Associated Forest Cover
fornecido por Silvics of North America
White oak grows in association with many other trees, the more
important of which are other upland oaks (Quercus spp.),
hickories (Carya spp.), yellowpoplar (Liriodendron
tulipifera), American basswood (Tilia americana), white
ash (Fraxinus americana), sweetgum (Liquidambar
styraciflua), blackgum (Nyssa sylvatica), American
beech (Fagus grandifolia), sugar maple (Acer
saccharum), shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata), loblolly
pine (P.taeda), eastern white pine (P. strobus),
and eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis). The most
frequent associates are other oaks and the hickories.
White oak is a major component of three forest cover types (10):
White Oak-Black Oak-Northern Red Oak (Society of American
Foresters Type 52), White Oak (Type 53), and Yellow-Poplar-White
Oak-Northern Red Oak (Type 59). It is a minor component of the
following 28 other forest types:
Northern Forest Region
14 Northern Pin Oak
19 Grey Birch-Red Maple
21 Eastern White Pine 22 White Pine-Hemlock
23 Eastern Hemlock
26 Sugar Maple-Basswood
27 Sugar Maple
51 White Pine-Chestnut Oak
60 Beech-Sugar Maple
Central Forest Region
40 Post Oak-Blackjack Oak
42 Bur Oak
43 Bear Oak
44 Chestnut Oak
45 Pitch Pine
46 Eastern Redcedar
55 Northern Red Oak
57 Yellow-Poplar
58 Yellow-Poplar-Eastern Hemlock
61 River Birch-Sycamore
110 Black Oak
Southern Forest Region
75 Shortleaf Pine
76 Shortleaf Pine-Oak
78 Virginia Pine-Oak
79 Virginia Pine
80 Loblolly Pine-Shortleaf Pine
81 Loblolly Pine
82 Loblolly Pine-Hardwood
91 Swamp Chestnut Oak-Cherrybark Oak
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- USDA, Forest Service
fornecido por Silvics of North America
White oak grows under a wide variety of climatic conditions. Mean
annual temperature ranges from 7° C (45° F) along the
northern edge of the growing area to nearly 21° C (70°
F) in east Texas and north Florida. The extreme low temperature
ranges from -460 C (-50° F) in Wisconsin and Minnesota to
-18° C (0° F) in north Florida. Annual precipitation
ranges from 2030 mm (80 in) in the southern Appalachians to 760
mm (30 in) in southern Minnesota. Snowfall averages 178 cm (70
in) in southern Maine and less than 3 cm (1 in) in northern
Florida. The average noon July relative humidity is less than 50
percent in the western part of the range and more than 65 percent
on the Atlantic Coast. The frost-free season is 5 months in the
north and 9 months in the extreme southern part of the range. The
mean maximum frost penetration in the soil is 102 cm (40 in) in
the north and 3 cm (1 in) in the south.
The optimum range of white oak in the Ohio Valley and central part
of the Mississippi Valley has the following average climatic
conditions: annual temperature, 13° C (55° F); annual
precipitation, 1020 mm (40 in); annual snowfall, from 38 to 51
cm. (15 to 20 in); noon relative humidity in July, 55 percent;
frost-free season, 6 months; and frost penetration, 25 cm (10 in)
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- USDA, Forest Service
Damaging Agents
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Several insects attack white oak trees
(15,28,43). They are usually not important but may become
epidemic and kill weakened trees. Economically, the most
important are the wood borers. These may damage the wood of
standing trees and cause log and lumber defects.
White oak is attacked by several leaf eaters including the gypsy
moth (Lymantria dispar), orange-striped oakworm (Anisota
senatoria), variable oakleaf caterpillar (Heterocampa
manteo), several oak leaf tiers (Psilocorsis spp.),
and walkingstick (Diapheromera femorata). Frequently
trees are killed from an interaction of damaging agents such as a
defoliator followed by invasion of a shoestring fungus and the
twolined chestnut borer (Agrilus bilineatus).
White oak also hosts various scale insects, gall-forming insects,
and twig pruners, but most of these are of minor importance.
White oak acorns are commonly attacked by insects, in some cases
affecting half the total acorn crop. Weevils of the genera Curculio
and Conotrachelus cause most acorn damage. Light acorn
crops usually are more heavily infested than heavy ones. Two
moths damage acorns, the filbertworm (Melissopus
latiferreanus) and Valentinia glandulella. The
Cynipid wasps cause galls to develop in the acorn or on the cup.
