
Lifespan, longevity, and ageing

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Maximum longevity: 38.3 years (captivity) Observations: One specimen lived 38.3 years in captivity (Brouwer et al. 2000).
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Joao Pedro de Magalhaes
de Magalhaes, J. P.
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AnAge articles

Biology ( Inglês )

fornecido por Arkive
These noisy, social parrots nest and roost in colonies located in sandstone cliffs or canyons (6). Very little is known about the breeding ecology of the Lear's macaw but breeding occurs from February to April and pairs appear to defend nests within sandstone cliff faces (6). From a small number of observations the average clutch size is two young (5). Individuals leave the roosting site at dawn to forage in palm groves (6); their diet is principally composed of the hard nuts of the licuri palm, Syagrus coronata (6). Macaws can eat around 350 nuts in one day, using their massive beak to crack open the hard shells (5). They will also forage on crops when these are available (7).
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Conservation ( Inglês )

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Although protected by the Brazilian government and listed on Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) effectively banning international trade in the species, the Lear's macaw remains critically at danger from illegal trade (5). Recent infiltration of poaching rings and guarding of roosting sites may be finally slowing the decline in this species, and there are plans to grow and fence 50,000 licuri palm seedlings (5). A recent population survey has reported an encouraging increase in Lear's macaw numbers in the wild; in the municipalities of Canudos and Jeremoabo the population now stands at around 455 individuals (6). The steady increase in the population has led to the IUCN downgrading the Lear's macaw from Critically Endangered to Endangered in 2009, although continued conservation measures and repeated monitoring of the population remain high priorities to ensure the continued protection of this species (8).
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Description ( Inglês )

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The Lear's macaw is a beautiful large blue parrot with a long tail (4). It was first described in 1858 by Napoleon's nephew, Lucien Bonaparte, from an illustration by the famous British nonsense poet, Edward Lear. This parrot remained elusive in the wild however, and was only accepted as a distinct species in 1978 when naturalist Helmut Sick finally located the wild population (4). The head, neck and underparts of this parrot are greenish-blue, whilst the rest of the body has a violet/indigo appearance (2). Bare skin around the eyes and at the base of the lower bill is pale yellow (2).
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Habitat ( Inglês )

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Inhabits arid, thorn forests known as 'caatinga' and breeding occurs in sandstone cliffs and outcrops (5).
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Range ( Inglês )

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Restricted to a small area in northeast Bahia in Brazil. The two known colonies are found in Toca Velha and Serra Branca, south of the Raso da Catarina plateau (5).
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Status ( Inglês )

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Classified as Endangered (EN) on the IUCN Red List (1), and listed on Appendix I of CITES (3).
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Threats ( Inglês )

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Lear's macaw is thought to be a naturally rare species (4), and population numbers were low when it was discovered in 1978. The major threat to this species comes from the illegal wildlife trade. Collectors will pay high prices for such rare and beautiful birds and a breeding pair is thought to be worth as much as £50,000 on the black market (4). The population of Lear's macaws is also highly influenced by the availability of their principal food source, the licuri palm, numbers of which have recently been vastly reduced due to livestock-grazing (5). A major fire could now wipe the whole palm population out (5), leaving this parrot fatally vulnerable.
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Guacamai de Lear ( Catalão; Valenciano )

fornecido por wikipedia CA

El guacamai de Lear[1] (Anodorhynchus leari) és un ocell de la família dels psitàcids (Psittacidae) que habita zones més o menys àrides del nord-est del Brasil.


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Guacamai de Lear: Brief Summary ( Catalão; Valenciano )

fornecido por wikipedia CA

El guacamai de Lear (Anodorhynchus leari) és un ocell de la família dels psitàcids (Psittacidae) que habita zones més o menys àrides del nord-est del Brasil.

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Macaw indigo ( Galês )

fornecido por wikipedia CY

Aderyn a rhywogaeth o adar yw Macaw indigo (sy'n enw gwrywaidd; enw lluosog: macawiaid indigo) a adnabyddir hefyd gyda'i enw gwyddonol Anodorhynchus leari; yr enw Saesneg arno yw Indigo macaw. Mae'n perthyn i deulu'r Parotiaid (Lladin: Psittacidae) sydd yn urdd y Psittaciformes.[1]

Talfyrir yr enw Lladin yn aml yn A. leari, sef enw'r rhywogaeth.[2]


Mae'r macaw indigo yn perthyn i deulu'r Parotiaid (Lladin: Psittacidae). Dyma rai o aelodau eraill y teulu:

Rhestr Wicidata:

rhywogaeth enw tacson delwedd Conwra euraid Guaruba guarouba Conwra talcen glas Aratinga acuticaudata
Aratinga acuticaudata -San Isidro -Bolivia -eating-8.jpg
Corbarot penfelyn Micropsitta keiensis
Loricît cain Charmosyna pulchella
Loricît Caledonia Newydd Charmosyna diadema
Charmosyna diadema.jpg
Loricît Josephine Charmosyna josefinae
Charmosyna josefinae.jpg
Loricît palmwydd Charmosyna palmarum
Loricît talcenlas Charmosyna toxopei Macaw Spix Cyanopsitta spixii
Macaw torgoch Orthopsittaca manilatus
Orthopsittaca manilata -Brazil-6.jpg
Diwedd y rhestr a gynhyrchwyd yn otomatig o Wicidata.

Gweler hefyd


  1. Gwefan Cymdeithas Edward Llwyd; adalwyd 30 Medi 2016.
  2. Gwefan Avibase; adalwyd 3 Hydref 2016.
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wikipedia CY

Macaw indigo: Brief Summary ( Galês )

fornecido por wikipedia CY

Aderyn a rhywogaeth o adar yw Macaw indigo (sy'n enw gwrywaidd; enw lluosog: macawiaid indigo) a adnabyddir hefyd gyda'i enw gwyddonol Anodorhynchus leari; yr enw Saesneg arno yw Indigo macaw. Mae'n perthyn i deulu'r Parotiaid (Lladin: Psittacidae) sydd yn urdd y Psittaciformes.

Talfyrir yr enw Lladin yn aml yn A. leari, sef enw'r rhywogaeth.

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Lear-Ara ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Der Lear-Ara (Anodorhynchus leari), auch Lear’s Ara genannt, ist eine heute vom Aussterben bedrohte Art der Neuweltpapageien. Benannt wurde sie nach dem englischen Vogelmaler Edward Lear (1803–1888).

Entdeckung und Beschreibung

Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts fiel unter den nach Europa als Bälge oder lebende Tiere importierten blauen Aras (der damals noch nicht ausgestorbene Türkisara und der deutlich größere Hyazinth-Ara) eine weitere blaue Araart auf. Der italienische Ornithologe Charles Lucien Bonaparte beschrieb die Art 1856, nachdem er eine Abbildung von Edward Lear gesehen und einen Balg der Art im Naturhistorischen Museum in Paris gefunden hatte. Lear-Aras sind mit ca. 72 cm Länge deutlich kleiner als die 100 cm großen Hyazinth-Aras, ihr Gefieder ist vorherrschend blau, die Flügel- und Schwanzoberseite kobaltblau und die Schwanzunterseite dunkelgrau. Die unbefiederte Region an der Basis des Unterschnabels ist gelb. Lear-Aras besitzen einen unbefiederten gelben Augenring, die Iris ist dunkelblau, der Schnabel grau-schwarz, und die Füße haben eine dunkelgraue Färbung.

Eine an Balgmaterial und fossilen Funden vom Herculano Alvarenga durchgeführte Studie, die auch die historischen Verbreitungsgebiete des ausgerotteten Meerblauen Aras (Anodorhynchus glaucus) mit dem des Lear-Ara vergleicht, kommt aufgrund der weitgehenden Übereinstimmung u. a. der Maße beider Arten zu dem Ergebnis, dass beide Arten nur Unterartstatus besitzen. Aufgrund der Prioritätsregel würden sich folgende neue Bezeichnungen ergeben: Anodorhynchus glaucus glaucus als Nominatform und Anodorhynchus glaucus leari für den Lear-Ara.[1]

Verbreitung und Habitat

Verbreitungsgebiet (grün)

Obwohl Lear-Aras als lebende Tiere in Gefangenschaft, auf Abbildungen und als Balg 1856 von Charles Lucien Bonaparte beschrieben waren, konnte erst Helmut Sick nach jahrzehntelanger Suche 1978 das Verbreitungsgebiet der Art ermitteln. Das heutige Verbreitungsgebiet ist extrem klein, er kommt nur in der semiariden Region von Bahia im Nordosten von Brasilien vor.[2] Derzeit ist nur ein gesichertes Vorkommen bekannt, der größte Teil der Population von wenigen hundert Tieren lebt auf dem Gebiet der Farm von Otavio de Farias.[3]


Kerne der Früchte der Licuri-Palme

Hauptnahrung der Art sind die Nüsse der Licuri-Palmen (Syagrus coronata). Bis zu 350 Nüsse werden pro Tier und Tag verzehrt. Weitere Nahrungspflanzen sind Melanoxylon sp., Atropha pohliana, Dioclea sp., Spondias tuberosa, Mais und die Blüten von Agave sp.[4] Um an die Nahrungspflanzen zu gelangen, werden weite Wege in Kauf genommen. Die Brutzeit liegt zwischen Februar und April, oft fliegen zwei Jungtiere aus.[4]

Die Tiere brüten und schlafen nicht in Baumhöhlen, sondern nutzen Höhlen in einer Felswand, die als Cliffs bezeichnet werden. Bisher liegen erst wenige Erkenntnisse über das Verhalten der Art im Freiland und in Gefangenschaft vor.

Gefährdung und Schutz

Die Populationsgröße betrug 2001 gerade 246 Tiere. Bis zum Jahr 2016 hatte die Population auf ca. 1300 Vögel zugenommen. Diverse Schutzmaßnahmen, insbesondere der Rückgang der illegalen Nachstellung, haben zu dem Bestandsanstieg geführt. Da nur ein Bruchteil der Vögel tatsächlich brütet, wird der Brutbestand auf ca. 130 Paare geschätzt.[5] Aufgrund des kleinen Verbreitungsgebiets der Art wurde die Art als critically endangered (BirdLife International 2000) eingestuft.[4]

Zur Stabilisierung der Nahrungsgrundlage des Lear-Aras förderte der Fonds für bedrohte Papageien ein Arbeitskreis der Zoologischen Gesellschaft für Arten- und Populationsschutz die Bewässerung von Nahrungspflanzen. Im Loro Parque und bei Al Wabra wird versucht, eine Gefangenschaftspopulation aufzubauen. Weitere Freilanduntersuchungen laufen.



  1. Herculano Alvarenga: Anodorhynchus glaucus e A. leari (Psittaciformes, Psittacidae): osteologia, registros fósseis e antiga distribuição geográfica. (Memento des Originals vom 8. Dezember 2014 im Internet Archive)  src= Info: Der Archivlink wurde automatisch eingesetzt und noch nicht geprüft. Bitte prüfe Original- und Archivlink gemäß Anleitung und entferne dann diesen Hinweis.@1@2Vorlage:Webachiv/IABot/www.museuhistorianatural.com (PDF; 1,7 MB) In: Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia 15(3):427-432 setembro de 2007
  2. http://www.bluemacaws.org/lewild4.htm, http://www.bluemacaws.org/lewild1.htm
  3. 13. Tagung des Fonds für bedrohte Papageien in Walsrode. (Nicht mehr online verfügbar.) Fonds für bedrohte Papageien, archiviert vom Original am 17. Juli 2013; abgerufen am 10. Juli 2013.  src= Info: Der Archivlink wurde automatisch eingesetzt und noch nicht geprüft. Bitte prüfe Original- und Archivlink gemäß Anleitung und entferne dann diesen Hinweis.@1@2Vorlage:Webachiv/IABot/www.papageienfonds.de
  4. a b c Anodorhynchus leari in der Roten Liste gefährdeter Arten der IUCN 2008. Eingestellt von: BirdLife International, 2008. Abgerufen am 3. Dezember 2008.
  5. David Waugh: Was fressen Lear-Aras im Freiland wirklich?, Papageien 9/2016, 312, ISSN 0934-327X
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Lear-Ara: Brief Summary ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Der Lear-Ara (Anodorhynchus leari), auch Lear’s Ara genannt, ist eine heute vom Aussterben bedrohte Art der Neuweltpapageien. Benannt wurde sie nach dem englischen Vogelmaler Edward Lear (1803–1888).

