
Associations ( Inglês )

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Foodplant / gall
Albugo causes gall of stem of Brassicaceae

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Albugo (fong) ( Catalão; Valenciano )

fornecido por wikipedia CA

Albugo, Gènere de ficomicets paràsits. Es destaca l'espècie Albugo candida, agent causal de la malaltia coneguda comunament com a rovell blanc,un paràsit deformador de crucíferes (cols, violers, etc.). Albugo laibachii és un paràsit del gènere Arabidopsis.

Albugo és l'únic gènere dins la família Albuginàcia (Albuginaceae).


Causa deformacions i úlceres en les plantes. Es presenten en forma d'ampolles blanques a la cara superior dels fulls i pústules eflorescents blanques a la cara inferior. Es desenvolupa formant conidiòfors que travessen els teixits de l'hoste formant cadenes de cèl·lules esfèriques plurinucleades.

En les crucíferes els fulls envaïts groguegen pel feix i després presenten taques brunes; en el revés es produeixen ampolles que, en trencar-se, desprenen un pols blanc farinós. Els fulls molt afectats s'assequen i cauen.

Espècies atacades

És un paràsit obligat que causa malalties en Brassicaceae, Convolvulaceae i altres famílies. Infecta espècies conreades com la col de cabdell i la col.


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Albugo (fong): Brief Summary ( Catalão; Valenciano )

fornecido por wikipedia CA

Albugo, Gènere de ficomicets paràsits. Es destaca l'espècie Albugo candida, agent causal de la malaltia coneguda comunament com a rovell blanc,un paràsit deformador de crucíferes (cols, violers, etc.). Albugo laibachii és un paràsit del gènere Arabidopsis.

Albugo és l'únic gènere dins la família Albuginàcia (Albuginaceae).

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Albugo ( Frísio do Norte )

fornecido por wikipedia emerging languages
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Albugo: Brief Summary ( Frísio do Norte )

fornecido por wikipedia emerging languages

Albugo as en skööl faan Oomycota (Aiswaampen). Det san parasiiten, diar plaanten uungrip.

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Albugo ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Albugo is a genus of plant-parasitic oomycetes. Those are not true fungi (Eumycota), although many discussions of this organism still treat it as a fungus. The taxonomy of this genus is incomplete, but several species are plant pathogens. Albugo is one of three genera currently described in the family Albuginaceae, the taxonomy of many species is still in flux.

This organism causes white rust or white blister diseases in above-ground plant tissues. While these organisms affect many types of plants, the destructive aspect of infection is limited to a few agricultural crops, including: beets (garden and sugar), Brussels sprouts, cabbages, Chinese cabbage, cauliflower, collards, garden cress, kale, lettuce, mustards, parsnip, radish, horseradish, rapeseed, salsify (black or white), spinach, sweet potatoes, turnips, watercress, and perhaps water-spinach.[2]


White rust plant diseases caused by Albugo fungal-like pathogens should not be confused with white pine blister rust, Chrysanthemum white rust or any fungal rusts, all of which are also plant diseases but have completely different symptoms and causal pathogens. Symptoms of white rust caused by Albugo typically include yellow lesions on the upper leaf surface and white pustules on the underside of the leaf. The pathogen is spread by wind, water, and insects. Management includes use of resistant cultivars, proper irrigation practices, crop rotation, sanitation, and chemical control. White rust is an important economic disease, causing severe crop losses if not controlled.

Hosts and symptoms

White rust pathogens create chlorotic (yellowed) lesions and sometimes galls on the upper leaf surface and there are corresponding white blister-like dispersal pustules of sporangia on the underside of the leaf. Species of the Albuginaceae deform the branches and flower parts of many host species. Host species include most if not all plants in the family Brassicaceae, common agricultural weeds, and those specified below.[2]

White rust symptoms on a sunflower leaf.
White rust symptoms on a sunflower leaf Pustula helianthicola.

Disease cycle

White rust is an obligate parasite. This means it needs a living host to grow and reproduce. The Albuginaceae reproduce by producing both sexual spores (called oospores) and asexual spores (called sporangia) in a many-stage (polycyclic) disease cycle.

The thick-walled oospores are the main overwintering structures, but the mycelium can also survive in conditions where all the plant material is not destroyed during the winter. In the spring the oospores germinate and produce sporangia on short stalks called sporangiophores that become so tightly packed within the leaf that they rupture the epidermis and are consequently spread by the wind. The liberated sporangia in turn can either germinate directly with a germ tube or begin to produce biflagellate motile zoospores. These zoospores then swim in a film of water to a suitable site and each one produces a germ tube - like that of the sporangium - that penetrates the stoma. When the oomycete has successfully invaded the host plant, it grows and continues to reproduce.


