of pulverized Marsilea sporocarps called nardoo. However, the sporocarps contain toxic levels of thiaminase, so careful preparation methods must be used in order for the nardoo to be safe for consumption.[13]


  1. ^ a b c d e Johnson, David M. (1993). "Marsileaceae". Flora of North America north of Mexico (volume 2 ed.). New York & Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 331–335. ISBN 0-19-508242-7.
  2. ^ a b c d e Pryer, Kathleen M. (1999). "Phylogeny of Marsileaceous Ferns and Relationships of the Fossil Hydropteris pinnata Reconsidered" (PDF). International Journal of Plant Sciences. 160 (5): 931–954. doi:10.1086/314177. PMID 10506474. S2CID 14073501.
  3. ^ a b c d Lellinger, David B. (1985). A Field Manual of the Ferns & Fern-Allies of the United States & Canada. Washington, D. C.: Smithsonian Institution. pp. 303–307. ISBN 0-87474-603-5.
  4. ^ a b Smith, Alan R.; Kathleen M. Pryer; Eric Schuettpelz; Petra Korall; Harald Schneider; Paul G. Wolf (2006). "A classification for extant ferns" (PDF). Taxon. 55 (3): 705–731. doi:10.2307/25065646. JSTOR 25065646. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2008-02-26.
  5. ^ Kenrick, Paul; Peter R. Crane (1997). The Origin and Early Diversification of Land Plants: A Cladistic Study. Washington, D. C.: Smithsonian Institution Press. pp. 243–244. ISBN 1-56098-730-8.
  6. ^ Rothwell, G. W.; R. A. Stockey (1994). "The role of Hydropteris pinnata gen. et sp. nov. in reconstructing the cladistics of heterosporous ferns". American Journal of Botany. 81 (4): 479–492. doi:10.2307/2445498. JSTOR 2445498.
  7. ^ a b Taylor, Thomas N.; Edith L. Taylor (1993). The Biology and Evolution of Fossil Plants. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. pp. 434–435. ISBN 0-13-651589-4.
  8. ^ Lupia, R.; H. Schneider; G. M. Moeser; K. M. Pryer; P. R. Crane (2000). "Marsileaceae Sporocarps and Spores from the Late Cretaceous of Georgia, U.S.A" (PDF). International Journal of Plant Sciences. 161 (6): 975–988. doi:10.1086/317567. S2CID 16981770.
  9. ^ Yamada, Toshihiro; Masahiro Kato (2002). "Regnellites nagashimae gen. et sp. nov., the Oldest Macrofossil of Marsileaceae, from the Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous of Western Japan". International Journal of Plant Sciences. 163 (5): 715–723. doi:10.1086/342036. S2CID 84631686.
  10. ^ Sun, Chunlin; Li, Tao; Na, Yuling; Wu, Wenhao; Li, Yunfeng; Wang, Lixia; Zhang, Lijun (July 2014). "Flabellariopteris, a new aquatic fern leaf from the Late Triassic of western Liaoning, China". Chinese Science Bulletin. 59 (20): 2410–2418. Bibcode:2014ChSBu..59.2410S. doi:10.1007/s11434-014-0359-6. ISSN 1001-6538. S2CID 129560335.
  11. ^ a b c d e Gifford, Ernest M.; Adriance S. Foster (1988). Morphology and Evolution of Vascular Plants (3rd ed.). New York: W. H. Freeman and Company. pp. 305–313. ISBN 0-7167-1946-0.
  12. ^ a b Eames, Arthur J. (1936). Morphology of Vascular Plants (Lower Groups). New York and London: McGraw-Hill Book Company. pp. 197–223. ISBN 0-88275-459-9.
  13. ^ a b Moran, Robin C. (2004). A Natural History of Ferns. Portland: Timber Press. pp. 243–249. ISBN 0-88192-667-1.
  14. ^ a b c Campbell, Douglas Houghton (1918). The Structure and Development of Mosses and Ferns (3rd ed.). New York: The Macmillan Company. pp. 417–439.

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Marsileaceae: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Marsileaceae (/mɑːrˌsɪliˈeɪsi.iː/) is a small family of heterosporous aquatic and semi-aquatic ferns, though at first sight they do not physically resemble other ferns. The group is commonly known as the "pepperwort family" or as the "water-clover family" because the leaves of the genus Marsilea superficially resemble the leaves of a four-leaf clover. In all, the family contains 3 genera and 50 to 80 species with most of those belonging to Marsilea.

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Marsileaceae ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

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Ver Pteridophyta para una introducción a las plantas vasculares sin semilla

Las marsileáceas (nombre científico Marsileaceae) son una familia de helechos del orden Marsileales, que en la moderna clasificación de Christenhusz et al. 2011[1][2][3]​ son monofiléticas.


Introducción teórica en Taxonomía

La clasificación más actualizada es la de Christenhusz et al. 2011[1][2][3]​ (basada en Smith et al. 2006,[4]​ 2008);[5]​ que también provee una secuencia lineal de las licofitas y monilofitas.

