Picophagea, also known as Synchromophyceae, is a class of photosynthetic heterokonts.[1][3][4] The chloroplast of the Synchromophyceae are surrounded by two membranes and arranged in a way where they share the outer pair of membranes. The entire chloroplast complex is surrounded by an additional two outer membranes.[2]
According to AlgaeBase, the class contains only two genera:[5]
However, the latest revision recognizes an additional four genera: Chrysopodocystis, Guanochroma, Leukarachnion and Picophagus.[1]
Picophagea, also known as Synchromophyceae, is a class of photosynthetic heterokonts. The chloroplast of the Synchromophyceae are surrounded by two membranes and arranged in a way where they share the outer pair of membranes. The entire chloroplast complex is surrounded by an additional two outer membranes.
Les Synchromophyceae sont une classe d’algues de l’embranchement des Ochrophyta.
Selon AlgaeBase (15 mars 2022)[1] et World Register of Marine Species (15 mars 2022)[2] :
Selon World Register of Marine Species (15 mars 2022)[2] et World Register of Marine Species (15 mars 2022)[2] :
Les Synchromophyceae sont une classe d’algues de l’embranchement des Ochrophyta.
Synchromophyceae é uma classe de heterocontes fotossíntéticos.[1][2]
Os cloroplastos dos membros do agrupamento taxonómico Synchromophyceae são envolvidos por duas membranas lipoproteicas e dispostos de maneira a compartilharem um par externo adicional de membranas, formando um complexo de cloroplastos que é cercado por duas membranas externas.[3]
Synchromophyceae é uma classe de heterocontes fotossíntéticos.