Favorable conditions for the dispersal and consequent infection of white rust from diseased to healthy plants are most common in the autumn and spring seasons. This pathogen prefers cool, moist conditions for the spread and formation of new infections. Conversely, it rarely infects in warm, dry conditions. Albugo is very temperature sensitive, with the optimal temperature range for infection between 55 and 77 °F (13 and 25 °C). The likelihood of germination and infection is considerably lower if temperatures deviate too far outside this optimum range.[2]

Light rain or irrigation lasting for extended periods of time is also ideal for disease development. Leaf surfaces need to remain wet for at least 2 to 3 hours to ensure infection by the pathogen. White rust ranges worldwide and is able to survive varying weather conditions due to its production of multiple spore types.[2]


Controlling white rust is very difficult due to the nature of the Albugo pathogen. The method of control is tailored to specific crops and production systems. This is why identification of specific hosts (crops and possible weeds) is necessary to determine range and location of control methods.

Albugo proliferates in wet and moist conditions so movement through infected fields should be limited after spore maturation in these conditions to limit spread. Minimizing irrigation in cool and moist seasons as well as eliminating windbreaks to allow faster leaf drying can be beneficial. When infection is recognized, systemically infected plant material (including culled crops) should be completely removed and destroyed. Fields should be inspected every 7–14 days to remove additional material and monitor spread. On root crops, infected leaf removal either by mowing or plowing prior to harvest will limit the spread of the pathogen during harvest. Any susceptible plants or weeds should be mowed or eliminated to reduce spread.[2]

Both conventional and organic fungicides are available and could be used to limit spread and yield losses during the spring, early summer and fall on crops and susceptible neighboring plants. Each of the 17 specific races of the white rust pathogen affects different plants so monitoring is essential as much as possible to limit overuse and cost of fungicide treatments. Common OMRI fungicides include sulphur, copper oxide, rosemary oil, and azadirachtin products.[3] Common conventional fungicides include mefenoxam and fosetyl-aluminum products.[4]

There are some resistant and partially resistant varieties which are necessary in landscapes where white rust is present. Long-term white rust persistence in fields is not an issue with all crops or in all states; however, non-susceptible crop rotation in infected fields for at least three years is widely recommended to limit establishment and wider dispersal of this pathogen from plant debris, soil, and perennial root material. This pathogen can eliminate viable production of susceptible crops in specific fields indefinitely if infection is widespread over many years.[2]


White rust can be a devastating disease on many important agricultural crops throughout the world. Seventeen races of white rust have been identified worldwide, each with a high level of host specificity. White rust is an economically important foliar disease, causing substantial yield losses and eventual death of various crops. Yield losses of up to 20 percent have been recorded in canola fields, and white rust is considered the most important foliar disease of Brassicaceae species in Australia.[5]

See also


  1. ^ "Albugo". NCBI taxonomy. Bethesda, MD: National Center for Biotechnology Information. Retrieved 5 September 2018.
  2. ^ a b c d e f "White Rusts of Vegetables" Archived 2013-12-28 at the Wayback Machine (PDF), RPD No. 960, Univ. of Illinois Extension, uiuc.edu, September 1990.
  3. ^ "Biorationals - Ecological Pest Management Database - ATTRA - National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service". attra.ncat.org. Retrieved 5 September 2018.
  4. ^ "UC IPM: UC Management Guidelines for white rust on Cole Crops" (r108101411), ipm.ucdavis.edu, November 2008. Retrieved on 2012-11-02.
  5. ^ "Diseases — Canola". www.canola.okstate.edu. Retrieved 5 September 2018.

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wikipedia EN

Albugo: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Albugo is a genus of plant-parasitic oomycetes. Those are not true fungi (Eumycota), although many discussions of this organism still treat it as a fungus. The taxonomy of this genus is incomplete, but several species are plant pathogens. Albugo is one of three genera currently described in the family Albuginaceae, the taxonomy of many species is still in flux.

This organism causes white rust or white blister diseases in above-ground plant tissues. While these organisms affect many types of plants, the destructive aspect of infection is limited to a few agricultural crops, including: beets (garden and sugar), Brussels sprouts, cabbages, Chinese cabbage, cauliflower, collards, garden cress, kale, lettuce, mustards, parsnip, radish, horseradish, rapeseed, salsify (black or white), spinach, sweet potatoes, turnips, watercress, and perhaps water-spinach.