  • Familia 16. Marsileaceae Mirb. in Lam. & Mirb., Hist. Nat. Vég. 5: 126 (1802). Sinónimo: Pilulariaceae Mirb. ex DC., Essai Propr. Méd. Pl.: 48 (1804).
3 géneros (Marsilea, Pilularia, Regnellidium). Referencias: Nagalingum et al. (2008), Pryer (1999), Pryer & Hearn (2009), Schneider & Pryer (2002).

Clasificación sensu Smith et al. 2006

Ubicación taxonómica:

Plantae (clado), Viridiplantae, Streptophyta, Streptophytina, Embryophyta, Tracheophyta, Euphyllophyta, Monilophyta, Clase Polypodiopsida, Orden Salviniales, familia Marsileaceae.

Sinónimo: "Helechos trébol".

Incluye Pilulariaceae.

3 géneros:

Unas 75 especies.


Introducción teórica en Filogenia

Monofilético (Hasebe et al. 1995, Pryer 1999, Nagalingum et al., datos no publicados, citados en Smith et al. 2006).

Hennipman (1996) incluyó a Salvinia y Azolla dentro de Marsileaceae, pero en esta clasificación se incluyen dentro de su propia familia Salviniaceae, porque las esporas de las marsileáceas difieren notablemente de las de las salviniáceas (Schneider y Pryer 2002).


Plantas acuáticas arraigadas al sustrato por las raíces. Se las encuentra en aguas estancadas, poco profundas, o en estanques primaverales, con hojas flotantes o emergentes.



Con las características de Pteridophyta.

Tallos usualmente largamente rastreros, esbeltos, usualmente con pelos.

Pinas 4 (Marsilea), 2 (Regenllidium) o 0 (Pilularia) por hoja. Venas ramificadas dicotómicamente pero usualmente fusionándose en las puntas.

Soros nacidos en esporocarpos con pie, con forma de poroto (Nagalingum et al. 2006). Los esporocarpos emergen de los rizomas o de la base de los pecíolos. Uno a muchos esporocarpos por planta.

Plantas heterospóricas, con microsporas y macrosporas.

Microsporas globosas, trilete.

Megasporas globosas, cada una con una "acrolamella" posicionada sobre la apertura de la exina (Schneider y Pryer 2002).

Perina gelatinosa.

Número de cromosomas x = 10 (Pilularia), 20 (Marsilea).

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Marsileaceae: Brief Summary ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES
Ver Pteridophyta para una introducción a las plantas vasculares sin semilla

Las marsileáceas (nombre científico Marsileaceae) son una familia de helechos del orden Marsileales, que en la moderna clasificación de Christenhusz et al. 2011​​​ son monofiléticas.

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Ormiokasvit ( Finlandês )

fornecido por wikipedia FI

Ormiokasvit (Marsileaceae) on saniaisten heimo Salviniales-lahkossa. Siihen kuuluu kolme sukua ja noin 75 lajia. Ormiokasvit ovat tyypillisesti erilaisitiöisiä ja kasvavat vedessä.[1] Suomessa heimon lajeista tavataan vain yksi, hyvin harvinainen ormio (Pilularia globulifera).[2]



  1. a b Smith, A. R. et al 2006: A classification for extant ferns. Taxon 55(3): 705–731. pdf (englanniksi)
  2. Hämet-Ahti, L., Suominen, J., Ulvinen, T. & Uotila, P. (toim.): Retkeilykasvio, s. 57. Helsinki: Luonnontieteellinen keskusmuseo, Kasvimuseo, 1998. ISBN 951-45-8167-9.

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Ormiokasvit: Brief Summary ( Finlandês )

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Ormiokasvit (Marsileaceae) on saniaisten heimo Salviniales-lahkossa. Siihen kuuluu kolme sukua ja noin 75 lajia. Ormiokasvit ovat tyypillisesti erilaisitiöisiä ja kasvavat vedessä. Suomessa heimon lajeista tavataan vain yksi, hyvin harvinainen ormio (Pilularia globulifera).

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Marsileaceae ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

La famille des Marsileaceae regroupe quelques espèces de fougères aquatiques.

Pilularia globulifera


Le nom vient du genre type Marsilea, dont le nom est un hommage au mycologue italien Luigi Marsigli (1656–1730).