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கருநீல ஐவண்ணக்கிளி ( Tâmil )

fornecido por wikipedia emerging languages

கருநீல ஐவண்ணக்கிளி (Lear's Macaw, Anodorhynchus leari) என்பது பஞ்ச வண்ணக்கிளி குழுவைச் சேர்ந்த பெரிய நீல நிற பிரேசிலிய கிளியாகும். இது முதலில் 1856இல் சால்ஸ் லூசியன் பேனபார்டே என்பவரால் விபரிக்கப்பட்டது. கருநீல ஐவண்ணக்கிளி 70–75 cm (28–30 in) நீளமும் கிட்டத்தட்ட 950 g (2.09 lb) நிறையும் உடையது. இது மங்கலான உலோக நீல நிறமும், பச்சை நிற மென் சாயலும், கறுப்பு அலகில் அடியில் தோலில் மஞ்சள் துண்டு அமைப்பும் கொண்டு காணப்படும்.

மிகவும் வரையறுக்கப்பட்ட பரப்பில் இது அரிதாகவுள்ளது.

இதன் வாழ்க்கை கால அளவு 30–50 ஆண்டுகள் வரை அல்லது அதற்கு மேல் இருக்கும்.


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கருநீல ஐவண்ணக்கிளி: Brief Summary ( Tâmil )

fornecido por wikipedia emerging languages

கருநீல ஐவண்ணக்கிளி (Lear's Macaw, Anodorhynchus leari) என்பது பஞ்ச வண்ணக்கிளி குழுவைச் சேர்ந்த பெரிய நீல நிற பிரேசிலிய கிளியாகும். இது முதலில் 1856இல் சால்ஸ் லூசியன் பேனபார்டே என்பவரால் விபரிக்கப்பட்டது. கருநீல ஐவண்ணக்கிளி 70–75 cm (28–30 in) நீளமும் கிட்டத்தட்ட 950 g (2.09 lb) நிறையும் உடையது. இது மங்கலான உலோக நீல நிறமும், பச்சை நிற மென் சாயலும், கறுப்பு அலகில் அடியில் தோலில் மஞ்சள் துண்டு அமைப்பும் கொண்டு காணப்படும்.

மிகவும் வரையறுக்கப்பட்ட பரப்பில் இது அரிதாகவுள்ளது.

இதன் வாழ்க்கை கால அளவு 30–50 ஆண்டுகள் வரை அல்லது அதற்கு மேல் இருக்கும்.

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Lear's macaw ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Lear's macaw (Anodorhynchus leari), also known as the indigo macaw, is a large all-blue Brazilian parrot, a member of a large group of neotropical parrots known as macaws. It was first described by Charles Lucien Bonaparte in 1856. Lear's macaw is 70–75 cm (27+1229+12 in) long and weighs around 950 g (2 lb 2 oz). It is coloured almost completely blue, with a yellow patch of skin at the base of the heavy, black bill.

Although there are records of the macaw from Britain from the early 1830s, this bird was only generally recognised as an independent species in the late 1970s. It is rare with a highly restricted native range, which was only discovered in 1978, although intensive conservation efforts have increased the world population about thirtyfold in the first two decades of the 21st century. It inhabits a dry desert-like shrubby environment known as caatinga, and roosts and nests in cavities in sandstone cliffs. It mostly feeds on the nuts of the palm species Syagrus coronata, as well as raiding maize from local farmers. Its ecology also appears curiously linked to cattle ranching.


Lear's macaw was named after the famous poet, Edward Lear, who was also an accomplished artist. In his teens in the early 1830s, Lear published a book of drawings and paintings of live parrots in zoos and collections, Illustrations of the Family of Psittacidae, or Parrots. One of his paintings in his book strongly resembles this species,[3][4][5][6] and although at the time he titled the work as 'hyacinth macaw' — a larger, darker species with a differently shaped patch of yellow skin adjacent to the base of the bill, which it closely resembles — not everyone agreed, and a quarter century later, in 1856, the illustration was given a species description by the French ornithologist and nephew of Emperor Napoleon, Prince Charles Lucien Bonaparte, who chose to commemorate the poet in the specific name. Most authorities, however, were unconvinced of the distinctness of the new taxon. The rarely seen bird was not considered a distinct species until 1978, when German-born, Brazilian-naturalised ornithologist Helmut Sick finally located the wild population.[3][4][6][7]

Illustration by Edward Lear (1812–88) first published in his book Illustrations of the Family of Psittacidae, or Parrots in 1832[8]


Lear's macaw is 70–75 cm (27+1229+12 in) long and weighs around 950 g (2 lb 2 oz).

The body, tail, and wings are dark metallic blue with a faint, often barely visible, tinge of green, and the head is a slightly paler shade. It has an area of pale-yellow skin adjacent to the base of its beak, and orange-yellow eye rings. It has a large, blackish beak and dark grey feet.

Lear's macaw is similar to the larger hyacinth macaw and the slightly smaller glaucous macaw. The hyacinth macaw can be distinguished by its darker plumage, lack of greenish tinge, and a differently shaped patch of yellow skin adjacent to the base of the bill. The glaucous macaw is paler and has a more greyish head.[9]

Lear's macaw, NE Brazil.

Ecology and behaviour


The primary diet of Lear's macaw are the nuts (as many as 350 per day) of the palm Syagrus coronata, locally known as licuri, but the seeds of Melanoxylon, Jatropha mollissima, Dioclea, Spondias tuberosa, Schinopsis brasiliensis and Zea mays are also eaten, as well as the flowers of Agave.[10]

The macaw usually forages in groups. They preferentially feed on the palms where they grow in groves, mixed together with taller trees. At least thirty confirmed feeding localities are known throughout the range. A tall tree is selected by the flock as base to carefully inspect the feeding area. First a pair descends to the level of the palms to assess the suitability, the pair then returns to base, and then the entire flock descends to decide if it is worth staying around.[6] If it is, then the macaws generally feed directly at the site, tearing the fibrous pulp off the fruit to obtain the extremely hard and thick-shelled nut. The pulp is discarded.[11] The heavy bills appear to have evolved specifically to crack open the palm nuts with a chisel-shaped edge, being precisely of the correct size and shape.[12] Upon occasion the birds maw fly off to a better perch to consume the nut, sometimes even carrying a branchlet with a few fruit.[11] Such perches are generally a branch of a tall tree or a cliff face, and the ground below such a perch will become littered with piles of cracked palm nut shells, and are thus easily spotted.[12][13]

A mystery regarding plants in the Neotropics with very large fruit or seeds is which type of animal disperses the seeds. Elsewhere on earth large herbivorous mammals are the dispersal agents for such plants, but these are largely absent in South America today. The prevailing theory is that such mammals once performed these functions, but that Late Pleistocene extinctions of most of these animals had rendered large-fruited plants impotent regarding the spread of their seed, at least until humans introduced livestock.[11][13][14][15] The Syagrus coronata palm, however, may have found a way to avoid such a fate, despite its large nuts.[11] Macaws are very messy eaters,[5] and this species is no different. A study found a significant number of undamaged palm nuts on the ground below the branches or rocks where the birds occasionally carry their harvest.[11]

A method by which the birds may secondarily disperse the nuts is by their habit of coming down to the ground to search out the nuts regurgitated by cattle, which eat the fruit, but usually cough up the large seeds, cleaned of pulp, which often aggregate in areas where the ruminants rest, and some also appear to be viable after this ordeal.[11][13] Flocks of Lear's macaws will congregate at cattle corrals and walk around on the bare ground of rumination sites.[13] After finding one, the regurgitated nut is often eaten on a high perch elsewhere.[11] Cattle also alter the ecosystem by creating open spaces in the environment. It is thus possible that cattle ranching simulates the original ecology of Bahia, before the native megafauna had been wiped out around the time the Native Americans colonised America. Just 11,000 years ago, perhaps these macaws were commensals to one or some of the giant browsing herbivore species of northeast Brazil which traveled in herds, and the palms depended on this relationship for effective dispersal.[13]

Lear's macaw are somewhat of a pest species, and a major problem caused by the animals is their habit of raiding the plots of local subsistence farmers to consume maize (Zea mays). In order to minimize the chagrin of victims and stop them from shooting at the birds, a scheme was implemented in 2005 to compensate farmers for crops lost to the animals with bags of maize from elsewhere.[1][6] During the COVID epidemic this scheme was halted, because most of the farmers were elderly, but the macaws were not shot, as COVID restrictions prevented farmers from marketing their corn anyway.[16]


The mating season starts at the beginning of the summer rains, at the start of the year, and extends up to May, when the young begin to fledge and leave the nest.[6] A pair of Lear's macaw lay two or three eggs per year.[5][6] The eggs are incubated for approximately 29 days.[5] Although some pairs produce three chicks, the average survival rate is two per pair. However, not all pairs of birds in the wild population mate often or at all.[6] The young remain with their parents for up to a year. Juveniles reach sexual maturity around 2–4 years of age.[5]

Distribution and habitat

Sandstone cliffs in Bahia, Brazil
Nests in sandstone cliffs in Bahia, Brazil

For a century and a half after it had been described, the species was only known from sporadic occurrences in the bird trade, and the whereabouts of the wild population was unknown.[10] A wild population was eventually discovered in 1978 by ornithologist Helmut Sick in Bahia in the interior northeast of Brazil. Until this discovery the birds were thought to be simply a variant form of the closely-related hyacinth macaw.[4]

Lear's macaw roosts on sandstone cliffs, which were formed by streams cutting through outcrops.[17] It is known from two colonies at locations known as Toca Velha and Serra Branca, south of the Raso da Catarina plateau in northeast Bahia. In 1995, a roosting site holding 22 birds was located at Sento Sé/Campo Formoso, 200 km (120 mi) to the west.[10]

From these roosts, the macaws travel throughout the region (the municipalities of Campo Formoso, Canudos, Euclides da Cunha, Jeremoabo, Monte Santo, Novo Triunfo, Paulo Afonso, Santa Brígida and Sento Sé), relying on stands of licury palm to find much of their sustenance. This palm stand habitat is thought to have once stretched over 250,000km2 in Brazil, but has been much reduced due to clearance for agriculture. Cattle grazing in the palm stands also appear to be damaging and killing the seedlings, thus posing a challenge for the recruitment of new mature palms -such stands were found to have very little young licury palms. In response to this, tens of thousands of palms were propagated and planted in fenced-off areas in the early 2000s.[10]

Lear's macaw also requires pre-existing natural cavities found in the sandstone cliffs in which to nest. The availability of such cavities may eventually limit population growth,[17] and thus one group of conservationists advised that more cavities should be excavated artificially.[1]


Population and conservation status

This species is currently listed as an endangered species (CITES I).