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Albugo ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

Albugo, género de pseudohongos fitopatógeno biótrofos de la familia Albuginaceae.

Se puede destacar la especie Albugo candida, agente causal de la enfermedad conocida comúnmente como roya blanca de las crucíferas.


Causa deformaciones y úlceras en las plantas. Se presentan en forma de ampollas blancas en la cara superior de las hojas y pústulas eflorescentes blancas en la cara inferior. Se desarrolla formando conidióforos que atraviesan los tejidos del hospedador formando cadenitas de células esféricas plurinucleadas. En las cruciferas las hojas invadidas amarillean por el haz y luego presentan manchas pardas; en el envés se producen ampollas que, al romperse, desprenden un polvillo blanco harinoso. Las hojas muy afectadas se secan y caen.

Especies atacadas

Es un parásito obligado que causa enfermedades en Brassicaceae, Convolvulaceae y otras familias. Infecta especies cultivadas como el repollo y la col.


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wikipedia ES

Albugo: Brief Summary ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

Albugo, género de pseudohongos fitopatógeno biótrofos de la familia Albuginaceae.

Se puede destacar la especie Albugo candida, agente causal de la enfermedad conocida comúnmente como roya blanca de las crucíferas.

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wikipedia ES

Albugo ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Albugo est un genre de « pseudochampignons » oomycètes de la famille des Albuginaceae. La taxinomie de ce genre est incomplète, mais plusieurs espèces sont des agents pathogènes des plantes. Albugo est l'un des trois genres actuellement décrits dans la famille des Albuginaceae, la taxinomie de nombreuses espèces étant toujours en débat.

Cet organisme provoque des rouilles blanches ou des rouilles vésiculeuses dans les parties aériennes des végétaux. Bien que la gamme d'hôtes soit très vaste, les dégâts liés à cette infection ne sont significatifs que chez quelques espèces cultivées, dont betterave (potagère et sucrière), chou de Bruxelles, chou, chou chinois, chou-fleur, cresson, laitue, moutarde, panais, radis, raifort, colza, salsifis (noir ou blanc), épinard, patate douce, navet, etc.



Selon Index Fungorum (30 juillet 2014)[2] :

  • Cystopus Lév. 1847,
  • Uredo sect. Albugo Pers. 1801.

Liste d'espèces

Selon Index Fungorum (30 juillet 2014)[2] :

Selon ITIS (30 juillet 2014)[1] :

Liste des espèces et non-classés

Selon NCBI (30 juillet 2014)[3] :

Notes et références

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wikipedia FR

Albugo: Brief Summary ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Albugo est un genre de « pseudochampignons » oomycètes de la famille des Albuginaceae. La taxinomie de ce genre est incomplète, mais plusieurs espèces sont des agents pathogènes des plantes. Albugo est l'un des trois genres actuellement décrits dans la famille des Albuginaceae, la taxinomie de nombreuses espèces étant toujours en débat.

Cet organisme provoque des rouilles blanches ou des rouilles vésiculeuses dans les parties aériennes des végétaux. Bien que la gamme d'hôtes soit très vaste, les dégâts liés à cette infection ne sont significatifs que chez quelques espèces cultivées, dont betterave (potagère et sucrière), chou de Bruxelles, chou, chou chinois, chou-fleur, cresson, laitue, moutarde, panais, radis, raifort, colza, salsifis (noir ou blanc), épinard, patate douce, navet, etc.

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wikipedia FR

Albugo ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT

Albugo è un genere di protisti appartenenti alla famiglia delle Albuginaceae. Comprende molte specie parassite di piante.


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wikipedia IT

Albugo: Brief Summary ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT

Albugo è un genere di protisti appartenenti alla famiglia delle Albuginaceae. Comprende molte specie parassite di piante.

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wikipedia IT

Альбуго ( Russo )

fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию
Группа: SAR
Группа: Страменопилы
Отдел: Oomycota Arx, 1967
Класс: Оомицеты
Семейство: Альбуговые
Род: Альбуго
Международное научное название

Albugo (Pers.) Roussel, 1806

на Викискладе
ITIS 181474NCBI 65356EOL 16393MB 20015

Альбуго[1] (лат. Albugo) — род мицелиальных организмов семейства альбуговых (Albuginaceae) паразитирующих на многих травянистых растениях, включая некоторые овощные культуры, например: шпинат и капусту. Вызывают фитопатологию надземных органов растений, называемую «белая ржавчина»[2]. Известно более 60[3] видов и разновидностей, распространённых во многих районах мира.

