Imagem de Dinotrema tirolense Munk & Peris-Felipo
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Dinotrema tirolense Munk & Peris-Felipo

Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Zookeys
Holotype, female, length of body 1.90–1.95 mm, of fore wing 3.00 mm. Head. In dorsal view, 1.80 times as wide as its median length, 1.30–1.35 times as wide as mesoscutum, smooth, with rounded temples behind eye. Eye in lateral view 1.60–1.65 times as high as wide and 1.05–1.10 times as wide as temple. POL 2.85-2.90 times OD; OOL 2.75-2.80 times OD. Face 1.50-1.55 times as wide as high; inner margins of eyes subparallel. Clypeus 1.65 times as wide as high, slightly curved ventrally. Diameter of paraclypeal fovea less than half of distance between clypeus and eye. Mandible weakly widened towards apex, 1.55-1.60 times as long as its maximum width. Upper tooth distinctly shorter than middle tooth. Middle tooth the longest, widened basally and pointed apically, wider than upper and lower tooth. Lower tooth rounded apically and longer than upper tooth. Antenna thick, 23-segmented, as long as body. Scape 1.65-1.70 times as long as pedicel. First flagellar segment 4.25 times as long as its apical width, 1.25–1.30 times as long as second segment; second segment 3.00 times as long as its maximum width. Third to twentieth flagellar segments 3.00 times as long as their width; twenty-first segment 2.50 times as long as wide. Mesosoma. In lateral view, 0.95 times as long as high. Mesoscutum as long as maximum width with three rows of two setae, two around notauli and one in middle part. Notauli mainly absent. Mesoscutal pit present, rounded. Prescutellar depression smooth, with small lateral carinae. Sternaulus (= precoxal suture) present, not reaching anterior and posterior parts of mesopleuron. Posterior mesopleural furrow smooth. Propodeum smooth, with incomplete median longitudinal carinae not crossing line of spiracles. Propodeal spiracles small. Legs. Hind femur 5.00 times as long as wide. Hind tibia weakly widened to apex, 11.40 times as long as its maximum subapical width, 1.15–1.20 times as long as hind tarsus. First segment of hind tarsus 1.50 times as long as second segment. Wings. Length of fore wing 2.30 times its maximum width. Vein r1 present. Radial cell reaching to apex of wing, 4.75 times as long as its maximum width. Nervulus distinctly postfurcal. Brachial cell closed, widened apically, 3.50 times as long as its maximum width. Hind wing 4.80–4.90 times as long as its maximum width. Metasoma. Distinctly compressed. First tergite weakly widened towards apex, 1.60 times as long as its apical width, almost entirely smooth. Ovipositor 1.85-1.90 times as long as first tergite, shorter than metasoma, 1.15–1.20 times as long as hind femur. Colour. Body and legs brown to dark brown. Wings hyaline. Pterostigma brown. Male unknown.
direitos autorais
Thorkild Munk, Francisco Javier Peris-Felipo, Ricardo Jiménez-Peydró
citação bibliográfica
Munk T, Peris-Felipo F, Jiménez-Peydró R (2013) New western Palaearctic Dinotrema species with mesoscutal pit and only medially sculptured propodeum (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Alysiinae) ZooKeys 260: 61–76
Thorkild Munk
Francisco Javier Peris-Felipo
Ricardo Jiménez-Peydró
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