
Biology ( Anglèis )

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The Ceylon birdwing is most active during the morning and early afternoon (3) (5). The butterfly feeds on the nectar of flowers such as Hibiscus, Poinciana (Caesalpinia pulcherrima) and Bougainvillea (3), and the larvae found on the leaves of Aristolochia plants (3) (6). Orange-yellow eggs are laid singly on the young leaves and shoots of the Aristolochia food plants, which are then voraciously devoured by the young caterpillars after hatching (3) (6). Feeding upon these plants also serves as a defensive mechanism as they contain certain chemicals that make the caterpillars toxic and therefore unpalatable to most predators (7). The caterpillars eventually pupate and undergo metamorphosis into adult butterflies, and maintain these toxic chemicals in their tissues into adulthood (7). The chrysalis of this species is dark brownish-yellow, or greenish-yellow in some individuals, and its leaf-like appearance helps camouflage it amongst the vegetation from potential predators (3). Troides birdwings typically pupate on the twigs or stems of plants close to the larval food plant or on the food plant itself (3).
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Conservation ( Anglèis )

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The Ceylon birdwing is listed on Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), meaning that any international trade in this species should be carefully monitored (1). However, more needs to be done to help preserve its fragile habitat, including the Aristolochia food plants on which the larvae rely, if the long-term future of this stunning native butterfly is to be safeguarded (6).
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Description ( Anglèis )

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The Ceylon birdwing is one of the largest butterflies of Sri Lanka (2). Like most other Troides birdwings, the male is adorned with bright golden-yellow markings on the hindwings, which contrast starkly with the velvety black forewings and interjecting black veins (2). The female is larger than the male, and has a different arrangement of yellow markings on the hindwing, and pale stripes on the forewing (2) (3).
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Habitat ( Anglèis )

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Occasionally observed in lowland cities (5), this species survives today mainly in its primary habitat of thinly wooded mountain forests, throughout the island with the exception of the far north (4). The Ceylon birdwing has been recorded from sea-level up to an elevation of 2,000 metres, but is now less frequently seen in the lowlands (5).
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Range ( Anglèis )

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Endemic to Sri Lanka (4).
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Status ( Anglèis )

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Listed on Appendix II of CITES (1).
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Threats ( Anglèis )

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The principal threat to Troides butterflies is deforestation (6). The Ceylon birdwing is under considerable pressure from an expanding and encroaching human population, and from habitat destruction associated with human development (4).
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Troides darsius ( Asturian )

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La Troides darsius, la caparina nala de páxaru de Sri Lanka, ye una especie que s'atopa en Sri Lanka. Ye la caparina más grande de la isla.

Ente los más grandes y coloríos lepidópteros de Sri Lanka alcuéntrase la gran caparina negra y mariella (Ornithoptera darsius, Gray); les nales cimeres, que pueden midir hasta 15 cm de valumbu, son de un color negru fondu y aterciopeláu, les nales inferiores, afataes con grandes marques de mariellu satinado, al traviés de les cualos pasa la lluz solar. Aliméntense preferentemente de flores de heliotropo , y los sos canesbes depositense na planta de aristolochia o nes fueyes de betel, suspendiendo les sos crisálides nos bilortos colgantes d'éstes.[1]

Troides darsius ye la caparina nacional de Sri Lanka.[2][3]

Como Pompeoptera darsius nel llibru Icones Ornithopterorum, de Robert Henry Fernando Rippon.


Nales cimeres del machu: pálides marques adnervulares que nun son prominentes na parte cimera, más distintives y marcaes na parte inferior. Nala trasera negra, con una ancha zona discal que tien una banda llixeramente curva de color mariellu claru. Esta banda o parche estiéndese más allá d'esa celda y ente los interespacios 2 a 7, y ta compuesta de marques marielles espurríes solo estremaes poles venes negres. Na mayor parte de los especímenes los marxes internos d'esta banda crucien el apex d'esta celda, pero en munches d'elles la celda ye dafechu negra. L'abdome tien delles marques negres debaxo y una fila llateral de puntos negros.

Fema: Les nales anteriores tienen un estensu llurdiu negru. El interespacio 1 tien un parche blancuciu nel mediu; el interespacio 7 tien un llurdiu mariellu interna y esterna; la celda dafechu negra o casi, delles vegaes, pero raramente, con mariellu llegando al apex.