Yamashita, one of the first scientists to study this bird in the wild,[6] in 1987 estimated that the global population numbered just 60 birds in 1983.[18] The estimated global population in 1987 was 70 birds.[19] The wild population was surveyed as some 170 individuals in 2000.[6] Based on this, Birdlife International (BI), which has written the IUCN Red List assessments, gave an estimated population of 150 birds in 2000. BI claimed that the population growth was decreasing, but did not elaborate on their reasoning.[20] The global population was censused at 246 birds in 2001 (Gilardi),[21] 455 in 2003,[19] and the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA) censused 570 wild birds in 2004.[17] In their 2004 assessment, BI gave a much increased population of 246-280 birds, but continued to claim that the population was decreasing, again without reasoning.[22] Barros counted a total wild population of 630 birds in 2006.[21] In June 2007 Fundação Biodiversitas staff counted 751 individuals.[19] Develey counted a total wild population of 960 birds in 2008.[23] In the 2008 assessment BI countered that earlier surveys undercounted the birds, and that the population was not actually increasing. BI estimated a population of 250-500 mature wild individuals in 2008, arguing that because the population was probably increasing, most of the birds counted by in recent surveys were probably juveniles and therefore did not count as to the total population. BI states that if these juveniles mature over the next few years and the population grows from 250-500 to over 250 individuals, the species would need to be downlisted in the future. The population growth was stated to be uncertain, with BI reasoning that because in the 1990s some 40 birds had been trapped for the pet trade, which had represented a "very rapid decline", it was unclear if the increasing population was increasing.[21]

Wild macaws in the Raso da Catarina area

BI assessed the species as 'critically endangered' up to the 2008 assessment, apparently somewhat mistakenly. In 2000, 2004 and 2008 the reason given for it being 'critically endangered' was because criterium C2a(ii) applied.[20][21][22] There is no criterium C2a(ii) for 'critically endangered' species, but there is for 'endangered' species. This states that if 95% or more of the population is found in a single subpopulation, and the total population is 2,500 or less, the species should be assessed as endangered.[24] This was not true, it was known that there were two subpopulations, perhaps three since a new discovery of 22 birds at another roosting location in 1995, but BI filled in this information incorrectly in the Population section, despite elaborating on the different subpopulations in the Geographic Range section in the same assessment.[20][21][22]

In the 2009 assessment, the conservation status of the species was downgraded to endangered from critically endangered by BI, as it was by now clear that the population was growing rapidly. Despite stating this, BI estimated the population as unchanged since 2008, at 250-500 individuals, claiming most of the rest of the total population were probably sub-adults, and that the population growth was unknown. The species was assessed as endangered based on criteria B1ab(iii),[23] which state that the extent of occurrence was severely fragmented (confusingly, the same assessment states the population is not fragmented) and showed a continuing decline in quality of habitat.[24] In 2010 Barbosa counted the population at the Toca Velha and Serra Branca roosting sites as 1,123 birds,[10][17][18] of which at least at least 258 were adults, more than 250. In the 2012 IUCN assessment the estimated population had grown to 250-999 individuals. The population growth was still stated to be uncertain, although the justification given for this was that the population was now clearly increasing rapidly. The number of subpopulations was changed to two.[10] Lugarini et al. counted 1,263 birds in 2012.[18] A 2012 count at the unprotected third subpopulation, with roosting sites some 230 kilometres from the main two subpopulations, only found two macaws.[17] The 2013 assessment was basically the same as the 2012 one.[25] The 2016 IUCN assessment continued to give an estimated total population of 250-999 individuals, with the population growth given as uncertain, although it was now clear the population was growing. BI slightly changed the text to state that 228 birds were adults, more than 250, instead of 258.[18] The 2017 assessment is identical to the 2016 one, but includes a map for the first time, showing the roosting areas of the two subpopulations.[26]

In 2014 Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio) counted 1,294 birds, this increased to 1,354 in the 2017 ICMBio count, and grew further to 1,694 in the 2018 count. In the 2019 IUCN assessment, BI continued to assert that the population was 250-999 individuals, but now first stated that the population growth was increasing. The map was extended to show the foraging ranges, and not only the roosting sites. The 'Threats' section was updated to emphasise reduction of food resources due to habitat loss caused by the historical expansion of agricultural development in the region (criterium B1b(iii)). An explanation was also given for reducing the number of mature individuals to 228, a 2014 study published by Pacífico et al.[27] This study stated that although the total population size at some 1,125 birds was well known by 2010, it was unknown how many of these birds were actively breeding. During the 2010 season, 114 nests and probable nests were counted. As each nest represents two actively breeding birds, this indicates that 20.3% of the population was actively breeding each season, which is comparable to other similar parrot species.[17] This would also indicate that there were at least 228 mature individuals at the time, assuming maturity was defined as those individuals which were successful at breeding, and would indicate that by 2018, some 340 birds would be reproductively active adults.[27] Of the nests which were monitored, some 80% of the nests showed successful reproduction, which is quite high compared to other parrots.[17]


As well as habitat loss, Lear's macaw may have historically suffered from hunting,[27] and more recently, trapping for the aviary trade in the 1990s.[6][21]

Funding and conservation actions

Lear's macaw at Canudos Biological Station in Bahia state, Brazil

Fundação Biodiversitas bought and created the Canudos Biological Station in 1991 to protect the sandstone cliffs of Toca Velha used by the macaws to roost and nest.[28][29] Canudos Biological Station was expanded in 2007, partially with funding by the American Bird Conservancy, from 375 acres (152 hectares) to 3,649 acres (1,477 hectares).[3][28][30]

Two protected areas,[1] designated by the Brazilian government in 2001, conserve portions of the range: Raso da Catarina Ecological Station (104,842 hectares (259,070 acres), administered by ICMBio),[31] and Serra Branca / Raso da Catarina Environmental Protection Area (67,234 hectares (166,140 acres), administered by the Instituto do Meio Ambiente e Recursos Hídricos, the state agency of Bahia tasked with the environment). This latter area contains both the privately owned Canudos Biological Station where Toca Velha is located, and the privately owned Serra Branca ranch, which contains the majority of the nest and roost sites.[29]

Current Lear's macaw conservation projects are managed under the authority of IBAMA. Various independent conservation organizations,[6] under direction of ICMBio, along with local ranchers, are working to help conserve the species.

In 1992 the 'Special Working Group for the Preservation of the Lear's Macaw' was created. In 1997 the 'Committee for the Preservation of the Lear's Macaw (Anodorhynchus leari)' was formed. In 1999 this committee was amalgamated with that of A. hyacinthinus and was renamed 'The Committee for the Recovery and Management of the Anodorhynchus leari Lear's Macaw and Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus Hyacinth Macaw'.[6] The 'Committee for the Conservation and Management of the Lear's Macaw' advises IBAMA on the conservation of Lear's macaw. The committee includes Brazilian and international organizations and individuals.


One of the earliest records (and one of very few at all) of a Lear's macaw in a public zoo was a dramatic display of "the four blues" including Lear's, glaucous, hyacinth, and Spix's macaws in 1900 at the Berlin Zoo.[32]

According to the World Parrot Trust, the Lear's macaw is currently extremely rare in captivity and may live for 60 years,[33] whereas the Animal Ageing and Longevity Database cites the maximum recorded longevity for a captive Lear's macaw at 38.3 years.[34] It is recommended that this parrot be kept in an enclosure of 15 metres in length.[33]

See also


  1. ^ a b c d BirdLife International (2020). "Anodorhynchus leari". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2020. Retrieved 9 October 2021.
  2. ^ "Appendices | CITES". cites.org. Retrieved 2022-01-14.
  3. ^ a b c "Lear's Macaw". Bird of the Week. American Bird Conservancy. 20 November 2020. Retrieved 11 October 2021.
  4. ^ a b c "Lear's macaw (Anodorhynchus leari)". WildScreen. Arkive. Archived from the original on 2012-12-27. Retrieved 27 December 2012.
  5. ^ a b c d e "Lear's macaw". SeaWorld/Busch Gardens. Animal Bytes. Archived from the original on 29 November 2010. Retrieved 27 December 2012.
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l Pittman, Tony (2000). "The Lear's Macaw". Parrots - Parrot Conservation - Breeding. The Parrot Society UK. Retrieved 8 October 2021.
  7. ^ Sick, Helmut (1981). "About the Blue Macaws Especially the Lear's Macaw". In Pasquier, RF (ed.). Conservation of New World Parrots ICBP Parrot Working Group Meeting (Technical Publication 1). St. Lucia: Smithsonian Institution Press. pp. 439–44. ISBN 9781199061096.
  8. ^ "Illustrations of the family of Psittacidae, or Parrots". Digital Library for the Decorative Arts and Material Culture. Retrieved 2010-04-08.
  9. ^ "Species factsheet: Anodorhynchus leari". BirdLife International (2008). Retrieved 24 July 2008.
  10. ^ a b c d e f BirdLife International (2012). "Anodorhynchus leari". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2012. Retrieved 5 July 2012.
  11. ^ a b c d e f g Tella, José L.; Hiraldo, Fernando; Pacífico, Erica; Díaz-Luque, José A.; Dénes, Francisco V.; Fontoura, Fernanda M.; Guedes, Neiva; Blanco, Guillermo (24 January 2020). "Conserving the Diversity of Ecological Interactions: The Role of Two Threatened Macaw Species as Legitimate Dispersers of "Megafaunal" Fruits". Diversity. 12 (2): 45. doi:10.3390/d12020045.
  12. ^ a b Yamashita, Carlos; de Paula Valle, Mauro (1993). "On the linkage between Anodorhynchus macaws and palm nuts, and the extinction of the Glaucous Macaw". Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club. 113: 53–60.
  13. ^ a b c d e Yamashita, Carlos (December 1997). "Anodorhynchus macaws as followers of extinct megafauna: an hypothesis". Ararajuba. 5 (2): 176–182. Retrieved 15 October 2021.
  14. ^ Collevatti, Rosane G.; Lima, Jacqueline S.; Ballesteros-Mejia, Liliana (5 September 2019). "Megafauna Seed Dispersal in the Neotropics: A Meta-Analysis Shows No Genetic Signal of Loss of Long-Distance Seed Dispersal". Frontiers in Genetics. 10: 788. doi:10.3389/fgene.2019.00788. PMC 6739635. PMID 31543903.
  15. ^ Jansen, Patrick A.; Hirsch, Ben T.; Emsens, Willem-Jan; Zamora-Gutierrez, Veronica; Wikelski, Martin; Kays, Roland (31 July 2012). "Thieving rodents as substitute dispersers of megafaunal seeds". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 109 (31): 12610–12615. Bibcode:2012PNAS..10912610J. doi:10.1073/pnas.1205184109. PMC 3412018. PMID 22802644.
  16. ^ Pittman, Tony (23 November 2020). "Covid-19 prevents the corn replacement team operating". BlueMacaws. Tony Pittman. Retrieved 12 October 2021.
  17. ^ a b c d e f g Pacífico, Erica C.; Barbosa, Eduardo A.; Filadelfo, Thiago; Oliveira, Kleber G.; Silveira, Luís F.; Tella, José L. (February 2014). "Breeding to non-breeding population ratio and breeding performance of the globally Endangered Lear's Macaw Anodorhynchus leari: conservation and monitoring implications" (PDF). Bird Conservation International. 24 (4): 466–476. doi:10.1017/S095927091300049X. S2CID 87800213. Retrieved 9 October 2021.
  18. ^ a b c d BirdLife International (2016). "Anodorhynchus leari". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2016. Retrieved 8 October 2021.
  19. ^ a b c Holmer, Steve (18 July 2007). "Lear's Macaw Making a Remarkable Comeback in Protected Reserve" (Press release). American Bird Conservancy. Archived from the original on 17 July 2014. Retrieved 11 August 2015.
  20. ^ a b c BirdLife International (2000). "Anodorhynchus leari". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2000. Retrieved 8 October 2021.
  21. ^ a b c d e f BirdLife International (2008). "Anodorhynchus leari". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2008. Retrieved 8 October 2021.
  22. ^ a b c BirdLife International (2004). "Anodorhynchus leari". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2004. Retrieved 8 October 2021.
  23. ^ a b BirdLife International (2009). "Anodorhynchus leari". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2009. Retrieved 8 October 2021.
  24. ^ a b "Categories and Criteria (version 3.1)". www.iucnredlist.org. Archived from the original on 2016-03-03.
  25. ^ BirdLife International (2013). "Anodorhynchus leari". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2013. Retrieved 8 October 2021.
  26. ^ BirdLife International (2017). "Anodorhynchus leari". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2017. Retrieved 8 October 2021.
  27. ^ a b c BirdLife International (2019). "Anodorhynchus leari". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2019. Retrieved 8 October 2021.
  28. ^ a b Hance, Jeremy (9 June 2009). "Lear's Macaw: back from the brink". Mongabay.com.
  29. ^ a b "APA Serra Branca / Raso da Catarina" (in Portuguese). INEMA: Instituto do Meio Ambiente e Recursos Hídricos (BA). Retrieved 2016-11-03.
  30. ^ "Top Nine Birding Destinations in 2019". BirdCalls - News and Perspectives on Bird Conservation. American Bird Conservancy. 1 February 2019. Retrieved 11 October 2021.
  31. ^ "Esec Raso da Catarina" (in Portuguese). Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation. Archived from the original on 2014-06-10. Retrieved 2016-04-19.
  32. ^ Juniper, Tony (16 November 2004). Spix's Macaw: The Race to Save the World's Rarest Bird. Simon and Schuster. p. 55. ISBN 9780743475518.
  33. ^ a b "LEAR'S MACAW (Anodorhynchus leari)". World Parrot Trust. Retrieved 13 October 2021.
  34. ^ "AnAge entry for Anodorhynchus leari". Animal Ageing and Longevity Database. Retrieved 15 October 2021.