Liste des genres

Selon Catalogue of Life (31 mars 2014)[1] :

Selon GRIN (31 mars 2014)[2] :

Selon ITIS (31 mars 2014)[3] :

Selon NCBI (31 mars 2014)[4] :

Selon Paleobiology Database (31 mars 2014)[5] :

Selon Tropicos (31 mars 2014)[6] (Attention liste brute contenant possiblement des synonymes) :

Notes et références

  1. Bánki, O., Roskov, Y., Vandepitte, L., DeWalt, R. E., Remsen, D., Schalk, P., Orrell, T., Keping, M., Miller, J., Aalbu, R., Adlard, R., Adriaenssens, E., Aedo, C., Aescht, E., Akkari, N., Alonso-Zarazaga, M. A., Alvarez, B., Alvarez, F., Anderson, G., et al. (2021). Catalogue of Life Checklist (Version 2021-10-18). Catalogue of Life. https://doi.org/10.48580/d4t2, consulté le 31 mars 2014
  2. USDA, Agricultural Research Service, National Plant Germplasm System. Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN-Taxonomy). National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland., consulté le 31 mars 2014
  3. Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS), www.itis.gov, CC0 https://doi.org/10.5066/F7KH0KBK, consulté le 31 mars 2014
  4. NCBI, consulté le 31 mars 2014
  5. Fossilworks Paleobiology Database, consulté le 31 mars 2014
  6. Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden., consulté le 31 mars 2014

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Marsileaceae: Brief Summary ( Francês )

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La famille des Marsileaceae regroupe quelques espèces de fougères aquatiques.

 src= Pilularia globulifera
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Raznorotkovke ( Croato )

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Raznorotkovke (lat. Marsileaceae), biljna porodica u redu nepačkolike. Ime je dobila po rodu raznnorotka (Marsilea). U ukupno tri roda[1] (raznorotka, loptarka i regnelidijum) priznato je 60 vrsta.

U Hrvatskoj rastu četverolisna raznorotka (Marsilea quadrifolia), Pilularia globulifera i Pilularia minuta.[2]


  1. Genus Marsilea
  2. Genus Pilularia
  3. Genus Regnellidium
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Raznorotkovke: Brief Summary ( Croato )

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Raznorotkovke (lat. Marsileaceae), biljna porodica u redu nepačkolike. Ime je dobila po rodu raznnorotka (Marsilea). U ukupno tri roda (raznorotka, loptarka i regnelidijum) priznato je 60 vrsta.

U Hrvatskoj rastu četverolisna raznorotka (Marsilea quadrifolia), Pilularia globulifera i Pilularia minuta.

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Marsileaceae ( Indonésio )

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Marsileaceae atau suku semanggi-semanggian merupakan salah satu suku anggota tumbuhan paku (Pteridophyta) yang tergolong dalam paku air (Salviniales atau Hydropteridales). Suku ini beranggotakan tiga marga paku air yang tumbuh pada lumpur di perairan dangkal: semanggi air (Marsilea), Pilularia, dan Regnellidium.

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Pilvarenfamilie ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL

De pilvarenfamilie (Marsileaceae) is een familie van kleine, aquatische of semi-aquatische varens, die wereldwijd verspreid is.

De familie heeft in België en Nederland één zeldzame vertegenwoordiger, de pilvaren (Pilularia globulifera).

Naamgeving en etymologie

  • Synoniem: Pilulariaceae Mirb. ex DC.
  • Engels: Clover Ferns
  • Duits: Kleefarngewächse

De familie Marsileaceae is vernoemd naar het geslacht Marsilea.


Marsileaceae zijn waterplanten die met rizomen in de bodem wortelen, en drijvende en/of opgerichte bladen dragen. De bladstelen zijn meestal lang, fijn en kruipend, en dikwijls behaard. De bladen zijn in de regel handvormig samengesteld, naargelang de soort zijn er geen, twee of vier deelblaadjes aanwezig. De bladnerven zijn dichotoom vertakt maar dikwijls aan de tip met elkaar verbonden.

De sporenhoopjes zitten verzameld in gesteelde, boonvormige sporocarpen (vandaar de naam 'pilvaren'), die ontspringen uit de rizomen of uit de basis van de bladstelen, en bevatten twee soorten sporen (heterosporie).

De sporen van Marsileaceae verschillen zowel van de sporen van alle andere (homospore) varens als van die van de verwante, eveneens heterospore vlotvarens (Salviniaceae). De kleine microsporen zijn drievoudig bolvormig, de grotere macrosporen enkelvoudig bolvormig. De buitenwand van beide soorten, het perine, heeft boven de opening van de spore een structuur, het acrolamella, dat de opening afsluit en samen met het perine een gelatineuze laag vormt. Die laag zorgt ervoor dat, gedurende een beperkte tijd, de spore waterdicht is en blijft drijven. Deze voor varens unieke structuren lijken een evolutieve adaptatie van de Marsileaceae aan een amfibische levenswijze.

Habitat en verspreiding

De familie omvat uitsluitend aquatische of semi-aquatische planten die voorkomen in ondiep water in tijdelijke of permanente poelen, en kent een bijna wereldwijde verspreiding, zowel in gematigde als in subtropische en tropische streken.

Er zijn vijf Europese soorten bekend, waarvan de pilvaren (Pilularia globulifera), weliswaar zeldzaam, ook in België en Nederland te vinden is, en de klaverbladvaren (Marsilea quadrifolia) een enkele keer in Nederland opduikt.


In de recente taxonomische beschrijving van Smith et al. (2006) zijn de Marsileaceae sammen met de vlotvarens Salviniaceae in de orde Salviniales geplaatst, die samen met het grootste deel van de varens de klasse Polypodiopsida vormen.