Imaxe del libroThe Lepidoptera of Ceylon, de Frederic Moore, imáxenes de la gata y la pupa de machu y fema.

Ciclu de vida


Cilíndrica, de color marrón púrpura opacu, con dos hileres dorsales y fileres llaterales y anteriores de tubérculos carnosos, nel octavu segmentu y un llurdiu dende la base hasta la parte baxa del séptimu segmentu de color rosa maciu; ente los tubérculos hai llurdios de color marrón escuru. Aliméntase de la planta Aristolochia.[4]


De color púrpura-ocre pálidu, curvado na parte de tras; tórax cónicu, la parte cimera ye apandada y los llaos con forma d'ángulu; l'espaciu de nales dilatáu y esplanáu lateralmente nel mediu, col cantu esterior afináu; los dos segmentos medios del abdome con un par de prominencies cóniques na parte dorsal.[5]


L'hábitat primariu son los montes montascosos apenes forestados al nivel del mar hasta un altor de 2000 metros. Dacuando reparenser en xardinos pero xeneralmente ye raru en tierres baxes.


La deforestación ye una amenaza pa esta especie.

Especie rellacionaes

Troides darsius ye miembru del grupu d'especies Troides haliphron:


  • Tennant, 1859 Ceylon, Physical, Historical and Topographical
  • Malaka, Rodrigo (28 de marzo del 2010). «Sri Lanka names its national butterfly». The Sunday Times (Sri Lanka). Consultáu'l 3 de noviembre del 2016.
  • «National Butterfly». Daily News (Sri Lanka) (25 de marzo del 2010). Consultáu'l 3 de noviembre del 2016.
  • (Moore.
  • (Moore.
  • Enllaces esternos

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    Troides darsius: Brief Summary ( Asturian )

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    La Troides darsius, la caparina nala de páxaru de Sri Lanka, ye una especie que s'atopa en Sri Lanka. Ye la caparina más grande de la isla.

    Ente los más grandes y coloríos lepidópteros de Sri Lanka alcuéntrase la gran caparina negra y mariella (Ornithoptera darsius, Gray); les nales cimeres, que pueden midir hasta 15 cm de valumbu, son de un color negru fondu y aterciopeláu, les nales inferiores, afataes con grandes marques de mariellu satinado, al traviés de les cualos pasa la lluz solar. Aliméntense preferentemente de flores de heliotropo , y los sos canesbes depositense na planta de aristolochia o nes fueyes de betel, suspendiendo les sos crisálides nos bilortos colgantes d'éstes.

    Troides darsius ye la caparina nacional de Sri Lanka.

     src= Como Pompeoptera darsius nel llibru Icones Ornithopterorum, de Robert Henry Fernando Rippon.
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    இலங்கை அழகி ( tamil )

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    இலங்கை அழகி (Sri Lankan Birdwing, Troides darsius) என்பது "அழகி" இனத்தைச் சேர்ந்த இலங்கையில் காணப்படும் பட்டாம்பூச்சியாகும்.

    இலங்கைத் தீவில் இதுவே பெரிய பட்டாம்பூச்சியாகவும் தீவு முழுவதிலும் பரந்து காணப்படுகிறது. இதனை இலங்கையில் மட்டுமே காணலாம். இது பயிர்களை சேதப்படுத்துவதோ அல்லது நோய்க்காவியாகவோ காணப்படுவதில்லை. இப்பண்புகளை இது கொண்டுள்ளதால் இதனை "இலங்கையின் தேசிய பட்டாம்பூச்சி" என சூற்றடல் அமைச்சினால் அறிவிக்கப்பட்டது.[1][2]


    1. "Our National Butterfly". பார்த்த நாள் 19 செப்டம்பர் 2015.
    2. "Sri Lanka names its national butterfly". பார்த்த நாள் 19 செப்டம்பர் 2015.

    வெளி இணைப்புக்கள்

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    இலங்கை அழகி: Brief Summary ( tamil )

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    இலங்கை அழகி (Sri Lankan Birdwing, Troides darsius) என்பது "அழகி" இனத்தைச் சேர்ந்த இலங்கையில் காணப்படும் பட்டாம்பூச்சியாகும்.