The oak timberworm (Arrhenodes minutus) frequently damages
white oak, making it unfit for tight cooperage. Attacks by this
insect usually occur at wounds made by logging, lightning, and
wind. Golden oak scale (Asterolecanium variolosum) can
seriously damage and even kill the tree. It is especially
damaging when accompanied by drought.
Decay of heartwood resulting from fire scars causes the most
serious white oak losses. The amount of decay depends on the size
of the wound, the species of fungi, and the length of time since
wounding. In general, rot spreads in the stem if the basal sear
is more than 0.3 m (1 ft) in d.b.h. The larger the wound, the
faster the rot (28).
Oak wilt, a vascular disease caused by the fungus Ceratocystis
fagacearum, is potentially the most destructive disease of
both the red and white oaks. It is widely distributed throughout
the Central States. White oak is less susceptible to oak wilt
than the red oak species, and may lose only a limb at a time, or
may sustain infection by the pathogen without ever showing
symptoms (21).
Several other diseases of white oak seldom kill or cause much
loss. Perennial cankers induced by bark diseases Strumella
coryneoides and Nectria galligena are responsible for
most of the losses in white oak particularly where ice and snow
accumulation is common. Damage results from a weakening of the
bole at the cankers with subsequent wind breakage. The trunk can
become wholly or partially unmerchantable.
A root rot caused by the fungus Armillaria mellea attacks
weakened trees. Root rot caused by Armillaria tabescens is
similar and attacks oaks in the South. White root rot caused by
Inonotus dryadeus is common on weak and suppressed trees.
The fungus Gnomonia veneta causes irregular brown areas on
leaves and shoots. It may cause loss of some leaves and rarely,
complete defoliation.
Oak leaf blister, caused by Taphrina caerulescens, is
prevalent on eastern oaks, producing blisterlike swellings on the
White oak is moderately resistant to ice breakage, sensitive to
flooding, and resistant to salt spray and brief salt-water
submergence (21,28). It is sensitive to fire injury but less so
than scarlet oak. Coal smoke and the resulting fly ash deposit on
the soil surface substantially reduce white oak productivity
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- USDA, Forest Service
Flowering and Fruiting
fornecido por Silvics of North America
White oak flowers in the spring at
about the same time leaves appear. The time may vary from late
March to late May depending upon latitude. It is monoecious;
flowers of both sexes are present on the same tree. The yellowish
staminate flowers appear first and are home in 5- to 8-cm (2- to
3-in) catkins. The reddish pistillate flowers appear 5 to 10 days
later either singly or in pairs on short stalks. Female flowers
that are not fertilized abscise during the development period.
High abscission rates are common and may be related to weather
conditions during the period of pollination, ovule development,
and fertilization (44). Ripe anthers open and close with changes
in relative humidity. Normally, pollen dissemination is completed
within 3 days but periods of wet weather delay pollen shedding.
Dry winds and freezing weather are also detrimental to flower
development and pollen shedding (28). Acorn crops are good in
years when the weather is warm for 10 days during flowering and
then cool for 13 to 20 days afterward. The acorn crop has been
poor in years when cool periods preceded warm periods at the time
of flowering (36).
Acorn maturity is reached approximately 120 days after
pollination. Acorn drop follows 25 days later and is complete
within a month. Physiological maturity, as indicated by normal
germination, is reached when acorns change color from green to
light brown (4). Acorns germinate almost immediately after
falling to the ground in September or October.
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- USDA, Forest Service
fornecido por Silvics of North America
In addition to the type variety, two varieties of Quercus alba
have been named: Q. alba var. repanda Michx.
and Q. alba var. latiloba Sarg.
Seven hybrids are recognized: Quercus x jackiana Schneid.
(Q. alba x bicolor); Q. x bebbiana Schneid. (Q. alba
x macrocarpa); Q. x beadlei Trel. (Q. alba x michauxii);
Q. x faxonii Trel. (Q. alba x prinoides); Q. x saulli
Schneid. (Q. alba x prinus); Q. x fernowii Trel. (Q.
alba x stellata); Q. x bimundorum Palmer (Q. alba x-
White oak also hybridizes with the following: Durand oak (Quercus
durandii), overcup oak (Q. lyrata), and chinkapin oak
(Q. muehlenbergii).
