There are no known adverse affects of S. bicolor on humans.
Predators of Brazilian bare-faced tamarins are predominately humans, through the expanding city of Manaus.
Known Predators:
Brazilian bare-faced tamarins are named for their black, hairless face and ears contrasted with variable fur colors such as brown, black, or silver, depending on the subspecies. Body length ranges from 208 to 283 mm and tail length is 335 to 420 mm. Weight in both males and females averages 430 g. These primates have non-opposable thumbs with claw-like digits, except for the first digit on each toe. The dental formula is 2/2-1/1-3/3-2/2=32 teeth. Canines are larger than incisors.
Average mass: 430 g.
Range length: 208 to 283 mm.
Other Physical Features: endothermic ; homoiothermic; bilateral symmetry
Sexual Dimorphism: sexes alike
Average mass: 495.8 g.
Although the longevity of S. bicolor has not been reported, members of this genus may live as long as 25 years in captivity. It is likely that S. bicolor is similar. Lifespan in the wild is probably significantly shorter.
Average lifespan
Status: captivity: 19 years.
Brazilian bare-faced tamarins are an arboreal species that prefers secondary forests, swamps, edge and white sand forests. They are usually found from 10 to 12 meters up in the canopy.
Habitat Regions: tropical ; terrestrial
Terrestrial Biomes: forest ; rainforest
Wetlands: swamp
Native to the Brazilian rainforest, Saguinus bicolor is found in a small region north of the Amazon River.
Biogeographic Regions: neotropical (Native )
The fruits or flowers of 21 plants compose 96.1% of the plant component of the diet, along with tree exudates. Small animal prey, including insects, and seedpod gums are consumed during the dry season. A stealthy approach is used to hunt and capture large insects on leaves and branches. While they feed at all canopy heights, from the ground to over 20 meters, they prefer heights of 10 to 12 meters.
Animal Foods: insects; terrestrial non-insect arthropods
Plant Foods: leaves; seeds, grains, and nuts; fruit; flowers; sap or other plant fluids
Primary Diet: herbivore (Frugivore )
Little is known about the ecosystem roles of the bicolored tamarins. They may help to pollinate and disperse seeds by eating fruits, nectars, and seedpod gums from various plants and trees.
Ecosystem Impact: disperses seeds; pollinates
Brazilian bare-faced tamarins are utilized for food in the region of Manaus.
Positive Impacts: food
Brazilian bare-faced tamarins are listed as threatened species under the US Endangered Species Act, and are on CITES Appendix II.
US Federal List: threatened
CITES: appendix ii
IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: endangered
Like other primates, communication in this species involves many different channels. Vocal communication consists of whistles and chirps.
Chemical communication in tamarins is more complex. Supapubic/sternal marking is used by rubbing the sternal gland in the anogenital region against branches. Two forms of sternal marking are used, depending on how excited and individual is.
In addition to vocal and chemical communication, primates have complex tactile communication. Grooming is an important part of their behavior. In addition, tactile communication between mates, parents and offspring, and rivals probably occur in other contexts.
Because these animals are diurnal and social, it is likely that they also use some visual signals in their communication. Body postures and movements probably signify intentions and desires to other tamarins.
Communication Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical
Other Communication Modes: pheromones ; scent marks
Perception Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical
Usually only the dominant female in a social group will mate. Other females are unable to ovulate as long as the dominant female's pheromones are present. Although usually only the dominant female in a social group breeds, it is not known which males participate in breeding, and whether the species is polyandrous. It should be noted, however, that in other species of this genus, the dominant female has been observed copulating with more than one adult male, and given other similarities between all tamarins, it is likely that S. bicolor shows some degree of polyandry.
Mating System: monogamous ; polyandrous
Eighty percent of births are twins, with litter weights ranging from 14.1 to 23.5% of the maternal weight. Within the genus Saguinus, it is common for the father as well as other members of the group to assist in the care, grooming, carrying, and feeding of young.
Generally, within the genus Saguinus, the young are born fully furred, but helpless. However, they are able to cling to their parents. The young are able to explore their environment on their own by about 21 days of age, but they continue to ride on their parents until they are 6 or 7 weeks old. Solid foods may be ingested by the young as early as 4 weeks of age, although nursing can continue much longer.
Females have an estrous cycle of approximately 15 days in this genus. Gestation lengths for these tamarins have been reported as around 140-150 days. Females reach reproductive maturity around 18 months of age, and males reach reproductive maturity around 2 years of age. It is reasonable to suspect that S. bicolor is similar to its congeners in these respects.
Breeding interval: These animals probably breed annually.
Breeding season: Repoduction in the genus Saguinus is reported to be aseasonal, although peaks of births may occur in March through May.
Range number of offspring: 1 to 2.
Range gestation period: 140 to 150 days.
Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female): 18 months.
Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male): 24 months.
Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; year-round breeding ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; fertilization ; viviparous
Average number of offspring: 1.63.
Parental care in tamarins is somewhat unique among primates, in that males provide a great deal of it. Both parents provide general care for their young, but the males usually carry them. Males transfer the young back to the mother every couple of hours to nurse. It is thought that the energetic demands of lactation and carrying such relatively heavy twin offspring are just too much for a single mother to manage.
From birth until 20 weeks of age, juveniles are given solid food by both parents, although fathers take the lead in providing such food for the young. Self-feeding is dominant after this period.