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Lear's macaw: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Lear's macaw (Anodorhynchus leari), also known as the indigo macaw, is a large all-blue Brazilian parrot, a member of a large group of neotropical parrots known as macaws. It was first described by Charles Lucien Bonaparte in 1856. Lear's macaw is 70–75 cm (27+1⁄2–29+1⁄2 in) long and weighs around 950 g (2 lb 2 oz). It is coloured almost completely blue, with a yellow patch of skin at the base of the heavy, black bill.

Although there are records of the macaw from Britain from the early 1830s, this bird was only generally recognised as an independent species in the late 1970s. It is rare with a highly restricted native range, which was only discovered in 1978, although intensive conservation efforts have increased the world population about thirtyfold in the first two decades of the 21st century. It inhabits a dry desert-like shrubby environment known as caatinga, and roosts and nests in cavities in sandstone cliffs. It mostly feeds on the nuts of the palm species Syagrus coronata, as well as raiding maize from local farmers. Its ecology also appears curiously linked to cattle ranching.

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Indiga hiacintulo ( Esperanto )

fornecido por wikipedia EO
Ilustracio de Edward Lear (1812–88) unuafoje publikigita en sia libro Illustrations of the Family of the Psittacidae, or Parrots en 1832[1]

La Leara papago (Anodorhynchus leari), konata ankaŭ kiel indiga papago, estas granda tutblua brazila papago, nome membro de granda grupo de amerikaj papagoj konataj kiel araoj. Ĝi estis unuafoje priskribita de Charles Lucien Bonaparte en 1856. La Leara papago estas 70-75 cm longa kaj pezas ĉirkaŭ 950 g. Ĝi estas metalece blua kun svaga, ofte apenaŭ videbla, verdeca nuanco, kaj flava makulo de haŭto ĉe la bazo de fortika, nigra beko.

Tiu papago estas rara kun tre limigita teritorio en plej orienta Brazilo.

Ties vivodaŭro povas esti de 30–50 jaroj aŭ plie.


  1. Illustrations of the family of Psittacidae, or Parrots. Digital Library for the Decorative Arts and Material Culture. Alirita 2010-04-08.

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Indiga hiacintulo: Brief Summary ( Esperanto )

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 src= Ilustracio de Edward Lear (1812–88) unuafoje publikigita en sia libro Illustrations of the Family of the Psittacidae, or Parrots en 1832

La Leara papago (Anodorhynchus leari), konata ankaŭ kiel indiga papago, estas granda tutblua brazila papago, nome membro de granda grupo de amerikaj papagoj konataj kiel araoj. Ĝi estis unuafoje priskribita de Charles Lucien Bonaparte en 1856. La Leara papago estas 70-75 cm longa kaj pezas ĉirkaŭ 950 g. Ĝi estas metalece blua kun svaga, ofte apenaŭ videbla, verdeca nuanco, kaj flava makulo de haŭto ĉe la bazo de fortika, nigra beko.

Tiu papago estas rara kun tre limigita teritorio en plej orienta Brazilo.

Ties vivodaŭro povas esti de 30–50 jaroj aŭ plie.

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Anodorhynchus leari ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

El guacamayo de Lear[2]​ o guacamayo añil (Anodorhynchus leari) es una especie de ave psitaciforme de la familia de los loros (Psittacidae) en grave peligro de extinción. Bastante similar al guacamayo jacinto (A. hyacinthinus), sólo pervive en un área del nordeste brasileño.


Una pareja de esta especie en estado salvaje, en el nordeste del Brasil.

Aunque fue descubierto en 1856, durante más de un siglo se desconocía la distribución de su población salvaje. Finalmente fue redescubierto en 1978 por el naturalista Helmut Sick en el interior del nordeste de Brasil, en el estado de Bahía. Originalmente se creía que el guacamayo de Lear era una subespecie derivada del guacamayo jacinto, con el que guarda un gran parecido. Sin embargo, aunque ambas especies están estrechamente emparentadas, poseen diferencias que han derivado en su clasificación como especies distintas. Anteriormente a su redescubrimiento en estado salvaje existían algunos ejemplares en cautividad en Brasil, pero no fue clasificado como especie sino hasta después de 1978.


El guacamayo de Lear vive en las selvas brasileñas, especialmente en bosques de palmeras, cuyos frutos constituyen su principal alimento. Se estima, que aunque nunca fue una especie muy extendida, actualmente sólo ocupa un 1.6 % de su hábitat original. Suelen anidar en estribaciones de piedra arenisca, donde excavan pequeños agujeros con sus picos y expulsan el polvo con las patas.


En 1994 se estimaba que la población del Guacamayo de Lear consistía en unos 140 ejemplares. Las medidas de protección y la cría en cautividad han elevado la población a unos 750 individuos en julio de 2007.

Además de las amenazas derivadas de la destrucción de su hábitat, el guacamayo de Lear ha sido cazado por los indígenas brasileños y en época más reciente para el tráfico de animales. Muchas organizaciones como Fundacao Biodiversitas, BioBrazil, Parrots International, y la Lymington Foundation, colaboran para conservar la especie.

Actualmente el proyecto de conservación del guacamayo de Lear se encuentra bajo la autoridad de IBAMA (Instituto Brasileño de Recursos Ambientales y Naturales Renovables), junto con otras organizaciones brasileñas e internacionales.


El guacamayo de Lear ha demostrado una serie de comportamientos para adaptarse a su viento. Cuando una bandada busca alimento o un nuevo terreno para anidar, un pequeño grupo de machos se adelanta para "explorar" mientras el resto de la bandada permanece seguro. En caso de peligro emiten un chillido que puede oírse a kilómetros de distancia. Pueden alcanzar una velocidad de vuelo de unos 35 km/h.


El guacamayo de Lear pone una nidada de 1-2 huevos durante la estación de apareamiento, que dura entre diciembre y mayo. Sin embargo, no todas las parejas se aparean. Los guacamayos de Lear alcanzan la madurez sexual en torno a los 2-4 años, y pueden vivir entre 30-50 años o más.

La temporada de cría, toma lugar desde febrero a abril. [3]


  1. BirdLife International (2017). «Anodorhynchus leari». Lista Roja de especies amenazadas de la UICN 2018.1 (en inglés). ISSN 2307-8235. Consultado el 26 de septiembre de 2018.
  2. Bernis, F; De Juana, E; Del Hoyo, J; Fernández-Cruz, M; Ferrer, X; Sáez-Royuela, R; Sargatal, J (1998). «Nombres en castellano de las aves del mundo recomendados por la Sociedad Española de Ornitología (Cuarta parte: Pterocliformes, Columbiformes, Psittaciformes y Cuculiformes)». Ardeola. Handbook of the Birds of the World (Madrid: SEO/BirdLife) 45 (1): 87-96. ISSN 0570-7358. Consultado el 24 de mayo de 2016.
  3. Nascimento, J., Saidenberg, A., Gilardi, J., Neto, J., Develey, P., Wittkoff, W., Borsari, A., Olmos, F., Barros, Y., Yamashita, C., de Soye, Y., Williams, S., Roos, A., Silveira, L.F. BirdLife International, ed. «Lear's Macaw (Anodorhynchus leari)» (en inglés). Consultado el 25 de septiembre de 2019.

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Anodorhynchus leari: Brief Summary ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

El guacamayo de Lear​ o guacamayo añil (Anodorhynchus leari) es una especie de ave psitaciforme de la familia de los loros (Psittacidae) en grave peligro de extinción. Bastante similar al guacamayo jacinto (A. hyacinthinus), sólo pervive en un área del nordeste brasileño.

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Anodorhynchus leari ( Basco )

fornecido por wikipedia EU

Anodorhynchus leari Anodorhynchus generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Psittacidae familian sailkatua dago.


  1. (Ingelesez)BirdLife International (2012) Species factsheet. www.birdlife.org webgunetitik jaitsia 2012/05/07an
  2. (Ingelesez) IOC Master List

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Anodorhynchus leari: Brief Summary ( Basco )

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Anodorhynchus leari Anodorhynchus generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Psittacidae familian sailkatua dago.

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Indigoara ( Finlandês )

fornecido por wikipedia FI

Indigoara (Anodorhynchus leari) on erittäin uhanalainen Brasiliassa elävä papukaijalintu.[2]

Kooltaan Indigoara on noin 70 cm. Yleisväritykseltään indigoara on sininen. Lajin pää on väriltään hieman muuta vartaloa vaaleampi. Nokan tyvessä indigoaralla on keltainen laikku. Lajin nokka on suuri ja vahva. Nuorilla linnuilla pyrstö on lyhyempi kuin aikuisilla indigoaroilla. Lajin voi sekoittaa parananaraan, joka on kuitenkin pienempi ja hieman vaaleampi. Indigoaran äänet ovat pääasiassa raakkumista ja kirkumista.[3]

Indigoaran elinympäristöä ovat kuivat ja pääosin pensaikkoja ja palmuja kasvavat alueet. Ravintonaan laji käyttää pääosin Syagrus coronata -palmun hedelmiä, joita yksilö voi syödä päivässä 350 kappaletta. Lisäksi indigoaran ravintoon kuuluvat kasvien kukat. Pesintäaika kestää helmikuusta huhtikuuhun.[3]

Indigoarakannan kooksi arvioidaan 250 500 yksilöä.[3] Suurimmat uhkat ovat elinympäristön häviäminen sekä lintujen pyydystäminen ja niiden salakuljetus.[1] Lajin uhanalaisuusluokitus muutettiin vuonna 2009 äärimmäisen uhanalaisesta erittäin uhanalaiseksi.[2] Suojelijoiden, Brasilian hallituksen ja paikallisten maanomistajien ansiosta linnun kanta on nelinkertaistunut Brasiliassa.[4]


  1. a b BirdLife International: Anodorhynchus leari IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.2. 2013. International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, Iucnredlist.org. Viitattu 23.4.2014. (englanniksi)
  2. a b Huumeviljelmät ajavat lintulajin sukupuuttoon yle.fi. 14.5.2009. Yleisradio Oy. Viitattu 8.10.2009.
  3. a b c Lear's Macaw – BirdLife Species Factsheet BirdLife International. Viitattu 14. syyskuuta 2008.
  4. Joutsijärvi, Anne: Kokaiinikin uhkaa lintuja. Linnut-lehti, 28.8.2009, 14. vsk, nro 3, s. 3. Helsinki: BirdLife Suomi ry.
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Indigoara: Brief Summary ( Finlandês )

fornecido por wikipedia FI

Indigoara (Anodorhynchus leari) on erittäin uhanalainen Brasiliassa elävä papukaijalintu.