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Альбуго: Brief Summary ( Russo )

fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию

Альбуго (лат. Albugo) — род мицелиальных организмов семейства альбуговых (Albuginaceae) паразитирующих на многих травянистых растениях, включая некоторые овощные культуры, например: шпинат и капусту. Вызывают фитопатологию надземных органов растений, называемую «белая ржавчина». Известно более 60 видов и разновидностей, распространённых во многих районах мира.

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Авторы и редакторы Википедии

白銹菌屬 ( Chinês )

fornecido por wikipedia 中文维基百科




本屬物種有特化不分枝的短桿狀孢子囊梗(sporangiophores),孢子囊梗之孢子在不同時間成熟,孢子囊會脫落。孢子形成方式為頂生(percurrent proliferation),即從菌絲(孢子囊梗)頂端不斷「擠」出孢子,孢子成串,越下面的孢子越年輕。




White rust symptoms on a sunflower leaf.


白銹病菌行絕對寄生英语Obligate parasite,需要活的宿主才能生長和繁殖。其生活史具有許多階段,可產生有性孢子(卵孢子英语Oospore)與無性孢子(孢子囊孢子)。

厚壁的卵孢子是主要的休眠/度冬結構,但若植物組織未被冬天的低溫破壞,菌絲體仍可存活。春天時,卵孢子萌發長出孢子囊梗上,並在其上產生孢子囊,孢子囊在葉中大量產生,緊密擠壓葉的組織而壓破、突出表皮,並藉由風力將孢子傳播出去。孢子釋放後,可長出發芽管英语germ tube直接萌發,或是萌發長出雙鞭毛的游動孢子英语Zoospore。這些游動孢子藉著水游動到適合的地方,鞭毛脫落、透過附著器(appressorium)黏附植物表面,並產生發芽管,穿透氣孔侵入植物組織,繼續下一輪的生長和繁殖。





由白銹病菌這種類似真菌的病原菌所引起的植物白銹病菌,不能和松疱銹病英语Cronartium ribicola菊花白銹病英语Chrysanthemum white rust以及任一種其他真菌銹病英语Rust (fungus)混淆,以上疾病也都是植物疾病,卻是完全不同的病原體造成,也有不同病徵。典型的白銹病病徵包括葉面的表面產生黃色病變,葉背則有白色膿皰。此病原菌藉由風、水或昆蟲傳播。防治方法包括有種植抗病品種、培養正確灌溉習慣、輪作、衛生以及化學藥劑控制。白銹病是重要的經濟作物疾病,若沒有加以控制會造成嚴重的農作損失。


  1. ^ Albugo (HTML). NCBI taxonomy. Bethesda, MD: National Center for Biotechnology Information. [5 September 2018] (英语).
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 "White Rusts of Vegetables" (PDF), RPD No. 960, Univ. of Illinois Extension, uiuc.edu, September 1990.
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wikipedia 中文维基百科

白銹菌屬: Brief Summary ( Chinês )

fornecido por wikipedia 中文维基百科



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흰녹균속 ( Coreano )

fornecido por wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

흰녹균속 또는 흰녹가루병균속(Albugo)은 난균류 속의 하나이다.[1] 진균류(眞菌類, Eumycota/Eumycetes)가 아니다. 일부는 흰녹균과(Albuginaceae)를 노균목에 포함시켜 분류하기도 한다. Albugo candida배추과 식물에 흰녹가루병(또는 백수병(白銹病))을 일으킨다.

하위 종


  1. “Albugo”. 《NCBI taxonomy》 (영어). Bethesda, MD: National Center for Biotechnology Information. 2020년 10월 5일에 확인함.
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Wikipedia 작가 및 편집자

흰녹균속: Brief Summary ( Coreano )

fornecido por wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

흰녹균속 또는 흰녹가루병균속(Albugo)은 난균류 속의 하나이다. 진균류(眞菌類, Eumycota/Eumycetes)가 아니다. 일부는 흰녹균과(Albuginaceae)를 노균목에 포함시켜 분류하기도 한다. Albugo candida는 배추과 식물에 흰녹가루병(또는 백수병(白銹病))을 일으킨다.

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