Volgens diezelfde auteurs omvat de familie drie recente geslachten en ongeveer 75 soorten[1]. Daarbij worden ook de leden van de voormalige familie Pilulariaceae hierin opgenomen. De Marsileaceae vormen in deze samenstelling een monofyletische groep. Daarnaast worden nog enkele uitgestorven geslachten tot deze familie gerekend.

Beschreven soorten

Van de pilvarenfamilie worden de volgende soorten in detail beschreven:

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wikipedia NL

Pilvarenfamilie: Brief Summary ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL

De pilvarenfamilie (Marsileaceae) is een familie van kleine, aquatische of semi-aquatische varens, die wereldwijd verspreid is.

De familie heeft in België en Nederland één zeldzame vertegenwoordiger, de pilvaren (Pilularia globulifera).

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Vassbregnefamilien ( Norueguês )

fornecido por wikipedia NO

Vassbregnefamilien (latin: Marsileaceae) er en familie innen ordenen Salvinales av bregneplanter. Familien har tre slekter og 52–72 arter. Familien inkluderer normalt gruppen Pilulariaceae, som enkelte regner som en egen familie.

Marsilea villosa vokser på Hawaii.

Slektene Regnellites og Rodeites er utryddet og kjennes bare fra fossiler.

Vassbregneslekten (Marsilea) har firebladete «kløverblad» som flyter i vann. Fire av artene dyrkes i akvarier.

Trådbregneslekten (Pilularia) har lange, trådformede blader som flyter opp fra leddknuter i en lang, felles 1 mm tykk horisontal stilk. Trådbregne vokser i det sørlige Norden og i Østfold. Pilularia minuta fra Sørvest-Europa er blant de minste bregnene man kjenner til.

Regnellidium har bare én art, med tobladete strukturer som flyter i vann.

Plantene lever i vann, og den 1 mm tykke jordstengelen har leddknuter som de bladstilkene skyter opp fra. Sporehylstrene har fire rom, og planten formerer seg ved hjelp av heterospori med to typer sporer. Dermed avviker denne familien fra alle andre bregneplanter, som har homospori med bare én type sporer.

I Norden vokser den 4-15 cm høye trådbregne, som er fredet i Norge.

Vassbregnefamiliens taksonomi

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Vassbregnefamilien: Brief Summary ( Norueguês )

fornecido por wikipedia NO

Vassbregnefamilien (latin: Marsileaceae) er en familie innen ordenen Salvinales av bregneplanter. Familien har tre slekter og 52–72 arter. Familien inkluderer normalt gruppen Pilulariaceae, som enkelte regner som en egen familie.

 src= Marsilea villosa vokser på Hawaii.

Slektene Regnellites og Rodeites er utryddet og kjennes bare fra fossiler.

Vassbregneslekten (Marsilea) har firebladete «kløverblad» som flyter i vann. Fire av artene dyrkes i akvarier.

Trådbregneslekten (Pilularia) har lange, trådformede blader som flyter opp fra leddknuter i en lang, felles 1 mm tykk horisontal stilk. Trådbregne vokser i det sørlige Norden og i Østfold. Pilularia minuta fra Sørvest-Europa er blant de minste bregnene man kjenner til.

Regnellidium har bare én art, med tobladete strukturer som flyter i vann.

Plantene lever i vann, og den 1 mm tykke jordstengelen har leddknuter som de bladstilkene skyter opp fra. Sporehylstrene har fire rom, og planten formerer seg ved hjelp av heterospori med to typer sporer. Dermed avviker denne familien fra alle andre bregneplanter, som har homospori med bare én type sporer.

I Norden vokser den 4-15 cm høye trådbregne, som er fredet i Norge.

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Marsyliowate ( Polonês )

fornecido por wikipedia POL
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Marsyliowate (Marsileaceae) – rodzina paproci z rzędu salwiniowców. Należą tu 3 rodzaje liczące ok. 75 gatunków. W Polsce występują bardzo rzadko 2 gatunki – marsylia czterolistna i gałuszka kulecznica.


Pozycja systematyczna i podział według Smitha i in. (2006)

Rodzina siostrzana wobec salwiniowatych (Salviniaceae) w obrębie rzędu salwiniowców (Salviniales) wchodzącego w skład klasy paprocie (Polypodiopsida)[1].


Rodzaj Pilularia bywa rozdzielany na dwa monotypowe rodzaje z gatunkami Pilularia americana A. Braun oraz Calamistrum globuliferum (L.) Kuntze (syn. Pilularia globulifera L.)[3].


