Great Gray Owl (Strix nebulosa)
![Plancia ëd Strix nebulosa Forster & JR 1772](
Category hierarchy: Interactions Among Species | Predation
Description: Habitat: Boreal coniferous forests and muskeg. Range: Alaska and interior Canada south to northern California. Wanders rarely in winter southward into northern New England and the Great Lakes Region. Hunts during the daytime, often watching prey from a low perch. Spends most of its time in deep conifers, it is often overlooked. Usually uncommon but may be locally abundant. Species also occurs in Europe.
Original date: 20040801
Locality: Latitude: 4.687970000000000e+001; Longitude: -1.103630000000000e+002
Ancludù an coste pàgine-sì:
- Life
- Cellular
- Eukaryota
- Opisthokonta
- Metazoa
- Bilateria
- Deuterostomia
- Chordata
- Vertebrata
- Gnathostomata
- Osteichthyes
- Sarcopterygii
- Tetrapoda
- Amniota
- Reptilia (Rétij)
- Diapsida
- Archosauromorpha
- Archosauria
- Dinosauria
- Saurischia
- Theropoda
- Tetanurae
- Coelurosauria
- Maniraptoriformes
- Maniraptora
- Aves (Osej)
- Ornithurae
- Neornithes
- Neognathae
- Neoaves
- landbirds
- Strigiformes
- Strigidae
- Strix
- Strix nebulosa
Costa plancia a compariss an gnun-e colession.
Anformassion an sla sorgiss
- licensa
- cc-by-nc-sa-3.0
- drit d'autor
- Petra Pruntel /
- fornidor
- National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII)
- original
- archivi ëd mojen original
- sit compagn
- NBII images
- ID