It is interesting to examine the communal care of offspring in tamarin species with regard to the polyandrous mating system noted in some species. It may be that this system has evolved because the energetic burden of reproduction in these small animals, which subsist mainly on high quality fruit and insect foods, is so very great. Because the young weigh so much, grow rapidly, and need a lot of milk, a mother is not able to carry the twins, and simultaneously obtain enough food to maintain both herself and her milk supply. In order to ensure that the offspring have a good chance of survival, a male may benefit by allowing another male to mate with a female (thereby reducing certainty of paternity) but providing an additional "father" to share the responsibilities of rearing the young. This may increase survivorship of the young tamarins.
Nonreproductive individuals in tamarin social groups have also been seen to care for young, although at a lower frequency than parents. This sort of alloparental behavior may benefit the helpers by giving them valuable experience in the care of the young, and also in ensuring the survival of siblings or other close relatives. Although not specifically reported for S. bicolor, it is likely that some of this helping behavior occurs.
Parental Investment: altricial ; pre-fertilization (Protecting: Female); pre-hatching/birth (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Female); pre-weaning/fledging (Provisioning: Male, Female, Protecting: Male, Female); pre-independence (Provisioning: Male, Female, Protecting: Male, Female); post-independence association with parents; extended period of juvenile learning
Saguinus bicolor[1] a zo ur spesad primated e-touez kerentiad ar Cebidae.
En arvar emañ al loened-se.
Kavet e vez en hanternoz Brazil, en hanternoz d'ar stêr Amazon, en ur gorread strizh nepell diouzh Manaus.
Saguinus bicolor a zo ur spesad primated e-touez kerentiad ar Cebidae.
En arvar emañ al loened-se.
El tití bicolor (Saguinus bicolor) és una espècie de mico de la família dels cal·litríquids que viu al Brasil. L'espècie es concentra a la riba nord del riu Amazones, a l'est del Rio Negro i prop de Manaus.[1]
És un animal petit, d'entre 208 i 283 mil·límetres de llargada, amb una cua d'entre 335 i 420 mil·límetres i un pes mitjà de 430 grams, tant en mascles com en femelles. Es caracteritzen per tenir la cara i les orelles negres i sense pèl, fet que contrasta amb la riquesa cromàtica del seu pelatge (marró, negre o gris), que li cobreix la resta del cos. Acostumen a moure's de branca en branca a quatre potes, i acostuma també a viure en grups amb múltiples mascles i femelles, d'entre dos i vuit individus, incloent una femella dominant.[2]
El tití bicolor (Saguinus bicolor) és una espècie de mico de la família dels cal·litríquids que viu al Brasil. L'espècie es concentra a la riba nord del riu Amazones, a l'est del Rio Negro i prop de Manaus.
És un animal petit, d'entre 208 i 283 mil·límetres de llargada, amb una cua d'entre 335 i 420 mil·límetres i un pes mitjà de 430 grams, tant en mascles com en femelles. Es caracteritzen per tenir la cara i les orelles negres i sense pèl, fet que contrasta amb la riquesa cromàtica del seu pelatge (marró, negre o gris), que li cobreix la resta del cos. Acostumen a moure's de branca en branca a quatre potes, i acostuma també a viure en grups amb múltiples mascles i femelles, d'entre dos i vuit individus, incloent una femella dominant.
Der Zweifarbentamarin (Saguinus bicolor) ist eine Primatenart aus der Gattung Saguinus in der Familie der Krallenaffen (Callitrichidae). Er wird auch Manteläffchen oder Mantelaffe genannt, wobei mit Mantelaffe auch ein afrikanischer Stummelaffe bezeichnet wird.
Das Fell der Zweifarbentamarine ist an den Schultern und Armen weiß gefärbt, der übrige Körper ist braun. Der Bauch ist rötlich und die Oberseite des Schwanzes schwarz gefärbt. Auffallend ist der schwarze, unbehaarte Kopf mit den großen Ohren. Diese Tiere erreicht eine Kopfrumpflänge von 20 bis 28 Zentimetern, der Schwanz wird 33 bis 42 Zentimeter lang und das Gewicht beträgt rund 430 Gramm. Wie bei allen Krallenaffen befinden sich an den Fingern und Zehen (mit Ausnahme der Großzehe) Krallen statt Nägeln.
Zweifarbentamarine bewohnen ein kleines Gebiet im Amazonasbecken im brasilianischen Bundesstaat Amazonas. Ihr Verbreitungsgebiet liegt nördlich des Amazonas nahe der Stadt Manaus. Ihr Lebensraum sind Regenwälder, wobei sie sich häufig in dichter bewachsenen Waldrandzonen aufhalten.
Diese Primaten sind tagaktive Waldbewohner, die den Großteil ihres Lebens im Bäumen verbringen. Dabei halten sie sich meist in zehn bis zwölf Metern Höhe auf und bewegen sich auf allen vieren oder springend fort. Sie leben in Gruppen von drei bis zehn Tieren, die sich aus einem dominanten Weibchen, eventuell anderen Weibchen, einem oder mehreren Männchen sowie dem dazugehörigen Nachwuchs zusammensetzen.
Die Nahrung dieser Tiere besteht vorwiegend aus Früchten. Selten nehmen sie Insekten und Baumsäfte zu sich.
Einen Fressfeind stellt die Langschwanzkatze dar, die versucht, die Zweifarbentamarine durch das Imitieren von Affenbabyrufen anzulocken.[1]
Wie bei allen Tamarinen pflanzt sich nur das dominante Weibchen der Gruppe fort und paart sich mit allen Männchen der Gruppe, ein unter Säugetieren seltenes Phänomen, das als Polyandrie bezeichnet wird. Nach einer rund 140- bis 150-tägigen Tragzeit kommen meist Zwillinge zur Welt. Die Aufzucht des Nachwuchses obliegt vorwiegend den Männchen, sie tragen die Kinder herum und bringen sie dem Weibchen lediglich zum Säugen. Jungtiere werden mit rund zwei bis drei Monaten entwöhnt und mit rund eineinhalb Jahren geschlechtsreif.