  1. a b c Smith, A. R., K. M. Pryer, E. Schuettpelz, P. Korall, H. Schneider & P. G. Wolf: A classification for extant ferns (ang.). Taxon 55(3): 705–731, 2006. [dostęp 2010-05-06].
  2. a b James L. Reveal: Indices Nominum Supragenericorum Plantarum Vascularium (ang.). University of Maryland, 2010. [dostęp 2011-02-02].
  3. Pilularia (ang.). W: The Plant List [on-line]. [dostęp 2011-02-02].
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Marsyliowate: Brief Summary ( Polonês )

fornecido por wikipedia POL

Marsyliowate (Marsileaceae) – rodzina paproci z rzędu salwiniowców. Należą tu 3 rodzaje liczące ok. 75 gatunków. W Polsce występują bardzo rzadko 2 gatunki – marsylia czterolistna i gałuszka kulecznica.

 src= Marsylia czterolistna
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Marsileaceae ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT

Marsileaceae é uma família de pteridófitas aquáticas pertencente à ordem Salviniales (anteriormente Marsileales), que inclui três géneros (Marsilea, Pilularia e Regnellidium) e aproximadamente 76 espécies. A ordem Salviniales possui cerca de 90 espécies de samambaias próprias de ambientes aquáticos, úmidos ou alagadiços e apresentam aerênquima nas raízes, caules e pecíolos, como em outras plantas aquáticas. Os membros da família Marsileaceae são plantas aquáticas rizomatosas, com raízes bem desenvolvidas que as ligam ao substrato ou folhas flutuantes. As espécies que a integram ocorrem em águas paradas, pouco profundas, mais frequentemente em pequenos charcos temporários.

As plantas desta família apresentam o ciclo de vida característico de monilófitas heterospóricas, com micrósporos e megásporos diferenciados. Além disso, apresentam caules finos, glabros e rasteiros, que crescem na superfície ou subterrâneos. Na maioria das espécies as folhas são pinadas, lâminas divididas em 2-4 folíolos, ou filiformes e não expandidas. Em Marsilea, (trevo-d’água) as folhas são semelhantes as do trevo (Trifolium, Fabaceae), mas apresentam 4 folíolos. As folhas de Regnellidium apresentam dois folíolos. Apenas o gênero Pilularia apresenta folhas filiformes, o que lhe confere um aspecto semelhante às gramíneas. A venação é ramificada dicotomicamente, mas usualmente fundida nas pontas. Os soros são desprovidos de abertura indusial e ocorrem em esporocarpos pedunculados em forma de rim [6], dispostos em pedúnculos curtos próximos a base dos pecíolos. O número de esporocarpos varia de apenas um a múltiplos por planta, apresentando pelo menos dois soros cada. Os esporocarpos de Marsileaceae protegem a viabilidades dos esporos por mais de 100 anos em algumas espécies, podendo ser uma adaptação para o crescimento em regiões áridas.

É importante enfatizar que as plantas são heterosporadas e os esporângios não contém ânulo, típico de outras Polypodiopsida. Os microsporângio possuem de 16-64 micrósporos, são globosos, com trilete. Os megásporos são também globosos, cada um com uma acrolamela posicionada sobre a abertura da exina.[7] A perina é gelatinosa. O número de cromossomos é n=10 em Pilularia e n=20 em Marsilea.

Distribuição no Brasil

A família é praticamente cosmopolita, ocorrendo em regiões de clima temperado e tropicais.

No Brasil, a família possui gêneros nativos, mas não endêmicos, podendo ser encontrada no norte (Amazonas, Pará, Roraima), nordeste (Bahia, Maranhão, Pernambuco, Piauí), centro-oeste (Mato Grosso do Sul, Mato Grosso), sul (Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina) e sudeste (Rio de Janeiro),[1] crescendo na água ou na beira de cursos d'água. Espécies de Marsileaceae são encontradas nos seguintes domínios fitogeográficos brasileiros: Cerrado, Mata Atlântica, Amazônia, Pantanal e Pampas.

Nas Américas foram identificadas apenas 12 espécies do gênero Marsilea, sendo que cinco são encontradas no Brasil, sendo elas: Marsilea ancylopoda A. Braun, Marsilea crotophora D. M. Jonhson, Marsilea deflexa A. Braun, Marsilea minuta L. e Marsilea polycarpa Hook. & Grev.[2] Também são encontrados no Brasil outros gêneros, como Pilularia e Regnellidium.


A ordem Salviniales possui apenas duas famílias, Marsileaceae e Salviniaceae, que são irmãs. São sinapomorfias da ordem: presença de aerênquima, caules dicotômicos, dimorfismo nas folhas férteis/estéril,heterosporia, megásporo único. Na classificação de Christenhusz et al. 2011[3][4][5] o agrupamento é considerado monofilético[3][4][5] (confirmando o Sistema de Smith[6][7]) que também apresenta uma sequência linear das licófitas e monilófitas.[8] A partir de registro fóssil constatou-se que alguns genêros da família se diversicaram no cretáceo médio.[9]