Kooltaan Indigoara on noin 70 cm. Yleisväritykseltään indigoara on sininen. Lajin pää on väriltään hieman muuta vartaloa vaaleampi. Nokan tyvessä indigoaralla on keltainen laikku. Lajin nokka on suuri ja vahva. Nuorilla linnuilla pyrstö on lyhyempi kuin aikuisilla indigoaroilla. Lajin voi sekoittaa parananaraan, joka on kuitenkin pienempi ja hieman vaaleampi. Indigoaran äänet ovat pääasiassa raakkumista ja kirkumista.

Indigoaran elinympäristöä ovat kuivat ja pääosin pensaikkoja ja palmuja kasvavat alueet. Ravintonaan laji käyttää pääosin Syagrus coronata -palmun hedelmiä, joita yksilö voi syödä päivässä 350 kappaletta. Lisäksi indigoaran ravintoon kuuluvat kasvien kukat. Pesintäaika kestää helmikuusta huhtikuuhun.

Indigoarakannan kooksi arvioidaan 250 500 yksilöä. Suurimmat uhkat ovat elinympäristön häviäminen sekä lintujen pyydystäminen ja niiden salakuljetus. Lajin uhanalaisuusluokitus muutettiin vuonna 2009 äärimmäisen uhanalaisesta erittäin uhanalaiseksi. Suojelijoiden, Brasilian hallituksen ja paikallisten maanomistajien ansiosta linnun kanta on nelinkertaistunut Brasiliassa.

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Ara de Lear ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Anodorhynchus leari

Illustration d'Edward Lear publiée dans son livre Illustrations of the Family of the Psittacidae, or Parrots en 1832
Aras de Lear dans la Station biologique de Canudos (État de Bahia, Brésil)

L'Ara de Lear ou Ara cobalt (Anodorhynchus leari) appartient au genre Anodorhynchus, tout comme l'Ara hyacinthe dont il est très proche. L'espèce est nommée d'après l'artiste, ornithologue et poète britannique Edward Lear (1812-1888).


Cet oiseau mesure près de 75 cm.

Il se distingue de l'Ara hyacinthe par sa coloration tendant plus vers le bleu azur que vers le bleu violet, ainsi que par la couleur de la paupière qui est blanche (tandis que l'Ara Hyacinthe l'a de couleur noire). L'Ara de Lear est de taille nettement inférieure (75 cm) comparé à l'Ara Hyacinthe (95 cm).


Cet oiseau peuple une aire d'environ 8 000 kilomètres carrés au nord-est de l'État de Bahia au Brésil[1].


Cet oiseau était considéré en danger critique d'extinction : en 1989[2], moins de 100 individus répartis en petites populations. Les quelques couples existant en captivité ayant des difficultés à se reproduire, il semble peu probable qu'ils puissent être à l'origine d'une réintroduction dans le milieu naturel[1].

Son statut de conservation a été réévalué en 2009 à la suite d'efforts de protection fructueux ayant permis à la population d'Aras de Lear de remonter à près de 1000 individus[2]. Il est maintenant classé parmi les espèces en danger de disparition[3].

Références externes

Notes et références

  1. a et b Mario D. & Conzo G., 2004, Le grand livre des perroquets, de Vecchi, Paris
  2. a et b (en) « Lear’s Macaw : back from the brink », sur Mongabay Environmental News, 9 juin 2009 (consulté le 13 août 2020).
  3. http://www.iucnredlist.org/apps/redlist/details/142576/0
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Ara de Lear: Brief Summary ( Francês )

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Anodorhynchus leari

 src= Illustration d'Edward Lear publiée dans son livre Illustrations of the Family of the Psittacidae, or Parrots en 1832  src= Aras de Lear dans la Station biologique de Canudos (État de Bahia, Brésil)

L'Ara de Lear ou Ara cobalt (Anodorhynchus leari) appartient au genre Anodorhynchus, tout comme l'Ara hyacinthe dont il est très proche. L'espèce est nommée d'après l'artiste, ornithologue et poète britannique Edward Lear (1812-1888).

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Anodorhynchus leari ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT
Scogliere di arenaria nello Stato di Bahia (Brasile).
Nidi nelle scogliere di arenaria nello Stato di Bahia (Brasile).

L'ara indaco (Anodorhynchus leari Bonaparte, 1856) è un raro pappagallo brasiliano che occupa un areale molto ristretto.[2]

È interamente di colore azzurro metallico, ma presenta una sfumatura verde nel piumaggio, spesso poco evidente, e una macchia di pelle gialla alla base del becco, grosso e di colore nero. Pesa circa 950 g ed è lunga 75 cm. Deve il nome alternativo di ara di Lear ad Edward Lear, il poeta, autore e artista che pubblicò molti disegni e illustrazioni di pappagalli ritratti dal vivo in zoo e collezioni private. Uno dei disegni del suo libro Illustrations of the Family of the Psittacidae, or Parrots ricorda moltissimo un membro di questa specie, sebbene a quei tempi si ritenesse rappresentasse un'ara giacinto — una specie più grande e più scura e con una macchia di pelle gialla adiacente alla base del becco di forma differente.


L'ara indaco è lunga 70–75 cm. Il corpo, la coda e le ali sono di colore azzurro scuro, ma la testa è leggermente più chiara. Presenta un'area di pelle nuda color giallo chiaro alla base del becco e anelli perioculari giallo-arancio. Ha un grosso becco nerastro e piedi grigio scuro. Nell'aspetto generale ricorda moltissimo sia la più grande ara giacinto che la più piccola ara glauca[3].


L'ara indaco vive nei boschetti di palme licuri, le cui noci costituiscono una parte importante della sua dieta. Questo habitat, nonostante non abbia mai ricoperto vaste estensioni di territorio, si è attualmente ridotto all'1,6% della sua estensione originaria. L'ara indaco necessita anche di scarpate di arenaria in cui nidificare. Per costruire il nido bagna l'arenaria con la saliva per ammorbidirla e in seguito scava una piccola cavità col becco, gettando fuori la polvere con i piedi.


L'ara indaco ha sviluppato adattamenti particolari per vivere nel proprio habitat. Ad esempio, quando un gruppo di are va alla ricerca di cibo o di un'area per nidificare, una piccola pattuglia di maschi si allontana per «perlustrare» la nuova zona e controllare che non vi sia alcun pericolo per il resto del gruppo. Inoltre, se nel nuovo territorio viene riscontrata una fonte di minaccia, la pattuglia di are emette forti richiami udibili anche da vari chilometri. In volo questa ara può raggiungere una velocità di 56 chilometri orari per fuggire dai predatori o dai bracconieri[4].


La stagione riproduttiva dell'ara indaco va da dicembre a maggio ed ogni coppia depone 1-2 uova. Tuttavia, non tutte le coppie si riproducono ogni anno. L'ara indaco raggiunge la maturità sessuale a circa 2-4 anni di età, ma può vivere fino a 30-50 anni o più.


Nel 1994 la popolazione delle are indaco era di 140 esemplari. Secondo i dati della American Bird Conservancy e della Fundação Biodiversitas, nel luglio 2007 il numero di esemplari era salito a 751[5]. Attualmente è classificata tra le specie in pericolo (Appendice I della CITES). Oltre che per la deforestazione, in passato l'ara indaco ha sofferto molto per la caccia e, più di recente, per le catture di esemplari da voliera. Inoltre, i bovini domestici che vivono nei pressi dei terreni di nidificazione spesso calpestano le giovani piantine di palme licuri, provocando una gran perdita di cibo per questo uccello. Infatti, sebbene la durata di vita di queste palme possa essere di 30-50 anni, la maggior parte degli alberi non supera gli 8-10 anni di vita e così il principale alimento delle are si fa molto più scarso. Varie organizzazioni conservative, come Fundação Biodiversitas, SAVE Brasil, Loro Parque Fundación, Parrots International e Lymington Foundation, insieme agli allevatori locali e ad altre organizzazioni indipendenti sono tuttora al lavoro per garantire un futuro alla specie. Allo scopo, nel 1993 la Fundação Biodiversitas istituì la Stazione Biologica di Canudos per proteggere le pareti di arenaria dove le are fanno il nido.

Tutti i progetti di conservazione riguardanti l'ara indaco sono posti sotto l'autorità dell'Istituto brasiliano dell'ambiente e delle risorse naturali rinnovabili (IBAMA). La Commissione per la Conservazione e la Gestione dell'Ara Indaco consiglia l'IBAMA sulle misure da prendere. I membri facenti parte della Commissione vengono scelti direttamente dall'IBAMA e vi fanno parte sia organizzazioni brasiliane e internazionali che singoli partecipanti.

Riportiamo di seguito una notizia tratta dall'Ufficio Stampa della American Bird Conservancy del 18 luglio 2007[5]:

Il censimento della popolazione di are indaco è stato effettuato dallo staff della Fundação Biodiversitas nel giugno 2007 presso la Stazione Biologica di Canudos, in Brasile, una riserva supportata dalla ABC. 751 esemplari in tutto sono stati visti volare fuori dai canyon dove risiedono e nidificano per raggiungere i boschetti di palma licuri dove si alimentano. Nel 1987 la popolazione totale era di soli 70 esemplari, ma già nel 2003 la popolazione era salita a 455 e, fino al conteggio effettuato nel mese scorso, si stimava vi fossero 600 uccelli.

Nel 2009 l'Unione Internazionale per la Conservazione della Natura (IUCN) ha cambiato lo status di conservazione della specie da specie in pericolo critico a specie in pericolo[1]. Il motivo di questa scelta è stato giustificato dall'aumento della popolazione che, secondo il conteggio annuale del 2009 effettuato nei siti di nidificazione di Toca Velha e Serra Branca, ha ormai raggiunto i 1000 esemplari.


Illustrazione di Edward Lear (1812–88) pubblicata per la prima volta nel suo libro Illustrations of the Family of the Psittacidae, or Parrots del 1832[6].

Per oltre un secolo dalla sua prima descrizione gli studiosi non erano mai riusciti a localizzare l'areale dell'ara indaco. Alla fine la specie venne nuovamente riscoperta nel 1978 dall'ornitologo Helmut Sick nello Stato di Bahia, nell'entroterra nord-orientale del Brasile. In passato vari studiosi ritenevano che l'ara indaco fosse un ibrido o una semplice variante dell'ara giacinto. Tuttavia, quest'idea venne presto abbandonata, dato che sia il piumaggio che le dimensioni e le proporzioni dell'ara indaco differiscono da quelle dei suoi stretti parenti. L'ara indaco venne mostrata per la prima volta al pubblico nel 1950 in uno zoo brasiliano.


  1. ^ a b (EN) BirdLife International 2008, Anodorhynchus leari, su IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Versione 2020.2, IUCN, 2020.
  2. ^ (EN) Gill F. and Donsker D. (eds), Family Psittacidae, in IOC World Bird Names (ver 9.2), International Ornithologists’ Union, 2019. URL consultato il 19 maggio 2014.
  3. ^ Species factsheet: Anodorhynchus leari, su birdlife.org, BirdLife International (2008). URL consultato il 24 luglio 2008.
  4. ^ Animal Bytes – Lear's Macaw, su seaworld.org. URL consultato il 14 novembre 2010 (archiviato dall'url originale il 29 novembre 2010).
  5. ^ a b Lear's Macaw Making a Remarkable Comeback in Protected Reserve Archiviato il 17 luglio 2014 in Internet Archive. American Bird Conservancy. Press Release from 18 July 2007
  6. ^ Illustrations of the family of Psittacidae, or Parrots, su digicoll.library.wisc.edu, Digital Library for the Decorative Arts and Material Culture. URL consultato l'8 aprile 2010.

