Stylosant[1] (Stylosanthes) je rod rostlin z čeledi bobovité. Zahrnuje asi 40 druhů bylin a polokeřů, pocházejících zejména z tropické Ameriky a dnes rozšířených v teplých oblastech celého světa. Stylosanty mají trojčetné listy a žluté nebo oranžové motýlovité květy. V některých oblastech světa jsou to důležité pícniny, dobře snášející sucho.
Stylosanty jsou vytrvalé, přímé nebo poléhavé, beztrnné byliny až polokeře. Listy jsou zpeřeně trojčetné, složené z téměř přisedlých lístků. Palisty jsou vytrvalé, přirostlé k bázi řapíku. Květy jsou drobné, motýlovité, uspořádané v chudých úžlabních nebo vrcholových klasech, někdy i jednokvětých. Kalich je trubkovitý, zakončený 5 laloky, s jedním lalokem úzkým a samostatným a 4 laloky srostlými. Koruna je žlutá až oranžová, s okrouhlou pavézou a kratšími křídly a člunkem. Tyčinek je 10 a jsou jednobratré. Semeník je čárkovitý, téměř přisedlý a obsahuje 2 až 3 vajíčka. Čnělka je tenká a přímá, nesoucí velmi drobnou vrcholovou bliznu. Plodem je drobný, plochý, nepukavý struk složený většinou ze 2 článků, z nichž koncový bývá plodný a spodní je buď plodný nebo zakrnělý a sterilní. Semena jsou zploštělá, vejcovitá až ledvinovitá.[2][3]
Rod stylosant zahrnuje 41 druhů. Většina druhů se vyskytuje v tropické Americe. Centrum druhové diverzity je v Jižní Americe, zejména v Brazílii. V tropech Starého světa roste pouze několik původních druhů, vyskytujících se v Africe, Madagaskaru, Indii, jihovýchodní Asii i Nvé Guineji.[4] V USA se vyskytuje S. biflora a zasahují sem druhy S. viscosa, S. calcicola a S. guianensis. Některé druhy stylosantu byly zavlečeny do tropů celého světa včetně Austrálie, zejména S. guianensis a S. humilis.[4][5] V Evropě není tento rod zastoupen.[6]
Stylosanty rostou na různých stanovištích od tropů po teplé oblasti mírného pásu. Vyskytují se zejména v oblastech se sezónním obdobím sucha. Rostou na písčitých či kamenitých půdách, v lesích, křovinách i travnatých pláních, podél řek, v příkopech a na starých obdělávaných půdách.[5]
Stylosanty patří v některých oblastech světa mezi důležité pícniny, snášející i sucho. Využívají se také jako zelené hnojení, krycí rostliny na plantážích a podobně.[5][7]
Stylosant (Stylosanthes) je rod rostlin z čeledi bobovité. Zahrnuje asi 40 druhů bylin a polokeřů, pocházejících zejména z tropické Ameriky a dnes rozšířených v teplých oblastech celého světa. Stylosanty mají trojčetné listy a žluté nebo oranžové motýlovité květy. V některých oblastech světa jsou to důležité pícniny, dobře snášející sucho.
Stylosanthes is a genus of flowering plants in the legume family, Fabaceae and contains numerous highly important pasture and forage species. It was recently assigned to the informal monophyletic Pterocarpus clade of the Dalbergieae.[1][2] The common name pencilflower is sometimes used for plants in this genus.[3]
The genus is characterised by trifoliate leaves and small yellow flowers [4] Species may be annual or perennial and morphology varies between species as well as within species in response to grazing pressure. Some species such as S. scabra grow as a low woody shrub to 1.5 m, while others such as S. humilis will grow as a herbaceous shrub but can adopt a prostrate growth form and thrive under high grazing pressure.[5]
Taxonomy of the genus remains unsettled and controversial, with various authors favouring between 25 and 42 species, with at least 40 additional synonyms.[6] The taxonomy is complicated by the existence of numerous natural tetraploid and hybrid populations.[7] Species within the genus fall within two subgenera: Styposanthes and Stylosanthes. Styposanthes possess a small rudimentary secondary floral axis, which is absent from Stylosanthes.[8] Stylosanthes is closely related to the peanut genus Arachis.[6]
All except two species of the genus are native to the Americas. S. fruticosa has a native range that extends from South Africa to Ethiopia, across Arabian Peninsula to Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka[9] and S. erecta is endemic to Tropical Africa, from Tanzania to Senegal.[10] The putative species S. sundaica, has a range that encompasses Malesia but is considered by most authors to be an adventive polypoliod variety of S. humilis.[9] Ecological range extends from savanna and thorn scrub to tropical forest and montane forests.[6]
The following species are accepted:[11]
Species within the genus have many properties that make them valuable forage species. They are capable of nitrogen fixation and are capable of improving soil fertility in addition to providing high protein stock feed.[12] The genus is also noted for its ability to extract phosphorus from soils where it is not available to other species.[13] Seeds are hard and long lived leading to high soil seed banks and rapid recovery following fire or heavy grazing. Seed survives passage through the gut of grazing animals and is dispersed widely in this manner allowing for rapid dispersal.[5] Many species are adapted to hot, dry climates and are drought resistant.[14]