A classificação mais atualizada é a contida no Sistema de classificação de pteridófitos de Christenhusz,[1][2][3] desenvolvida a partir de classificação similar constante do Sistema de classificação de monilófitas de Smith[4] em 2008;[5] o qual também considerava como uma sequência linear as licófitas e monilófitas. Nesse sistema o agrupamento constitui a Família n.º 16 (Marsileaceae Mirb. in Lam. & Mirb., Hist. Nat. Vég. 5: 126 (1802). O táxon é considerado sinônimo taxonômico de Pilulariaceae. Na sua atual configuração o agrupamento inclui três géneros: Marsilea, Pilularia, Regnellidium.[8] Já na classificação sensu Smith, a família é incluída na classe Polypodiopsida, ordem Salviniales, sendo monofilética[9]

Hennipman (1996) incluiu os gêneros Salvinia e Azolla, cada uma com menos de 10 espécies, nas Marsileaceae, mas nesta classificação estes são incluídos na família Salviniaceae, porque os esporos das marsileáceas diferem marcadamente dos produzidos pelas salviniáceas.[10] Além disso, Salvinaceae apresenta distribuição tropical e temperada. Azolla é um exemplo de Marsiliaceae que apresenta importância econômica, pois atua com invasora e possui cianobactérias simbiontes, podendo atuar como uma fonte potencial de nitrogênio.


  1. «Lista de Espécies da Flora do Brasil». floradobrasil.jbrj.gov.br. Consultado em 29 de janeiro de 2017
  2. Casique-Tavares, Jorgeane. «Caracterização anatômica dos órgãos vegetativos de Marsilea minuta L. (Marsileaceae) ocorrente na Amazônia, Pará, Brasil». doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.18561/2179-5746/biotaamazonia.v5n4p84-89 Verifique |doi= (ajuda) |acessodata= requer |url= (ajuda)
  3. a b Christenhusz et al. 2011. A linear sequence of extant families and genera of lycophytes and ferns. Phytotaxa 19: 7-54. (pdf)
  4. a b Preface to “Linear sequence, classification, synonymy, and bibliography of vascular plants: Lycophytes, ferns, gymnosperms and angiosperms” pdf
  5. a b Corrections to Phytotaxa 19: Linear sequence of lycophytes and ferns pdf
  6. A. R. Smith, K. M. Pryer, E. Schuettpelz, P. Korall, H. Schneider, P. G. Wolf. 2006. "A classification for extant ferns". Taxon 55(3), 705-731 ( pdf)
  7. Smith, A.R., Pryer, K.M., Schuettpelz, E., Korall, P., Schneider, H., & Wolf, P.G. (2008) Fern classification, pp. 417–467 en: Ranker, T.A., & Haufler, C.H. (eds.), Biology and Evolution of Ferns and Lycophytes. Cambridge , Cambridge University Press.
  8. «Laboratorio de Sistemática de Plantas Vasculares | Curso SPV | Fichas Familias | Marsileaceae». www.thecompositaehut.com. Consultado em 29 de janeiro de 2017
  9. Judd, Walter (2009). Sistemática: um enfoque filogenético. Porto Alegr: Artmed. 171 páginas |acessodata= requer |url= (ajuda)


  • Pryer, Kathleen M., Harald Schneider, Alan R. Smith, Raymond Cranfill, Paul G. Wolf, Jeffrey S. Hunt y Sedonia D. Sipes. 2001. "Horsetails and ferns are a monophyletic group and the closest living relatives to seed plants". Nature 409: 618-622 (resumen en inglés aquí).
  • Pryer, Kathleen M., Eric Schuettpelz, Paul G. Wolf, Harald Schneider, Alan R. Smith y Raymond Cranfill. 2004. "Phylogeny and evolution of ferns (monilophytes) with a focus on the early leptosporangiate divergences". American Journal of Botany 91:1582-1598 (resumen en inglés aquí).
  • A. R. Smith, K. M. Pryer, E. Schuettpelz, P. Korall, H. Schneider, P. G. Wolf. 2006. "A classification for extant ferns". Taxon 55(3), 705-731 (pdf aquí)
  • N. S. Nagalingum, H. Schneider, y K. M. Pryer, "Comparative Morphology of Reproductive Structures in Heterosporous Water Ferns and a Reevaluation of the Sporocarp". International Journal of Plant Sciences, 167 (2006), 805–815 (resumo em inglês aqui e pdf aqui).
  • Judd, Walter S., [et al.]. Sistemática vegetal: um enfoque filogenético; tradução André Olmos Simões, [et al.]. - 3. ed. - Porto Alegre: Artmed 2009, 198.
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Marsileaceae: Brief Summary ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT
 src= Pilularia globulifera.

Marsileaceae é uma família de pteridófitas aquáticas pertencente à ordem Salviniales (anteriormente Marsileales), que inclui três géneros (Marsilea, Pilularia e Regnellidium) e aproximadamente 76 espécies. A ordem Salviniales possui cerca de 90 espécies de samambaias próprias de ambientes aquáticos, úmidos ou alagadiços e apresentam aerênquima nas raízes, caules e pecíolos, como em outras plantas aquáticas. Os membros da família Marsileaceae são plantas aquáticas rizomatosas, com raízes bem desenvolvidas que as ligam ao substrato ou folhas flutuantes. As espécies que a integram ocorrem em águas paradas, pouco profundas, mais frequentemente em pequenos charcos temporários.