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Anodorhynchus leari: Brief Summary ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT
 src= Scogliere di arenaria nello Stato di Bahia (Brasile).  src= Nidi nelle scogliere di arenaria nello Stato di Bahia (Brasile).

L'ara indaco (Anodorhynchus leari Bonaparte, 1856) è un raro pappagallo brasiliano che occupa un areale molto ristretto.

È interamente di colore azzurro metallico, ma presenta una sfumatura verde nel piumaggio, spesso poco evidente, e una macchia di pelle gialla alla base del becco, grosso e di colore nero. Pesa circa 950 g ed è lunga 75 cm. Deve il nome alternativo di ara di Lear ad Edward Lear, il poeta, autore e artista che pubblicò molti disegni e illustrazioni di pappagalli ritratti dal vivo in zoo e collezioni private. Uno dei disegni del suo libro Illustrations of the Family of the Psittacidae, or Parrots ricorda moltissimo un membro di questa specie, sebbene a quei tempi si ritenesse rappresentasse un'ara giacinto — una specie più grande e più scura e con una macchia di pelle gialla adiacente alla base del becco di forma differente.

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Lears ara ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL


De lears ara (Anodorhynchus leari) is een papegaai van het geslacht van de blauwe ara's (anodorhynchus). De vogel is nauw verwant aan de blauwgrijze ara. De vogel heeft de naam te danken aan de dichter Edward Lear welke grote aantallen tekeningen en schilderijen heeft gemaakt van papegaaien. De krachtige grote snavel is zwart van kleur.


Deze vogel bereikt een lengte van ongeveer 75 centimeter en een gewicht van 950 gram. De vogel is metaal blauw van kleur. Op de wang is de huid kaal en geel van kleur. Ook de ring rondom de ogen is kaal en geel van kleur.


De lears ara is een papegaai welke endemisch is in Brazilië. Lange tijd was er weinig bekend over het leefgebied van deze vogel. Na de ontdekken van deze vogel in 1856 is de vogel herontdekt in het wild in Bahia, Brazilië in 1978 door de ornitholoog Helmut Sick. De vogel houdt zich voornamelijk op in en rondom de Lucuri Palm (Syagrus coronata).


Het voedsel bestaat voornamelijk uit de vrucht van de Licuri palm aangevuld met andere vruchten, noten en zaden.


Het nestellen doet deze ara niet in boomholtes maar in zandsteenrotsen. Ze maken in het zandsteen kleine holtes. Het vrouwtje legt 1 tot 2 eieren in het nest welke na een broedtijd van ongeveer een maand uitkomen. Na bijna 100 dagen verlaten de jongen hun nest. Het broedseizoen is van december tot en met mei. Als de vogel tussen 2 tot 4 jaar oud is, is hij geslachtsrijp. De vogel wordt tussen de 30 tot 50 jaar oud.


De populatie van de Lears ara bedroeg in 1994 nog maar zo'n 140 exemplaren. Na een grote reddingsactie voor behoud van deze soort telde de populatie in 2007 ongeveer 750 stuks. De sterke afname van de papegaaiachtigen was met name te wijten aan de afname van het leefgebied. De vogels zijn sterk afhankelijk van de Licuri palm. Halfweg de jaren negentig van de vorige eeuw bedroegen de aantallen volwassen Lucuri palmen nog maar 1.6% van de totaal aantallen palmen in de jaren er voor. Om deze vogels te beschermen worden nu ook de bomen beschermd evenals de zandsteen rotsen.


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Lears ara: Brief Summary ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL

De lears ara (Anodorhynchus leari) is een papegaai van het geslacht van de blauwe ara's (anodorhynchus). De vogel is nauw verwant aan de blauwgrijze ara. De vogel heeft de naam te danken aan de dichter Edward Lear welke grote aantallen tekeningen en schilderijen heeft gemaakt van papegaaien. De krachtige grote snavel is zwart van kleur.

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Indigoara ( Norueguês )

fornecido por wikipedia NO

Indigoara (Anodorhynchus leari) er en av tre arter i slekten Anodorhynchus, som består av store blålige araer. Arten finnes i Bahia, i Caatinga i det østre Brasil.


Indigoara blir cirka 70–75 cm lang, målt fra toppen av hodet til tuppen av stjerten. Fjærdrakten er indigoblå. Mer intens på oversiden og mørkere bakover mot stjerten, som er lang og kileformet. Nebbet er sort og kraftig. Arten har store gulfargede nakne hudflekker nederst på kinnene, mot roten av undernebbet, og tydelige gule hudringer med bar hud rundt øynene. I bakkant av øynene går hudringene ut i ei tynn, kort stripe. Lemmene er korte og har naken sort hud på føttene og sorte klør på tærne.


Arten hekker i sandsteinklipper og legger normalt 1–2 egg. Fuglene eter ulike frø og palmenøtter fra blant annet licurípalmen.[2]


Arten står oppført på IUCNs rødliste som sterkt truet (En) av utryddelse og er dessuten oppført på CITES Appendix 1 og 2. Arten var i ferd med å dø ut på 1990-tallet, men ble reddet gjennom et avlsprosjekt og strenge lokale tiltak. Bestanden er nå økende og estimert til cirka 1100 fugler.[1]


  1. ^ a b BirdLife International 2013. Anodorhynchus leari. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.3. Besøkt 2015-04-03
  2. ^ Neto, G. F. da S.; Alves de Sousa, A. E. B.; Neto, J. R. dos S. 2012. Novas informações sobre a dieta da Arara-azul-de-lear, Anodorhynchus leari Bonaparte, 1856 (Aves, Psittacidae). Ornithologia 5: 1-5.

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Indigoara: Brief Summary ( Norueguês )

fornecido por wikipedia NO

Indigoara (Anodorhynchus leari) er en av tre arter i slekten Anodorhynchus, som består av store blålige araer. Arten finnes i Bahia, i Caatinga i det østre Brasil.

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Modroara błękitna ( Polonês )

fornecido por wikipedia POL
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Modroara błękitna, ara błękitna[3] (Anodorhynchus leari) – gatunek ptaka z rodziny papugowatych (Psittacidae) występujący jedynie na niewielkim obszarze wschodniej Brazylii. Według IUCN A. leari jest obecnie zagrożona wyginięciem[2] i objęta konwencją CITES.


Nazwa zwyczajowa pochodzi od ubarwienia tego gatunku ptaka. Natomiast nazwy naukowa i synonimiczna wywodzą się od angielskiego poety i rysownika Edwarda Leara, który jest autorem wielu przedstawień ptaków, w tym M. błękitnej.

Ara błękitna według Edwarda Leara

Historia odkryć

A. leari została opisana pierwszy raz przez Karola Bonaparte w 1856 roku, jednak nie udało się ustalić obszaru występowania większej ilości tych papug. Publiczność pierwszy raz zobaczyła modroarę błękitną w 1950 w lokalnym brazylijskim zoo. Jednak dopiero w 1978 Helmut Sick odkrył dwa niewielkie obszary - w okolicy Toca Velha i Serra Branca - w stanie Bahia w Brazylii, gdzie występuje ara błękitna.


Modroara błękitna jest w bardzo dużym stopniu podobna do ary hiacyntowej ale jest od niej mniejsza, a upierzenie ma bardziej matowe. A. leari osiąga do 75 cm długości i do 0,95 kg masy. Skrzydła, ogon i całe ciało z wyjątkiem głowy są ciemno niebieskie. Natomiast sama głowa jest nieco jaśniejsza. Wokół oczu upierzenie jest żółtawe lub żółto-pomarańczowe. Po bokach przy dziobie modroara błękitna ma gołą jasnożółtą skórę, a sam dziób jest duży i czarny. Nogi u tego gatunku mają kolor ciemnoszary.


Naturalnym środowiskiem występowania modroary błękitnej są tereny, na których występuje palma Licuri, ponieważ orzechy tej palmy są bardzo ważnym składnikiem diety A. leari. Palmy Licuri występują obecnie jednak tylko na szczątkowym terytorium (ok. 1,6%) swojego pierwotnego obszaru, stąd też zasięg występowania ary błękitnej jest bardzo mocno ograniczony. Drugim ważnym składnikiem środowiska dla tego gatunku jest obecność piaskowca, w którym papugi zakładają gniazda. Ponieważ piaskowiec jest skałą bardzo twardą, ary rozmiękczają ją śliną, a następnie wykonują dziobem małe szczeliny. Na końcu zaś nogami wyskrobują osłabioną skałę.


Modroary błękitne łatwo i w interesujący sposób dostosowują się do otoczenia. Kiedy stado poszukuje nowych terenów lęgowych lub pożywienia, część samców dokonuje zwiadu na okolicznym terenie dla bezpieczeństwa całego stada. Jeśli zwiadowcy dostrzegą niebezpieczeństwo, natychmiast wydają sygnały ostrzegawcze dla stada, które słychać w promieniu kilku kilometrów. Ponadto ary błękitne potrafią osiągnąć w locie szybkość ponad 55 km/godz., co pozwala im skutecznie unikać zagrożenia.


Modroary błękitne osiągają dojrzałość płciową pomiędzy 2 a 4 rokiem życia, przy długości życia dochodzącej do 30 a nawet 50 lat. Samice składają 1-2 jaja rocznie w okresie godowym trwającym od grudnia do maja, ale nie wszystkie osobniki łączą się w pary.


Piaskowce w stanie Bahia- tereny lęgowe ary błękitnej

Od lat 90. XX wieku gatunek był uznawany przez IUCN za krytycznie zagrożony wyginięciem, ponieważ populacja wynosiła jedynie ok. 140 osobników. Status ten utrzymał się - mimo znacznego wzrostu liczby ptaków - aż do 2008 roku. Dopiero w 2009 IUCN przyznała A. leari status gatunku zagrożonego, gdyż populacja zwiększyła się do ponad 960 w roku 2008[2].

Nadal jednak gatunek nie może być bezpieczny ponieważ zdarzają się niedobory orzechów Licuri, powodowane np. przez tratowanie młodych palm przez bydło, oraz wykorzystywanie piaskowca przez ludzi. Z tych powodów programem pomocy i ochrony arę błękitną wspierają liczne organizacje, m.in: Fundação Biodiversitas, SAVE Brasil, Loro Parque Fundación, Parrots International oraz Fundacja Lymington, które są nadzorowane przez Brazylijski Instytut Ochrony Środowiska, Zasobów Naturalnych i Energii Odnawialnej (IBAMA). Rezultatem działań wymienionych organizacji jest, np. powołanie w 1993 Stacji Biologicznej Canudos, która chroni skały piaskowca w rejonie występowania papug.


  1. Anodorhynchus leari, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
  2. a b c Anodorhynchus leari. Czerwona księga gatunków zagrożonych (IUCN Red List of Threatened Species) (ang.).
  3. Paweł Mielczarek, Włodzimierz Cichocki. Polskie nazewnictwo ptaków świata. „Notatki Ornitologiczne”. Tom 40. Zeszyt specjalny, s. 112, 1999. ISSN 0550-0842.


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Modroara błękitna: Brief Summary ( Polonês )

fornecido por wikipedia POL

Modroara błękitna, ara błękitna (Anodorhynchus leari) – gatunek ptaka z rodziny papugowatych (Psittacidae) występujący jedynie na niewielkim obszarze wschodniej Brazylii. Według IUCN A. leari jest obecnie zagrożona wyginięciem i objęta konwencją CITES.