Zweifarbentamarine haben ein sehr kleines Verbreitungsgebiet, das durch Waldrodungen immer weiter eingeschränkt wird. Gefährdend kommt hinzu, dass sie in ihrem Lebensraum immer mehr durch Rothandtamarine verdrängt werden. Die IUCN führt die Art als „stark gefährdet“ (endangered).
Der Zweifarbentamarin (Saguinus bicolor) ist eine Primatenart aus der Gattung Saguinus in der Familie der Krallenaffen (Callitrichidae). Er wird auch Manteläffchen oder Mantelaffe genannt, wobei mit Mantelaffe auch ein afrikanischer Stummelaffe bezeichnet wird.
Dewliw tamarin (Saguinus bicolor) yw sim peryllys kevys en goswik an Amazon.
The pied tamarin (Saguinus bicolor), sometimes referred to as the Brazilian bare-faced tamarin, is a Critically Endangered primate species found in a restricted area of the Brazilian Amazon Rainforest. It was named the mascot of Manaus, Brazil in 2005.[3][5] The species is endangered due to the increasing size of the city of Manaus which is encroaching on their native habitat.
A New World monkey, it is found at the city limits of Manaus, the capital of the Amazonas state of Brazil and up to 35 km to the north and 100 km to the east.[3] The main distribution is in the rio Cuieiras and rio Preto da Eva interfluvium. Pied tamarins are also found in the adjacent rio Preto da Eva and rio Urubu interfluvium, but are comparatively rare.[6] There appears to be interspecific competition between the pied tamarin and the red-handed tamarin[6] with the red-handed tamarin gradually displacing the pied tamarin from areas of its historical distribution.[7] Therefore there are multiple threats to the long-term survival of the pied tamarin that stem from habitat destruction and from interspecific competition.
The pied tamarin is found in old-growth forests, sand forest and smaller secondary forest fragments. Their density is higher in secondary forest fragments than in primary forest.[3]
The pied tamarin's body measures 20.8–28.3 cm.; including the tail it measures 33.5–42.0 cm. The tamarin has a brown lower body and a fluffy white upper body. Their face is black and hairless, the reason for its nickname: the Brazilian bare-faced tamarin.
The pied tamarin does not have nails, but instead has claws that they adapted in order to quickly scale trees in order to retrieve food or escape predators. These nails also allow the tamarin to dig into tree bark and extract sap which they then eat.[5]
Males weigh 428 grams (n = 4).[8] Its life expectancy is approximately 10 years in the wild.[9]
Individuals live in groups of 2 to 15 members with little intra-group competition. Average group size in the Reserva Florestal Adolpho Ducke is 4.8 individuals per group (n = 41),[10] and other areas around Manaus reported mean group sizes of 6.19 ± 2.62 (n = 46).[11] A tamarin group has a home range of 10-100 ha.
Tamarins are unlike most other mammals in the sense that the females are considered to be the dominant gender. In each group of individuals only one female is selected to breed and reproduce children. This individual is called the "Alpha Female" and reproduction by other females of the group is behaviorally suppressed.[12] The gestation lasts 140–170 days and mothers typically give birth to twins. Although they generally give birth to twins the fact that only one female per group can produce offspring is a major cause in their reduced population size. Young tamarins are cared for primarily by the father and turned over to the mother only to nurse; however, the entire group helps with the care of the younglings that the alpha female birthed.[5]
Tamarins are omnivorous, their diet consisting of fruit, flowers, nectar, insects, spiders, small vertebrates and bird eggs.[6] Its natural predators are small cats, birds of prey, and snakes. In urban settings like Manaus, the main predators are domestic and feral cats and dogs. Because of the destruction of its natural habitat, the species is at risk which is why the species has landed on the IUCN red list for endangered species as well as the top 25 most endangered primates list in Brazil.[13]
As of 2015, the pied tamarin is rated critically endangered by the IUCN Red List. The pied tamarin's population is expected to decline 80% by 2033 due to anthropogenic threats, competition with golden-handed tamarin (Saguinus midas) and disease. Within the Manaus area, pied tamarins are threatened by domestic and feral cats and dogs, electrocution from power lines, and the pet trade. Additionally, rural settlement and increasing livestock agriculture continue to encroach upon and degrade the pied tamarin's remaining habitat.[3]
The pied tamarin is protected in some parts of its range, such as in Sumaúma State Park (52 ha), Adolfo Ducke Forest Reserve (18,240 ha) and less than half of Puranga Conquista Sustainable Development Reserve (157,807 ha). The Centro de Instrução de Guerra na Selva (CIGS)(115,000 ha) is an important protected area for the species, however it is not a conservation area but a military jungle training facility and so the area's status is uncertain.[3] This organism is endangered due to its severe threat of species encroaching on its habitat and this will cause various issues to the ecosystem and environment.