    இலங்கைத் தீவில் இதுவே பெரிய பட்டாம்பூச்சியாகவும் தீவு முழுவதிலும் பரந்து காணப்படுகிறது. இதனை இலங்கையில் மட்டுமே காணலாம். இது பயிர்களை சேதப்படுத்துவதோ அல்லது நோய்க்காவியாகவோ காணப்படுவதில்லை. இப்பண்புகளை இது கொண்டுள்ளதால் இதனை "இலங்கையின் தேசிய பட்டாம்பூச்சி" என சூற்றடல் அமைச்சினால் அறிவிக்கப்பட்டது.

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    මහ කුරුලු පිය පැපිලියා ( Singalèis )

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    ශ්‍රී ලංකාවට ආවේණික සමනළයා වන මෙම සමනළයා ශ්‍රී ලංකාව පුරා ම ව්‍යාප්ත වී ඇති සමනළ වර්ගයකි. මෙම සමනළයා ලංකාවේ සිටින විශාලතම සමනළ වර්ගය ද වේ. තටු විහිදූ විට තටු අතර පරතරය මිලි මීටර් 165ත් 180ත් අතර වේ. ඉදිරි තටු කළු පැහැති වේ. පසු තටු කළු පැහැති වුවත් එහි මැද කහ පැහැති හෝ රන්වන් පැහැයකින් යුක්ත වේ.



    • Bingham, C. T. (1907) Fauna of British India. Butterflies. Vol 2.

    බාහිර සබැඳුම්

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    විකිපීඩියා කතුවරුන් සහ කතුවරුන්

    Troides darsius ( Anglèis )

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    Troides darsius, the Sri Lankan birdwing, is a species of birdwing butterfly found in Sri Lanka. It is the largest butterfly on the island and is also the national butterfly of Sri Lanka.[2][3]

    Among the largest and most gaudy of the Ceylon Lepidoptera is the great black and yellow butterfly (Ornithoptera darsius, Gray); the upper wings, of which measure six inches (15 cm) across, are of deep velvet black, the lower, ornamented by large particles of satiny yellow, through which the sunlight passes, and few insects can compare with it in beauty, as it hovers over the flowers of the heliotrope, which furnish the favourite food of the perfect fly, although the caterpillar feeds on the aristolochia and the betel leaf and suspends its chrysalis from its drooping tendrils.[4]

    As Pompeoptera darsius in Robert Henry Fernando Rippon's Icones Ornithopterorum


    From Troides helena cerberus it differs as follows:

    Male forewing: adnervular pale streaks not prominent on the upperside, more distinctly marked on the underside. Hindwing black, with a very broad discal slightly curved silky-yellow band or patch that extends beyond the cell from interspaces 2 to 7, and is composed of elongate outwardly emarginate yellow markings that are divided only by the black veins. In most specimens the inner margin of this band crosses the apex of the cell, but in many the cell is entirely black. Abdomen with some black markings beneath and a lateral row of black spots.

    Female: Differs from cerberus female in the much greater extent of the black on the hindwing. Interspace 1 with a pale dusky-white patch in the middle; interspace 7 with an inner and an outer yellow spot; cell entirely black or nearly so, sometimes, but rarely, with the yellow extended into the apex.

    Wingspan of 165–175 mm.

    Plate from Frederic Moore's The Lepidoptera of Ceylon showing male and female imagines, larva and pupa

    Life cycle


    Cylindrical, dull purple brown, with two dorsal rows and anterior and lateral rows of fleshy tubercles, those on the eighth segment and a streak from its base to lower end of seventh segment being pale pink; between the tubercles are dark brown streaks. Feeds on Aristolochia (Moore.)


    Pale purplish ochreous, bent backwards anteriorly; thorax conical, the top flattened and its sides angled; wing cases dilated and flattened laterally in the middle, their outer edge acute; two middle segments of abdomen with a dorsal pair of conical prominences. (Moore.)


    The primary habitat is thinly wooded mountain forests from sea-level up to an elevation of 2,000 metres. Occasionally observed in gardens but generally rare in lowlands.


    Troides darsius is threatened by deforestation.

