Kuhiaikamoowahie or peluCampanulaceaeEndemic to the Hawaiian Islands (Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Lnai, Maui, Hawaii)Oahu (Cultivated), an Oahu formDisplaying the bright white underside of a leaf. Named for the ono (delicious) local fish called in Hawaiian pelu
www.flickr.com/photos/61079864@N00/3847081137/in/photolis...Early Hawaiians used these plants to sprinkle water on an image of the rain god to induce rain.EtymologyThe generic epithet Lobelia is named in behalf of the Flemish botanist Mathais de L'Obel (1538-1616).The specific Greek epithet, hypoleuca, whitish below, is in reference to the white tomentose undersides of the leaves of this species.