Both European and American zoos and conservation services have pitched in financially to help out in saving the pied tamarin species.[13] While there are only two areas in the world that are protected for the tamarins, and both are under 50 hectares, the conservation efforts have allowed for the reforestation of these places and the slow and uncertain return of the tamarins native habitat.[14]
There is an established captive breeding program for the pied tamarin and an official studbook.[15] As of 2009, there are 172 pied tamarins in captivity and all are registered property of the Brazilian government.[3] Unfortunately for the tamarins, their captive breeding success rate is limited and thus it is difficult to resurrect the population artificially.[16]
The tamarins live nearby the rapidly growing city of Manaus, and as the city's area increases in size, the tamarins habitat disappears. When they can avoid the busy automobile traffic and the electric power lines, the pied tamarin reside in the small sections of forest that still remain in Manaus.[17]
Being an omnivore, the pied tamarins diet consists highly of plants. They pick up plant seeds when they eat and disperse them around their environment, thus bolstering their ecosystem.[7] They also dine on small animals, which keeps the insect and amphibian populations in check. With the declining tamarin population, the issue becomes bigger than just the primates, but now turns into an ecosystem issue. There is no way to know for certain how the loss of the pied tamarin population will affect the Amazonian ecosystem, but there almost undoubtedly will be effects.[5]
The pied tamarin (Saguinus bicolor), sometimes referred to as the Brazilian bare-faced tamarin, is a Critically Endangered primate species found in a restricted area of the Brazilian Amazon Rainforest. It was named the mascot of Manaus, Brazil in 2005. The species is endangered due to the increasing size of the city of Manaus which is encroaching on their native habitat.
El tamarino calvo (Saguinus bicolor) es un especie de primate platirrino en peligro de extinción que se encuentra en una zona restringida de la Amazonía brasileña y los límites de la ciudad de Manaus, capital de Amazonas estado de Brasil.[2][3] La distribución principal es el río Cueiras y el río Preto. Existen múltiples amenazas para el tamarino calvo como la destrucción del hábitat y la competencia interespecífica.
Los individuos viven en grupos de 2 a 15 miembros. El tamaño del grupo en la reserva Adolpho Ducke es de 4,8 individuos mientras que en alrededores de Manaus es de 6,19 individuos. La gestación dura de 140 a 170 días.
El tamarino calvo es omnívoro, su dieta consiste en frutas, flores, néctar, insectos, arañas, pequeños vertebrados y huevos de aves.
El tamarino calvo mide de 20,8 a 28,3, sin incluir la cola que mide de 33,5 a 42,0. Los machos pesan 428 gramos. Su esperanza de vida es de 10 años en su hábitat silvestre.
Sus predadores naturales son gatos, aves de rapiña y serpientes. En el entorno urbano sus predadores son los gatos domésticos y los perros callejeros.
Principales áreas protegidas fuera de Manaus:
Principales áreas protegidas en Manaus:
El tamarino calvo (Saguinus bicolor) es un especie de primate platirrino en peligro de extinción que se encuentra en una zona restringida de la Amazonía brasileña y los límites de la ciudad de Manaus, capital de Amazonas estado de Brasil. La distribución principal es el río Cueiras y el río Preto. Existen múltiples amenazas para el tamarino calvo como la destrucción del hábitat y la competencia interespecífica.
Los individuos viven en grupos de 2 a 15 miembros. El tamaño del grupo en la reserva Adolpho Ducke es de 4,8 individuos mientras que en alrededores de Manaus es de 6,19 individuos. La gestación dura de 140 a 170 días.
El tamarino calvo es omnívoro, su dieta consiste en frutas, flores, néctar, insectos, arañas, pequeños vertebrados y huevos de aves.
El tamarino calvo mide de 20,8 a 28,3, sin incluir la cola que mide de 33,5 a 42,0. Los machos pesan 428 gramos. Su esperanza de vida es de 10 años en su hábitat silvestre.
Sus predadores naturales son gatos, aves de rapiña y serpientes. En el entorno urbano sus predadores son los gatos domésticos y los perros callejeros.
Principales áreas protegidas fuera de Manaus:
Parque estatal Río negro. Refugio de vida silvestre Sauim-Castanheiras. Reserva forestal Adolpho Ducke. Reserva forestal Walter Egler.Principales áreas protegidas en Manaus:
El campus de la Universidade federal do Amazonas. La zona de amortiguación alrededor del Aeropuerto Internacional Eduardo Gomes. La zona de amortiguación alrededor del Aeropuerto Regional Ponte Pelada. Parque estatal Sumauma. Parque municipal Mindu. Club del campo SESCI.Saguinus bicolor Saguinus generoko animalia da. Primateen barruko Callitrichinae azpifamilia eta Cebidae familian sailkatuta dago
Saguinus bicolor Saguinus generoko animalia da. Primateen barruko Callitrichinae azpifamilia eta Cebidae familian sailkatuta dago
Korvatamariini (Saguinus bicolor) on uhanalainen eteläamerikkalainen apinalaji.[1]
Korvatamariinin pituus on noin 30 cm, häntä 40 cm, paino noin 400 g. Naama on musta ja paljas, korvat huomiota herättävän höröllään. Karvan väri vaihtelee mustan, hopeanharmaan ja ruskean välillä ja sen mukaan on määritetty alalajeja.
Korvatamariineja elää vain Manauksen lähistöllä Amazonin sademetsässä Brasiliassa. Ihmisen toiminta supistaa sen elinaluetta nopeasti.
Korvatamariinit syövät ennen kaikkea hedelmiä ja kukkia, lisäravintona myös hyönteisiä ja muita pieniä eläimiä. Ne elävät 2-8 yksilön ryhmissä, joita johtaa hallitseva naaras. Kaikki ryhmän jäsenet osallistuvat poikasten hoitamiseen.[2]
Korvatamariini (Saguinus bicolor) on uhanalainen eteläamerikkalainen apinalaji.