As plantas desta família apresentam o ciclo de vida característico de monilófitas heterospóricas, com micrósporos e megásporos diferenciados. Além disso, apresentam caules finos, glabros e rasteiros, que crescem na superfície ou subterrâneos. Na maioria das espécies as folhas são pinadas, lâminas divididas em 2-4 folíolos, ou filiformes e não expandidas. Em Marsilea, (trevo-d’água) as folhas são semelhantes as do trevo (Trifolium, Fabaceae), mas apresentam 4 folíolos. As folhas de Regnellidium apresentam dois folíolos. Apenas o gênero Pilularia apresenta folhas filiformes, o que lhe confere um aspecto semelhante às gramíneas. A venação é ramificada dicotomicamente, mas usualmente fundida nas pontas. Os soros são desprovidos de abertura indusial e ocorrem em esporocarpos pedunculados em forma de rim [6], dispostos em pedúnculos curtos próximos a base dos pecíolos. O número de esporocarpos varia de apenas um a múltiplos por planta, apresentando pelo menos dois soros cada. Os esporocarpos de Marsileaceae protegem a viabilidades dos esporos por mais de 100 anos em algumas espécies, podendo ser uma adaptação para o crescimento em regiões áridas.

É importante enfatizar que as plantas são heterosporadas e os esporângios não contém ânulo, típico de outras Polypodiopsida. Os microsporângio possuem de 16-64 micrósporos, são globosos, com trilete. Os megásporos são também globosos, cada um com uma acrolamela posicionada sobre a abertura da exina.[7] A perina é gelatinosa. O número de cromossomos é n=10 em Pilularia e n=20 em Marsilea.

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Klöverbräkenväxter ( Sueco )

fornecido por wikipedia SV

Klöverbräkenväxter[1] (Marsileaceae[2]) är en familj av ormbunkar. Klöverbräkenväxter ingår i ordningen Salviniales.[2] Enligt Catalogue of Life omfattar familjen Marsileaceae 62 arter[2].

Släkten enligt Catalogue of Life[2]:



  1. ^ Plant index - M, Svensk Kulturväxtdatabas
  2. ^ [a b c d] Roskov Y., Kunze T., Orrell T., Abucay L., Paglinawan L., Culham A., Bailly N., Kirk P., Bourgoin T., Baillargeon G., Decock W., De Wever A., Didžiulis V. (ed) (23 april 2014). ”Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2014 Annual Checklist.”. Species 2000: Reading, UK. http://www.catalogueoflife.org/annual-checklist/2014/browse/tree/id/17067412. Läst 26 maj 2014.

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Klöverbräkenväxter: Brief Summary ( Sueco )

fornecido por wikipedia SV

Klöverbräkenväxter (Marsileaceae) är en familj av ormbunkar. Klöverbräkenväxter ingår i ordningen Salviniales. Enligt Catalogue of Life omfattar familjen Marsileaceae 62 arter.

Släkten enligt Catalogue of Life:

Marsilea Pilularia Regnellidium
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Марсилієві ( Ucraniano )

fornecido por wikipedia UK

Марсилієві (Marsileaceae) — родина папоротей порядку Сальвінієві (Salviniales).


Характерними особливостями представників родини є водний та земноводний спосіб життя, різноспоровість, а звідси і різностатеві гаметофіти; наявність особливих органів — спорокарпіїв, в кожному з яких є мікро- та макросоруси одночасно.


Родина включає 3 сучасних роди і невелику кількість видів (близько 70):


Fern Specimens by Boston Public Library.jpg Це незавершена стаття про Папороті.
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Марсилієві: Brief Summary ( Ucraniano )

fornecido por wikipedia UK

Марсилієві (Marsileaceae) — родина папоротей порядку Сальвінієві (Salviniales).

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Marsileaceae ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Marsileaceae /mɑrsɪliˈs/ là một họ dương xỉ sống thủy sinh và bán thủy sinh, bề ngoài của chúng rất khác các nhóm dương xỉ còn lại. Nhóm này còn được gọi là "họ Cỏ bợ" hoặc "họ Cỏ bốn lá nước" vì lá của chi Marsilea về hình thức khá giống với cỏ bốn lá. Lá của họ dương xỉ này đôi khi được dùng thay cho cỏ bốn lá[2] vào ngày Thánh Patrick. Họ Marsileaceae gồm 3 chi và từ 50 tới 80 loài và hầu hết số này thuộc chi Marsilea.[3][4]

Tham khảo

  1. ^ Yamada, Toshihiro; Masahiro Kato (2002). “Regnellites nagashimae gen. et sp. nov., the Oldest Macrofossil of Marsileaceae, from the Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous of Western Japan”. International journal of Plant Science 163 (5): 715–723. doi:10.1086/342036.
  2. ^ Gifford, Ernest M.; Adriance S. Foster (1988). Morphology and Evolution of Vascular Plants (ấn bản 3). New York: W. H. Freeman and Company. tr. 305–313. ISBN 0-7167-1946-0.
  3. ^ Johnson, David M. (1993). “Marsileaceae”. Flora of North America north of Mexico . New York & Oxford: Oxford University Press. tr. 331–335. ISBN 0-19-508242-7.
  4. ^ Pryer, Kathleen M. (1999). “Phylogeny of Marsileaceous Ferns and Relationships of the Fossil Hydropteris pinnata Reconsidered” (pdf). International Journal of Plant Sciences 160 (5): 931–954. PMID 10506474. doi:10.1086/314177.