These traits have made the genus the world’s most widely used tropical pasture legume.[14] Stylosanthes has been introduced across the tropical world as a pasture species. Its most important use has been in Australia where over a million hectares of primarily native pasture have been oversown with Stylosanthes species; primarily S. hamata, S. scabra and S. humilis [15] This can lead to a ten-fold increase in productivity, though 2–3 fold increases are normal.[5] Stylosanthes are the most important forage legumes in South America[16] and the most important pasture legumes of tropical India.[17] Stylosanthes are also important forage species in tropical Africa.[5]
Stylosanthes are important green manure species in West and Central Africa, primarily S. guianensis and S. hamata, and species are planted and harvested for commercial leaf meal production for poultry and pig feed in China and India. The genus has also been used as a nitrogen input into low input or organic cropping systems. Species are used as fallow species in Peru, Africa and Australia. S. hamata used for intercropping with grain crops in India and Africa with yield increases up to 25%.[5]
Stylosanthes species have been used for land reclamation, soil stabilization and soil regeneration work because of their drought resistance, ability to restore soil fertility, improve soil physical properties and provide permanent vegetation cover.[17][18][19][20]
Despite their ability to dramatically improve productivity in grazing lands, Stylosanthes can also cause problems. Stylosanthes can dominate pasture at the expense of grass which can lead to problems because the plants provides less protection from erosion than grass.[5] Stylosanthes dominance can also lead to soil acidification, as soil nitrate levels build up and are then leached down the soil profile.[21] Stylosanthes species are considered invasive species and environmental weeds in Australia, Taiwan, the Pacific Islands and Hawaii.[6] Many Stylosanthes species are susceptible to anthracnose fungus (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) which retards growth and seed development,[5] and this had led to numerous commercial cultivars being abandoned.
Stylosanthes is a genus of flowering plants in the legume family, Fabaceae and contains numerous highly important pasture and forage species. It was recently assigned to the informal monophyletic Pterocarpus clade of the Dalbergieae. The common name pencilflower is sometimes used for plants in this genus.
Stylosanthes es un género de plantas fanerógamas con 110 especies perteneciente a la familia Fabaceae. A pesar de ser leguminosa es acidófila.
Stylosanthes es un género de plantas fanerógamas con 110 especies perteneciente a la familia Fabaceae. A pesar de ser leguminosa es acidófila.
Stylosanthes est un genre de plantes qui fait partie de la famille des Fabaceae. Il regroupe environ 110 espèces.
Selon ITIS :
Stylosanthes est un genre de plantes qui fait partie de la famille des Fabaceae. Il regroupe environ 110 espèces.
Stylosanthes is een geslacht uit de vlinderbloemenfamilie (Fabaceae). De soorten uit het geslacht komen voor op het Amerikaanse contient. Twee soorten komen elders voor, de soort Stylosanthes fruticosa van Zuid-Afrika tot in Ethiopië en op het Arabisch schiereiland tot in Pakistan, India en Sri Lanka en de soort Stylosanthes erecta in tropisch Afrika, van Tanzania tot in Senegal.
Stylosanthes is een geslacht uit de vlinderbloemenfamilie (Fabaceae). De soorten uit het geslacht komen voor op het Amerikaanse contient. Twee soorten komen elders voor, de soort Stylosanthes fruticosa van Zuid-Afrika tot in Ethiopië en op het Arabisch schiereiland tot in Pakistan, India en Sri Lanka en de soort Stylosanthes erecta in tropisch Afrika, van Tanzania tot in Senegal.
Stylosanthes, ou estilosantes, é um género botânico pertencente à família Fabaceae.
A pesquisa com estilosantes no Brasil acontece desde a década de 70 e após tanto tempo de pesquisas ele desponta como um excelente recurso forrageiro para ser plantando em consorciamento com gramíneas, fixando nitrogênio no solo e oferecendo um material vegetal com altos teores de proteína a animais ruminantes, acrescendo valores de ganhos na faixa dos 20 até 50% em rebanhos para corte ou produção de leite a depender do caso, acrescentando a isto a recuperação de pastagens degradadas oferececidas por estas plantas. Vem se descobrindo também que o uso do estilosantes com outras culturas também apresenta vantagens, não só pela fixação de nitrogênio, mas pela redução do número de nematoides que atacam as raízes destas culturas.[1][2][3][4]
As variedades que estão disponíveis comercialmente para uso no Brasil são as seguintes:
Em plantio consorciado não é recomendado o uso de estilosantes com gramíneas no valor acima de 50%, o recomendado é entre 20 e 50% do pasto ser composto destas leguminosas, pois o consumo excessivo ocorrerá a formação de fitobezoares que são bolas densas de massa vegetal que se formam no estômago de ruminantes que podem causar obstrução intestinal levando o animal a óbito. Também é necessário o manejo certo dos animais, pois se não haver o trato cultural adequado ela pode acabar sendo abafada pela gramínea consorciada durante a sua implementação, ou devorada pelos animais antes de se fixar no pasto ou até mesmo virando uma praga se deixada "a vontade".[13][14]
at position 41 (ajuda); |nome1=
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em Authors list (ajuda) Stylosanthes là một chi thực vật có hoa thuộc họ Fabaceae. Nó thuộc phân họ Faboideae.
Stylosanthes là một chi thực vật có hoa thuộc họ Fabaceae. Nó thuộc phân họ Faboideae.