Saguinus bicolor
Le Tamarin bicolore[1] (Saguinus bicolor) est une espèce de primates de la famille des Cebidae. C'est une espèce en danger critique d'extinction et il fait partie en 2018 de la liste des 25 espèces de primates les plus menacées au monde.
Le Tamarin bicolore est aussi appelé : Tamarin pie à face nue, Pied bare-face tamarin, pied tamarin, Sauim de coleira, sagüi-morcego, sagüi-de-cara-nua au Brésil.
Le Tamarin bicolore peuple le Nord du Brésil, au nord de l’Amazone. Entre le rio Negro à l’ouest et le rio Parú do Oeste (ou le rio Urubú) à l’est, au sud jusqu’à l’Amazone, au nord jusqu’au rio Cuieiras. On le trouve à l’est jusqu’à Itacoatiara, et à 40 km au nord de Manaus. L’une des plus petites zones de répartition de tous les primates du bassin amazonien, restreinte à quelques milliers de km² le long de la basse Amazone. Son aire est grignotée par S. midas depuis que ce dernier a réussi à franchir l’une des barrières géographiques (peut-être le plateau des Guyanes) qui le séparait de S. bicolor.
Cette espèce vit dans les forêts pluviales de plaines, primaires et secondaires et même extrêmement dégradées de la région de Manaus. Elle affectionne la dense forêt secondaire riche en lianes et en plantes grimpantes. Plus rarement dans la forêt sur sable blanc (campina et campinarana), les forêts marécageuses et lisière de forêt. Elle squatte la végétation de l’hôtel Tropica à Manaus.
Le corps mesure de 20 à 28 cm, la queue de 33 à 42 cm pour un poids voisin des 430 g[2]. Il semble avoir été peint en deux couleurs, d’où son nom. Le manteau (arrière du crâne, haut du dos), les pattes avant, la gorge et la poitrine blancs se démarquent nettement du dessus de l’arrière-corps brun agouti. Le ventre est brun parsemé de chamois, le bas-ventre et l'intérieur des cuisses rouge sont rouille brillant. La queue est noirâtre dessus, rouille doré dessous. La face et le front sont nus et noirs, tout comme les grandes oreilles. La tête est aussi impressionnante que celle du Ouakari rubicond à la face nue et rouge. Cette espèce est difficile à repérer par les rapaces aériens du fait que le sol en arrière-plan est le sable blanc de la savane arborée (whitesand forest). Il ressemble au Pinché à crête blanche (S. oedipus) mais sa toison blanche à l’arrière du crâne est moins touffue et s’étend jusqu’au haut du dos.
Il est diurne et arboricole. Il se déplace du sol à la canopée au-dessus de 20 m mais préfère évoluer dans la strate intermédiaire autour de 10-12 m. Les membres dorment pelotonnés sur les branches ou parmi les lianes.
Cette espèce est Frugivore/gommivore/insectivore. Consomme une vingtaine d’espèces de petits fruits mûrs juteux dont il ne prélève que la pulpe (96 % de son temps d’alimentation), un peu de nectar, de sève et d’insectes. Le long du Rio Cuieiras (40 km de Manaus), ses fruits préférés sont ceux du Breu (Protium aracouchinni), de la myrtacée Myrcia cf. fallax et du Sorva (Couma utilis). La tête en bas, accroché par les pattes, il se régale de la mélasse des gousses ouvertes des parkias (Parkia sp.), ces fruits se développant en grappe et suspendus en plein ciel à l’extrémité des branches. Consomme également la résine d’une espèce d’arbre-du-toucan (Vochysia obcura). Prédateur pratiquant l’approche furtive, il capture ses proies sur les feuilles et les branches à toutes les strates forestières.
Sympatrique du Tamarin à mains dorées (S. midas) à l’extrême ouest de la distribution de celui-ci. Le Tamarin bicolore vit en groupe de 2 à 10 individus. Groupe multimâle-multifemelle. Polyandrie.
Les Tamarins bicolores communiquent par différents moyens :
De 12 à 20 ha.
La femelle donne naissance à deux faux jumeaux (parfois un seul), une ou deux fois par an (intervalle moyen entre chaque naissance : 6,5 mois). Tous les mâles s’occupent des petits. Le Tamarin bicolore vit jusqu'à 8 ans, dans la nature. Un peu plus en captivité.
Plusieurs zones protégées et zoos conservent Saguinus bicolor, comme la forêt d’État du Rio Urubú, Rfo. d’Adolfo Ducke, Parc municipal de Mindu et SE de Castanheira (Brésil).
Cette espèce est considéré par l'UICN en danger critique d'extinction[3], principalement du fait de la destruction de son habitat.
Le Parc zoologique de Paris détient au moins 2 spécimens de Saguinus bicolor probablement un couple qui sont présentés au public, facilement observables lors de la promenade du zoo, dans la grande serre tropicale. Ils sont maintenus dans un grand enclos fermé en compagnie de deux autres couples de petits singes (notamment Leontopithecus chrysomelas "tamarin tête de lion"). Ces derniers disposent donc d'une grande cage d'au moins 10 mètres cubes, pour le plaisir de ses pensionnaires. L'enclos est décoré de plantes naturelles, de troncs d'arbres et autres cordes. Ils ne sont pas du tout farouches et se laissent aisément observer par le public.(11/2014)
Repas au Parc Zoologique de Paris
Saguinus bicolor
Le Tamarin bicolore (Saguinus bicolor) est une espèce de primates de la famille des Cebidae. C'est une espèce en danger critique d'extinction et il fait partie en 2018 de la liste des 25 espèces de primates les plus menacées au monde.
