Description of Thelohania
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Monomorphic, diplokaryotic and monokaryotic, probably involving meiosis in sporogony; merogony - in hemolymph, uninucleate meronts divide rapidly, in muscle, meronts are diplokaryotic; spores, 5.0 x 4.0 µm, are ovoid and uninucleate; exospore appears as two dense membranes overlain by an amorphous layer from which episporontal filaments arise; endospore grades from a lucent inner layer into a moderately dense external region; polaroplast with anterior lamellar region and posterior vesicular region; polar tube is isofilar, with 17 - 19 coils in two layers; type species T. giardi Henneguy, 1892 in haemolymph and abdominal muscle of Crangon vulgaris (Decapoda, Crangonidae); infected muscles become milky white.