    Related species

    Troides darsius is a member of the Troides haliphron species group. The members of this clade are:


    1. ^ "Appendices | CITES". cites.org. Retrieved 2022-01-14.
    2. ^ Rodrigo, Malaka (March 28, 2010). "Sri Lanka names its national butterfly". The Sunday Times (Sri Lanka). Retrieved 2 December 2014.
    3. ^ "National Butterfly". Daily News (Sri Lanka). March 25, 2010. Archived from the original on March 29, 2015. Retrieved December 2, 2014 – via HighBeam Research.
    4. ^ Tennant, 1859 Ceylon, Physical, Historical and Topographical

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    Troides darsius: Brief Summary ( Anglèis )

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    Troides darsius, the Sri Lankan birdwing, is a species of birdwing butterfly found in Sri Lanka. It is the largest butterfly on the island and is also the national butterfly of Sri Lanka.

    Among the largest and most gaudy of the Ceylon Lepidoptera is the great black and yellow butterfly (Ornithoptera darsius, Gray); the upper wings, of which measure six inches (15 cm) across, are of deep velvet black, the lower, ornamented by large particles of satiny yellow, through which the sunlight passes, and few insects can compare with it in beauty, as it hovers over the flowers of the heliotrope, which furnish the favourite food of the perfect fly, although the caterpillar feeds on the aristolochia and the betel leaf and suspends its chrysalis from its drooping tendrils.

    As Pompeoptera darsius in Robert Henry Fernando Rippon's Icones Ornithopterorum
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    Troides darsius ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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    Troides darsius (nombre común en inglés "Sri Lankan birdwing") es una especie de mariposa que se encuentra en Sri Lanka. Es la mariposa más grande de la isla.

    Entre los lepidópteros más grandes y coloridos de Sri Lanka se encuentra la gran mariposa negra y amarilla Ornithoptera darsius, Gray. Las alas superiores pueden medir hasta 15 cm de envergadura, son de color negro profundo y aterciopelado; las alas posteriores, ornamentadas con grandes marcas de amarillo satinado, a través de las cuales pasa la luz solar. Se alimentan preferentemente de flores de heliotropo. Sus huevos son depositados en la planta de Aristolochia o en las hojas de betel, suspendiendo sus crisálidas en los zarcillos colgantes de éstas.[1]

    Troides darsius es la mariposa nacional de Sri Lanka.[2][3]

    Como Pompeoptera darsius en el libro Icones Ornithopterorum, de Robert Henry Fernando Rippon.


    Alas superiores del macho: pálidas marcas adnervulares que no son prominentes en la parte superior, más distintivas y marcadas en la parte inferior. Ala trasera negra, con una ancha zona discal que posee una banda ligeramente curva de color amarillo claro. Esta banda o parche se extiende más allá de esa celda y entre los interespacios 2 a 7, y está compuesta de marcas amarillas estiradas solo divididas por las venas negras. En la mayor parte de los especímenes los márgenes internos de esta banda cruzan el apex de esta celda, pero en muchas de ellas la celda es completamente negra. El abdomen tiene algunas marcas negras debajo y una fila lateral de puntos negros.

    Hembra: Las alas anteriores tienen una extensa mancha negra. El interespacio 1 posee un parche blancuzco en el medio; el interespacio 7 posee una mancha amarilla interna y externa; la celda enteramente negra o casi, algunas veces, pero raramente, con amarillo llegando al apex.

    Imagen del libroThe Lepidoptera of Ceylon, de Frederic Moore, imágenes de la larva y la pupa de macho y hembra.

    Ciclo de vida


    Cilíndrica, de color marrón púrpura opaco, con dos hileras dorsales e hileras laterales y anteriores de tubérculos carnosos, en el octavo segmento y una mancha desde la base hasta la parte baja del séptimo segmento de color rosa pálido; entre los tubérculos hay manchas de color marrón oscuro. Se alimenta de plantas del género Aristolochia.[4]


    De color púrpura-ocre pálido, curvado en la parte de atrás; tórax cónico, la parte superior es aplanada y los lados con forma de ángulo; el espacio de alas dilatado y aplanado lateralmente en el medio, con el borde exterior afinado; los dos segmentos medios del abdomen con un par de prominencias cónicas en la parte dorsal.[4]


    El hábitat primario son los bosques montañosos apenas forestados al nivel del mar hasta una altura de 2000 metros. Ocasionalmente se observa en jardines pero generalmente es raro en tierras bajas.