O Saguinus bicolor é unha especie de primate platirrino en perigo de extinción que se atopa nunha zona restrinxida da Amazonía brasileira e os límites da cidade de Manaus, capital de Amazonas estado do Brasil.[2][3] A distribución principal é o río Cueiras e o río Preto. Existen múltiples ameazas para a especie, como a destrución do hábitat e a competencia interespecífica.
Os individuos viven en grupos de 2 a 15 membros. O tamaño do grupo na reserva Adolpho Ducke é de 4,8 individuos mentres que en arredores de Manaus é de 6,19 individuos. A xestación dura de 140 a 170 días.
É omnívoro, a súa dieta consiste en froitas, flores, néctar, insectos, arañas, pequenos vertebrados e ovos de aves.
Mide de 20,8 a 28,3, sen incluír a cola que mide de 33,5 a 42,0. Os machos pesan 428 gramos. A súa esperanza de vida é de 10 anos no seu hábitat silvestre.
O Saguinus bicolor é unha especie de primate platirrino en perigo de extinción que se atopa nunha zona restrinxida da Amazonía brasileira e os límites da cidade de Manaus, capital de Amazonas estado do Brasil. A distribución principal é o río Cueiras e o río Preto. Existen múltiples ameazas para a especie, como a destrución do hábitat e a competencia interespecífica.
Os individuos viven en grupos de 2 a 15 membros. O tamaño do grupo na reserva Adolpho Ducke é de 4,8 individuos mentres que en arredores de Manaus é de 6,19 individuos. A xestación dura de 140 a 170 días.
É omnívoro, a súa dieta consiste en froitas, flores, néctar, insectos, arañas, pequenos vertebrados e ovos de aves.
Mide de 20,8 a 28,3, sen incluír a cola que mide de 33,5 a 42,0. Os machos pesan 428 gramos. A súa esperanza de vida é de 10 anos no seu hábitat silvestre.
Il tamarino calvo (Saguinus bicolor Spix, 1823) è un primate platirrino della famiglia dei Cebidi.
Vive in una piccola regione a nord del Rio delle Amazzoni, nei pressi di Manaus (12 ettari, l'areale più piccolo di tutti i primati), dove preferisce le aree di foresta pluviale secondaria, ossia foresta rasa al suolo per qualche motivo (principalmente a causa di interventi umani) e ricresciuta in un secondo momento.
Misura fino a 70 cm di lunghezza, con la coda lunga fino al doppio rispetto al corpo, per un peso medio di 4 Kg.
Il pelo è bianco su collo e torso e bruno-rossiccio su basso ventre e quarto posteriore. La coda tende al nero man mano che si procede verso la punta. La faccia è nera e glabra fino alla sommità del cranio (da qui il nome comune della specie): anche le mani e le orecchie sono nere; queste ultime terminano a punta.
Le dita sono dotate di unghie appuntite e pollici non opponibili: l'unghia del pollice è larga ed appiattita.
Si tratta di animali diurni ed arboricoli: vivono in gruppi comprendenti vari maschi e femmine non imparentati in numero variabile fra due e otto individui: a capo del gruppo vi è sempre una femmina dominante. I vari membri del gruppo delimitano un proprio territorio tramite secreti della ghiandola soprapubica, che tuttavia hanno anche funzione d'interazione fra membri di uno stesso gruppo, poiché l'animale può strofinare l'area ghiandolare su un supporto anche quando è eccitato.
Più del 95% della dieta di questi animali si basa su frutti e semi di ventuno specie di piante che vivono nell'areale della specie: durante la stagione secca, quando può non esservi cibo di origine vegetale a sufficienza, la dieta viene integrata con componenti di origine animale, come insetti, ed anche occasionalmente con essudati di piante.
La riproduzione pare non seguire andamenti stagionali e si possono trovare femmine con cuccioli durante tutto l'anno: pare tuttavia esservi un picco delle nascite fra marzo e maggio. Solo la femmina dominante del gruppo può riprodursi: a tal fine essa produce feromoni che inibiscono l'ovulazione delle altre femmine. La femmina si riproduce una volta l'anno: il ciclo estrale dura due settimane.
La gestazione dura circa quattro mesi, al termine dei quali nascono solitamente due gemelli, anche se l'incidenza di parti nei quali nasce un solo cucciolo è sorprendentemente elevata (un quinto del totale). I cuccioli sono già ricoperti di pelo, tuttavia dipendono dalle cure degli adulti per sopravvivere: per le prime due settimane di vita vengono portati dalla madre, in seguito passano al padre, coadiuvato da altri membri del gruppo. Nonostante i piccoli muovano i primi passi già a tre settimane, si muovono in totale autonomia (senza dover essere trasportati dal padre) solo dopo i due mesi: ad un mese cominciano ad ingerire cibi solidi, ma lo svezzamento può dirsi completo solo una volta passato il terzo mese d'età, coi genitori che continuano ad offrire cibo ai cuccioli fino ai sei mesi. I cuccioli diventano sessualmente maturi a un anno e mezzo se femmine, a due anni se maschi.
In cattività, questi animali vivono fino a 19 anni.
Il tamarino calvo (Saguinus bicolor Spix, 1823) è un primate platirrino della famiglia dei Cebidi.
Het mantelaapje (Saguinus bicolor) is een zoogdier uit de familie van de klauwaapjes (Callitrichidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort werd voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd door Spix in 1823.