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- USDA, Forest Service
Growth and Yield
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White oak is a large, long-lived tree
often 24 to 30 ni (80 to 100 ft) in height and 91 to 122 cm (36
to 48 in) in d.b.h. Individual trees 46 m (150 ft) high, 244 cm
(96 in) in d.b.h., and 600 years old have been recorded. In the
open it is characterized by a short stocky bole with a
widespreading rugged crown. In the forest, white oaks develop a
tall straight trunk with a compact crown (28).
White oak generally has the reputation of being a slow-growing
tree. According to growth averages from Forest Resources
Evaluation data in the Central States, 10-year d.b.h. growth of
white oak was 3.0 cm (1.20 in) for seedlings and saplings, 3.5 cm
(1.37 in) for poles, and 4.7 cm (1.84 in) for sawtimber. These
growth rates were slower than scarlet oak Quercus coccinea),
northern red oak (Q. rubra), or black oak but faster
than chestnut oak (Q. prinus). Among the non-oak species
only hickory and beech had slower growth rates than white oak,
while yellow-poplar, black walnut (Juglans nigra), white
ash, and sugar maple all had faster growth rates than white oak
Although white oak was once a component of mixed, uneven-aged
stands, most white oaks today are in pure to mixed second growth
stands of sprout origin. Individual trees may contain 5.7 m³
(1,000 fbm) or more of wood but this is uncommon. Pure and mixed
unthinned stands at age 80 normally contain from 28 to 168 m³/ha
(2,000 to 12,000 fbm/acre) of wood, occasionally more. Mean
annual volume growth over a 60-year period in these stands ranges
from 0.95 m³/ha on fair to poor sites to 2.2 m³/ha on
good sites (68 fbm/acre to 156 fbm/acre) (17). Total volumes of
fully stocked, even-aged stands of mixed oak have been reported
to be 89.3 m³/ha (6,380 ft³/acre) at age 100 on site
index 24.4 m (80 ft) sites; and merchantable volumes of 294 m³/ha
(21,000 fbm/acre) have been found in stands on comparable sites
in Wisconsin at age 100. However, such high volumes are rare and
occur in localized areas (28).
Because oaks in general, and white oak specifically, are
long-lived trees, rotation length can be long (120+ years). But
rotation lengths can be shortened by as much as 50 percent and
yields increased dramatically if stands are thinned early and
regularly, particularly on good sites. If thinnings are begun at
age 10 and stands rethinned to 60 percent stocking at 10-year
intervals, volume yield at age 60 on good sites (264 m³/ha
or 18,840 fbm/acre) is approximately double that in similar
unthinned stands. Mean annual growth in such thinned stands is
3.9 m³/ha (279 fbm/acre) (17).
Throughout its range, site index for white oak is generally less
than for yellow-poplar and other important oaks on the same site
(26,28). White oak site index is approximately 1.2 ni (4 ft) less
than black oak and 2.1 in (7 ft) less than scarlet oak. On all
sites the index for white oak is higher than that for shortleaf
pine. And on the poorest sites, the index for white oak is higher
than that for yellow-poplar.
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- USDA, Forest Service
Reaction to Competition
fornecido por Silvics of North America
White oak is generally classed as
intermediate in tolerance to shade. It is most tolerant in youth
and becomes less tolerant as the tree becomes larger. White oak
seedlings, saplings, and even pole-size trees are nevertheless
able to persist under a forest canopy for more than 90 years.
Saplings and pole-size trees respond well to release. A 41 percent
increase in diameter has resulted in young stands 1 year
following release, and this trend has continued through the
fourth year following release. Moreover, diameter growth of
released trees for a 20-year period can be expected to be double
that of nonreleased trees. Release significantly increases height
growth only for those trees in the intermediate or suppressed
crown classes. Young white oak sprout clumps thinned to one stem
show a slightly greater diameter growth response over released
single-stemmed trees (8,28,29). Such increases are possible when
stands are heavily thinned, but the response becomes less
dramatic as residual stand stocking increases. Other things being
equal, however, the trees to release should be the large
potential crop trees that show evidence of rapid recent growth.
Thinning combined with fertilization can boost 2-year diameter
growth by 95 percent over unthinned and unfertilized pole-size
white oak according to tests conducted in the Boston Mountains of
Arkansas (19). The addition of nitrogen and calcium to soils in
the Allegheny Plateau region of central Pennsylvania increased
stand volume more than 40 percent (42).
White oak usually becomes dominant in the stand because of its
ability to persist for long periods of time in the understory,
its ability to respond well after release, and its great
longevity. When associated with other oaks and hickory in the
central and southern hardwood forests, white oak is considered a
climax tree. On good sites in the north, it is usually succeeded
by sugar maple. In the Ozark-Ouachita Highlands, white oak is
climax on moderately dry to moist sites. In sheltered, moist
coves and well-drained second bottoms throughout its range it may
be succeeded by beech and other more tolerant species (10).
Most research and field experience suggest that even-aged
silviculture is most suitable for white oak growing in pure or
mixed hardwood stands. Although selection silviculture has been
considered, it has been difficult to develop a sustainable stand
structure without continual cultural treatments to restrain the
more tolerant species, particularly on the better sites (34).
If oak advance reproduction is adequate, clearcutting is the
recommended silvicultural system (32). if oak advance
reproduction is scarce or absent, new seedlings need to be
established. Some reduction of overstory density should help to
stimulate seed production, but because of the periodicity of seed
crops, it will probably take a long time to establish an adequate
number of new seedlings. Seedlings can be planted under an
overstory and allowed to develop. The overstory should be
maintained at about 60 percent stocking and if competition from
an existing understory will impair the growth of the planted
seedlings, its density should be reduced. Planting oaks after
clearcutting has generally been unsatisfactory because the
planted seedlings do not grow fast enough to compete with new
sprouts. Reducing both overstory and understory competition is
likely to accelerate the growth of small oak advance
reproduction. However, even with this increased growth, advance
oak reproduction grows slowly and the development period may be
from 10 to 20 years or longer.
Natural pruning of white oak is usually good in moderately to
heavily stocked stands. Large dominant trees have cleaner boles
than smaller trees in lower crown classes. Some branches along
the trunk tend to persist when exposed to sunlight. Epicormic
sprouting may be heavy on trees that have been grown in fully
stocked stands for 20 years or more and then given sudden and
heavy release (28). However, residual stand density and the vigor
of trees may be more important to the persistence of epicormics
than to their initiation following thinning (41). Significantly
more epicormic branches have been observed on multiple-stemmed
trees than on single-stemmed trees.
Live branches not more than 4 cm (1.5 in) in d.b.h. may be
saw-pruned without danger of introducing rot. However, epicormic
sprouts will often develop around the edges of the wound on
saplings and small pole-size trees. Diameter growth of thinned
and pruned trees may be 10 percent less than thinned but unpruned
trees (35).
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- direitos autorais
- USDA, Forest Service
Rooting Habit
fornecido por Silvics of North America
White oak is deep rooted-a trait that
persists from youth to maturity. White oak seedlings produce a
conspicuous, well-developed taproot but this gradually disappears
with age and is replaced by a fibrous root system with
well-developed, tapered laterals. Although the deepest point of
root penetration observed during a study conducted at the Harvard
Black Rock Forest in Massachusetts approached 1.2 m (4 ft), most
of the main branches away from the central stem were within 53.3
cm (21 in) of the ground surface. Fine roots are typically
concentrated in dense mats in the upper soil horizons usually
close to trunks but occasionally lying beneath the base of
neighboring trees (5,14,39).
Root grafts between neighboring trees are common, especially under
crowded conditions.
The ratio between the area of the root system and the area of the
crown ranges from 3.4 to 1 to 5.8 to 1.
Following stand thinning, roots of released trees are capable of
elongating at the rate of 0.24 m (0.8 ft) per year.
Root regeneration of young forest-grown seedlings may be hampered
following top damage. A study of root regeneration of 1-0 white
oak seedlings growing under greenhouse conditions has shown that
new growth of seedlings whose shoot tops were pruned was 20 to 80
percent less than that of unpruned seedlings (12).
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- USDA, Forest Service
Seed Production and Dissemination
fornecido por Silvics of North America
White oak can produce
seeds prolifically, but good acorn crops are irregular and occur
only every 4 to 10 years. Sometimes several years may pass
without a crop. Acorn yields range from 0 to 500,000 acorns per
hectare (202,000/acre) (7,22,28). This great variation in acorn
production exists not only among isolated stands of oaks but also
among individual trees within stands and from year to year.
Trees normally bear seeds between the ages of 50 and 200 years,
sometimes older; however, opengrown trees may produce seeds as
early as 20 years. Individual white oak trees tend to have either
very good or very poor seed crops and are noticeably consistent
in seed production from year to year (20,28,36,40). A recent
study (13) showed that white oak flower production varies not
only annually but also among trees within a given year and that
much of the variation in acorn production can be related to
flower abundance at the time of pollination. More than 23,000
acorns were produced during a good seed year by an individual
white oak tree growing in Virginia; it was 69 years old, 63.5 cm
(25 in) in d.b.h., and 21 in (69 ft) tall, and had a crown area
of 145 m² (1,560 ft²) . Average production in good
years for individual forest-grown trees, however, is probably no
more than 10,000 acorns.
Several studies have shown that only a small portion of the total
mature acorn crop (sometimes only 18 percent) is sound and fully
developed; the remainder is damaged or destroyed by animals and
insects (15,28,40). However, some damaged acorns germinate if the
embryo is not damaged. Light acorn crops are often completely
destroyed by animals and insects, so seedlings are produced only
during heavy crop years.
Seeds are disseminated by rodents (chiefly squirrels and mice),
gravity, and wind. The area seeded by individual trees is small
and therefore widespread reproduction depends on adequate
distribution of seedbearing trees.
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- USDA, Forest Service
Seedling Development
fornecido por Silvics of North America
Germination is hypogeal. Sound white
oak acorns have a germination capacity between 50 and 99 percent
(30). Seeds germinate in the fall soon after dropping, requiring
no pretreatment for germination. For germination to occur, the
moisture content of acorns must not fall below 30 to 50 percent.
Germination is favored at soil temperatures between 10° and
16° C (50° and 60° F). Germination is severely
limited after 15 days of exposure to flooded conditions (1). When
acorns germinate, their roots begin to grow but the shoot remains
dormant. This trait serves to protect it from damage by freezing
After germination, root growth continues until interrupted by cold
weather. Broken radicles are replaced on freshly sprouted seeds.
Root and shoot growth resumes in the spring, and after the first
growing season, seedlings 7.6 to 10.2 cm (3 to 4 in) high
normally develop a large taproot 6 to 13 mm (0.25 to 0.50 in) in
diameter and more than 30.5 em (12 in) long.
Oak seedling establishment is best on loose soil because the
radicle cannot penetrate excessively compact surfaces. A humus
layer is especially important because it keeps the soil surface
loose and porous and because it mechanically supports the acorn
as the radicle penetrates the soil (28).
If climate and soil are favorable for germination, white oak
reproduces adequately from seed when: (1) large seed trees are
within about 61 m (200 ft); (2) litter cover is light to moderate
(but not thick); and (3) light reaching seedling level is at
least 35 percent of full sunlight. Reproduction is least abundant
on moist sites that have a thick carpet of ferns and lesser
vegetation (6). Seedlings persist more readily in open stands
typical of dry exposures but can be maintained on moist sites if
adequate sunlight reaches the forest floor.
Although important, soil moisture is probably not a critical
factor in determining early seedling survival except under
unusually dry conditions. At least one study has shown that when
available soil moisture was 19 percent of oven dry soil weight,
white oak seedling survival was 98 percent; at 3 percent
available moisture, survival was 87 percent (28).
A Missouri study has shown that despite an adequate crop of sound
acorns, the number of new white oak seedlings produced in any
given year is low compared to other oaks, particularly black oak
Quercus velutina). However, these individuals may persist in the
understory for many years (90 years) by repeatedly dying back and
resprouting. This phenomenon permits the gradual buildup of
advance reproduction that is often taller and more numerous than
the advance reproduction of associated oaks.
Under ideal growing conditions it is common for individual
seedlings to grow 0.6 m (2 ft) or more a year. However, white oak
seedlings established at the time of overstory removal normally
grow too slowly to be of value in stand reproduction. Mean height
of seedlings 10 years after overstory removal on sites with a
site index of 13 to 19 in (43 to 63 ft) at base age 50 years in
Missouri was slightly more than 0.6 m (2 ft) while seedling
sprouts and stump sprouts averaged 4.9 and 6.4 m (16 and 21 ft),
respectively (27).
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- USDA, Forest Service
Soils and Topography
fornecido por Silvics of North America
White oak grows on a wide range of soils and sites. It is found on
podzols, gray-brown podzolic soils, brown podzolic soils, red and
yellow podzolic soils, lithosols, planasols, and alluviums. The
tree grows on both glaciated and nonglaciated soils derived from
many parent materials. It is found on sandy plains, gravelly
ridges, rich uplands, coves, and well-drained loamy soils. Growth
is good on all but the driest, shallowest soils (28).
Mineral nutrition is not limiting to white oak growth except on
very sandy soils where moisture is also a limiting factor. The
amount of variability in white oak growth that can be accounted
for by soil factors alone is low (9,28,37). Nevertheless, several
studies have identified the more important factors to be
thickness of the A, and A2 horizons and the percent clay in the
surface soils (18,25,28). White oak is most frequently found
growing on soils in the orders Alfisols and Ultisols.
The major site factors influencing white oak growth are latitude,
aspect, and topography (9,18). White oak has the ability to grow
on all upland aspects and slope positions within its range except
extremely dry, shallow-soil ridges; poorly drained flats; and wet
bottom land. It grows best on north and east-facing lower slopes
and coves and grows well on moderately dry slopes and ridges with
shallow soils. White oak is more abundant although smaller in
size on the drier west- and south-facing slopes than on the more
mesophytic sites.
It is found at all altitudes in the central and southern parts of
its range, but it is seldom found above 150 in (500 ft) in
elevation in the northern part of its range. It is excluded from
the high Appalachians in New York and New England; but it is a
scrub tree at elevations of 1370 in (4,500 ft) in the southern
Appalachians (28).
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- direitos autorais
- USDA, Forest Service
Special Uses
fornecido por Silvics of North America
Acorns are a valuable though inconsistent source of wildlife food.
More than 180 different kinds of birds and mammals use oak acorns
as food; among them are squirrels, blue jays, crows, red-headed
woodpeckers, deer, turkey, quail, mice, chipmunks, ducks, and
raccoons. White oak twigs and foliage are browsed by deer
especially in clearcuts less than 6 years old (3).
White oak is sometimes planted as an ornamental tree because of
its broad round crown, dense foliage, and purplish-red to
violet-purple fall coloration. It is less favored than red oak
because it is difficult to transplant and has a slow growth rate.
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- direitos autorais
- USDA, Forest Service
Vegetative Reproduction
fornecido por Silvics of North America
Small white oak trees sprout
prolifically and vigorously when cut or damaged by fire. The
ability to sprout depends on the d.b.h. of the parent trees as
follows (23):
likely to sprout
5 to 14
2 to 5
14 to 29
6 to 11
29 to 42
12 to 16
Shoot elongation of stump sprouts increases with increasing stump
diameter up to 15 cm (6 in) after which it declines. Annual
height growth of stump sprouts when overstory competition is
removed averages 0.7 ni (2.2 ft) (24).
Another source of vegetative reproduction is seedling sprouts.
Seedling sprouts are stems with root systems that are several to
many years older. These develop as a result of repeated dieback
or mechanical damage.
In general, low stump sprouts from pole-size trees and seedling
sprouts are about as good as trees grown from seed. However,
sprouts originating high on the stump are likely to have
heartwood decay (28).
The seedlings and seedling sprouts already present in a mature
stand (advance reproduction), together with stump sprouts,
regenerate the stand with oaks following overstory removal.
Although many stands may have adequate numbers of stems, the size
of the reproduction when the overstory is removed is the key to
adequate growth and subsequent stocking (31). A minimum of 1,095
stems per hectare (443/acre) that are 1.37 m (4.5 ft) tall or
taller is required to ensure a future stocking of at least 546
dominant and codominant oaks per hectare (221/acre) when average
stand diameter is 7.6 cm (3 in) (33). Nevertheless, stands
deficient in advance reproduction may be adequately stocked if a
sufficient number of stumps sprout.
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- direitos autorais
- USDA, Forest Service
fornecido por Silvics of North America
White oak grows throughout most of the Eastern United
States. It is found from southwestern Maine and extreme southern
Quebec, west to southern Ontario, central Michigan, to
southeastern Minnesota; south to western Iowa, eastern Kansas,
Oklahoma, and Texas; east to northern Florida and Georgia. The
tree is generally absent in the high Appalachians, in the Delta
region of the lower Mississippi, and in the coastal areas of
Texas and Louisiana.
The west slopes of the Appalachian Mountains and the Ohio and
central Mississippi River Valleys have optimum conditions for
white oak, but the largest trees have been found in Delaware and
Maryland on the Eastern Shore.
-The native range of white oak.
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- direitos autorais
- USDA, Forest Service
Brief Summary
fornecido por Silvics of North America
Fagaceae -- Beech family
Robert Rogers
White oak (Quercus alba) is an outstanding tree among all
trees and is widespread across eastern North America. The most
important lumber tree of the white oak group, growth is good on
all but the driest shallow soils. Its high-grade wood is useful
for many things, an important one being staves for barrels, hence
the name stave oak. The acorns are an important food for many
kinds of wildlife.
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- cc-by-nc
- direitos autorais
- USDA, Forest Service