    La deforestación es una amenaza para esta especie.

    Especie relacionadas

    Troides darsius es miembro del grupo de especies Troides haliphron:


    1. Tennant, 1859 Ceylon, Physical, Historical and Topographical
    2. Malaka, Rodrigo (28 de marzo de 2010). «Sri Lanka names its national butterfly». The Sunday Times (Sri Lanka). Consultado el 3 de noviembre de 2016.
    3. «National Butterfly». Daily News (Sri Lanka). 25 de marzo de 2010. Archivado desde el original el 29 de marzo de 2015. Consultado el 3 de noviembre de 2016.
    4. a b (Moore.)

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    Troides darsius: Brief Summary ( Spagneul; Castilian )

    fornì da wikipedia ES

    Troides darsius (nombre común en inglés "Sri Lankan birdwing") es una especie de mariposa que se encuentra en Sri Lanka. Es la mariposa más grande de la isla.

    Entre los lepidópteros más grandes y coloridos de Sri Lanka se encuentra la gran mariposa negra y amarilla Ornithoptera darsius, Gray. Las alas superiores pueden medir hasta 15 cm de envergadura, son de color negro profundo y aterciopelado; las alas posteriores, ornamentadas con grandes marcas de amarillo satinado, a través de las cuales pasa la luz solar. Se alimentan preferentemente de flores de heliotropo. Sus huevos son depositados en la planta de Aristolochia o en las hojas de betel, suspendiendo sus crisálidas en los zarcillos colgantes de éstas.​

    Troides darsius es la mariposa nacional de Sri Lanka.​​

     src= Como Pompeoptera darsius en el libro Icones Ornithopterorum, de Robert Henry Fernando Rippon.
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    Troides darsius ( Fransèis )

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    Troides darsius est une espèce de papillon de la famille des Papilionidae, de la sous-famille des Papilioninae et du genre Troides. C'est le plus grand papillon du Sri Lanka.


    Troides darsius a été décrite par George Robert Gray en 1853 sous le nom initial de Papilio darsius.

    Synonyme : Ornithoptera cambyses Ehrmann, 1904[1].

    Nom vernaculaire

    Troides darsius se nomme Ceylon Birdwing en anglais[2].


    • Troides darsius f. clementinae Sala, 1992
    • Troides darsius f. melanie Rumbucher & Schäffler, 2004[1].


    Troides darsius est un papillon d'une grande envergure, entre 150 mm à 170 mm, aux ailes postérieures festonnées, dont le corps présente un thorax noir et un abdomen marron et jaune sur le revers. Il existe un dimorphisme sexuel de couleur[3].

    Les mâles ont les ailes antérieures noires et les ailes postérieures jaune avec une partie basale, une bordure et des veines noires. Les revers est semblable.

    Les femelles ont les ailes antérieures de couleur marron aux nervures soulignées de blanc et les ailes postérieures jaune à partie basale et veines marron avec une line marginale et une ligne submarginale de taches marron[3].

    dessin de Frederic Moore


    Plantes hôtes

    Les plantes hôtes de sa chenille sont des aristoloches[2].

    Écologie et distribution

    Troides darsius est endémique du Sri Lanka[1].


    Troides darsius est présent dans le parc national du Bundala. Il préfère les zones humides, en forêt, ou en lisière, et se rencontre également dans les jardins[2].


    Troides darsius est protégé[3].

    Notes et références

    1. a b et c « Troides », sur funet.fi (consulté le 9 avril 2012)
    2. a b et c « Troides darsius », sur butterfliesandmoths.net (consulté le 9 avril 2012)
    3. a b et c « Troides darsius », sur butterflycorner.net (consulté le 9 avril 2012)


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    Troides darsius: Brief Summary ( Fransèis )

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    Troides darsius est une espèce de papillon de la famille des Papilionidae, de la sous-famille des Papilioninae et du genre Troides. C'est le plus grand papillon du Sri Lanka.

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    Troides darsius ( olandèis; flamand )

    fornì da wikipedia NL


    Troides darsius is een vlinder uit de familie van de pages (Papilionidae).[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1853 door George Robert Gray.

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