Category hierarchy: Interactions Among Species | PredationDescription: Habitat: Boreal coniferous forests and muskeg. Range: Alaska and interior Canada south to northern California. Wanders rarely in winter southward into northern New England and the Great Lakes Region. Hunts during the daytime, often watching prey from a low perch. Spends most of its time in deep conifers, it is often overlooked. Usually uncommon but may be locally abundant. Species also occurs in Europe.Original date: 20040801Locality: Latitude: 4.687970000000000e+001; Longitude: -1.103630000000000e+002
Category hierarchy: Interactions Among Species | PredationDescription: Habitat: Boreal coniferous forests and muskeg. Range: Alaska and interior Canada south to northern California. Wanders rarely in winter southward into northern New England and the Great Lakes Region. Hunts during the daytime, often watching prey from a low perch. Spends most of its time in deep conifers, it is often overlooked. Usually uncommon but may be locally abundant. Species also occurs in Europe.Original date: 20040801Locality: Latitude: 4.687970000000000e+001; Longitude: -1.103630000000000e+002
Category hierarchy: Interactions Among Species | PredationDescription: Habitat: Boreal coniferous forests and muskeg. Range: Alaska and interior Canada south to northern California. Wanders rarely in winter southward into northern New England and the Great Lakes Region. Hunts during the daytime, often watching prey from a low perch. Spends most of its time in deep conifers, it is often overlooked. Usually uncommon but may be locally abundant. Species also occurs in Europe.Original date: 20040801Locality: Latitude: 4.687970000000000e+001; Longitude: -1.103630000000000e+002