Deze 20 cm lange aap heeft een wit bovenlichaam en een bruinig tot zwart achterlijf. De bovenzijde van de armen, handen en voeten zijn net als het bovenlichaam wit. Het gezicht, de zijkanten van de kop, de wangen en de grote oren zijn onbehaard. De staartlengte bedraagt ongeveer 30 cm.
Hun voedsel bestaat zowel uit plantaardige als dierlijke kost.
De soort komt voor in streken ten noorden van de beneden-Amazone in de hogere lagen van het Zuid-Amerikaanse regenwoud.
Bronnen, noten en/of referentiesHet mantelaapje (Saguinus bicolor) is een zoogdier uit de familie van de klauwaapjes (Callitrichidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort werd voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd door Spix in 1823.
Tamaryna srokata[3], tamaryna dwubarwna[4], marykina[5] (Saguinus bicolor) – gatunek ssaka z rodziny pazurkowcowatych.
Lasy tropikalne Brazylii.
Długość ciała 23–33 cm, długość ogona 34–42 cm; masa ciała 480–600 g[6]. Długa sierść, pierś i przednie łapy białe, reszta brunatna lub żółtawobrązowa. Część twarzowa głowy pozbawiona włosów, głowa i uszy czarne.
Prowadzi dzienny tryb życia. Żyje w małych grupach rodzinnych, wszystkożerna, zjada owoce, owady, jaja ptaków i małe kręgowce. Po pięciomiesięcznej ciąży samica rodzi jedno, rzadziej dwa młode.
Tamaryna srokata, tamaryna dwubarwna, marykina (Saguinus bicolor) – gatunek ssaka z rodziny pazurkowcowatych.
O sauim-de-coleira (Saguinus bicolor) é um sagui encontrado na Amazônia brasileira, mais especificamente em partes dos município de Manaus, Rio Preto da Eva e Itacoatiara, no Amazonas. Encontra-se criticamente em perigo de extinção devido a perda e fragmentação do seu habitat, atropelamento, eletrocussão, uma vez que sua área de ocorrência é restrita e vem sendo ocupada pelo crescimento desordenado da região metropolitana de Manaus.[3]
O sauim-de-coleira (Saguinus bicolor) é um sagui encontrado na Amazônia brasileira, mais especificamente em partes dos município de Manaus, Rio Preto da Eva e Itacoatiara, no Amazonas. Encontra-se criticamente em perigo de extinção devido a perda e fragmentação do seu habitat, atropelamento, eletrocussão, uma vez que sua área de ocorrência é restrita e vem sendo ocupada pelo crescimento desordenado da região metropolitana de Manaus.
Tvåfärgad tamarin (Saguinus bicolor) är en primat i släktet tamariner som i sin tur tillhör familjen kloapor (Callitrichidae).
Pälsen har vid skuldran och fram till framfötterna en vit färg. Övriga delar av pälsen är brun. Vid buken finns en röd skugga i pälsen och övre delen av svansen är mörkare till svartaktig. Det svarta huvudet saknar hår och har påfallande stora öron. Arten når en kroppslängd mellan 20 och 28 cm och därtill kommer en 33 till 42 cm lång svans. Den genomsnittliga vikten är 430 gram. Liksom andra kloapor bär den tvåfärgade tamarinen klor vid alla fingrar och tår, enda undantaget är stortån.[2]
Arten förekommer i en mindre region i Amazonområdet i den brasilianska delstaten Amazonas. Utbredningsområdet ligger norr om Amazonfloden nära staden Manaus. Arten vistas i regnskogen och föredrar skogspartier med tät undervegetation.[1]
Tvåfärgad tamarin är aktiv på dagen och rör sig huvudsakligen på träd. Den vistas ofta tio till tolv meter över marken.[2] Arten går med fyra extremiteter över grenar eller hoppar framåt. Dessa primater bildar flockar med tre till tio individer som består av en dominant hona, ibland andra vuxna honor, en eller flera hannar samt deras ungar.[1]
Födan utgörs främst av frukter. Dessutom äter de i viss mån insekter och trädens vätskor.[2]
Liksom hos andra tamariner är det bara den dominanta honan som parar sig med alla könsmogna hannar som tillhör flocken. Dräktigheten varar i 140 till 150 dagar och sedan föds vanligen tvillingar. Ungarna uppfostras huvudsakligen av gruppens hannar. Den dominanta honan ger bara di. Ungarna avvänjas efter två till tre månader och efter ungefär 1,5 år är de könsmogna. Livslängden i fångenskap går upp till 25 år men i naturen dör de troligen tidigare.[2]
Arten har ett mycket begränsat utbredningsområde som minskar ytterligare på grund av skogsavverkningar. Dessutom undanträngs arten av den rödhandade tamarinen (Saguinus midas). IUCN listar tvåfärgad tamarin som starkt hotad (endangered).[1]
Tvåfärgad tamarin (Saguinus bicolor) är en primat i släktet tamariner som i sin tur tillhör familjen kloapor (Callitrichidae).