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wikipedia POL

Arara-azul-de-lear ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT

A arara-azul-de-lear (nome científico: Anodorhynchus leari) é uma espécie de arara da família Psittacidae e gênero Anodorhynchus. É endêmica do Raso da Catarina, nordeste do estado da Bahia, Brasil. Após 150 anos de incertezas, sua área de ocorrência foi descoberta em 1978 pelo ornitólogo Helmut Sick. É uma espécie ameaçada devido ao tráfico de animais e à destruição de seu habitat, além de possuir uma população pequena, estimada em torno de 1200 indivíduos.


Par de araras-azuis-de-lear na Estação Biológica de Canudos, na Bahia.

A arara-azul-de-lear é uma arara de porte médio, cujos indivíduos medem entre 70 e 75 centímetros.[2] É muito semelhante em tamanho e coloração à arara-azul-pequena (Anodorhynchus glaucus), sendo que as principais diferenças entre as espécies estão na plumagem do dorso, que é azul-cobalto em A. leari e azul mais pálido e esverdeado em A. glaucus, que apresenta também tons de cinza na cabeça e no pescoço.[3] As asas e a cauda também possuem uma coloração azul-cobalto enquanto o ventre é azul mais pálido. Possui um grande bico negro e a plumagem da cabeça e do pescoço é azul-esverdeada. O anel perioftálmico é amarelo-claro, e na base da mandíbula apresenta uma área nua de formato triangular e coloração amarelo-claro.[4]

Nomenclatura e taxonomia

A espécie foi descrita por Charles Lucien Bonaparte em 1856 com o nome de Anodorhynchus leari a partir de um exemplar taxidermizado presente no Museu de Paris e de um indivíduo no Zoológico de Anvers.[5] O epíteto específico foi em homenagem a Edward Lear que pintou um exemplar em uma prancha de seu livro Illustrations of the Family of the Psittacidae, or Parrots em 1828, entretanto, ele designou a espécie como Macrocercus hyacinthinus.[2]

A arara-azul-de-lear já tinha sido descoberta 1823, e diversos exemplares foram enviados para zoológicos da Europa. No entanto, nada se sabia sobre a procedência e a área de ocorrência da espécie. Na segunda metade do século XX, Olivério Pinto, em uma expedição pelo Nordeste, encontrou um exemplar cativo no município de Juazeiro e indicou o Nordeste brasileiro como a possível área de distribuição desta arara.[6] Em dezembro de 1978, Helmut Sick e colaboradores realizaram uma expedição partindo de Euclides da Cunha à procura da espécie. A cerca de 11 quilômetros da cidade encontraram a região de Toca Velha com 21 indivíduos. Também encontraram a área de Serra Branca, onde coletaram um espécime que se encontra depositado no Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro.[7]

Distribuição geográfica e habitat

Indivíduos no Raso da Catarina

A espécie é endêmica do estado da Bahia, onde pode ser encontrada em duas colônias, Toca Velha em Canudos e Serra Branca, ao sul do Raso da Catarina.[1] Sua área de distribuição está restrita ao nordeste do estado ocorrendo nos municípios de Canudos, Euclides da Cunha, Paulo Afonso, Uauá, Jeremoabo, Sento Sé e Campo Formoso.[4]

Existem dois sítios de nidificação e dormitório conhecidos: um em Canudos, na região conhecida como Toca Velha, numa Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural de propriedade da Fundação Biodiversitas e outro em Jeremoabo, ao sul da Estação Ecológica do Raso da Catarina, unidade de conservação federal administrada pelo Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade.[8]

Ecologia e comportamento

Paredão de arenito com nichos multiformes escavados que servem de dormitório e lugar de nidificação para a arara-azul-de-lear.

Se alimenta preferencialmente dos frutos da palmeira conhecida como licuri (Syagrus coronata),[9] mas também consome frutos da braúna (Melanoxylon brauna) e frutos de cactos. Atinge a idade de reprodução aos 3 anos e sua época reprodutiva é entre novembro e março. Os ninhos são feitos em paredes de desfiladeiros, e as ninhadas costumam ter cerca de 2 ovos.[10]


A arara-azul-de-lear é classificada pela União Internacional para a Conservação da Natureza e dos Recursos Naturais (IUCN) como "em perigo", até 2008 era considerada como "em perigo crítico", mas o aumento da população devido as medidas de conservação fizeram com a classificação fosse revista em 2009.[1] Na Convenção sobre o Comércio Internacional das Espécies da Fauna e da Flora Silvestres Ameaçadas de Extinção (CITES) aparece no "Appendix I",[11] e pelo Ministério do Meio Ambiente como "em perigo crítico" desde 2003.[12]

Em 1980 iniciaram-se os esforços de pesquisa e conservação das áreas de nidificação e dormitório, sendo 1983 criada a Estação Ecológica do Raso da Catarina. Em 1993, a Fundação Biodiversitas adquire uma porção de 130 hectares da área de Toca Velha, no município de Canudos e cria a Estação Biológica de Canudos, ampliada em 1 500 hectares em 2007, e passando a incluir todos os paredões utilizados pelas aves.[13] Em 2001 é criado o "Programa de Conservação da arara-azul-de-lear" no município de Jeremoabo.[14]


  1. a b c BirdLife International. (2020) [amended version of 2019 assessment]. «Anodorhynchus leari». Lista Vermelha de Espécies Ameaçadas. 2020: e.T22685521A176030480. doi:. Consultado em 30 de Janeiro de 2022
  2. a b SICK, H.; GONZAGA, L.P.; Teixeira, D.M. (1987). «A arara-azul-de-lear Anodorhynchus leari Bonaparte, 1856». Revista Brasileira de Zoologia. 3 (7): 441-463
  3. FORSHAW, J.M. (2010). Parrots of the World. [S.l.]: Princeton University Press. 336 páginas. ISBN 9780691142852
  4. a b MACHADO, A. B. M; DRUMMOND, G. M. & PAGLIA, A. P. (eds) Livro Vermelho da Fauna Brasileira Ameaçada de Extinção. 2008, 1420 p. 1.ed. Brasília, DF: Ministério do Meio Ambiente; Belo Horizonte, MG: Fundação Biodiversitas, 2008.
  5. BONAPARTE, C.L. (1856). «Tabellarische Uebersicht der Papagaien». Naummania (6): 1-8
  6. PINTO, O.M. de O. (1961). «Resultados ornitológicos de quatro recentes expedições do Depto. de Zoologia ao Nordeste brasileiro». Arqvos Zool. S. Paulo. 9 (9): 193-284
  7. SICK, H. (1979a). «Découverte de la patrie de I' Ara de lear Anodorhynchus leari». Alauda. 47 (1): 59-60
  8. Menezes, A.C.; H.F.P. Araujo; J.L.X. Nascimento; A.C.G. Rego; A.A. Paiva; R.N. Serafim; S.D. Bella & P.C. Lima (2006). «Monitoramento da população de Anodorhynchus leari (Bonaparte, 1856) (Psittacidae), na natureza». Ornithologia. 1 (2): 105-167 !CS1 manut: Nomes múltiplos: lista de autores (link)
  9. BRANDT, A.; MACHADO, R.B. (1990). «Área de alimentação e comportamento de Anodorhynchus leari». Ararajuba. 1: 57-63
  10. «arara-azul-de-lear (Anodorhynchus leari) | WikiAves - A Enciclopédia das Aves do Brasil». www.wikiaves.com. Consultado em 26 de junho de 2020
  11. CITES (2008). «Appendices I, II and III». CITES. Consultado em 8 de novembro de 2012
  12. Ministérios do Meio Ambiente - Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Renováveis - Instrução Normativa nº 003 de 27 de maio de 2003 - Lista das Espécies da Fauna Brasileira Ameaçadas de Extinção.
  13. «ESTAÇÃO BIOLÓGICA DE CANUDOS (BA)». Biodiversitas. Consultado em 7 de janeiro de 2013
  14. MMA (2006). «Plano de manejo da arara-azul-de-lear» (PDF). Série Espécies Ameaçadas – nº 4. ICMBio


  • Andreza Clarinda Araújo do Amaral; Malva Isabel Medina Hernández; Bruno de Freitas Xavier & Samanta Della Bella (2005). «Dinâmica de ninho de Arara-azul-de-lear (Anodorhynchus leari Bonaparte, 1856) em Jeremoabo, Bahia». Ornithologia. 1 (1): 59-64 !CS1 manut: Nomes múltiplos: lista de autores (link)
  • Santos-Neto, J.R. dos & D.M. Gomes (2007). «Predação de milho por arara-azul-de-Lear, Anodorhynchus leari (Bonaparte, 1856) (Aves: Psittacidae), em sua área de ocorrência no Sertão da Bahia». Ornithologia. 2 (1): 1-64
  • «Estrelando: araras-azuis-de-lear». Ciência Hoje. Consultado em 24 de abril de 2016. Arquivado do original em 25 de abril de 2016

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wikipedia PT

Arara-azul-de-lear: Brief Summary ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT

A arara-azul-de-lear (nome científico: Anodorhynchus leari) é uma espécie de arara da família Psittacidae e gênero Anodorhynchus. É endêmica do Raso da Catarina, nordeste do estado da Bahia, Brasil. Após 150 anos de incertezas, sua área de ocorrência foi descoberta em 1978 pelo ornitólogo Helmut Sick. É uma espécie ameaçada devido ao tráfico de animais e à destruição de seu habitat, além de possuir uma população pequena, estimada em torno de 1200 indivíduos.

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Indigoara ( Sueco )

fornecido por wikipedia SV

Indigoara[2] (Anodorhynchus leari) är en fågel i familjen västpapegojor inom ordningen papegojfåglar.[3]

Utbredning och status

Arten förekommer i caatinga i östra Brasilien (norra Bahia). Den var på gränsen till utrotning[3] på 1990-talet, men åtgärder för att bevara arten har sedan dess ökat populationen. 2001 uppskattades det finnas 246 fåglar och 2008 uppskattades det finnas 960 fåglar.[1] Fram till 2008 var arten rödlistad som akut hotad. Sedan 2009 kategoriserar IUCN arten som starkt hotad.[1]


Fågelns vetenskapliga artnamn hedrar Edward Lear (1812-1888), en engelsk författare och konstnär.[4]


  1. ^ [a b c] Birdlife International 2012 Anodorhynchus leari Från: IUCN 2015. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2015.4 www.iucnredlist.org. Läst 2016-02-01.
  2. ^ Sveriges ornitologiska förening (2018) Officiella listan över svenska namn på världens fågelarter, läst 2018-02-14
  3. ^ [a b] Clements, J. F., T. S. Schulenberg, M. J. Iliff, D. Roberson, T. A. Fredericks, B. L. Sullivan, and C. L. Wood (2015) The eBird/Clements checklist of birds of the world: Version 2015 http://www.birds.cornell.edu/clementschecklist/download, läst 2016-02-11
  4. ^ Jobling, J. A. (2016). Key to Scientific Names in Ornithology. Ur del Hoyo, J., Elliott, A., Sargatal, J., Christie, D.A. & de Juana, E. (red.) (2016). Handbook of the Birds of the World Alive. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona. Hämtad från www.hbw.com.

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Indigoara: Brief Summary ( Sueco )

fornecido por wikipedia SV

Indigoara (Anodorhynchus leari) är en fågel i familjen västpapegojor inom ordningen papegojfåglar.

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Ара синій ( Ucraniano )

fornecido por wikipedia UK

Зовнішній вигляд

Anodorhynchus leari by Edward Lear.jpg

Малий гіацинтовий ара досягає 70-75 см завдовжки і важить близько 950 г. Забарвлення кобальтово-синє. Крила трохи темніше. Голова, груди й живіт з зеленим відливом. Гола зона навколо очей і у заснування піддзьобка — блідо-жовта. Підхвістя й підкрилля — чорнуваті. Дзьоб чорний. Лабети темно-сірі. Райдужка темно-коричнева.

