Cheilanthoideae is one of the five subfamilies of the fern family Pteridaceae.[1][2] The subfamily is thought to be monophyletic, but some of the genera into which it has been divided are not, and the taxonomic status of many of its genera and species remains uncertain, with radically different approaches in use as of December 2019.
The following phylogram shows a likely relationship between Cheilanthoideae and the other Pteridaceae subfamilies.[3]
PteridaceaeParkerioideae (syn. Ceratopteridoideae)
Although subfamily Cheilanthoideae itself is thought to be monophyletic, many of the genera into which it has been divided (including Cheilanthes, Doryopteris, Notholaena, and Pellaea) have been shown to be polyphyletic.[4]
The division of the subfamily Cheilanthoideae into genera and species remains uncertain as of December 2019. Christenhusz et al. (2011), the Pteridophyte Phylogeny Group classification of 2016 (PPG I), and the November 2019 version of the Checklist of Ferns and Lycophytes of the World (World Ferns 8.11) agree on the following genera:[1][2][5]
Some other genera that have been included in the subfamily (or split off from genera included in the subfamily) are:[1][2][5]
Other sources take a radically different approach. As of December 2019, Plants of the World Online places all of the possible genera of the Cheilanthoideae in the single genus Hemionitis.[7] (Parahemionitis is treated as a synonym of Acrostichum,[8] a member of a different subfamily.)
While much work remains to be done in delineating monophyletic genera in the cheilanthoids (Cheilanthes, Doryopteris and Pellaea remaining notably polyphyletic), several major clades have been consistently recovered in phylogenetic analyses and given informal names, as shown here:
cheilanthoids "ludens clade" bommeriids "skinneri clade"Cheilanthes skinneri and relatives
myriopterids pellaeidsArgyrochosma, Astrolepis, Paragymnopteris, and Pellaea
notholaenidsCheilanthes leucopoda, Cheiloplecton, Notholaena
hemionitidsAdiantopsis, Aleuritopteris, Aspidotis, Cheilanthes, Doryopteris, Gaga, Hemionitis, Lytoneuron, Mickelopteris, Oeosporangium, Ormopteris, Pentagramma, Trachypteris
Cheilanthoideae is one of the five subfamilies of the fern family Pteridaceae. The subfamily is thought to be monophyletic, but some of the genera into which it has been divided are not, and the taxonomic status of many of its genera and species remains uncertain, with radically different approaches in use as of December 2019.
Cheilanthoideae es una de las cinco subfamilias de la familia de helechos Pteridaceae. Esta subfamilia contiene 20 géneros y 400 especies.[1][2][3]
El siguiente diograma, muestra la relación entre Cheilanthoideae y las otras subfamilias de Pteridaceae.[2]
Cheilanthoideae es una de las cinco subfamilias de la familia de helechos Pteridaceae. Esta subfamilia contiene 20 géneros y 400 especies.
Cheilanthoideae is een onderfamilie binnen de lintvarenfamilie (Pteridaceae), een familie van varens met twaalf geslachten en ongeveer 300 soorten.
Het is een wereldwijd verspreidde groep van temporeel xerofyte (aan droogte aangepaste) varens, met slechts enkele vertegenwoordigers in het zuiden van Europa
De botanische naam Cheilanthoideae is ontleend aan het geslacht Cheilanthes.
De onderfamilie zoals beschreven door Smith et al. (2006) omvat 14 geslachten met ongeveer 300 soorten. Ondertussen worden regelmatig nieuwe geslachten beschreven, meestal afgescheiden van Cheilanthes:
Cheilanthoideae is een onderfamilie binnen de lintvarenfamilie (Pteridaceae), een familie van varens met twaalf geslachten en ongeveer 300 soorten.
Het is een wereldwijd verspreidde groep van temporeel xerofyte (aan droogte aangepaste) varens, met slechts enkele vertegenwoordigers in het zuiden van Europa