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Marsileaceae: Brief Summary ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Marsileaceae /mɑrsɪliˈs/ là một họ dương xỉ sống thủy sinh và bán thủy sinh, bề ngoài của chúng rất khác các nhóm dương xỉ còn lại. Nhóm này còn được gọi là "họ Cỏ bợ" hoặc "họ Cỏ bốn lá nước" vì lá của chi Marsilea về hình thức khá giống với cỏ bốn lá. Lá của họ dương xỉ này đôi khi được dùng thay cho cỏ bốn lá vào ngày Thánh Patrick. Họ Marsileaceae gồm 3 chi và từ 50 tới 80 loài và hầu hết số này thuộc chi Marsilea.

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Марсилиевые ( Russo )

fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию
Царство: Растения
Подцарство: Зелёные растения
Порядок: Сальвиниевые
Семейство: Марсилиевые
Международное научное название

Marsileaceae Mirb.

Типовой род Wikispecies-logo.svg
на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 17991NCBI 13814EOL 4498GRIN f:1257IPNI 30024011-2FW 54774

Марси́лиевые (лат. Marsileáceae) — семейство папоротников порядка Сальвиниевые. Представители семейства — небольшие прибрежные и водные растеньица, больше всего напоминающие четырёхлистный клевер.

Спорангии марсилиевых собраны под общей оболочкой в так называемый спорокарп, который обладает весьма сложными механизмами раскрывания.


Семейство Марсилиевые включает три современных и два ископаемых рода:


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Марсилиевые: Brief Summary ( Russo )

fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию

Марси́лиевые (лат. Marsileáceae) — семейство папоротников порядка Сальвиниевые. Представители семейства — небольшие прибрежные и водные растеньица, больше всего напоминающие четырёхлистный клевер.

Спорангии марсилиевых собраны под общей оболочкой в так называемый спорокарп, который обладает весьма сложными механизмами раскрывания.

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蘋科 ( Chinês )

fornecido por wikipedia 中文维基百科



  1. ^ Yamada, Toshihiro; Masahiro Kato. Regnellites nagashimae gen. et sp. nov., the Oldest Macrofossil of Marsileaceae, from the Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous of Western Japan. International journal of Plant Science. 2002, 163 (5): 715–723. doi:10.1086/342036. 引文使用过时参数coauthors (帮助)
  2. ^ 林春吉,《台灣的水生與溼地植物》,2005,台北,綠世界出版社
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蘋科: Brief Summary ( Chinês )

fornecido por wikipedia 中文维基百科


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네가래과 ( Coreano )

fornecido por wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

네가래과(Marsileaceae)는 생이가래목에 속하는 양치식물 과의 하나이다. 이형포자성 수생 또는 반수생 양치식물 과이다. 네가래 등을 포함하여 3개 속에 50-80여 종으로 이루어져 있다.[1][2]

하위 분류

계통 분류

아래의 분기도는 생이가래목의 2개 과와 5개 속 사이의 계통발생학적 관계를 보여주고 있다.[3][4]

생이가래목 네가래과    

네가래속 (Marsilea)


필루라리아속 (Pilularia)


레그넬리디움속 (Regnellidium)


물개구리밥속 (Azolla)


생이가래속 (Salvinia)



  1. Johnson, David M. (1993). 〈Marsileaceae〉. 《Flora of North America north of Mexico》 volume 2판. New York & Oxford: Oxford University Press. 331–335쪽. ISBN 0-19-508242-7.
  2. Pryer, Kathleen M. (1999). “Phylogeny of Marsileaceous Ferns and Relationships of the Fossil Hydropteris pinnata Reconsidered” (pdf). 《International Journal of Plant Sciences》 160 (5): 931–954. doi:10.1086/314177. PMID 10506474.
  3. Nathalie S. Nagalingum, Michael D. Nowak & Kathleen M. Pryer (2008). “Assessing phylogenetic relationships in extant heterosporous ferns (Salviniales), with a focus on Pilularia and Salvinia (PDF). 《Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society》 157: 673–685. 2008년 11월 19일에 원본 문서 (PDF)에서 보존된 문서. 2015년 6월 8일에 확인함.
  4. Maarten J. M. Christenhusz, Xian-Chun Zhang & Harald Schneider (2011). “A linear sequence of extant families and genera of lycophytes and ferns” (PDF). 《Phytotaxa》 19: 7–54.
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