Історія відкриття

A. leari була описана перший раз Карлом Бонапартом в 1856 році, однак не вдалося встановити зону поширення цих папуг. Публіка перший раз побачила малого гіацинтового ари в 1950 в локальному бразильському зоопарку. Однак лише в 1978 Гельмут Сік відкрив дві невеликі популяції — в околиці Toca Velha і Serra Branca — в штаті Байя у Бразилії.


Ареал обмежений невеликою й важкодоступною ділянкою на північному сході штату Байя (Бразилія).

Спосіб життя

Населяє відкриті й напіввідчинені лісистості, біля пісковиків до висоти 500—800 м над рівнем моря. Живиться пальмовими горіхами, квітами, насінням.


Відкладає 1-2 яйця, сезон розмноження з грудня в травень. Молодь досягає статевої зрілості у близько 2-4 роки від народження.

Загрози й охорона

Украй рідкий, перебуває під загрозою повного зникнення. До кінця 20 століття в дикій природі налічувалося 70-200 особин, розділені на 2 популяції. Причини: полювання, вилов, втрата первозданної природи.


  1. BirdLife International (2017). Anodorhynchus leari: інформація на сайті МСОП (версія 2017.3) (англ.) 01 October 2016
  2. Фесенко Г. В. Вітчизняна номенклатура птахів світу. — Кривий Ріг : ДІОНАТ, 2018. — 580 с. — ISBN 978-617-7553-34-1.


  • Винокуров А. А. Редкие птицы мира. — М.: Агропромиздат, 1987. — 207 с.


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Anodorhynchus leari ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Anodorhynchus leari là một loài chim trong họ Psittacidae.[2]

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ BirdLife International (2013). Anodorhynchus leari. Sách Đỏ IUCN các loài bị đe dọa. Phiên bản 2013.2. Liên minh Bảo tồn Thiên nhiên Quốc tế. Truy cập ngày 26 tháng 11 năm 2013.
  2. ^ Clements, J. F., T. S. Schulenberg, M. J. Iliff, B.L. Sullivan, C. L. Wood, and D. Roberson (2012). “The eBird/Clements checklist of birds of the world: Version 6.7.”. Truy cập ngày 19 tháng 12 năm 2012.

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Anodorhynchus leari: Brief Summary ( Vietnamita )

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Anodorhynchus leari là một loài chim trong họ Psittacidae.

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Малый гиацинтовый ара ( Russo )

fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию
Научная классификация
промежуточные ранги
Домен: Эукариоты
Царство: Животные
Подцарство: Эуметазои
Без ранга: Вторичноротые
Подтип: Позвоночные
Инфратип: Челюстноротые
Надкласс: Четвероногие
Класс: Птицы
Подкласс: Настоящие птицы
Инфракласс: Новонёбные
Семейство: Попугаевые
Подсемейство: Настоящие попугаи
Вид: Малый гиацинтовый ара
Международное научное название

Anodorhynchus leari
(Bonaparte, 1856)



Охранный статус Wikispecies-logo.svg
на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 177656NCBI 178882EOL 1177959

Ма́лый гиаци́нтовый а́ра[1] (лат. Anodorhynchus leari) — птица семейства попугаевых.

Внешний вид

Окраска кобальтово-синяя. Крылья чуть темнее. Голова, грудь и живот с зелёным отливом. Голая зона вокруг глаз и у основания подклювья — бледно-жёлтая. Подхвостье и подкрылья — черноватые. Клюв чёрный. Лапы тёмно-серые. Радужка тёмно-коричневая.


Ареал ограничен небольшим и труднодоступным участком на северо-востоке штата Баия (Бразилия).

Образ жизни

Населяет открытые и полуоткрытые лесистости, близ песчаников до высоты 500—800 м над уровнем моря.

Угрозы и охрана

Крайне редок, находится под угрозой полного исчезновения. К концу XX века в дикой природе насчитывалось 70-200 особей, разделённые на 2 популяции. Причины: охота, отлов, утрата первозданной природы.


  1. Бёме Р. Л., Флинт В. Е. Пятиязычный словарь названий животных. Птицы. Латинский, русский, английский, немецкий, французский / Под общ. ред. акад. В. Е. Соколова. — М.: Рус. яз., «РУССО», 1994. — С. 113. — 2030 экз.ISBN 5-200-00643-0.
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Малый гиацинтовый ара: Brief Summary ( Russo )

fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию

Ма́лый гиаци́нтовый а́ра (лат. Anodorhynchus leari) — птица семейства попугаевых.

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Авторы и редакторы Википедии

李爾氏金剛鸚鵡 ( Chinês )

fornecido por wikipedia 中文维基百科
二名法 Anodorhynchus leari
Bonaparte, 1856 李爾氏金剛鸚鵡的分布

李爾氏金剛鸚鵡学名Anodorhynchus leari,英文名:Lear's Macaw、Indigo Macaw 或 Lear's Hyacinthine Macaw(Hyacinthine 意指「擁有如風信子般的紫藍色」,Hyacinthine Macaw 則是指紫藍金剛鸚鵡)),又名青藍金剛鸚鵡靛藍金剛鸚鵡,是巴西特有的一種大型鸚鵡,生境局限於非常狹小的範圍(巴伊亞一帶[2]),通常棲息於有高度的沙岩、溪谷崖壁,或有生長仙人掌、灌木等植物的半乾旱地帶[3]。壽命約30至50年。



種名來自於英國插畫家愛德華·李爾(Edward Lear),他於1830至1832年間出版過許多有關鸚鵡的圖鑑,在他1832年的作品《Illustrations of the Family of the Psittacidae, or Parrots》中就有李爾氏金剛鸚鵡的圖繪(圖中將李爾氏金剛鸚鵡錯誤描述成紫藍金剛鸚鵡);圖鑑出版的20多年後,波拿巴正式描述並發表了此物種(但不是取自標本,而是以李爾的圖繪作為命名的依據[4]),且取李爾的姓氏做為這種鸚鵡的種名[3]






  • 紫藍金剛鸚鵡Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus)相比,紫藍金剛鸚鵡的體型較大(體長可達1公尺),且體色較鮮明。
  • 淺藍綠金剛鸚鵡Anodorhynchus glaucus)相比,雖然淺藍綠金剛鸚鵡體型與李爾氏金剛鸚鵡差不多(通常體長約為70公分左右),但李爾氏金剛鸚鵡的體色較偏藍色。







自從1832年李爾氏金剛鸚鵡的圖繪問世後,便因乾皮成了著名的貿易對象,使其野外群族的生存受到極大壓力。在如此強大的獵捕壓力下,李爾氏金剛鸚鵡的數量便迅速降低,甚至有一陣子被認為和同樣數量極為稀少的斯皮克斯金剛鸚鵡一樣完全消失了,直至1978年年底,鳥類學家赫爾穆特·席克(Helmut Sick)於巴西東北部內陸的砂岩懸崖上一種俗稱 Licurí 的棕櫚樹(Syagrus coronata)上被發現[4]。李爾氏金剛鸚鵡除了以 Licurí 的果實與種子為食外,也有紀錄指出有時會以黒木相思Acacia melanoxylon)、巴西破斧木Schinopsis brasiliensis)、豆科菜豆族Dioclea 屬、麻瘋樹屬Jatropha pohliana玉米龍舌蘭等植物的花或種子為食;然而,Licurí 的果仁仍是主要的食物,每日最多可取食將近250顆[9],而 Licurí 本來遍佈當地達250,000平方公里的面積,但放牧活動破壞了絕大部份的 Licurí,而週期性的野火更使 Licurí 數量減少的問題加劇[4]。現時正計劃種植50,000棵 Licurí。




  1. ^ BirdLife International. Anodorhynchus leari. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2013.2. International Union for Conservation of Nature. 2013 [26 November 2013]. 数据库資料包含說明此物種被編入濒危級別的原因.
  2. ^ Mario D. & Conzo G., 2004, Le grand livre des perroquets, de Vecchi, Paris
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 "瀕臨危險的野生動物--李爾氏金剛鸚鵡". 牛頓雜誌. 2004年4月, 21 (8): 62–67.(原文:コスミレコンゴウインコ--危機にさらされる野生動物).
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 東尼‧朱奈普(Tony Juniper). "靛藍金剛鸚鵡". 《BBC知識》(BBC Knowledge)國際中文版. 2014年11月, 39: 66–71.內容節錄.
  5. ^ "Lear's macaw (Anodorhynchus leari)". WildScreen. Arkive. [27 December 2012].
  6. ^ N. J. Collar in Josep del Hoyo, Andrew Elliott, Jordi Sargatal. eds. "Handbook of the Birds of the World, Volume 4: Sandgrouse to Cuckoos". Lynx Edicions. 1997: pp.419. ISBN 978-84-87334-22-1. 引文格式1维护:冗余文本 (link)
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 蔡錦文. "世界鸚鵡圖鑑". 貓頭鷹. 2008: pp.202. ISBN 978-986-6651-19-9. 引文格式1维护:冗余文本 (link)
  8. ^ Animal Bytes. "Lear's macaw". SeaWorld/Busch Gardens. [27 December 2012].
  9. ^ Neto, G. F. da S.; Alves de Sousa, A. E. B.; Neto, J. R. dos S. "Novas informações sobre a dieta da arara-azul-de-lear, Anodorhynchus leari Bonaparte, 1856 (Aves, Psittacidae)". Ornithologia. 2012, 5 (1): 1–5.
  10. ^ BirdLife International (2008). 國際鳥盟物種說明. "Species factsheet: Anodorhynchus leari ". [24 July 2008].


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李爾氏金剛鸚鵡: Brief Summary ( Chinês )

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李爾氏金剛鸚鵡(学名:Anodorhynchus leari,英文名:Lear's Macaw、Indigo Macaw 或 Lear's Hyacinthine Macaw(Hyacinthine 意指「擁有如風信子般的紫藍色」,Hyacinthine Macaw 則是指紫藍金剛鸚鵡)),又名青藍金剛鸚鵡或靛藍金剛鸚鵡,是巴西特有的一種大型鸚鵡,生境局限於非常狹小的範圍(巴伊亞一帶),通常棲息於有高度的沙岩、溪谷崖壁,或有生長仙人掌、灌木等植物的半乾旱地帶。壽命約30至50年。

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wikipedia 中文维基百科

コスミレコンゴウインコ ( Japonês )

fornecido por wikipedia 日本語
コスミレコンゴウインコ コスミレコンゴウインコ
コスミレコンゴウインコ Anodorhynchus leari
保全状況評価 ENDANGERED (IUCN Red List Ver. 3.1 (2001))[1]
Status iucn3.1 EN.svg
ワシントン条約附属書I 分類 : 動物界 Animalia : 脊索動物門 Chordata 亜門 : 脊椎動物亜門 Vertebrata : 鳥綱 Aves : オウム目 Psittaciformes : インコ科 Psittacidae : Anodorhynchus : コスミレコンゴウインコ
A. leari 学名 Anodorhynchus leari
Bonaparte, 1856 和名 コスミレコンゴウインコ 英名 Indigo macaw
Lear's macaw
Lear's hyacinth macaw

コスミレコンゴウインコAnodorhynchus leari)は、オウム目インコ科に分類される













  1. ^ BirdLife International 2009. Anodorhynchus leari. In: IUCN 2010. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2010.1.


  • 小原秀雄・浦本昌紀・太田英利・松井正文編著 『レッド・データ・アニマルズ2 アマゾン』、講談社2001年、66、140-141頁。


 src= ウィキメディア・コモンズには、コスミレコンゴウインコに関連するメディアがあります。  src= ウィキスピーシーズにコスミレコンゴウインコに関する情報があります。

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wikipedia 日本語

コスミレコンゴウインコ: Brief Summary ( Japonês )

fornecido por wikipedia 日本語

コスミレコンゴウインコ(Anodorhynchus leari)は、オウム目インコ科に分類される

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wikipedia 日本語