Imagem de Fragaria chiloensis (L.) Duchesne
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Fragaria chiloensis (L.) Duchesne

Comprehensive Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por North American Flora
Fragaria chiloensis (I,.) Duchesne, Hist. Nat. Frais. 165. 1766
Fragaria vesca chiloensis L. Sp. PI. 495. 1753.
Fragaria chilensis Molina, Sagg. Chile 134. 1784.
Fragaria grossa Salisb. Prodr. 363. 1796.
Fragaria sericea Dougl.; Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. 1 : 185, as a synonym. 1832.
Fragaria bonariensis Pers. Syn. PI. 2 : 53. 1806.
Fragaria chilensis /3 Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. 1 : 185. 1832.
Fragaria chilensis Scouleri S. Wats. Bibl. Ind. 282. 1878.
Fragaria chiloensis Scouleri Rydb. Mem. Dep. Bot. Columbia Univ. 2 : 170. 1898.
Rootstock short and thick, crowned with rather numerous leaves and large scarious brown stipules 1-2 cm. long ; petioles 2-20 cm. long, stout, brownish, rather densely silky, with ascending, in age spreading, hairs ; leaflets very thick and coriaceous, brownish when mature, slightly silky above when young, but perfectly glabrous in age, strongly nerved and reticulate, densely silky-strigose and finely tomentulose beneath; the terminal one evidently petiolulate, broadly obovate, truncate, subobcordate or sometimes rounded at the apex and crenate above the middle, with the terminal tooth generally much smaller, 2-5 cm. long ; the lateral ones similar but somewhat smaller, short-petiolulate or subsessile and very oblique at the base ; runners strong, but usually short ; scape always densely silkystrigose, in the common form usually low, less than 1 dm. high, branched near the base and not leafy-bracted, in the var. Scouleri 1-3 dm. long and overtopping the leaves ; bracts more or less scarious and pinkish; flowers usually 2-3.5 cm. in diameter; hypanthium, sepals, and bractlets silky-strigose ; bractlets and sepals oblong or lanceolate, acute or mucronate ; petals broadly obovate, exceeding the sepals by about a half ; fruit hemispheric, 1.5-2 cm. in diameter, quite hairy; achenes nearly superficial, set in shallow pits.
Type locality : Conception, Chile.
Distribution: From Alaska to California, and in South America from Peru to Patagonia; also on the Sandwich Islands, and cultivated in many parts of the world.
citação bibliográfica
Per Axel Rydberg. 1908. ROSACEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 22(4). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora