
Distribution ( Inglês )

fornecido por Catalog of Hymenoptera in America North of Mexico
Alta., Wyo., N. Dak., Nebr., Iowa, Tex., N. Mex., Ariz.
citação bibliográfica
Catalog of Hymenoptera in America North of Mexico. 1979. Prepared cooperatively by specialists on the various groups of Hymenoptera under the direction of Karl V. Krombein and Paul D. Hurd, Jr., Smithsonian Institution, and David R. Smith and B. D. Burks, Systematic Entomology Laboratory, Insect Identification and Beneficial Insect Introduction Institute. Science and Education Administration, United States Department of Agriculture.

Comprehensive Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Holcopasites stevensi (Crawford)

Neopasites illinoiensis.—authors, not Robertson 1891, Crawford 1903:334 [Nebraska: Lincoln and West Point at flowers of Solidago rigida and Grindelia squarrosa].—Swenk 1907:297 [Nebraska: Lincoln, West Point, Cedar Bluffs, and Omaha at flowers of Solidago rigida and Grindelta squarrosa in the fall and at flowers of Ratibida columnaris, Symphoricarpos occidentalis and Asclepias sp. in the summer].—Crawford 1912:359, 9 [Alberta: Medicine Hat. Note: Some of these records evidently also apply to Holcopasites calliopsidis].

Holcopasites stevensi Crawford, 1915:123, 124, 125–126, ♀, ♂ [North Dakota (all at flowers of Grindelia squarrosa): Bismarck (the type), Drake, McKenzie, Minot, and Williston. Nebraska: Lincoln at flowers of G. squarrosa and West Point at flowers of Solidago rigida. Alberta: Medicine Hat].—Mavromoustakis 1963:754, ♂ [Iowa].

Neopasites (Neopasites) stevensi.—Linsley 1943:124, 126, 135–136, ♀, ♂ [Alberta, Nebraska, and North Dakota. Flower records: Grindelia squarrosa and Solidago rigida].

Holcopasites (Holcopasites) stevensi.—Linsley 1951:1208, ♀, ♂ [Alberta to North Dakota and Nebraska].

Neopasites stevensi.—Stevens, 1951:204 [North Dakota (mostly at flowers of Grindelia squarrosa, one specimen at flowers of Melilotus alba): Bismarck, Drake, Hatton, McKenzie, Minot and Washburn].—Linsley 1944:280 [North Dakota: Hatton, visiting flowers of Grindelia squarrosa].

Neopasites elegans Linsley, 1944:277–278, 9 [Texas: Culberson and El Paso Counties. New synonymy ].

Holcopasites (Holcopasites) elegans.—Linsley 1951:1207, ♀, [Texas].

Neopasitse knulli Linsley, 1944:278–279, ♂ [Texas: Culberson and El Paso Counties. New synonymy].

Holcopasites (Holcopasites) knulli, Linsley, 1951:1208, ♀ [Texas].—Rozen 1965:87, 88–91, figs. 1–2, [Arizona: Southwestern Research Station near Portal, Cochise County].—Rozen 1966:30 [Arizona: Southwestern Research Station near Portal].

LOCATION OF TYPES.—H. elegans and H. knulli, Ohio State University, Columbus; H. stevensi, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C.

GEOGRAPHIC RANGE.—Southern Canada (Alberta), north-central (North Dakota and Nebraska) and southwestern United States (Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas).

HOSTS.—Calliopsis crypta Shinn (confirmed) and possibly C. rozeni Shinn (Table 1).

FEMALE.—Head and thorax black, metasoma red or chiefly so, sometimes terga darkened medially; antennae, tegulae, and legs usually dark reddish or deep mahogany brown, mandibles and anterior margin of clypeus bright rufotestaceous; calcaria reddish brown. Vestiture of body chiefly white, mostly closely appressed and forming patches on face about antennal insertions, hind margins of head usually, mesonotal line, dorsolateral angles of pronotum, anterolateral angles of mesoscutum, mesepisternum, scutellum in whole or in part, metanotum and propodeum normally at sides, legs basally and on metasoma, especially on terga; dorsal surfaces of head, thorax and metasoma without or at most only very inconspicuously clothed with a few intermixed golden or reddish golden hairs. Wings feebly violaceous, faintly tinged with brownish apically. Length 4–7.5 mm. Eyes bare or at most with a few, scattered, short hairs; face above antennae closely and coarsely punctate, neither bigibbosely swollen nor largely impunctate; antennae with first flagellar segment shorter than succeeding two segments; anterior and lateral ocelli separated by much less than twice their diameters; interocellar and ocellorbital distances about equal; rear angle of mandible well behind middle of eye; labrum longitudinally carinate medially, without a thornlike tubercle near base, rather closely punctate on basal half or more except impunctate mediolongitudinally; ventral surface of head rather closely and coarsely punctate adjacent to hypostomal carinae, interspaces less than puncture width across. Mesoscutum rather coarsely and nearly rugosopunctate throughout; scutellum entire or at most only weakly indented medially on posterior dorsal surface, not prominently bilobed and not strongly elevated posteriorly; metanotum produced posterolaterally into prominent posteriorly projected shelflike processes; mesepisternum rather coarsely and nearly rugosely punctate dorsally and with a large ringlike patch of white pubescence; wing with second submarginal cell not usually small, more than one-half as long as first submarginal cell when measured along posterior side; spur of middle leg less than one-half as long as corresponding basitarsus. Metasomal terga II-IV basally with a transverse band of white pubescence on either side of middle, rarely bands greatly reduced to form a spot (as in elegans type of variation); apical margin of tergum IV usually with a quadripartite band of white pubescence, shortest band segments situated laterally, widest band segments situated immediately on either side of middle (occasionally absent in some specimens); pygidial plate truncate apically, rounded laterally; fifth metasomal sternum with apical margin entire or only slightly incurved medially.

MALE.—Similar to female in coloration of integument and vestiture. Length 4–7 mm. Eyes bare or at most with a few scattered hairs, not densely hirsute; face as in female; antennae with first flagellar segment much less than combined length of succeeding two segments; ocelli and rear angle of mandible as in female; labrum essentially as in female; ventral surface of head punctate about as in female. Mesoscutum, scutellum, metanotum, mesepisterna, and wings as in females; tegulae very nearly punctate throughout. Metasomal terga II-V basally with a transverse band of white pubescence on either side of middle (rarely bands reduced to form a spot); apical margin of tergum IV with only a short band or spot of white pubescence laterally; apical margin of tergum V (and sometimes VI also) with a complete (rarely interrupted medially) transverse band of white pubescence; basin of metasoma not sharply defined, punctured at least at sides; apical margin of sixth metasomal tergum feebly bisinuate in outline, without a median triangular projection; seventh metasomal tergum with lateral margins, as seen from above, nearly right angled on either side of pygidial plate; pygidial plate more than twice as long as maximum basal width, nearly parallel sided essentially liguliform in outline.

SPECIMENS EXAMINED.—ARIZONA. COCHISE COUNTY: Douglas, 1 mi N, 2 ♂, 10 ♀, VIII–16–62, flowers Bahia absinthifolia var. dealbata (E. G. Linsley, CIS). Douglas, 1 mi E, 2 ♀, VIII–12–62, flying just above ground at 5:30 P.M. (M. A. Cazier, CIS); 4 ♀, VIII—13–62, searching next to ground from 10:00–11:00 A.M. (M. A. Cazier, CIS); 2 ♀, VIII–14–62, flying above ground among Hoffmanseggia plants from 10:15 to 10:30 A.M. (M. A. Cazier, CIS); 10 ♀, VIII—14–62, flying over surface of ground investigating holes from 11:00 to 11:20 A.M. (M. A. Cazier, CIS); 21 ♀, VIII–15–62, flying just above ground between 9:30 and 9:50 A.M. (M. A. Cazier, CIS); 7 ♀, VIII–17–62 (M. A. Cazier, CIS);♂, 3 ♀, same date (M. Statham, AMNH); 5 ♀ VIII–12–62 (M. A. Cazier, CIS); ♂, VIII–19–62, flowers Lepidium thurberi (M. Statham, AMNH); 2 ♀, VIII–19–68 (J. G. Rozen, AMNH); 3 ♀ VIII–20–68 (J. G. Rozen and M. Favreau, AMNH); 3 ♀, VIII–21–68 (J. G. Rozen and M. Favreau, AMNH). Portal, ♂, VIII–15–58 (P. D. Hurd, CIS); ♀, VIII–16–58 (C. G. Moore, CIS). Portal, 2 mi E, ♀, VIII–26–57 (W. F. Barr, UI). Portal, 2 mi N.E., ♀, IX–23–61 (M. A. Cazier, CIS); ♀, VIII–14–62 (H. A. Scullen, GEB); ♀, VIII–17–62 (H. A. Scullen, GEB). Portal, 2.5 mi NE. ♀, VIII–16–59 (M. Statham, AMNH); ♀, VIII–24–59 (M. Statham, AMNH). Portal, 5 mi N, 3 ♀, IX–28–61 (M. Mortenson and M. Statham, CIS). Southwestern Research Station, ♀, VIII–25–62, site A (J. G. Rozen, M. Statham, S. J. Hessel, AMNH); 2 ♀, VIII–26–62 (J. G. Rozen, M. Statham, S. J. Hessel, AMNH); ♀, same date, sleeping on stem near burrow #6 (J. G. Rozen, M. Statham and S. J. Hessel, AMNH); 2 ♀, VIII–29–62 (J. G. Rozen, M. Statham and S. J. Hessel, AMNH); ♀, VIII–20–62. Site C, Burrow #1 (J. G. Rozen, M. Statham and S. J. Hessel, AMNH); ♀, IX–16–62 (J. G. Rozen, AMNH); ♀, IX–17–62, flowers Heterotheca subaxillaris (J. G. Rozen, AMNH). Willcox, ♀, VIII–20–58, flowers Baileya pleniradiata (E. G. Linsley, CIS).

NEBRASKA. CUMING COUNTY: Westpoint, ♀, IX—6–00, flowers Grindelia squarrosa (J. C. Crawford, USNM). KNOX COUNTY: Crofton, 7 mi NW, ♂, VIII–31–60, flowers Grindelia squarrosa (W. E. LaBerge and C. McCoy, UN). LANCASTER COUNTY: Lincoln, ♀, September (UN); ♂, IX–2–01, flowers Grindelia squarrosa (J. C. Crawford, USNM).

NEW MEXICO. EDDY COUNTY: Carlsbad, 5 mi N, 3 ♂ 39 ♀, IX–21–56 (J. W. MacSwain, CIS). HIDALGO COUNTY: Rodeo, ♀, VII–21–58 (R. M. Bohart, UCD). Rodeo, 2.5 mi N, ♂, IX–4–59, flowers Heterotheca subaxillaris (J. R. Powers, Stage). Rodeo, #18 mi N, ♀, VIII–25–58 (J. Hamai, CIS). Rodeo, 7 mi SE, ♀, VIII–21–58 (J. M. Marston, CIS).