Khỉ sóc nhỏ,[3] danh pháp hai phần là Saguinus bicolor, là một loài động vật có vú trong họ Cebidae, bộ Linh trưởng. Loài này được Spix mô tả năm 1823.[2]
Loài này được tìm thấy trong một khu vực giới hạn trong các rừng mưa Amazon của Brasil. Loài khỉ Tân thế giới này được tìm thấy bên trong và phía Bắc của đường giới hạn thành phố Manaus, thủ phủ của bang Amazonas của Brazil. Sự phân bố chính là trong khu vực giữa sông Cuieiras và sông Preto da Eva. Chúng cũng được tìm thấy trong khu vực phụ cần gần giữa hai sông Preto da Eva và sông Urubu, nhưng tương đối hiếm.[4] Dường như có sự cạnh tranh giữa các loài với nhau giữa loài khỉ này với loài khỉ tay đỏ trong chi và loài khỉ tay đỏ đang dần dần thay thế loài này từ khu vực phân bố lịch sử của chúng.[5] Do đó, có nhiều mối đe dọa đến sự tồn tại lâu dài đối với loài khỉ này xuất phát từ sự phá hủy môi trường sống và sự cạnh tranh giữa hai loài.
Khỉ sóc nhỏ, danh pháp hai phần là Saguinus bicolor, là một loài động vật có vú trong họ Cebidae, bộ Linh trưởng. Loài này được Spix mô tả năm 1823.
Loài này được tìm thấy trong một khu vực giới hạn trong các rừng mưa Amazon của Brasil. Loài khỉ Tân thế giới này được tìm thấy bên trong và phía Bắc của đường giới hạn thành phố Manaus, thủ phủ của bang Amazonas của Brazil. Sự phân bố chính là trong khu vực giữa sông Cuieiras và sông Preto da Eva. Chúng cũng được tìm thấy trong khu vực phụ cần gần giữa hai sông Preto da Eva và sông Urubu, nhưng tương đối hiếm. Dường như có sự cạnh tranh giữa các loài với nhau giữa loài khỉ này với loài khỉ tay đỏ trong chi và loài khỉ tay đỏ đang dần dần thay thế loài này từ khu vực phân bố lịch sử của chúng. Do đó, có nhiều mối đe dọa đến sự tồn tại lâu dài đối với loài khỉ này xuất phát từ sự phá hủy môi trường sống và sự cạnh tranh giữa hai loài.
Saguinus bicolor (Spix, 1823)
Ареал Охранный статусПегий тамарин[источник не указан 169 дней] (лат. Saguinus bicolor) — вид игрунковых обезьян из рода тамаринов (Saguinus).
Приматы небольшого размера. Длина тела без хвоста составляет 20,8—28,3 см; включая хвост 33,5—42,0 см. Самцы весят в среднем 428 грамм[1]. Продолжительность жизни в дикой природе составляет до 10 лет.
Ареал лежит внутри и к северу от города Манаус (Бразилия). В основном встречаются в районе слияния рек Куэйрас и Риу-Прету-да-Эва[2]. Внутри ареала существует соперничество за ресурсы с красноруким тамарином[2], при этом краснорукий тамарин постепенно вытесняет пегого с исторических мест обитания[3].
Образует небольшие семейные группы численностью от 2 до 15 особей (в среднем 5—7)[4][5]. В группе приносит потомство только доминантная самка. Беременность длится 140—170 дней, в помёте обычно двое детёнышей. Воспитывает детёнышей в основном отец, при этом вся группа проявляет заботу о потомстве. В рационе фрукты, цветы, нектар, насекомые, пауки, мелкие позвоночные и птичьи яйца[2].
В 2008 году Международный союз охраны природы присвоил этому виду охранный статус «В опасности» (англ. Endangered). Существованию вида угрожает уничтожение среды обитания и вытеснение красноруким тамарином[6].
Пегий тамарин[источник не указан 169 дней] (лат. Saguinus bicolor) — вид игрунковых обезьян из рода тамаринов (Saguinus).
黑白花狨(Saguinus bicolor),又名黑白狨、两色柽柳猴、雙色獠狨或斑臉獠狨,是一種瀕危的靈長目,分佈在巴西亞馬遜雨林。牠們主要分佈在Cuieras河及Preto da Eva河之間,在毗連的Preto da Eva河及烏魯布河之間也有,但數量相對較少。[3]牠們與赤掌檉柳猴之間似乎存在種間競爭[3],赤掌檉柳猴逐步取代黑白花狨的分佈地。[4]加上失去棲息地,令黑白花狨的生存受到威脅。
黑白花狨(Saguinus bicolor),又名黑白狨、两色柽柳猴、雙色獠狨或斑臉獠狨,是一種瀕危的靈長目,分佈在巴西亞馬遜雨林。牠們主要分佈在Cuieras河及Preto da Eva河之間,在毗連的Preto da Eva河及烏魯布河之間也有,但數量相對較少。牠們與赤掌檉柳猴之間似乎存在種間競爭,赤掌檉柳猴逐步取代黑白花狨的分佈地。加上失去棲息地,令黑白花狨的生存受到威脅。
얼룩무늬타마린(Saguinus bicolor)은 현재 멸종위기에 있는 타마린의 일종으로 브라질의 아마존 우림과 아마조나스주의 주도인 마나우스 시 경계의 북쪽 지역에서만 제한적으로 발견되는 종이다.
몸길이는 20.8~28.3cm이며 꼬리를 포함하면 33.5~42.0cm이다. 수컷의 몸무게는 약 428g이며 야생에서의 기대수명은 약 10년이다.[4]
얼룩무늬타마린(Saguinus bicolor)은 현재 멸종위기에 있는 타마린의 일종으로 브라질의 아마존 우림과 아마조나스주의 주도인 마나우스 시 경계의 북쪽 지역에서만 제한적으로 발견되는 종이다.
몸길이는 20.8~28.3cm이며 꼬리를 포함하면 33.5~42.0cm이다. 수컷의 몸무게는 약 428g이며 야생에서의 기대수명은 약 10년이다.