La cabeza se destaca del cuello. El ojo es grande, con la pupila redondeada. El cuerpo es cilíndrico y esbelto, con la cola relativamente larga. La escamación cefálica consta de: una rostral, dos internasales, dos prefrontales, una frontal, dos parietales, una nasal, dividida, una loreal, normalmente una preocular, una supra y dos (o tres) postoculares, normalmente 2-2 temporales, o supralabiales, mientras que las infralabiales son variadas, y dos pares de geneiales. Tiene 17 hileras de escamas dorsales, con reducción, aquilladas, con fosetas apicales. Las ventrales están obtusamente anguladas lateralmente. La placa anal se encuentra dividida, al igual que las subcaudales.
El patrón dorsal de adultos es reticulado; cada escama exhibe un centro amarillo bordeado de oscuro (de verde a negro). Los especímenes juveniles ostentan franjas transversales oscuras anteriormente, pero son reticulados posteriormente y con manchas nucales claras de forma semicircular. Se presentan de 139 a 150 escamas ventrales y de 100 a 121 escamas subcaudales
Drymobius margaritiferus, commonly known as the speckled racer, is a species of nonvenomous colubrid snake native to the Americas. The specific name, margaritiferus, means "pearl-bearing" in Latin, referring to the pearl-like spots on the dorsal scales.
This species ranges throughout Central America from the Isthmus of Tehuantepec and Yucatán Peninsula southward to Panama and adjacent areas of northwest Colombia, occurring at elevations from sea level up to 4,750 feet (1,453 m.). Northward it is found in the coastal lowlands and lower exterior slopes of the Sierra Madres of Mexico, up the west coast to Sonora, and up the east coast to northern Tamaulipas. The northern limit of its distribution ranges into extreme south Texas, USA where it is uncommon to rare in a few of the southernmost counties of the state.[3][4][5]
It occurs in a wide variety of habitats, including forest, forest edges and clearings, secondary growth, riparian zones, savannahs, marshlands, pastures, and roadsides.[3][6] It is often said to favor humid and wet areas with permanent water sources[7][3][8] however, these snakes have been found in areas where no water was apparent and habitats include tropical dry forest and tropical arid forest,[9][10][11] In Costa Rica it is described as " ubiquitous in all but the most humid lowland and pre-montane zones" including dry lowland forest.[6]
The speckled racer is typically black in color with distinctive yellow and blue spotting, one light-colored spot on each scale,[12] which gives the snake an overall greenish hue. The labials are yellow, with black sutures.[2] The underside is typically yellow to green. They average 30–40 in. (76–102 cm) in length, record 50 in. (127 cm).[7]
The dorsal scales, which are feebly keeled middorsally, but smooth on the flanks, are arranged in 17 rows. The ventrals number 142-168; the subcaudals, 85-126.[13]
As the name "racer" implies, it is a fast, agile, and predominantly a diurnal species.[8] It has been described as a nervous species and will not hesitate to bite in self defensive when restrained or handled.[3][12] Death feigning behavior, or thanatosis, was reported for two out of seven (28.5%) specimens that were caught and handled during field surveys conducted in Tamaulipas, Mexico.[10]
They will consume a wide variety of prey, but primarily feed on frogs and toads.[7] One study of 36 Guatemalan and Mexican specimens with food items in their stomachs found 86% had anurans (predominantly Eleutherodactylus), 8% lizards, 4% reptiles eggs, and 2% small mammals.[14] Juveniles are known to eat insects.[6]
They are oviparous typically laying eggs in the spring, although in southern areas it is known to deposit eggs as early as February and March. Clutch size range from two to eight eggs that are usually 1.5 inches (3.8 cm.) in length. Incubation is typically eight to nine weeks with hatchling measuring six to ten and a half inches (15.2-27.6 cm.) long.[3]
There are four recognized subspecies of D. margaritiferus:
The speckled racer is a threatened species in the state of Texas, USA where it is uncommon to rare.[17] In some regions of Mexico and Central America it is a common species.[3][6]
Drymobius margaritiferus, commonly known as the speckled racer, is a species of nonvenomous colubrid snake native to the Americas. The specific name, margaritiferus, means "pearl-bearing" in Latin, referring to the pearl-like spots on the dorsal scales.
La culebra corredora de petatillos, [3] también conocida como corredora elegante, corredora moteada o lagunera (Drymobius margaritiferus) es una especie de serpiente que pertenece a la familia Colubridae. [4] [5] Es nativa del sur de Texas, México, Guatemala, Belice, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua (incluyendo las islas del Maíz), Costa Rica, Panamá y Colombia. [4] En México se le encuentra a lo largo de la vertiente del Pacífico y del Golfo de México incluyendo la península de Yucatán. La IUCN2019-1 considera a la especie como de preocupación menor. [5]
Se reconocen las siguientes subespecies:[4]
La culebra corredora de petatillos, también conocida como corredora elegante, corredora moteada o lagunera (Drymobius margaritiferus) es una especie de serpiente que pertenece a la familia Colubridae. Es nativa del sur de Texas, México, Guatemala, Belice, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua (incluyendo las islas del Maíz), Costa Rica, Panamá y Colombia. En México se le encuentra a lo largo de la vertiente del Pacífico y del Golfo de México incluyendo la península de Yucatán. La IUCN2019-1 considera a la especie como de preocupación menor.
Drymobius margaritiferus Drymobius generoko animalia da. Narrastien barruko Colubridae familian sailkatuta dago.
Drymobius margaritiferus Drymobius generoko animalia da. Narrastien barruko Colubridae familian sailkatuta dago.
Drymobius margaritiferus est une espèce de serpents de la famille des Colubridae[1].
Cette espèce se rencontre[1] :
Drymobius margaritiferus mesure généralement entre 75 et 100 cm mais peut atteindre 127 cm. La couleur de fond de son dos est noire mais chaque écaille présente une teinte jaune ou bleu ce qui lui donne une teinte globale tirant sur le vert. Sa face ventrale varie entre le jaune et le vert.
C'est un serpent rapide et prompt à mordre lorsqu'il est dérangé. Il affectionne la végétation dense avec un point d'eau à proximité. Son alimentation se compose essentiellement d'amphibiens. C'est un ovipare, la femelle pondant jusqu'à 8 œufs au printemps ou en été. L'incubation dure environ deux mois et les juvéniles mesurent environ 15 cm à leur naissance. Ils atteignent leur maturité à l'âge de deux ou trois ans.
Selon Reptarium Reptile Database (14 février 2014)[2] :
Drymobius margaritiferus est une espèce de serpents de la famille des Colubridae.
Drymobius margaritiferus là một loài rắn trong họ Rắn nước. Loài này được Schlegel mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1837.[2]
Drymobius margaritiferus là một loài rắn trong họ Rắn nước. Loài này được Schlegel mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1837.