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Brevipalpus filifolia Baker, Tuttle & Abbatiello 1975

Comprehensive Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Brevipalpus filifolia

The broadly spatulate, barely serrate, dorsal body setae of the female and nymph are distinctive.

FEMALE.—Rostrum long, slender, reaching nearly to end of femur I; palpus with two distal setae; rostral shield with little ornamentation. Tarsus II with one solenidion; tarsal claws strongly uncinate; dorsal femoral setae strong, lanceolate and with weak serrations; genual setae similar. Propodosomal pattern of strong reticulations covering mediodorsal area; elongate in mediolateral groove area; setae similar to those of femora. Hysterosomal reticulate pattern entire dorsocentrally and transverse posterior to second pair of hysterosomal setae; hysterosomal setae similar to propodosomal setae; with six pairs of marginal setae. Genital plate with transverse striae; ventral plate with transverse pattern of areolae; area between metapodosomal setae punctate. Length of body including rostrum 332μm; width 127μm.

NYMPH I.—Rostrum broad, short. Dorsal body setae broadly ovate and with faint serrations.

HOLOTYPE.—Female, USNM 3638, ex Artemisia filifolia Torrey, Agua, South of Cd. Juarez, 8 August.

A nymph was also collected with the above data.
citação bibliográfica
Baker, Edward William, Tuttle, Donald M., and Abbatiello, M. 1975. "The false spider mites of northwestern and north central Mexico (Acarina, Tenuipalpidae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-23. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.194