NORTH DAKOTA. BURLEIGH COUNTY: Bismarck, 2 ♂, ♀, VIII–6–13, flowers Grindelia squarrosa (O. A. Stevens, USNM). McKenzie, ♀, VIII–5–13, flowers Grindelia squarrosa (O. A. Stevens, AMNH). CASS COUNTY: Fargo, ♂, VIII–12–10, flowers Grindelia squarrosa (O. A. Stevens, AMNH); ♀, VIII–10–17, flowers Grindelia squarrosa (O. A. Stevens, UN); ♂, ♀, VIII–12–17, flowers Grindelia squarrosa (O. A. Stevens, AMNH and UN). LA MOURE COUNTY: Edgeley, ♀, VIII–27–21, on flowers Grindelia squarrosa (O. A. Stevens, AMNH). MCCLEAN COUNTY: Washburn, ♂, VII–23–26, flowers Melilotus alba (O. A. Stevens, AMNH). MCHENRY COUNTY: Drake, ♂, ♀, VIII–24–15, flowers Grindelia squarrosa (O. A. Stevens, AMNH, USNM). MORTON COUNTY: Mandan Ullin, 10 mi W, ♀, VIII–7–62 (J. G. and B. L. Rozen, AMNH). STUTSMAN COUNTY: Jamestown, ♂, VIII–7–62 (J. G. and B. L. Rozen, AMNH). TRAILL COUNTY: Hatton, 5 ♂, 9 ♀, VIII–3–40, flowers Grindelia squarrosa (O. A. Stevens, AMNH). WARD COUNTY: Minot, 2 ♀, VIII–22–15, on flowers Grindelia squarrosa (O. A. Stevens, AMNH, USNM). WILLIAMS COUNTY: Williston, ♂, ♀, VIII–9–15, flowers Grindelia squarrosa (O. A. Stevens, CIS).

TEXAS. CULBERSON COUNTY: ♂, 3 ♀, VIII–30–40 (D. J. and J. N. Knull, OSU, CIS, UCR). EL PASO COUNTY: 2 ♀, VIII–30–40 (D. J. and J. N. Knull, OSU).

CANADA. ALBERTA: Medicine Hat, ♂, 2♀ (J. R. Malloch, ANSP, USNM); 2 ♂, VIII–17–28, ♂, VIII–21–28, ♀, VIII–26–28 (F. S. Carr, CAS). Tilley, ♀, VIII–18–40 (J. L. Carr, UA).

The eyes of Holcopasites stevensi, although normally bare, are sometimes provided with minute scattered hairs, especially in the males. This would seem to suggest a possible link with the species of the subgenus Trichopasites whose eyes are densely clothed with short, erect pubescence. There is also some variation in the expression of the basal bands of white pubescence on the metasomal terga. Most frequently these bands are as indicated in Figure 13; however, in some specimens they are abbreviated transversely and appear almost spotlike in outline. As a consequence in these instances reliance must be placed on other characteristics to establish the correct identification of the species. One such extreme (H. elegans) which previously had been characterized as a new species is now placed as a synonym of this species as is also H. knulli, which is indistinguishable from H. stevensi. Prior to the description of H. stevensi, it was confused with the earlier described H. illinoiensis by Crawford (1903:334) and Swenk (1907: 297).

H. stevensi is distributed over much of the Rocky Mountain region of North America from Canada well into the southwestern United States, but has not yet been found in Mexico, although almost surely it occurs there. One specimen, a female in the collection of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, is simply labeled “Cala,” suggesting perhaps that it was collected in California.
citação bibliográfica
Hurd, Paul D., Jr. and Linsley, E. Gorton. 1972. "Parasitic bees of the genus Holcopasites Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Apoidea)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-40. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.114

Holcopasites stevensi ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Holcopasites stevensi is a species of cuckoo bee in the family Apidae. It is found in Central America and North America.[1][2][3]


  1. ^ "Holcopasites stevensi Report". Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Retrieved 2019-09-23.
  2. ^ "Holcopasites stevensi". GBIF. Retrieved 2019-09-23.
  3. ^ "Holcopasites stevensi species Information". BugGuide.net. Retrieved 2019-09-23.
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Holcopasites stevensi: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Holcopasites stevensi is a species of cuckoo bee in the family Apidae. It is found in Central America and North America.

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wikipedia EN

Holcopasites stevensi ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL


Holcopasites stevensi is een vliesvleugelig insect uit de familie bijen en hommels (Apidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1915 door Crawford.[1]

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Holcopasites stevensi ( Vietnamita )

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Holcopasites stevensi là một loài Hymenoptera trong họ Apidae. Loài này được Crawford mô tả khoa học năm 1915.[1]

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Holcopasites stevensi: Brief Summary ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Holcopasites stevensi là một loài Hymenoptera trong họ Apidae. Loài này được Crawford mô tả khoa học năm 1915.

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